EmSeeV2.2iso Full featured pup! 06 August 2014

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives

#21 Post by stemsee »

Ok! So I have a new EmSeeV2.1.iso uploading right now. It grew by 300mb somehow! Added Viacam to control cursor with head movements, requires webcam. Bleachbit aded, Espeak text to speech, cli, utility. Upgraded wine-1.7.17 to 1.7.22, upgraded xbmc-13.1 to 13.2, sorted out samba completely, added EmSeeV2savefile.sfs.tar.gz to be decompressed and copied from dvd to usb/hdd etc. Header files are now included in main sfs and removed from modules (openshot requires them to run). TestDisk-6.13 now has menu entry! Some icons fixed in menus. Cleared up status file for synaptic. Added welcome1stboot and quicksetup on first run. Removed a few small scripts, and added unattendremaster by nic007 modified by StemSee, mistakenly named 'remaster express' in menu!

I will post the links, after successful upload, at which point the previous iso links will be removed, but not deleted from the server for a day or two in case someone is in mid download!

BTW: This was remastered from a running frugal install with savefile using nic007's unattendedremaster script modified by myself to ask for path to working directory! The only thing it missed, but not its fault, was the /usr/include/ folder for headers which was mounted as sfs with modules.sfs. I recommend that method for remastering, it should be added as a standard feature in puppy.

BTW2: F2FS (full install to usb flash device) works well on my usb 3.0 stick but not on my usb 2.0 sick.

EDIT: incremental update 16/07/14

EDIT: Getting ready for EmSeeV2.2 incremental update

#22 Post by stemsee »

I recommend users run 'shutdownconfig' from a terminal before first shutdown to create a reliably loaded savefile. Pupsaveconfig is there but....try it.

New Kernel 3.15.8-pae

EmSeeV2.2 MD5
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing

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Last edited by stemsee on Wed 06 Aug 2014, 15:30, edited 1 time in total.

#23 Post by stemsee »

Here is Skype- specially prepared for EmSeeV2.2

https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing
Posts: 255
Joined: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 14:01

#24 Post by Gobbi »

Hi @stemsee ,

I tried to boot EmSeeV2.2 on an HP laptop :

Processor 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3120M CPU @ 2.50GHz
Memory 6009MB
Resolution 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Devices
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH

I know it has 2 RAM modules one of 2Gb and one of 4GB . Besides it shares memory with the videocard(s)...

This machine behaves in a strange way with 32bit OSes . It shows less than 800MB memory when I boot 32bit OSes on it , and I can't activate wireless even from the terminal , forget about the button from the keyboard . I can use wireless easily in Fatdog 630 and Fatdog 700.
Anyway , since it offers little RAM I thought to boot EmSee like a LiveDVD ...
I had difficulties to insert parameters at boot because it's not like : " say puppy and kernel parameters ..." works. Instead of puppy first word to write was "vmlinuz" and then everything after...
I inserted as parameters : pmedia=cd pfix=nocopy loglevel=7 . In the end it hanged out saying it doesn't find the EmSee sfs file :shock:

In september I'll be home and I shall be able to make a frugal install ... This machine has Windoze 8,1 on it and it's not mine so I'll just wait till then...

#25 Post by stemsee »

Hi Gobbi

Download this latest iso from17th August.
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing

you could also do a frugal install on a usb stick/memorycard/phone and boot the pc from it.

The kernel is pae enabled and should use all the memory (my laptop has 8gb)

Alternatively you could download the 64bit kernel I provided, that might solve all issues!

https://drive.google.com/folderview?id= ... sp=sharing
Posts: 1349
Joined: Fri 04 May 2012, 11:20

#26 Post by step »

Hi StemSee, I'm writing this from EmSee 2.2, frugal install on HDD. Very nice job indeed, thank you! The icon sets are beautiful.
I selected the ATI kms video driver, went through the initial configuration and the first time wizard changing hostname and time settings and closing the wizard. Then a terminal window labelled "Espeak" popped up with a bunch of alsa / sourd driver error messages. Unfortunately it must have closed it before I could copy the error text here. But If I open another terminal now and run espeak this is what I get:

Code: Select all

sh-4.1# espeak "hello StemSee"
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.rear
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.center_lfe
ALSA lib pcm.c:2239:(snd_pcm_open_noupdate) Unknown PCM cards.pcm.side
ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

ALSA lib pulse.c:243:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused

ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:961:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream
Since this PC is 64 bit, do you recommend replacing vmlinuz with the 64bit version that you posted back in July?
And why do you prefer running FatDog over EmSee qemu when you could just run a frugal FatDog?

#27 Post by stemsee »


Thanks for the feedback!

I have four puppy distros that I use for different purposes! Fatdog64 700a boots fastest and allows easiest method to edit initrd and also saves to folder, I use mostly to recover my main system and compiling 64bit apps/kernels. Studio1337 slacko 5.7 for super lowlatency and all round fastest operation for audio work, but not social media (QQ doesn't work on slacko). DebianDog for 100% debian compatibility in a puppy compatible distro which sees a lot of active development, I enjoy using this with puppy boot method as an alternative OS. Of course EmSeeV2.2 does everything I could possibly want and more, I use this 90% of the time.

I don't know why espeak has trouble with your sound card settings. Try running alsa soundcard wizard and then re-try espeak.

I recommend the 64bit kernel for all scenarios, just be careful when compiling as he system assumes full 64bit appearance even when compiling 32bit apps/kernels ... you may have to specify architecture compatibility (32bit).

#28 Post by gcmartin »

Link to EmSee ISO in the 1st post needs review.

#29 Post by Jasper »


Enable JavaScript and report back.

#30 Post by gcmartin »

Problem occurred on Live DVD pristine boot of EmSee V2 prior to Aug17th version using Firefox. Does not seem to be browser related.

Switched horses: Used Live LH64 to download ISO on user's PC. Download is currently processing. But, the md5 link in the 1st post on this thread yields error, now. Using Chrome on LH64 downloading to default browser location

Can md5 for latest Aug17 version be posted (I think that is the version coming down from the 1st post)?

I see that the ISO link was updated today. Thanks

#31 Post by gcmartin »

I wrote: ... Can md5 for latest Aug17 version be posted (I think that is the version coming down from the 1st post)?...
My downloaded copy is:

Code: Select all

0a8b60176d1078f3ba32e041dfc9caf6  EmSeeV2.2.iso
Can anyone verify the same?

@StemSee, if this is verified, I offer this for posting to the opening post in place of the md5 link.
Posts: 1349
Joined: Fri 04 May 2012, 11:20

#32 Post by step »

gcmartin wrote:
I wrote: ... Can md5 for latest Aug17 version be posted (I think that is the version coming down from the 1st post)?...
My downloaded copy is:

Code: Select all

0a8b60176d1078f3ba32e041dfc9caf6  EmSeeV2.2.iso
Can anyone verify the same?
Matches mine

Code: Select all

0a8b60176d1078f3ba32e041dfc9caf6  EmSeeV2.2.iso

#33 Post by gcmartin »

@Step, thanks. I just burned and booted Live DVD; now posting from it

@Stemsee, you KNOW WHY. I have to commend you for this August 17th version with the adjustments you've made. That single change has made this distro a single step startup!!! Thanks for understanding the value. Keyboard works, hostname works, timezone works everything starts with NO fiddling. thx :D

I ALSO noticed that you included JAVA V1.8+. Its obvious that you have positioned this distro to allow easy addition of Android Studio which uses Groovy to ease the JAVA code creation for building those Apps. Groovy, just plainly, is a game-changer for anyone who has EVER written a JAVA app.

This is some great forward thinking you are providing all of us, in an OOTB distro! Just a great collection to meet the needs. This is a wonderful achievement.

My old and new Windows PCs access this sharing easily(full-SAMBA V4+), as well as my TVs, Phones, etc to pull files/media over the LAN. Further, I can see my LAN IP presence in a taskbar hover....yea.

Thanks for all you have done to make this very intuitive, easy, and useful in a General Purpose Puppy for experienced and new users. This has so much OOTB: Entertainment components, content creation components, virtualization components, components for the disabled, etc. allowing it to be applied in so many useful ways.

Edit: fixed Error on name use.

Audio elements missing upon desktop arrival in Live DVD use.

#34 Post by gcmartin »

System is booted Live and has NOT been reboot, nor a save session made.

Booted, FirstRUN, desktop restart, esound message and Retrovol show audio missing: Pictured, below. Taskbar item was volumed up but still no sound as icon continues with a big red "X".

Edit: System rebooted with saving session, but no sound available on reboot.

Requesting ideas to resolution.
Taskbar and Alsa shows this problem of "Muted" sound subsystem.
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Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 06 Sep 2014, 21:23, edited 3 times in total.
Posts: 255
Joined: Fri 09 Mar 2012, 14:01

#35 Post by Gobbi »

Hi, stemsee :!:

I made a 64 bit version with the kernel and vmlinuz files provided and burned the ISO to DVD . Booted fast enough - about 2 minutes...
I also miss sound - this happens always because even if I choose the correct audio device ( in this case is hw1 that is my Radeon videocard connected via HDMI to my TV ) the sound is muted by default . In Fatdog Alsa Mixer allows me to unmute the channel . There should be also a command line option to do that ... :idea:
I tried to install AMD driver with no success :cry:
A LOT of application integrated , which at least half of them could be optional packages in the repo ...
Using Synaptic and often didn't succeed to install some package because in the middle of dependencies installation some error occurred .
Skype is working but with no sound I can't use it ...
Qemu is working well.
Next I shall try to see what I can uninstall to make this EmSee thinner ...
BTW - very easy to change the kernel the way you put it :wink:
Posts: 1349
Joined: Fri 04 May 2012, 11:20

Re: Audio elements missing upon desktop arrival in Live DVD use.

#36 Post by step »

gcmartin wrote:Scenario:
Booted, FirstRUN, desktop restart, esound message and Retrovol show audio missing: Pictured, below. Taskbar item was volumed up but still no sound as icon continues with a big red "X".

Requesting ideas to resolution.
I reported a similar problem a few posts back in this thread. This is how I fixed it.
  • Welcome wizard > Setup > sound > 1 adjust levels ... but then retroval window is empty
  • ditto > 3 multiple cards and select my only card in the pull-down menu ... now retrovol window is OK
  • Enable master & pump up the volume
  • (back in Welcome wizard sound tab: play test sound (OK)
  • Open terminal window and try aspeak command (OK)
Sorry for these rather messy instructions, I jotted down quick notes when I fixed the sound. Lucky I did!

Getting system to recognize and allow audio to work <SOLVED>

#37 Post by gcmartin »

@Step guides us to the audio solution should you arrive at desktop without Sound enabled.

On reboot, my system has Retrovol populated. To turn sound on, I am required to do the following using 1st the taskbar, to open Retrovol GUI, where I notice that "Master" is NOT checked. Checking it allows sound:
Thanks :D

#38 Post by stemsee »

I am travelling and attending IFA, so not much time to reply to all the posts!

I know I've messed up a bit for example, there are like four sets of modules!!! how did that happen??

Anyway ... live and learn!

#39 Post by stemsee »

EDIT: 29th September 2014

Here it is!

rc2 of StemSeeS-Remastering-Suite.sfs

EDIT 30th September
Near Complete needs testers
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4GhZV ... sp=sharing
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