EmSeeV2.3-Cafe-Edition.iso Two Sugars 27/1/15!

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#21 Post by Scooby »

Now got the .iso

Booted without incident on my easy2boot usb stick.
Boot time a little long for obvious reasons.

A nice variety of programs but according to interest a bit bloated.

What the H*** is ppstream? Is it possible to have it in any other language
than chinese. Although I like cute chinese women I do not like the ads
this programs bring up all the time.

Is ppstream a hit in the west also?

Screent-tearing present as in all linuxes for me -- fixable

Couldn't tab over to no at first shutdown when being asked question if I wanna save
session? dunnow why but maybe something with keyboard, Had to use danish
cause swedish unavailible??

A nice addition to puppy world which does not emphasize modular approach
As gcmartin said probably a good first puppy experience for Windows refugees.

Will keep it for as long as I got enough space on USB stick

#22 Post by stemsee »

cheers @scooby.

PPStream is a purely chinese app. I think it is usefull for anyone, like me, who studies chinese language and culture. The quality of the broadcasts are outstanding too! The adverts are annoying as you point out. Just remove it and remaster.

I am uploading a slimmer iso right now. Even though I skimmed off at least 800mb from the iso (because of Smokey01 being apprehensive (good thing too)), I have opted for gz compression, which means two things. First the size is at 2.1gb instead of 1.6gb with -xz -b 1024 -Xbcj x86, but without the xz compression it is MUCH faster to load and use in general. Anyone who gets this can run sfs-direct-remaster and use a higher compression to get a smaller .sfs; even remove apps you don't like/need and reduce it further using ppm or remove builtin!
Also fixed a few things like gimp, xbmc stable, and teamviewer and sfs-direct-remaster and smokey-get (by Fredx181 over at DebianDog (this script is a game changer)) to which I have added pupli-repo by puppus dogfellow. Smokey-get also accesses 01micko, jemimah, saintless, pemasu, oscartalks, carolina, pemasu, jamesC, stu90 and Tman.
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#23 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

download failed, stuck at 2180. any ideas why?

#24 Post by stemsee »

stuck at 2180, means appears to be stuck! Probably completed successfully. Navigate to download folder and have a look!
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#25 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

stemsee wrote:stuck at 2180, means appears to be stuck! Probably completed successfully. Navigate to download folder and have a look!
it was one of those cogs with a .part extension, which i've since deleted. will try again.


edit: EmSeeV2.3.iso mirrored.
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#26 Post by slavvo67 »

Hi Stemsee:

First off, congratulations on your offering. This is an extremely large offering but also has much to offer in return. Normally, I wouldn't even look at something this large but knowing the quality of your Pets, it certainly piqued my curiousity. I like looking at Puppies that are large because they usually have at least a few applications that I wouldn't normally add on my own, so it almost forces me to look at new programs.

My first boot attempt at 32 bit, I received a Kernal Panic. Yikes, not a good start. Then I tried the 64 bit and it booted up without issue.

This is well done and most everything works that is included from what I can tell. It was nice to see a few different default games. Nice touch. I admit, I use very few multimedia items, so all this extra is too much for little old me. Still, I can see the value for those that use a bunch of multimedia items. Same with the graphic items.

LibreOffice is big but it is the only real game in town if you want reliability. People will argue with me on this one forever but even Barry's attempt with Free Office has resulted in garbled files.

Firefox works nicely; though I'm definitely not sold on having IE on any Linux. It never seems to work quite right.

I think part of the size issue for the .iso is the fact that the DEVX is part of your Puppy by default. Most others include devx as an add-on to keep the size down.

Anyway, I want to thank you for the nice offering and changing the regular playing field a little. It's a nice addition.

Kind regards,


#27 Post by stemsee »

thanks @ slavvo67 for your comments.

You will be pleased to know that I have prepared an xz max compressed version of the same EmSeeV2.3.sfs and weighs in at 1.6GB, that is 800mb off the compressed size which by rule of thumb is 2.4gb off of the decompressed system!! Thinking more clearly now I realise that adding a complete set of apps so that nothing more need be added, means there is no real need to leave the devx files in the main sfs!
So still a heavy weight no functionality lost just a fairly serious clean up of libs. It should be up alongside present gzipped offering for those who prefer smaller over faster!

There are some neat customisations and scripts which I will turn into pets for all to use on any pup, should they want it.
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It's bigger than I thought

#28 Post by veronicathecow »

I tried to download and I thought, mmmm that's a long time.
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#29 Post by stemsee »


Ha ha! Thanks for sharing. Surely one for my facebook page!

Your connection must be in reverse! Or worse on a 56k dial-up modem! Or maybe your you are stuck in a time vortex!?
It is a good reminder of the perils of modern technology.
Send me a pm I will post you a dvd!
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#30 Post by veronicathecow »

Hi stemsee, that's a very kind offer but I cancelled and re-dowwnloaded it.
If you look to the right it says size is 17179869184 GB, 3.4MBs download speed :D
I remember using a 14400 modem. That would have taken 37.42 hours to download your DVD... Ah the good old days how I long for them...

#31 Post by gcmartin »

stemsee wrote:... Thinking more clearly now I realise that adding a complete set of apps so that nothing more need be added, means there is no real need to leave the devx files in the main sfs! ... .

Dont 2nd guess yourself. The beauty you have made for us, newbies or experienced, users or developers, is that "WE" don't have to add, search, or resurrect anything to use this distro to ANY benefit we would need.

Further, you have also provided us with utilities and subsystems that allow us to tailor this system to our likings, should anyone want.

This is what makes this a marvelously humble approach in 2014 with the world having come to this point in technology that many/most have in today's homes.

You have done us all a BIG favor with this, and it allow everyone of us to think as we explode the benefits we continue to find in this distro. This is a complete work! It is showing us how performance and functionality can be BOTH in a PUP.

Members are already seeing that they can boot it in 32bit mode or 64bit mode with their data and their content present in either case. So much ever present in this distro for all of us to witness. I am sure some distro developers are already thinking about how to take this to the next level.

@StemSee, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :!: ... again.

#32 Post by stemsee »


Ah Ha!

Back to my original thought.!!

There are already enough slim puppies out there, let's keep a few St.Bernards with their brandy barrels at the ready ... !

Big pups are, indeed, my breed!


I have added code to EmSeeV2.3 - re-touched which with the click of a button in the tray nearest the menu button removes all icons from the desktop, and click again to restore. Is that what you wanted??

EmSeeV2.3 (should be 2.4 but I can't be bothered to rename it) slimmed down without loss of functionality (1.6GB). Added show/hide icons button (or terminal command nicons), stable sfs-direct-remaster and sfs-unattended-remaster at V4.7 (15/11/14), Bash reference Manual/tutorials, small improvements here and there. Recommended to download. This is probably my last revision of this distro at V2.*

Ready in the morning.

Stemsee out!
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#33 Post by mavrothal »

stemsee wrote:@Mavrothal

I have added code to EmSeeV2.3 - re-touched which with the click of a button in the tray nearest the menu button removes all icons from the desktop, and click again to restore. Is that what you wanted??
Yeh, having the 2 ends is something, butyou may want to look at some old utilities that may make your life easier.
Desksetup curerntly at v 0.7 (or v 0.8-international) is the first one. I guess you could customize it for next version so all the arrangements for different resolutions could be there (ie 1440X900-full).
Another one is a simple configurable 2nd JWM panel that could be modified to generate a "game panel" a "media panel" etc.
For now the original versions of both may do. :wink:
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#34 Post by stemsee »

Here it is EmSeeV2.3-re-touched.iso; slim (1.6gb), compressed maximally, new= show/hide icons works globally, also upgrades to some apps/scripts.

see first post 2/12
Show icons
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Hide icons
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Last edited by stemsee on Tue 02 Dec 2014, 22:45, edited 1 time in total.

#35 Post by Jasper »

It has died on me three times (each time within 20 minutes). Further, it (the 1.6 GB version) was slowish to boot and painfully slow to use.

The speed might be significantly improved using the 2.1 GB version and/or better hardware specs which, hopefully, would also rectify the instability.

It provides much that I do not want and lacks much that I do want and my personally tailored version of Precise 5.6 is, for me, infinitely superior.

I shall be interested to read the views of other testers (whether seasoned Puppy users (expert and/or experienced), newcomers and those in between).

My regards

#36 Post by stemsee »

@Jasper, Good to hear from you dude!

Sorry to hear your disappointment. What do you need that it lacks? I have only two different laptops to test on and I ran them for hours without issues! One core i3 8gb the other core i5 3gb.

Yes this slim one is noticeably slower to load and open apps, as stated prior to upload.

You have been a forum member much much longer than I, and no doubt you have your own personally customized distro tailored for your needs and because of that it is infinitely superior to you... this is tailored for mine and any like me, who flit between creative writing, recording guitar and vocals, editing the holiday videos, programming the cheap usb foot pedal (yep that's in there), constantly remastering, and also the usual internet stuff, mail, skyping in-laws, and buying from ebay, internet banking, posting to forums, and what not. My 5 year old son gets along with it fine, and easily finds his apps on the desktop or in the menu. So if even one other person gets some use out of it then 'sharing' it was worth it, because I was going to make it anyway. I expect some incompatibility issues and difference in tastes.

Also this is dated now, and trailing behind the likes of BK's Utopic Unicorn and 666Philb's Trusty Tahr, both really polished distros. That makes me wonder if you have tried either of those, and how did they compare? Are you looking to upgrade?

Even so my next project is to tidy up EmSeeV1 (simply because I now know better how to) and share it as well. Tthat might suit your tastes better as it is based on precise 5.7.1 by BK. However there is much much more in there in every category, and a lot of tweaks for audio work! DebianDog is another exquisitely crafted small distro definitely worth your efforts to acquire and learn. My usb cruzer extreme @ 16gb always has a FatDog a DebianDog an EmSee a Tahr and a Slacko (studio1337 an exceptional distro).
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#37 Post by Sylvander »

Today I made a DVD+RW using EmSeeV2.3.iso

Booted it on my 2012 desktop PC.
At 1st glance, all is looking good so far.
I was surprised at how quickly it booted.
Ran just fine once at the desktop.
Took a look around, made a few config changes.
Chose to not save any changes at this point.
Will explore it further tomorrow.

#38 Post by Jasper »

Some better news to report is that having deleted the original save folder I have been using the 2.3 (1.6 GB edition) for more than two hours without an irreversible lockup (having test-rebooted a few times).

I have installed my desired version of SeaMonkey with ease (though from a little knowledge rather than any assistance found via the menu).

I persevered because there was no suggestion that my machine specs are too low (although my signature was not read thoroughly - re Quirky unicorn). However, it remains unusably slow for other than testing, but I'll spend an hour downloading the 2.1 GB edition and report back within a few days.
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#39 Post by Sylvander »

a. When I boot my DVD+RW, and choose boot menu item-3 = 64-bit version [on my 64-bit desktop PC hardware]...
And [once at the desktop] go to reboot...
I'm offered the choice to "save" or "no"...
When I hit the right-arrow key [or TAB], to highlight/select "no", nothing happens, so I cannot execute/choose that.
I'm forced to hold the on/off button [to power off].

b. This problem doesn't happen when I choose menu item-2 = 32-bit PAE version.

#40 Post by Jasper »

The 2.3 (2.1 GB edition) would not boot from my DVD+RW despite the MD5 sum agreed (either with or without the save folder made from the 1.6 GB edition ).

From my earlier tests with the 1.6 GB edition I comment:
I prefer SeaMonkey (as previously reported) and the only game I ever use is draughts (aka chequers). Also, I use some 40 Windows/Wine apps, but whilst Wine is included I found no apps or Wine menu. Parcellite was not included.
I did not manage to have both the included desktop icons and my drive icons on the desktop at the same time plus I had to restart x to recover the drive icons.
Further, I do not like having all my partitions mounted on boot completion.

Of course all user choices are personal, so I find it hard to believe many, if any, would prefer my choices - and I find it hard to believe that too many will be overjoyed with yours - I would even find it surprising if many gamers would be well pleased.

The way I use my Precise 5.6 multi-session-CD is likely unique and for me unbeatable as regards speed (except for a 60 second boot), safety, security, backup, and recovery (if ever needed). Everything runs in RAM (with some 90 sfs apps available). Since we both use ROX and JWM I could doubtless duplicate my multiple-menu-choices and, to some extent my methods, on your 2.1 GB edition - if I had the patience to make it work, but, for me, that would be a pointless exercise.

Because you asked, I have added a few screen shots to give you a flavour of the way my Precise 5.6 Puppy works.

My regards
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