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#1 Post by charlie6 »

Read this for more infos:

here is the latest release at now, compilerdon wheezy- for GTK2.0.
(might run on other Puppies ...just test it and please report results).
(i.e. c++-gtk-utils compiled choosing GTK2.0 compatibility)
This pet has the lib-c++-gtk lib in it, as also all available locales.

download link:

enjoy :D
efax-gtk screenshot (french translated GUI)
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Setup package for efax-gtk

#2 Post by rerwin »

To make the efax-gtk package more user friendly, so that it can be ready out-of-the-box, I have created a supplemental setup package that works with both the efax-gtk-328 and efax-gtk_wheezy-3.2.13 pet packages.

After first installing either of those efax-gtk pets, then install my efax-gtk-setup package which is available here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/t66f9 ... up-0.1.pet

At that point, there will be a menu entry under Utilities for the 'wheezy' version or under Documents in the utilities (last) submenu section (along with PDF generators) for the '328' version of efax-gtk.

My intent is to facilitate implementing the additional user options mentioned in documentation but otherwise requiring user creation or editing activities. The features support:
  • - Selection of modem device from a drop-down list of possibilities
    - Creation or removal of a "fax printer"
    - Activation or suppression of automatic starting of efax in 'standby' state
    - Suppression of the setup window, for when options are not expected to change
Unless the efax work files are already located in a /root subdirectory they will be placed in /root/efax-gtk, to ensure that they are not scattered in the top level of the /root directory. However, if those files are already present in /root, they will be left as they are.

I am open to extending the directory option if there is interest. For now, please install both an efax-gtk package and the setup package together, without trying efax-gtk alone, because it would place the work files into /root.

If you need to run before the setup package is installed, uncomment the WORK_SUBDIR parameter at the end of the /usr/...etc/efax-gtkrc file and add a directory name to it (e.g., WORK_SUBDIR: efax-gtk), before running efax-gtk the first time.

BTW, Charlie, could you make this thread a continuing one for efax-gtk (by adding to the title), to avoid the need for people to make individual postings for anything related to efax-gtk? One of us might add the links to the other related postings, to establish this as the main efax-gtk thread. Thanks.
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#3 Post by charlie6 »

Hi Richard,
Nice idea !
...My intent is to facilitate implementing the additional user options mentioned in documentation...
I indeed have to dig into the user's README howto page to remind how to setup efax-gtk upon each update
Have installed it. Runs fine !
Thanks for that very handy app !

..BTW, Charlie, could you make this thread a continuing one for efax-gtk (by adding to the title)...
:) OK!

Greetings, Charlie

ps: BTW here is attached the french locale ... :D .. could not find how to gettext the «none» string ...(as «aucun» in french)
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