Is Puppy Linux the best Linux distro?

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#41 Post by partsman »

mikeb wrote:'Is murga the best forum in thee world?'
Absolutely !! Yes indeed it is :wink:
Thank you to all :D
Everyone here is what makes puppy the best distro !! :wink:

See signature :wink:
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#42 Post by Illutorium »

linuxcbon wrote:- very few programs ported to windows 64 bits (firefox is not !)
So yet 64bit Firefox for Windows is not include? -> ... s/?C=M;O=A and
- needs too many tweaks and attention : the autorun programs (often hidden), some registry optimizations lacking, the services to disable, uneeded system files to remove (take much hard disk place), etc.
Some peoples can use a nLite instead... Non-Trashes,Registry Mods. So... That's not problem...
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#43 Post by wboz »

"Best" is so subjective!!!

Puppy is unique because it 1) runs from portable media AND 2) loads to RAM and runs from it AND 3) can save at end of session AND 4) is beginner-friendly.

I don't know any other distro that does all these. I also love that because of #2, and also because it chooses to run very low-RAM programs/DE/services, Puppy is indeed very fast. It takes the HDD on older systems out of the equation, which is usually one big performance bottleneck. I won't say that Puppy is INHERENTLY speedy, ie it hasn't been specifically optimized for performance. Its creators have just made a few very intelligent and reasoned decision about how it should run, in order to get the most out of the system resources available.

The tradeoff from numbers 1 and 2 has forced the invention of a good way to do #3, which is save session. And #4 is perhaps separate entirely, except that I believe that because 1,2, and 3 are so nontraditional, the user-friendly approach to dialog boxes, troubleshooting, initial setup etc is NECESSARY to get people into the game.

I am very OS-agnostic, and it's not the primary OS on this computer for example, but I like Puppy a lot .. I'm using it now :)
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#44 Post by mikeb »

Hmm you describe slax/porteus/nimblex...and slitaz..dsl and probably others..... these ideas come from various places...... 4 is subjective indeed and I find many of the pups painfully complicated.

The forum on the other hand I would agree is unique....only place I can post whereas I can use other systems .. :)

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#45 Post by 8Geee »

Puppy is better than Windows XYZ,period. Thats 85 - 90% of all OS's in a desktop, laptop, or netbook.

Windows XYZ is an addicted, power-hungry, bloated OS. It saps processing power to defend itself, requires frequent real-need updating, and requires third-party software to clean itself. Windows since the "admin" archetecture is frought with "trusted" circumvents that allow extended priviledges for unworthy software and/or developers.

I'm not sure which is worse
They are both unnecessary evils most people accept.

Is puppy the best? I dunno, buts its better than A LOT of "whats out there".
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#46 Post by mikeb »

Wild horses can be tamed.......

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#47 Post by sickpig »

hell yeah! puppy is the best
other oses not running off ram are so last century
puppy is so blazing fast and compatible with all the hardware on my machine

puppy is so spartan
its a mystery to me why windows has 4gb iso and on idle consumes in excess of 1.4 gb ram
i dont need all that resource hogging
puppy is the new modern non caveman os
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Puppy is the best

#48 Post by foxpup »

Puppy is not the the best if you are a heavy gamer with a new machine with both integrated and discrete graphic card.
But since I hardily play any game at all, Puppy is the best for me.

. Lots of builds to choose from. A lot of creativity.
. Small and fast. Little demands on the machine.
. For old and new machines.
. A great community.
. It runs from everything: pen drive, hard disc, in ram.
. It is nicely packaged (frugal) and it runs as root.
You can mess with it, but it does not hurt. So it is the easiest way to learn linux.
When I try out another linux and have some problem, I always think of Puppy in the back of my mind. Puppy is my reference.
. Lots of applications and tools from Pupsters.
. No (intrusive) updates.
. I never have viruses.
. Safe! The IT'er from my bank encouraged me to use a pristine Puppy for webbanking!
. You can rely on the repos of the big distros, if you want.
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