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Re: Upgrading to Puppy 5.286

#21 Post by I-Dont-Know »

Having now created a 5.286 Bootable CD/DVD, I noticed that 5.286 recognized my copies of my backup copies of my 5.25 Lupsave files and upgraded them to 5.286. Real nice and a back saver.

Now comes the fun...
How can I get Puppy 5.286 to use the NVidia card to allow me to dual monitor with my 46 inch connected TV ?

Ubuntu and other Linux'es that I have tested can utilize the NVidia card out of the box giving me ability to Dual Monitor off my pc right off the iso burned bootable CD ? No mysteries involved.

Why not Puppy ? I thought I read here that 5.286 allowed for dual monitor ?
What am I not seeing ? understanding ? what do I need to do to achive this ?

Messing around with Xorgwizard on my Lupsave files have rendered them unbootable. So I have made backups of backups....
Mess one up, no problem, use another backup....
I've learned not to run out of good lupsave files.

I've used the Setup Wizard/Wizard and Package Manager to install and load anything Nvidia to no luck... just cannot get dual monitor to work in Puppy.

So for now, I will continue to dual boot to another Linux, or horrors, use my Windows pc to access the dual monitor capability.

Any help or clues will help.
A solution ? Priceless !!!

Mike (aka I-Dont-Know)
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#22 Post by smokey01 »

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Dual Monitor setup NVidia

#23 Post by I-Dont-Know »

smokey01 wrote:This thread may help. ... 148#642148
I followed the link you provided and found many others.
I have no stomach for maually editing my Xorg.Cong file.
I will muck it up and render my system into a horrible mess that I won't be able to figure out how to fix.

I think I will put to rest trying to get this puppy to dual monitor.
Other Linux'es booting right off the ISO burned CD will dual monitor plug and play. No Xorg.Conf editing at all.

When I find that gem, it will be a break thru day....
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#24 Post by smokey01 »

Try this topic regarding Zarfy, it may help. ... 390#349390
Try Zarfy and see if it recognizes your second monitor. ... h&id=22769

I tried it here and it seem to work ok but I only have one monitor.
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NVidia driver for Dual Monitor

#25 Post by I-Dont-Know »

smokey01 wrote:Try this topic regarding Zarfy, it may help. ... 390#349390
Try Zarfy and see if it recognizes your second monitor. ... h&id=22769

I tried it here and it seem to work ok but I only have one monitor.
I tried Zarfy, but Zarfy only detected my one monitor.

I probably do not have the NVidia driver installed although I have tried to install it - at least I think I was.

I used Puppy Package Manager to install NVidia drivers.
But when I do this at some point I am prompted to use XorgWizard.
When I use this app, I end up with an unbootable Lupsave file.
Xwin will not load my lupsave file.

This is a show stopper. So I have to delete my Lupsave file and copy back in a known good backup copy and start over.

This is very perplexing and frustrating for me because I don't know how to manally edit Puppy to make it do dual monitor.

Here is the real rub.... if I use another Linux, any Linux, even a lightweight Linux and boot it off a CD or a USB, right out of the box, it recognizes my NVidia card, loads the drivers and I can use it to view my 46 inch TV.

But I want my everyday go to O/S, Puppy Linux to do this.
I don't really want to have to dual boot to something else to use my 46 inch TV with my everyday O/S.

While I am using Puppy Linux for my daily web, email, spreadsheets or whatever, I'd like to use my 46 inch TV to view a website on the TV and a separate spreadsheet on main monitor. Or if I want to pop out to a YouTube video while reading a related website I can't do this with Puppy.
I have to use a separate computer alongside my Puppy OS.
This is NUTs.

The other day, I spent the whole overnight futzing with loading NVidia drivers into my Puppy O/S; Each time it blitzed my Lupsave file. This caused me endlessly deleting the failed lupsave file and copying in a known good one only to break it again. Wash, rinse, repeat...

When the sun came up I figured I'd had enough.

I don't understand everything Puppy, but when I see other distro's that can right off their ISO file "do" dual monitor, but Puppy Linux can't, well that is perplexing to me.

Do I need to find a different .PET app not found in Package Manager ?
My brain is cooked. Stick a fork in me, I'm well done.
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#26 Post by smokey01 »

There are lots of puppy users that use dual monitors unfortunately I'm not one of them.
Try contacting BillToo in a private message he may be able to help. ... st&u=16584

Have you searched for dual monitor in the forum? I know it can be frustrating but the journey with be worth it. ... 56&t=79870
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#27 Post by neerajkolte »

Hi @I-Dont-Know,

I am a linux noob, so please bear with me if I didn't understand your problem.

I use dual monitor setup with Fatdog64.

Zarfy in Fatdog does things nicely.

Recently I installed Tahrpup. Could'nt find zarfy in it.

But this is what I did. Open terminal and type

Code: Select all

xrandr -q
It should tell you the name of each screen and its current resolution. On my computer, my screens are “VGA1″ and “HDMI1″.To make one large desktop including both screens (Extended Desktop), run this command:

Code: Select all

xrandr --output VGA1 --right-of HDMI1
That is all it takes. You can play around with it and see all of xrandr’s commands by running

Code: Select all

xrandr -help
Please see This man page and This Howto for more info.


- Neeraj.
Last edited by neerajkolte on Mon 13 Oct 2014, 14:44, edited 1 time in total.
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#28 Post by darkcity »

Great post Starhawk, I borrowed some of your text for the Puppy 5 page on the wiki.

Here is a page that lists the various types of Puppy-

Video help page here as follows (the Configure Additional Monitor page states something similar to Neerajkolte)
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#29 Post by starhawk »

Thanks, darkcity!
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Re: NVidia driver for Dual Monitor

#30 Post by rerwin »

I-Dont-Know wrote:The other day, I spent the whole overnight futzing with loading NVidia drivers into my Puppy O/S; Each time it blitzed my Lupsave file. This caused me endlessly deleting the failed lupsave file and copying in a known good one only to break it again. Wash, rinse, repeat...
. . .
Do I need to find a different .PET app not found in Package Manager ?
My brain is cooked. Stick a fork in me, I'm well done.
Have you tried the nVidia drivers I compiled especially for lupu and uploaded as both pet packages and sfs files, here: ... 520#739520

The easiest way to test would be to add the appropriate SFS file to your setup. Be sure to use the correct driver for your card. Use the QuickPet "Drivers" tab, "Click here to test your graphics card" to determine the driver, then find the version of that driver, for the variant of Lucid Pup that you are using.

Keep in mind, though, that your pupsave may have an old nVidia driver installed. If so, and if it can be uninstalled, please do that before trying new drivers. You are probably already on top of that, but I want you to understand that something in your "525" pupsave may be interfering. That's why I requested the difference file, so that I could try to rule out conflicts that could cause mysterious malfunctions.
Last edited by rerwin on Mon 13 Oct 2014, 19:51, edited 2 times in total.
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#31 Post by tlchost »

mikeb wrote:Chedder cheese can be any old crap that's from anywhere BUT Chedder Gorge...unless you actually go to the Gorge itself...

now about the lack of cream in 'ice cream' and yoghurt in 'yoghurts' :D

And Italian Wedding Soup is neither Italian, nor served at weddings.

Insist that your naughahide items are made from genuine naughas.
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Dual Monitor Puppy 528.6

#32 Post by I-Dont-Know »

Rather that muck up my previously created Lupsave files and dealing with possible conflicts...

What I am trying to do now is to create a brand new Lupsave file by booting 528.6 without loading any previous Lupsaves, then creating a basic safety boot 528.6_Lupsave file and working solely with that to see if I can get a dual monitor setup. With a clean 5.286 boot up

I followed your suggestion here:

cut and paste quote:

Have you tried the nVidia drivers I compiled especially for lupu and uploaded as both pet packages and sfs files, here: ... 520#739520

end quote

I did the Quickpet Video test and received a version of the driver.
Then I looked at the list you created and selected the closet match.
Loaded the NVidia331.xxxxx.PET;
It got loaded, then after that.... nothing happened after that.
Prompted to restart X, I did, then still no dual monitor.

I'll keep trying and working at it...
With my limited knowledge, I've given this all I can at this point;
I'll just settle back and let this stuff sink in until I get that ahh-ha moment.
Then try it again.

In any event, I have successfully upgraded to 5.286 booting off a USB stick and am enjoying this upgrade so far. I can even reboot into my old 5.25 and use that desktop if I want; (they're both the same desktops)

I have to get to work on my other partition where I need to upgrade Ubuntu 12.10 to 14.X? something; or dump it and go to a simpler LInux; something that will Dual Monitor out of the box. I only use / dual boot to that partiton for purely TV entertainment and Linux fun. Or decide to leave it alone and just use it as is; for TV entertainment. Ubuntu is getting quite bloated these days.

You have been very generous and patient with your help.
Thank you for that.

This forum is very helpful.
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NVidia Drivers / SFS / .PET

#33 Post by I-Dont-Know »


I went to this site and found the exact Nvidia driver recommended by the QuickPet app. QuickPet / Test Video Card specified this Nvidia driver above.

From the site above I downloaded both the .PET and the SFS.
Installed the PET just by clicking on it - Puppy installed it.
Then I installed the SFS just by clicking on it.

Then after the install, I was prompted to use XorgWizard to select the driver to use.

It is here I get into trouble.
In the list there are two Nvidia choices.
Neither one of them produce any results.
If I select one NVidia, I get a message that the file was moved.
If I choose the other NVidia, I get a message that the file was moved.
So, neither of these two choices produce any results.

From reading all the posts here, I understand some manual editing is involved here. Some cutting and pasting of sections inside my Xconf file.
Located under etc/X11 I guess.

I'm out of my league here.
I see the two sections referred to in these posts.
Under Etc\Xll there are several Xorg.Conf files.
Why don't I upload my Xorg.Conf file here if you'd like to take a look see at mine.

At least i made baby steps today.
I located the correct .PET and SFS for my card.
I just can't get it to do "dual monitor".

At least I'm learning some stuff here if not getting the results I would like to have.
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NVidia Drivers / SFS / .PET

#34 Post by I-Dont-Know »

My Xorg.Conf file
After loading the correct .PET and SFS, I get prompted to use XorgWizard.
But as I mentioned, I get no results using this.
So I posted my Xorg.Conf file below...

#Special base config file used in Puppy Linux.

# **********************************************************************
# Module section -- this section is used to specify
# which dynamically loadable modules to load.
# **********************************************************************
Section "Module"

# This loads the DBE extension module.

Load "dbe" # Double buffer extension

# This loads the miscellaneous extensions module, and disables
# initialisation of the XFree86-DGA extension within that module.
SubSection "extmod"
Option "omit xfree86-dga" # don't initialise the DGA extension

# This loads the font modules
# Load "type1"
# Load "freetype"

# This loads xtrap extension, used by xrandr
# Load "xtrap"

# This loads the GLX module (if present). xorg 7.4/5 need explicit disable to disable...
Load "glx" #LOADGLX

# This loads dri module (if present). 7.4 loads it by default, have to disable...
Load "dri" #LOADDRI
# Disable "dri"


# **********************************************************************
# Files section. This allows default font paths to be set
# **********************************************************************

Section "Files"

# Multiple FontPath entries are allowed (which are concatenated together),
# as well as specifying multiple comma-separated entries in one FontPath
# command (or a combination of both methods)

FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/misc/"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/Type1/"
FontPath "/usr/share/X11/fonts/TTF/"


# **********************************************************************
# Server flags section.
# **********************************************************************

Section "ServerFlags"

# Uncomment this to disable the <Crtl><Alt><Fn> VT switch sequence
# (where n is 1 through 12). This allows clients to receive these key
# events.

# Option "DontVTSwitch"

# Enables mode switching with xrandr
# There is a report that this can cause Xorg not to work on some
# video hardware, so default is commented-out...
# but i want to use it in xorgwizard so leave on...

Option "RandR" "on"

# With this, Xorg won't talk to HAL to add evdev devices and you'll be back
# with the old Xorg behavior (pre-7.4)...

Option "AutoAddDevices" "false"

# For no-Hal, kirk also suggests this...

# Option "AllowMouseOpenFail" "true"

# Xorg 7.4, Ubuntu Jaunty, CTRL-ALT-BACKSPACE is disabled by default...

Option "DontZap" "false"


#everything past here is auto-generated by Puppy's Xorg Wizard...

Section "ServerLayout"
Identifier " Configured"
Screen 0 "Screen0" 0 0
InputDevice "Mouse0" "CorePointer"
InputDevice "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Keyboard0"
Driver "kbd"
Option "XkbRules" "xorg"
Option "XkbModel" "pc102"
Option "XkbLayout" "us" #xkeymap0

Section "InputDevice"
Identifier "Mouse0"
Driver "mouse"
Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2" #mouse0protocol
Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
#Option "Emulate3Buttons"
#Option "Emulate3Timeout" "50"
Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5" #scrollwheel

Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Monitor0"
VendorName "Monitor Vendor"
ModelName "Monitor Model"
HorizSync 31-80
VertRefresh 56-72
#UseModes "Modes0" #monitor0usemodes
Option "PreferredMode" "1280x1024"

Section "Modes"
Identifier "Modes0"

Section "Device"
### Available Driver options are:-
### Values: <i>: integer, <f>: float, <bool>: "True"/"False",
### <string>: "String", <freq>: "<f> Hz/kHz/MHz"
### [arg]: arg optional
#Option "ShadowFB" # [<bool>]
#Option "DefaultRefresh" # [<bool>]
#Option "ModeSetClearScreen" # [<bool>]
Identifier "Card0"
Driver "vesa" #card0driver
VendorName "nVidia Corporation"
BoardName "Unknown Board"
BusID "PCI:4:0:0"

Section "Screen"
Identifier "Screen0"
Device "Card0"
Monitor "Monitor0"
DefaultDepth 24
#Option "metamodes" "1280x1024_60 +0+0" #METAMODES_0
Subsection "Display"
Depth 24
Modes "1280x1024"

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Re: NVidia Drivers / SFS / .PET

#35 Post by rerwin »

I-Dont-Know wrote:From the site above I downloaded both the .PET and the SFS.
Installed the PET just by clicking on it - Puppy installed it.
Then I installed the SFS just by clicking on it.

Then after the install, I was prompted to use XorgWizard to select the driver to use.

It is here I get into trouble.
In the list there are two Nvidia choices.
Neither one of them produce any results.
If I select one NVidia, I get a message that the file was moved.
If I choose the other NVidia, I get a message that the file was moved.
So, neither of these two choices produce any results.
. . .
I located the correct .PET and SFS for my card.
I just can't get it to do "dual monitor".
Although I am not sure your loading of both the PET and SFS files relate to what you are seeing, let me clarify about the PET and SFS packages of the driver. They contain the same driver, only in different packaging to let a user use whichever one of them fits best into their installation. They are not intended to work together nor are interdependent. The PET loads into your pupsave, while the SFS file does not -- it becomes part of the layered file system that is the structure of a frugal installation. Use only one. That said, you end up only with the driver represented in 2 of the layers redundantly, but should not interfere with each other.

I am glad you got a good driver for your card. But it will take some tinkering to get dual monitor support. I am of little help in that area. But others have made suggestions to follow, so there's hope. But the trick will be to prevent the xorgwizard from destroying your edited configuration file.

BTW, I assume you are testing with the original lupu and not the supers, because the driver you chose is only for the original lupus, which use the kernel indicated in the driver package name. If you ever migrate to lupusuper2, you will need the driver package for lupusuper2, at the link I posted above, or at least for a driver for the same kernel as used by lupusuper2.

Good luck with your effort.
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Puppy Doing "Dual Monitor"

#36 Post by I-Dont-Know »

Just for kicks and giggles, I downloaded an ISO of Precise Puppy 5.7.1, burned it to CD just to see what it looks like......

To my utter amazement......
Right out of the box (er... right out of the ISO), Precise Puppy does "Dual Monitor"..... no after install configuration at all..... no putzing around with finding the correct driver and no futzy xorgwizard to screw up my save file.

Well, well, well..... how about that !
Golly gee whiz....

I think I will keep this Puppy around and develop a desktop for myself with it.

I think I have found myself a solution...
You Puppy developers R.O.C.K.....

Well, I'm not staying up all night tonite..... gonna get a nights rest....

Thank you all... and good night....


#37 Post by darry1966 »

Cool hope you enjoy this new Pup you have found - yep I know what its like to lose sleep over a misbehaving computer.[/img]

#38 Post by darry1966 »

Cool hope you enjoy this new Pup you have found - yep no what its like to lose sleep over a misbehaving computer.
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#39 Post by mikeb »

Just looked at the lupu xorg.conf and this would certainly not help
Driver "vesa" #card0driver
it should be nvidia for starters....
It may also be because the dual driver install messed up and interfere with each other leaving no workable driver so the fallback vesa is used which is very basic and certainly won't do dual monitor.

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Dual Monitor Puppy 528.6

#40 Post by I-Dont-Know »

Booted Puppy 5.286 straigtup with NO LupSave File. Clean boot.

Then I loaded an NVidia SFS file I got from an earlier post.
Then after loading that, I think I was prompted to run the NVidia Server Configuration where I was prompted to load the NVidia Driver.

(earlier I was browsing the Nvidia site trying to match up a driver to my video card. I download several of them)

The driver was a linux Nvidia XXX file.
I navigated to this .run file, clicked on it and it loaded.

Then I was prompted to run Xorgwizard.
Did. I didn't do anything special here other than to choose my screen settings; I chose some kind of 1200x768x24 or some such....

Voila'..... I had a dual screen going on.....

Man.... was I excited.... I jumped off the couch....
I could not believe my eyes.... I had found my holy grail...
I got Puppy to "do" dual monitor...

Didn't quite remember what I did to get that....
So I figured, I'd better save this Puppy to a Lupsave file real quick or else I'd muck it up and lose it.

So, I saved it in triplicate.... no kidding.... I saved it 3 times on different drivers.

Then I went to reboot Puppy and selected that Lupsave file I just saved, and to my disappointment, the Lupsave did not load. I was left with the Xwin could not load; so I knew I had to go into Xorgwizard to see what the problem was. I again chose a screen resolution I thought would load and it loaded but without the dual monitor.

What a let down.....

So I tried to replicate what I just did.
I loaded Puppy without a Lupsave file, and tried to replicate what I did to get to a dual monitor... but without any success.....

Tried several times.... no luck...

I had the holy grail of Dual Monitor for about 5 minutes....
And in the blink of creating a save file.... poof... gone !

I thought by creating a save file with the dual monitor, the correct SFS files and the correct driver would be saved inside the Lupsave file !?!

Apparently it didn't.

So... I'll leave it for now and come back another day...

As for the Precise Puppy I had luck with last week doing Dual Monitor, the dual monitor experience was a mirrored dual monitor.....
Both monitors had the same screen output.
I could not configure it to put a spreadsheet on monitor 1 and a website on monitor 2...... still working on that but with no progress..

Alas... I had it but for 5 minutes....
Man was I excited...... for 5 minutes...
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