LanPuppy...At Last... [ Testing & Suggestions ]

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#41 Post by Flash »

Try ifconfig. Ipconfig is proprietary Windows software. :lol:
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#42 Post by gabev »

Flash , thank you :) :)
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#43 Post by gabev »


i'm trying now the system with puppy211 and the client is able to boot but without x, just the busy box.I looked at the errors on the client's screen and I see a mismatch for the temporary paths :

the client is giving me this error :

cp: cannot stat '/mnt/sys/lanboot-smb' : No such file or directory
cp : cannot stat '/mnt/sys/resolv.conf' : No such file or directory
/mnt/sys probably not smb-filesystem
>>> Error #2: Unable to unmount the / sys dir.
exec : 68 : /tmp/lanboot-smb not found

BusyBox v1.01 blah blah built in shell(ash)
etc etc

and I get the prompt where I can run shell commands.

Now,wasnt suppose to have lanboot-smb and the other files within /mnt/home/lanpup/sys?
I did check for /mnt /home/homes/ and I have pup-11 ,pup -12 ,pup- 13 directories...
and also checked the /mnt/home/lanpup/sys/ and it does contain all the files tha the client is looking for.Is that a path problem maybe which was overlooked?
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#44 Post by gabev »

AT LAST ... all issues fixed and yeas , its working .

I was able to boot Smallpup on a remote computer.

Geee, was a little challenging.its hard to convert from a winz base mentality to the sudden freedom of Linux.
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#45 Post by gabev »


I tested LanPuppy with puppy2.11 - seamonkey(as server) and I was able to boot Simplepuppy0.3 (as client).
My main problem was the dhcpd.conf file and also smb.conf;I look into the error logs and so I found out that incoming connection to samba server were rejected.

So you can be sure that it works on both versions of Puppy linux, "light " or "heavy".From the performance part , on the client I run Mozila Firefox and speed is ok , but if I go to YouTube .com , sound is totally chopped.

Congrats for such a nice program.
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#46 Post by gabev »

hi sunburnt,

check out this link :

Looks like we gonna have a LanPuppy booting of LAN or WAN
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#47 Post by sunburnt »

Hi gabev; The new forum was sending me notices, but now it's stopped.

The web page about Knoppix looks interesting, it looked like a really modified setup.

So Puppy-2.x.x versions will work good for PupServers? Great!

Your error sounds exactly like the one I'm getting on the new build of it.
The file: /var/log/messages said that libwrap had refused connection from the client.
I haven't figured out just what the difference was between the old & new versions.

The sound from YouTube shouldn't be messed up, I've played movies over the LAN.
But YouTube connects to the web, so maybe that's the problem.
Try putting one of the YouTube songs into the PupServer's /docs share dir. & play it (if you can).
Or try playing some Mp3s in the /docs share, that's where I had the media files.

Booting over a WAN should be possable but slow, & if there were lots of clients...
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#48 Post by gabev »

in smb.conf I commented out the following lines:

#hosts allow =
#hosts deny = ALL

and after that it worked. I understand that is not secure but at least I had the opportunity to experiment and see how it works.

I believe that #hosts allow shoud be a range instead of a single ip.
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#49 Post by gabev »

Also , if you look into the description of the smb.conf here :

we can see that

" hosts allow =

The option hosts allow specifies which hosts are permitted to access a Samba service. By default, we allow hosts from IP class C and our localhost to access the Samba server. Note that the localhost must always be set or you will receive some error messages. '

hope that helps
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#50 Post by gabev »

hi sunburnt,

a question of topic:

I loaded Simplepup0.3.1 on a 1 GB USB flash drive and so far I couldnt boot it.I've tried puppy211 and it loaded just fine but I run out of memory (I got 128MB RAM on a thin client).On a previous post u asked how to control the loading of squash files and "save files".Did anybody answer that?
Should I create a swap file on the USB on a different partition?
Or maybe I should try a different version of puppy which runs good of an USB?

Need your advice.
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#51 Post by sunburnt »

gabev: I had the same problem, Dougal & I discussed it in another post.
I had to solve my problem by modifing the boot code (not easy to do).
Puppy2 ONLY has the boot control argument of: PMEDIA=usbflash
Puppy211 should work in 128mb of memory I think... (I don't use any Puppy2.x.x).

ATTENTION: You DO NOT want to use ANY Flash device for a swap partition or file!
The CPU constantly writes to the swap partition/file & will WEAR the USB OUT!

There's an app. that's a network protocol for swapping over the network.
When I finish LanPuppy I'll look into it more.
For the moment LanPuppy's need 64mb to 128mb of memory.
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#52 Post by gabev »

hi Sunburnt,

I did finally installed the DSL linux on the usb stick and I'm pleased by the performance , faster than all 2.x.x versions of puppy that i've tried so far.But I still wanna try a puppy version which is built around 2.4.x kernel.
Anyway on the same thin client machine (128MB RAM) when I boot using LanPuppy everything runs really fast.

hows your beta version doing?
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#53 Post by sunburnt »

Hey gabev; Not bad, but I'm still having boot trouble I just can't get fixed.
LanPuppy need 3 config. files to be set right:

dhcpd.conf ----- Gives the client PC it's IP add.
xinet.conf ------ Gives the client PC vmlinuz & image.gz
smb.conf ------ Gives the client PC a SMB share with usr_cram.fs in it

The client gets its IP add. & then fails trying to tftp vmlinuz & image.gz
xinet.conf is exactly the same file I used for the first LanPuppy.
So I know it's a good file & further more nothing in it needs to be changed.
Yet my messages file reports that libwrap(xinet) refused the client's connection.

At least LanPuppy's Users & Hosts admin. dialogs are done & look to be working.
I think it'll work, if I can just get it to boot...
Then desktop setup, testing, & then remaster both PupServer & LanPuppy.
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#54 Post by gabev »

I'll do tommorrow a diging into my error files to see if I had previously the same problems.I remmember I turned off the allow hosts rules in samba cfg and my thin client was able to boot from the pupserver.
I will post the environment plus the errors on different configurations maybe you can compare with yours errors.
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#55 Post by sunburnt »

I've compared mine also, & nothing is obviously wrong...

It may help me out, at this point ANYTHING could potentially help...
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#56 Post by sunburnt »

Success! I thought about what you said & realized Xinet uses /etc/hosts.allow & hosts.deny.
In the new server build I didn't sync those files, now it goes straight through!
Then I got a wonderful string of errors that I'm now working on...
But at least now development can continue as before.

gabev; I don't know why your smb.conf file is different, here's the correct lines:

hosts allow = 192.168.1. 127.
hosts deny = ALL

NOTE the space between: "192.168.1." & "127."

You had said that yours read:

#hosts allow =
#hosts deny = ALL

hosts allow = ("192.168.1." has to be correct for your network) ("127." is eth0 loop back device).
This is the Samba security barrier, so it's REALLY IMPORTANT !
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#57 Post by gabev »

Well, congrats !!!

Like you had all kinda errors and after I remove those 2 lines I was able to connect .I know is a security risk to run it like that , but I did it just for testing pleasure, to see how it runs .

Since then I was trying to start simplePup from a USB stick but with no luck and jump to DSL which I preffer because has an excellent autoconfiguration script .Now I'm trying to make mydsl as small as possible , but didnt start yet .

LanPuppy is an excellent aplication which can be used in a office environment very well. Beats Windows by miles.
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#58 Post by gabev »

hi sunburnt,

I saw your post regarding the integration of LanPuppy with 109CE .Especially regarding networking & wireless auto config. at first boot.This is a feature of DSL for which I left Puppy linux in the background.but with dsl I have another problem, it doesnt have a latest Sylpheed version nor Claws mail and when I tried to compile it I run into dependencies problems ...Puppy linux is really very fast ,especially the ones which are built on 2.4.x kernel.The main functions I need are the autoconfig for the network (like dsl) and an email client which can autoexecute a command when new email arrives ( like Sylpheed 2.X.X or Claws-mail).So far didnt have any luck.....
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#59 Post by sunburnt »

Yep, Knoppix has the best hardware detection & setup thanks to Klaus Knopper.
DSL was the first small distro. I tried, but it lacked so very much that I abandon it.
Hummm... How about a Debian based distro. with SquashFS instead of CloopFS?
Then most of the Knoppix auto. boot scripts would work for it!

Auto. NIC & networking setup is easy enough, I don't know why Puppy doesn't do it.
Puppy-2 has problems with having to setup WIFI on every boot... it seems.
I would think auto. WIFI setup wouldn't be much of a problem either.
All you do is click a button or two to do it, auto. setup should be easy.

There doesn't seem to be hardly any interest at all in Puppy 110.
So I'm guessing that Puppy-1 will be all but dead by the start of 2007.
It's a shame because of all the work that's been done in it's behalf.
Lots of folks effort & many many packages that will go into the trash bin.
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#60 Post by netjess »


I am very interested in LANpuppy and will try to promote it if I can get it working.

I have to jump through a few wxtra hoops cause I am trying to get it working at work. (not for my work though).

I am running tftp from my M$ XP workstation. I modified my corprate dhcp to point to it for boot.

I can't get a PC to load you boot img though. and if I try to edit it my apps crash.

I'll keep working on it and see if I can get it to work at home more like you originaly intended.
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