mtpaint 3.49.12- April 2016

Paint programs, vector editors, 3d modelers, animation editors, etc.
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#201 Post by don570 »

For people using Ubuntu Lucid , Precise or Trusty Tahr

I made the debian packages again for mtpaint version 3.44.88
and posted on first post.


Its possible to have an interesting mirror effect with a single command.
Start with a single image called head.tif in home folder.
Combine the operations on a single line. Red is the color A. 'zad' is
name of output file. As an exercise put a gausian blur in the command
line as well.

Code: Select all

mtpaint --cmd -file/open=head.tif -image/free=45  -image/resize=mirror w=x2 -file/as=zad


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#202 Post by don570 »

Here's another example of several operations in a line.
(90 degree rotation, edge effect , then convert to greyscale)

Code: Select all

-image/'Rotate Anti-Clockwise' -effects/edge=mt   -effects/greyscale

Another example:
Resize a document while the Color A is green

Code: Select all

-image/'Resize Canvas ...' w=x1.5
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#203 Post by don570 »

inkscapelite program is useful. Here's an example....

Make a vertical border in inkscapelite, such as following...


Save graphic to your Home folder /root in SVG format.
Launch terminal and write..

Code: Select all

mtpaint --cmd -file/open=border.svg -image/free=45  -image/resize=mirror w=x2 -file/as=zad
The result is a diamond shape that shows transparency.
The output file is PNG format , not SVG
because mtpaint can't save to SVG format (but can open it.)

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#204 Post by don570 »

If you don't want to use inkscapelite it is still possible to obtain an
image that shows transparency.

To explain, here is an image that has been rotated 45 degrees
and mirrored.

Code: Select all

-image/free=45  -image/resize=mirror w=x2
It shows transparency because it has already been saved to disk with
transparency number = zero (0) i.e. black is transparent color.
Red is the color A



We can make output more transparent by making Color A = black i.e. 0
before we apply script line..

Code: Select all

-image/free=45  -image/resize=mirror w=x2
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#205 Post by jamesbond »

wjaguar, thank you for your previous fix.

I've found another one. I sent an email to your sourceforge email. Let's see which one gets to you first :D If the email works next time I'll only report it from that channel.

There is an issue with freetype text option, starting from 3.44.81 (commit 42f0a48488d53a5abd8ff0df7795005cd8fac261).

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#206 Post by wjaguar »

jamesbond wrote:There is an issue with freetype text option, starting from 3.44.81
From 3.44.80, in fact. Thanks, you've uncovered a really nasty memory-corruption bug: I forgot to allocate in-tape memory for one kind of V-code widgets. Patch is attached (should be applicable to any version from 3.44.80 onwards).
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#207 Post by don570 »

Here are some script lines that worked when I tested.

This divides up image into segment areas

Code: Select all

 -image/segment  threshold=7   

... and this will remove an area of solid paint and put a halo effect around it

Code: Select all

-effect/difference outer=77 inner=9
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#208 Post by don570 »

Here is script that will process (=scale) a folder of png images
The names of output files are changed with a suffix
so that they can be easily spotted.
The original images are untouched.
The script can be easily modified to change format and suffix.
Whitespace is allowed in names.

Code: Select all


for ZAD in /root/my_images/*.png ;do
  mtpaint --cmd -file/open="$ZAD" -image/scale w=x0.5 -file/as="$ZAD"$SUFFIX 
  mv -f  "$ZAD"$SUFFIX.png   "${ZAD%.png}"$SUFFIX.png

Last edited by don570 on Thu 23 Jul 2015, 15:50, edited 1 time in total.
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Version 3.44.89

#209 Post by wjaguar »

I added some more scripting capabilities to mtPaint.
Through use of invisible - yet scriptable - dialogs, select and copy/paste now can be done from script. Like this:

Code: Select all

-s/select x=10 y=10 width=63 height=63 -e/copy -e/save/1
-e/paste x=200 y=200 swap
-e/centre x=100 y=100
-s/select x0=20 y0=20 x1=50 y1=50 -s/outline -s/ellipse
Color selectors now also are scriptable. Like this:

Code: Select all

-p/edit=a colour=blue =b c=#55AAFF alpha=255 sel=85 mask=0
-p/pal =1 col=#007FFF =10 col=#7FFF00 from=1 to=10 scale=srgb
Palette indices for A and B can be selected either through the regular color chooser in Edit menu, or through invisible items in Palette menu. Like this:

Code: Select all

-e/col a=10 b=20
-p/a=10 -p/b=20
The latter two (Palette->A and Palette->B), when editing an utility channel, switch to setting channel value.
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#210 Post by don570 »

Code: Select all

Americans spell the word colour as color :lol:

Do you support all the SVG colors?


Code: Select all

bsvg -C [lists svg 'named colors' (1 color per line)]
bsvg firefox red pink - [prints to stdout and does not create file]

SVG 'named colors' (148):

aliceblue antiquewhite aqua aquamarine
azure beige bisque black
blanchedalmond blue blueviolet brown
burlywood cadetblue chartreuse chocolate
coral cornflowerblue cornsilk crimson
cyan darkblue darkcyan darkgoldenrod
darkgray darkgreen darkgrey darkkhaki
darkmagenta darkolivegreen darkorange darkorchid
darkred darksalmon darkseagreen darkslateblue
darkslategray darkslategrey darkturquoise darkviolet
deeppink deepskyblue dimgray dimgrey
dodgerblue firebrick floralwhite forestgreen
fuchsia gainsboro ghostwhite gold
goldenrod gray green greenyellow
grey honeydew hotpink indianred
indigo ivory khaki lavender
lavenderblush lawngreen lemonchiffon lightblue
lightcoral lightcyan lightgoldenrodyello lightgray
lightgreen lightgrey lightpink lightsalmon
lightseagreen lightskyblue lightslategray lightslategrey
lightsteelblue lightyellow lime limegreen
linen magenta maroon mediumaquamarine
mediumblue mediumorchid mediumpurple mediumseagreen
mediumslateblue mediumspringgreen mediumturquoise mediumvioletred
midnightblue mintcream mistyrose moccasin
navajowhite navy oldlace olive
olivedrab orange orangered orchid
palegoldenrod palegreen paleturquoise palevioletred
papayawhip peachpuff peru pink
plum powderblue purple red
rosybrown royalblue saddlebrown salmon
sandybrown seagreen seashell sienna
silver skyblue slateblue slategray
slategrey snow springgreen steelblue
tan teal thistle tomato
turquoise violet wheat white
whitesmoke yellow yellowgreen none 
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#211 Post by wjaguar »

don570 wrote:Do you support all the SVG colors?
Most likely, yes and then some - it is gdk_color_parse() doing the conversion, which in GTK+1 calls XParseColor() and in GTK+2, pango_color_parse(). Either function knows 750+ color names:
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#212 Post by don570 »

I describe how to add a line of text to the top
of a folder of images ... 333#802333


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New version 3.44.89 available on first post

#213 Post by don570 »

New version 3.44.89 available on first post
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#214 Post by jamesbond »

wjaguar wrote:From 3.44.80, in fact. Thanks, you've uncovered a really nasty memory-corruption bug: I forgot to allocate in-tape memory for one kind of V-code widgets. Patch is attached (should be applicable to any version from 3.44.80 onwards).
Quick as always, thank you wjaguar.
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#215 Post by don570 »

New debian versions (Lucid,Precise and Tahr) 3.44.89


When I tested these with my Wacom bamboo tablet I found an odd behaviour.
It occurs in Ubuntu and Puppy linux.

Steps to reproduce:

1) Install recent version of mtpaint.
2) Check that wacom driver is installed
3) Set up the wacom driver and make sure that pressure is working in test area.
4) Use a brush (16 pt ) in image. I see that pressure is definitely working.
5) Set down my wacom pen and start painting with my mouse or try to paint a line
with line tool using my mouse.

Painting with mouse is now impossible until the user unticks size,flow boxes
preferences > tablet

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#216 Post by wjaguar »

don570 wrote:When I tested these with my Wacom bamboo tablet I found an odd behaviour.
Painting with mouse is now impossible until the user unticks size,flow boxes
preferences > tablet
Thanks for noticing this. When rewriting mouse handling in 3.44.78, I forgot to set default value of 1.0 before reading pressure (which fails when device is a mouse and not stylus/etc). Patch is attached.
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#217 Post by don570 »

I posted a new version of 3.44.89 with the patch.
I checked that it worked in Precise puppy.

I also put in a newly designed .desktop file so that many languages will
have a proper description in the start menu.

Also there is now an Italian right click menu if desired.

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#218 Post by don570 »

-Added Czech language to the list of right click menu items
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New version 3.44.90 of mtpaint

#219 Post by don570 »

New version 3.44.90 of mtpaint available in first post
Rewrote much of scripting engine and supporting V-code parts
Implemented scripting for layers window, settings toolbar, and tools toolbar (under Edit menu)
Name + ":" accesses widget's right-click dialog: "-e/tool flood: =10"
Freestanding ":" closes nested dialog: "-e/layer new w=100 h=100 : name=Layer1"
Fixed crash on errors in script
Fixed highlighting in layer list (damaged since 3.44.53, worse since 3.44.86)
Fixed preview of opacity gradients (since 3.44.72)
Fixed focus when starting with open dock
Fixed selection from script ("-s/all") not allowing width/height=1
Fixed pressure value for mouse with tablet enabled
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#220 Post by stavpup »

Is there a problem with large (megapixel) files?
Try to open this ... 020_53.jpg with mtpaint. Mine does not open.

mt paint 3.4.88
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