EmSee-2nd-Edition | Ultra | 2016

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

unattendedremaster script update.

#41 Post by stemsee »

unattendedremaster.pet created > testing.

#42 Post by stemsee »

EmSeeV2.2 is ready for uploading. This is the sweetest update ever!

Not only updated chrome, libbreoffice, pavrecord, precord, wine, gparted, UExtract, Packit, Cups, and other stuff, also removed, abiword, seamonkey,leafpad, other stuff ...

Added bleachbit, unattendedremaster, xvkbd, fixstatus (apt/synaptic fixer), ip net-tray (without icon?), firewall tray, peasywifi, pupsaveconfig, powerapplet, canon backend,

Improved puppypin selection including ppin, all menu entries have icons and in much improved order, frisbee!


also shaved 300mb off the iso ! ! ! now down to 2.2GB

Will be uploading tonight.
Last edited by stemsee on Tue 05 Aug 2014, 23:11, edited 1 time in total.

#43 Post by stemsee »

I recommend users run 'shutdownconfig' from a terminal before first shutdown to create a reliably loaded savefile. Pupsaveconfig is there but....try it.

New Kernel 3.15.8-pae

EmSeeV2.2 MD5
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing

(15.23 KiB) Downloaded 936 times
(32.81 KiB) Downloaded 1126 times
Last edited by stemsee on Wed 06 Aug 2014, 15:29, edited 1 time in total.

#44 Post by stemsee »

Here is Skype- specially prepared for EmSeeV2.2

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing

#45 Post by gcmartin »

Hello @StemSee.

This distro, thus far, bring a very responsive desktop that every user can enjoy. I like how the eSpeak application provide instructions, no matter, if the user is sighted, hearing, or NOT. This covers users with and without handicaps. (The OOTB speaker operation should not be muted, though.)

This is one of the few full-featured PUPs which adapts to all walks of users; namely those with/without Arts abilities, those with/without Handicaps, those with/without Linux in-depth skills.

Excepting for the placement of FirstRUN :wink: I find this one of the most exciting distros in the kennel in its approach, flexibility, and its delivery.
In generating a report on system resources, setup, and performance, I got few Hardinfo error messages; as follows:
  • sh-4.1# hardinfo -r > /mnt/sda6/hardinfo-report.txt.fake.gz
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    File "/usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/__init__.py", line 39, in <module>
    exec('import ' + py_file)
    File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
    File "/usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/command/prompt.py", line 20, in <module>
    import gdb.prompt
    File "/usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/prompt.py", line 19, in <module>
    import gdb
    File "/usr/share/gdb/python/gdb/gdb/__init__.py", line 23, in <module>
    'gdb.function': os.path.join(gdb.PYTHONDIR, 'gdb', 'function'),
    NameError: name 'os' is not defined

    Operating System
    Kernel Modules
    Environment Variables
    PCI Devices
    USB Devices
    Input Devices
    Memory SPD
    IP Connections
    Routing Table
    ARP Table
    DNS Servers
    Shared Directories
    net usershare: usershares are currently disabled
    CPU Blowfish
    CPU CryptoHash
    CPU Fibonacci
    CPU N-Queens
    FPU Raytracing
    GPU Drawing
System very responsive and smooth with both FF and Chrome open. No savefile created yet.
(34.24 KiB) Downloaded 662 times

#46 Post by stemsee »

Definetely some errors caused by over vigorous cleaning with the unattended remaster!! Making adjustments now and tomorrow then reupload another iso.

#47 Post by gcmartin »

Check PM. Security.

#48 Post by gcmartin »

Another oddity found in SAMBA. Notice the version numbers from smbclient command and the smbd command. Something's amiss.

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# smbclient -L localhost -U%
Domain=[workgroup] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.0.9]

	Sharename       Type      Comment
	---------       ----      -------
	Downloads       Disk      A Central Download folder for all to use
	Downloads2      Disk      A Central Download folder for all to use
	Public          Disk      
	print$          Disk      Printer Drivers
	IPC$            IPC       IPC Service (Samba Server)
	CUPS-PDF        Printer   CUPS-PDF
Domain=[workgroup] OS=[Unix] Server=[Samba 4.0.9]

	Server               Comment
	---------            -------
	EMSEEV22LAPTOP       Samba Server

	Workgroup            Master
	---------            -------
sh-4.1# samba -V
Version 4.1.0
Posts: 1349
Joined: Fri 04 May 2012, 11:20

missing link to iso file

#49 Post by step »

stemsee wrote:Here is Skype- specially prepared for EmSeeV2.2

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing
Both this link and the one in the first post lead to the md5.txt file. Is there a download link for the new iso file? Thanks

#50 Post by stemsee »

Hi Step

After i uploaded the new iso remastered with Unattended-Remaster, my newest version, I found that wine apps stopped functioning so i deleted the link to the iso. I am currently fixing the problem and taking the opportunity to upgrade Skype to and Samba, and Unattended-remaster script which now has neede boot files, and finds vmlinuz, initrd.gz and zdrv (kernel-modules.sfs) from the running system, to cauto create iso.

Please be patient. I will re-upload either tonight or tomorrow

However the link you are quoting is for skype- and it is correct!!!

#51 Post by stemsee »

Currently remastering with a much improved Unattended-Remaster script which now copies generic boot files, gets sfs name from DISTRO_SPECS, has new names for directories and copies initrd and vmlinuz from running system, auto-creates an iso if path to appropriate boot files is supplied and found, and is considerably faster and more informative.

Upgraded apps include: vlc, java RE, skype, google chrome, libreoffice, viewnior, cups, Google Earth, gparted, xvkbd, ffconvert, pupsaveconfig, xhippo-3.5, pavrecord, precord.

New: muCommander, kernel-3.15.8,pulseaudio,

Gone: seamonkey browser, leafpad, xemerelda, ppstream.

#52 Post by gcmartin »

stemsee wrote:... New: "muCommander" ...
Hooray muCommander. Probably the most flexible filemanager ever in Puppyland. A GEM for PUP developers, everywhere! And a powerhouse for user use.

Those who have not tried it, yet, you must see this!

#53 Post by gcmartin »

Posts: 1
Joined: Sat 09 Aug 2014, 21:22

#54 Post by blueskin418 »

hi yallz i been using EmSee-2nd-Edition_5.8.1 for about a mount itry v 2.2 it wont work when i burn iso or usb boot ,,am a noob.
i notice google earth wont work properly so i decide to work and i got a google earth full with 3d orthewise i see a black earth with yellow line

i am a total noob with puppy linux emesee but befor i use puppy slacko

if this message is in wrong place pardon me am french its a good excuse :P
i try to create a pet or sfs of google earth to share the other wont work fully
Posts: 4798
Joined: Wed 25 May 2005, 12:20
Location: Manila

missing link

#55 Post by raffy »

As of August 10, there is no link to the 2.2 ISO, only md5 is linked in the first post.
Puppy user since Oct 2004. Want FreeOffice? [url=http://puppylinux.info/topic/freeoffice-2012-sfs]Get the sfs (English only)[/url].

#56 Post by stemsee »


The iso was accidentally stripped of essential wine AppData, that is why google earth and other wine apps didn't work. All fixed now and I am updating a lot more stuff before uploading a new iso! Needs a couple more days I think as I keep finding new stuff and adding refinements to my own scripts.

Thanks for your patience!


A plus tard!

#57 Post by stemsee »


Do you notice that alsa hasn't been updated since 2012 ! Or did i miss the link?

#58 Post by stemsee »


Anyway I think you are using the wrong grphics driver - vesa - instead of either intel-kms, amd-kms or nvidia-nouveau kms kms = kernel mode switchig = accelerated graphics. Go to Menu > Setup > Xorg Video wizard > xorgwizard and choose an appropriate driver with kms.

#59 Post by stemsee »

So the situation with EmSeeV2.3 now is:

Upgraded, wine-1.7.24, cups-1.7.4, chrome, libreoffice, alsa utils/firmware/tools/etc, java jre, minecraft-1.7.10, Skype lates, Pavrecord, Precord, Googel Earth, Samba, fixstatus, Unattended-Remaster, ursync, UExtract, Viewnior, mtpaint, icons per res, other stuff.....vlc

Removed: ppstream, seamonkey,

Added:Darksnow, icecast, DoMyFile, Tor Browser (latest), xvkbd, canon scangearmp, candi, canon mg3250 drivers, makepfile (debiandog savefile creator), pupsaveconfig.

I have decided to use only normal xz compression, so the main.sfs will be bigger, but faster, gz compression would be even faster but also bigger.

Issues with loading pupsaveconfig savefiles (initrd.gz related), missing icons for nettray, and Welcome1stboot investigating.)

I will probably not produce any more ISOs for EmSeeV2+ ... next will be V3. I would like each person who downloadsV2.3t to donate £1 thankyou!

#60 Post by stemsee »

iso uploading now.


This is one step back. V2.2 Most of the big updates included. Overall this is very satisfactory. And better than what i first tried for.

Anything not added will be for the next edition.
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