PET MAKER - 2.3 - Oct 2014

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#121 Post by trio »

v 2.1 - Only for LUPU 520 - Window unresizable and rxvt embedded (different rxvt)
New v 2.0 - tested in lupu 520/general puppies, left out sfs2pet and sfs install
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Adding Symlinks to Pets created with Petmaker

#122 Post by mikeslr »

Hi All,

Don't know if anyone has mentioned this before, but it is possible to include symbolic links (symlinks) in pets created with Petmaker.

I run many of my applications from "Program Folders," that is an entire application --such as Firefox, Iron, and the XP version of Foxit Reader under Wine-- which has been decompressed into a folder outside of the SaveFile. To provide easy access, I then create a script in /my-application/bin which will call the application, and a desktop file which calls the script and creates a menu entry.
I recently tried to do that with XAMPP (formerly LAMPP) but ran into a snag. The entire lampp folder is supposed to be decompressed to /opt and threw up errors when I tried to run it from /mnt/home via a script. Symlinking the folder to /opt avoided the errors, but I thought the symlink couldn't be included in a Pet. But what the heck, no pain, no gain.
So I called up my trusty Petmaker and discovered it was "too smart." When I tried to include the symlink, it took me to the lampp folder.
Ignoring that for the moment, I used Petmaker to include in its build directory all the files I otherwise needed. Then I opened the build directory, right-clicked and created an opt directory. Used my file manager to open a window to /opt, dragged the symlink file from it to the opt folder in the build directory and selected copy. The symlink file copied, but indicated it was broken. Completed making the pet, and then tested it in other Puppies on the computer. They successfully opened the application, which means that once installed the symlink was no longer "broken," i.e. pointing to the wrong location.

Short version: after using Petmaker to include all non-symlink files, open the build directory, manually create the folder structure to hold the symbolic link and copy the symbolic link into it.

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I wish I'd read this earlier today

#123 Post by bones01 »

dougeeebear wrote:
Jim1911 wrote:Trio's utility is great, however, it needs update. I used it to try to install an sfs on a full install of luci-235. Started the operation and left for a few hours. When I returned, not only had the sfs not installed, but it wiped two partitions clean. That bad experience hasn't stopped me from using Petmaker Plus to prepare pets and sfs though. It'd be great if someone updated it's sfs install feature.

Don't use the sfs install feature on the newer distributions.

The same exact thing happened to me.
It wiped all the partitions on the SSD plus it wiped the SD card.
It was pre-loaded in Puppeee.
Jemimah has now removed it.
How different things would be if I'd read this before. The feature I really liked with PetmakerPlus was the pet2sfs option, which had worked well for me before. I was having some Gimp troubles, so installed (I kept the .pet from last time) and while I did get some error message, I didn't understand it, and petmaker appeared in the utility menu, so I went ahead.

Now I have no root/mydocuments directory, and I don't have the files that were in that directory. I didn't think I'd need to back up for this.

I really like all that trio has done. His work makes some things much easier to work with and makes a duffer like me think I can make things happen. Unfortunately, this one hasn't worked.

If you find my missing files at your place, feel free to send them back. :wink:

Dell Latitude D630 running Puppy 5.2.8 frugal, Macpup 525 frugal (if I can get it working again. Sadly, I couldn't get it fixed :? )
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Petmaker 2.2

#124 Post by scsijon »

With Trio's approval I hereby release version 2.2.

What I have done is use another base directory, instead of $HOME/my documents I have modified it to use $HOME/make-pet and added script to create it if it's not there.

My wish is to eventually separate source and output directories at another level, but that's the next step.


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#125 Post by harii4 »

FYi :D
title said:
PET MAKER - 2.1 - End of Feb 2011
Petmaker 2.2 is now out. :D

keep up the good work.
Petmaker 2.2 works great in TXZ_Pup.
3.01 Fat Free / Fire Hydrant featherweight/ TXZ_pup / 431JP2012
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Petmaker compatibility

#126 Post by Smithy »

Are any of the Petmaker versions compatible with Linux Or Saluki, and other more recent distros?

Tried installing on my netbook and the whole machine locked up and crashed.

And tried on my desktop and the 2.1 version made a pet from some files and directories, but they were empty, no files within the pet, just empty directories.
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Re: Petmaker compatibility

#127 Post by Geoffrey »

Smithy wrote:Are any of the Petmaker versions compatible with Linux Or Saluki, and other more recent distros?

Tried installing on my netbook and the whole machine locked up and crashed.

And tried on my desktop and the 2.1 version made a pet from some files and directories, but they were empty, no files within the pet, just empty directories.
In Saluki all you need do is make a directory with the name of the application you want to build, eg " my_app-0.1 ",
in it place the directories and files structure of the app, then rightclick the eg " my_app-0.1 " named directory and select Convert to pet package(s)
you will be prompted to enter a few details, then select, Generate package database entry, you should now have a pet file.

That's how I make simple app packages, it can get a little more complicated when symlinks are needed.

If you want to use Petmaker in Saluki it does work, use version 2.2 but for it to open the working directory it needs a mod to the func script, here's a replacement, just extract it and place it in /usr/local/Pet_Maker.

Petmaker is for making pet's from preexisting applications, if thats your main goal then maybe jpeps Gnewpet would be the better suited ... 673#598673
If you could be a bit more specific on what you want to create, as generally pets are created from compiled source code, hope that's of some help.
extract it and place it in /usr/local/Pet_Maker
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geeqie .desktop files not working

#128 Post by tuxtoo »

I have used the fantastic Pet Maker successfully many times with no problems. However, I don't believe the problem I have is with Pet Maker and something else is at play but I don't know what. Here is what is going wrong.

I have a HD install of Wary-512 and using and have also used with the same problematic result. That is: Having installed from the wary repository and unlike gqview when you right-click on an image there is an option to open the image with the Gimp. Using Geeqie this option is not available and the Geeqie documentation on implementing this function was as clear as mud to me.

I found on the forum that has this function implemented so I installed it just to get the relevant files then uninstalled it. The files that I required are located at ‘/usr/share/geeqie/applications’ and the files in the folder are:


If I copy the above files to this location. In Geeqie I then have the right-click option to open an image in with the above apps as per the .desktop files. So no problems with the right-click option in Geeqie.

Now, if I make a dotpet ( of the said folder containing the .desktop files and then install it this function ceases to work. I have tracked the problem thus far.

After installing the dotpet I made ( the .destop files are modified by the actual installation. I.e.

geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the dotpet (in working condition) Changed the dotpet to tar.gz and extracted to examine the files.

I have added asterisks to highlight the lines with differences.

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=Graphics *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=X-Geeqie; **
geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the folder after installation (in the not working condition)

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=BuildingBlock *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=BuildingBlock **
I have tried many permutations of making this dotpet all with the same results. What I don’t understand is why the installation procedure is modifiying thes files. If anyone can throw some light on this I would be very grateful.
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#129 Post by Smithy »

If you could be a bit more specific on what you want to create, as generally pets are created from compiled source code, hope that's of some help.
Hi Geoffrey, forgot about the petmaker thread. What I was trying to create was a guitar amp and fx pet, which needed some specific locations in Wine.
From what I can gather, Wine is sort of a hidden folder in Puppy, so no wonder petmaker couldn't make a pet.

I tried a "normal" pet gathering files from regular places and that worked.
So what I was trying to do, maybe falls out of the parameters of the petmaker.
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Re: geeqie .desktop files not working

#130 Post by scsijon »

tuxtoo wrote:I have used the fantastic Pet Maker successfully many times with no problems. However, I don't believe the problem I have is with Pet Maker and something else is at play but I don't know what. Here is what is going wrong.

I have a HD install of Wary-512 and using and have also used with the same problematic result. That is: Having installed from the wary repository and unlike gqview when you right-click on an image there is an option to open the image with the Gimp. Using Geeqie this option is not available and the Geeqie documentation on implementing this function was as clear as mud to me.

I found on the forum that has this function implemented so I installed it just to get the relevant files then uninstalled it. The files that I required are located at ‘/usr/share/geeqie/applications’ and the files in the folder are:


If I copy the above files to this location. In Geeqie I then have the right-click option to open an image in with the above apps as per the .desktop files. So no problems with the right-click option in Geeqie.

Now, if I make a dotpet ( of the said folder containing the .desktop files and then install it this function ceases to work. I have tracked the problem thus far.

After installing the dotpet I made ( the .destop files are modified by the actual installation. I.e.

geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the dotpet (in working condition) Changed the dotpet to tar.gz and extracted to examine the files.

I have added asterisks to highlight the lines with differences.

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=Graphics *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=X-Geeqie; **
geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the folder after installation (in the not working condition)

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=BuildingBlock *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=BuildingBlock **
I have tried many permutations of making this dotpet all with the same results. What I don’t understand is why the installation procedure is modifiying thes files. If anyone can throw some light on this I would be very grateful.
tuxtoo, the problem is not petmaker,

You have two options:

1- you need to add the link into the customize menu item at the top of the list. When you first pick it it should give you an information page on how to do it and then open a filemanager page. You need to find gimp's executable and drag it into the filemanager page. From then on you should be ok.

2-Also you can set it to the default application using >SETUP >DEFAULT APPLICATION CHOOSER >IMAGE EDITOR...If it's not listed in the dropdown you can type it in but you must use the exact path from / and check it will execute (try the path from a terminal in case your missing a dependancy it needs).

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Re: geeqie .desktop files not working

#131 Post by RSH »

tuxtoo wrote:geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the dotpet (in working condition) Changed the dotpet to tar.gz and extracted to examine the files.

I have added asterisks to highlight the lines with differences.

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=Graphics *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=X-Geeqie; **
geeqie_gimp.desktop as it is stored in the folder after installation (in the not working condition)

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Gimp image editor
Exec=gimp-remote %f
Categories=BuildingBlock *
GenericName=Gimp image editor
Categories=BuildingBlock **

This is the cause (look at the line above esac):

Code: Select all

case $CATEGORY in
 Desktop)    CATEGORY='Desktop;X-Desktop' ; DEFICON='mini.window3d.xpm' ;;
 System)     CATEGORY='System' ; DEFICON='mini-term.xpm' ;;
 Setup)      CATEGORY='Setup;X-SetupEntry' ; DEFICON='so.xpm' ;;
 Utility)    CATEGORY='Utility' ; DEFICON='mini-hammer.xpm' ;;
 Filesystem) CATEGORY='Filesystem;FileSystem' ; DEFICON='mini-filemgr.xpm' ;;
 Graphic)    CATEGORY='Graphic;Presentation' ; DEFICON='image_2.xpm' ;;
 Document)   CATEGORY='Document;X-Document' ; DEFICON='mini-doc1.xpm' ;;
 Calculate)  CATEGORY='Calculate;X-Calculate' ; DEFICON='mini-calc.xpm' ;;
 Personal)   CATEGORY='Personal;X-Personal' ; DEFICON='mini-book2.xpm' ;;
 Network)    CATEGORY='Network' ; DEFICON='pc-2x.xpm' ;;
 Internet)   CATEGORY='Internet;X-Internet' ; DEFICON='pc2www.xpm' ;;
 Multimedia) CATEGORY='Multimedia;AudioVideo' ; DEFICON='Animation.xpm' ;;
 Fun)        CATEGORY='Fun;Game' ; DEFICON='mini-maze.xpm' ;;
 Develop)    CATEGORY='Utility' ; DEFICON='mini-hex.xpm' ;;
 Help)       CATEGORY='Utility' ; DEFICON='info16.xpm' ;;
 *)          CATEGORY='BuildingBlock' ; DEFICON='Executable.xpm' ;; #w482
It is in file in /usr/local/petget.

X-Geeqie is not a category used in puppy (afaik).

When ever a .deskop file contains non existing entries (not existing in puppy) in categories it sets the category to buildingblock ---> I can not say, how often I've had to edit stuff like this. :evil:

Hope that helps.



File /etc/xdg/menus/hierarchy includes the available categories.

Code: Select all

# The menu hierarchy used in LazY Puppy 2.0.2 Final Build 0.0.3
# List is different to List of Standard Puppy Menu Hierarchy

MENU                       CATEGORIES
DefaultApps :DefApps        DefAppsAudio,DefAppsVideo,DefAppsMultimedia,DefAppsOffice,DefAppsNetwork,DefAppsGraphics,DefAppsTools,DefAppsDevelopment
Desktop     :Settings       X-Desktop,DesktopSettings,Screensaver,Accessibility
Desktop     :WinManSettings WMSettings,TaskbarSettings
Desktop     :Country        X-DesktopCountry
Desktop     :Applets        X-DesktopApplets
System      :Config         System,Monitor,Security,HardwareSettings,Core
System      :Memory         X-SystemMemory
System      :Schedule       X-SystemSchedule
Setup       :Entry          X-SetupEntry,PackageManager
Setup       :Wizard         X-SetupWizard
Setup       :Utility        X-SetupUtility
Guides      :AllGuides      PuppyGuides,AllGuides,Guides,DevelGuides,ProgrammingGuides,BashGuides,LazarusGuides,LazYGuides,LazyGuides,GTKDialogGuides,GTKGuides
MyOwnPuppy  :MyBelovedPuppy MyPuppy,MyBestPup,MyBestPuppy,MySpecialPup,MySpecialPuppy,MyPup,MSPTools,MSP-Tools,MyPupSets,MyPuppySettings
Favorites   :Creativity     XFav-Creativity,Creativity
Favorites   :Logically      XFav-Logically,Logically
Favorites   :Documentary    XFav-Documentary,Documentary
Favorites   :FavOthers      XFav-Favorites,Favorites
SFSFile     :SFSFLoaded     SFS-Lazy,SFS-LazY,SFS-Audio,SFS-Midi,SFS-Music,SFS-MediaPlayer,SFS-MusicPlayer,SFS-AudioPlayer,SFS-VideoPlayer,SFS-Mediaplayer,SFS-Audioplayer,SFS-Videoplayer,SFS-Score,SFS-Scores,SFS-MIDI,SFS-Network,SFS-Internet,SFS-Video,SFS-Videos,SFS-Favorites,SFS-Graphics,SFS-Devel,SFS-Development,SFS-Tool,SFS-Tools,SFS-Other,SFS-Others,SFS-Office,SFS-Wine,SFS-Windows
Utility     :Sub            Utility,Viewer,Profiling,Translation
Utility     :Tools          UtilityTools
Utility     :Archiving      Archiving
Utility     :Console        TerminalEmulator,Shell
Utility     :Devel          Development,Building,Debugger,GUIDesigner,IDE
Filesystem  :Manager        FileSystem,FileManager
Filesystem  :Mount          X-FilesystemMount
Filesystem  :Utility        X-FilesystemUtility
Filesystem  :Find           X-FilesystemFind
Graphic     :Raw            Raw,RawGraphics,RAW
Graphic     :Sub            Graphics,GraphicViewer
Graphic     :Edit           RasterGraphics,2DGraphics,Photography
Graphic     :Vector         VectorGraphics,Presentation
Graphic     :Layer          X-Graphic,X-Graphics,LayerGraphics,3DGraphics
Graphic     :Icons          IconEdit,IconGraphics,IconGraphic
Graphic     :Utility        X-GraphicUtility
Document    :OfficeSuite1   SiagOffice,SiagOfficeSuite,SiagO
Document    :OfficeSuite2   KDEOffice3,KDEOffice3Suite,KDEO3
Document    :OfficeSuite3   OpenOffice2,OpenOffice2Suite,OO2
Document    :OfficeSuite4   OpenOffice3,OpenOffice3Suite,OO3
Document    :OfficeSuite5   LibreOffice3,LibreOffice3Suite,LO3
Document    :Sub            X-Document,WordProcessor,WebDevelopment
Document    :TextEditor     TextEditor
Document    :Utility        X-DocumentUtility,Dictionary
Business    :Sub            X-Calculate,Finance,Spreadsheet,ProjectManagement
Business    :Calculators    Calculator
Business    :Utility        X-CalculateUtility
Personal    :Sub            X-Personal,Calendar,ContactManagement,MindMapping,Chart,FlowChart
Personal    :Utility        X-PersonalUtility
Network     :Dialup         Dialup
Network     :Sub            Network,HamRadio,RemoteAccess
Internet    :Web            X-Internet,WebBrowser,Email
Internet    :Tools          Telephony,IRCClient,FileTransfer,P2P,News,InstantMessaging,Tuner,TV
Multimedia  :LashAuStudio   LashAudioStudio,LashAudio
Multimedia  :JackAuStudio   JackAudioStudio,JackAudio
Multimedia  :Mixer          Mixer,Volume
Multimedia  :Player         AudioPlayer,VideoPlayer,MP3Player,Player,Music
Multimedia  :Sub            X-Multimedia,AudioVideo,MediaConverter,Converter,Ripper,Tagger,MP3Tagger
Multimedia  :Audio          Audio,AudioEditor,AudioEditing,AudioRecorder,AudioRecording,Midi,Sequenzer
Multimedia  :Video          Video,VideoEditor,VideoEditing,VideoRecorder,VideoRecording,Film,Movie
Multimedia  :Burn           DiskBurning,DiscBurning,Burning
Fun         :PupAdultsGames ActionGame,AdventureGame,ArcadeGame,AdultsGame
Fun         :PupKidsGames   BlocksGame,CardGame,KidsGame,SportsGame
Fun         :PupAllUsersGames AllUsersGame,Game,BoardGame,Amusement,RolePlaying,Simulation,LogicGame,StrategyGame,WastingTime
Science     :Astrophysic    SC-Astronomic,SC-Science,SC-Physic
Science     :EduTechnic     SC-Technic,SC-Education
Science     :ScienceUtility SC-Utility,SC-Tools,SC-CAD
RunPuppyAs  :PuppyUsers     PuppyKids,PuppyBeginner,PuppyIntermediary,PuppyAdvanced
RunPuppyAs  :PuppyUserPrefs PUserPrefs
PuppyStuff  :PHelpStuff     PupHelpStuff,PuppyHelpStuff
PuppyStuff  :PMainStuff     PupShutdownStuff,PuppyShutdownStuff,PupMenuRefresh,PuppyMenuStuff
PuppyWinStuff :PuppyWindows PuppyWinApps,PuppyPortableApps,PuppyInstalledApps
As you might see, this is already edited for my LazY Puppy. I would recommend to add category X-Geeqie to this list (graphics) and also to file /etc/xdg/menus/

Code: Select all

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE xfdesktop-menu PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD Menu 0.8//EN" "">

    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicLayer</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicVector</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicEdit</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicRaw</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicSub</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="false" inline_limit="15">GraphicIcons</Menuname>
    <Menuname inline="true" inline_limit="99">GraphicUtility</Menuname>








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V 2.3

#132 Post by trio »

Oct 2014 - v 2.3 - tested in Slacko 5.7, -Modified Oct 2011 - scsijon, ADDING $PETBASE -Modified Oct 2014 - Trio, add more security when no $PETNAME or $FSFNAME is specified

see main post

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#133 Post by zigbert »

trio - here :D
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#134 Post by Geoffrey »

Been a while since I've seen that motorcycle 8)
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#135 Post by trio »

Hi Sigmund :D

Hi Geoffrey :D

On test to-day

#136 Post by hamoudoudou »

Pet uploaded, on test, Qt-app succesfully installed, but no pet available anywhere, so i try to create one
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#137 Post by johnywhy »

i went through the wizard, but no pet was created in root/my-documents.

some related stuff was created in /root/make-pet, but not pet file anyplace.

i prolly did it wrong.

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#138 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Trio.

One word: BRILL.

Excellent work.....and completely foolproof, when you think about it. (Like remembering to create directories before adding files.....?!)

Thanks for this; very much appreciated.

Mike. :D :wink:
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