Linphone 3.6.1 - Phone with Video and Instant Messaging

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#21 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello stray_dog,

Glad Linphone is working for you. As you have found out, using a stun server is often helpful. Easy just to switch it in our out as well once you have set it in the preferences.

The version 3.7 is a different beast now and to be honest I haven't got my head around it yet. They have replaced osip and eXosip with their own bellesip sip stack and it involves other libraries. I believe it needs Java as well but I could have got that wrong. If so it makes it less appealing as a Puppy app. This 3.6.1 works quite well and is lovely and small, but if I come across something better that I can build I will do so.
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#22 Post by stray_dog »

Hello, OscarTalks!

Yes I must say, it works *wonderfully*! Thank you so much for your .pets! I really must recommend trying the stun server option for anyone encountering registration errors. I agree with you 100% - it's so easy! Your .pets are very nice too because they already give us the choice between gl and xv.

When calling the 301 linphone echo call line, I found it worked smoothly with either no encryption or with ZRTP encryption. The SRTP failed with the echo call for me the time I tried it. But I haven't had a chance to test which of those work when I'm calling someone with the same version of Puppy I'm using & when we choose the same option. I hope to do that this weekend with my girl. Although I have no idea at all how to tell if the encryption is actually working. That'll take some extra work on my part.

Yes this new 3.7 version confused the hell out of me! Thank you. I like this 3.6.1. I like the lovely & small. My woman is running on a single 1.6 ghz processor like I used to, and we found in our windows days that it was too much of a strain. Skype & google video chat took up too much of our processor resources, and even oovoo and vsee were strained. Puppy with this version of linphone seems to work much, much better. Lately we've liked using luvcview to choose the visual preferences of contrast, light & dark & color, & then starting this version of linphone. The choices we make seem to stick and we can have a chat in soft grays & black & white if we like. Very nice.

#23 Post by gcmartin »

Is there "any" possibility that 3.7 intends to be cross-platform? (cross-platform in today's world means smartPhones/smartTablets/smartTVs as well as traditional PCs).

If so, and its fast, functional, and stable would provide a good future path for them.
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#24 Post by stray_dog »

Hello gcmartin!

At a glance, it looks like 3.7 doesn't intend to be cross-platform but just for desktop. But they have released versions 2.1.1 for Android, 2.1.2 for iOS phones, and 1.0.2 for Windows Phone 8, I'm not sure what those versions are built like though.
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#25 Post by Smithy »

3.6.1 is the dogs nutz, so flexible, nat, stun, sip etc, just needs a skype plugin for those people welded to that platform :wink: I know that 'aint gonna happen.

As regards cross platform, Linn on Windows is very crashy, but I found one that has been succesful with just one runtime error (still continues to function but don't hit the close button) and only SRTP available.
It is an alpha or beta test though.
Not sure about tablety things and Android.

Puppy to Puppy is better sound quality and stable as heck!
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#26 Post by Roy »

Folks, I really hate to be the idiot here, but I am having trouble with this.

I'm attempting to help another person running Fatdog 600 (I think), and have smokey01's linphone-3.6.1-glx-x86_64.sfs loaded.

I created an account at and put in a username, password, and "" for the domain. I can see my own video, but cannot make a call to their echo service (using this linphone).

I want to use the encryption (ZDRV?) in linphone for a puppy-to-puppy connection when I travel, but need to get it working first. Am I doing something wrong or just not doing something necessary?

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#27 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello Roy,

I registered an account with which was very easy.
In the Linphone preferences > network settings tab you have to make sure you select SIP (TLS) as the network protocol. It may be a good idea to set the port number to the TLS default of 5061 as well. If you use the normal SIP (UDP) or the SIP (TCP) then you won't be able to register on (and note that some other SIP providers won't register if you have it set to SIP (TLS).

You can also then select ZRTP encryption (actually I have never tried to use encryption in Linphone before, but the libraries are included and others have reported that it does work).

When filling in the fields in the preferences GUI for adding your SIP account you have to use
and you should get a window pop up which asks you to enter your password.
I don't normally use the registration wizard, not sure if you need the sip: on the front if you do that.

If you have registered successfully you should get a message along the bottom of the Linphone main GUI.

Calling the echo test number of 9196 then works with a choice of no encryption or SRTP or ZRTP encryption apparently working.

Presumably then two users could be registered on and use each other's user names to call each other over an encrypted connection using Linphone.
You can easily see if Linphone is registered with
(33.84 KiB) Downloaded 357 times
Linphone in Slacko 5.7 registered with and calling echo test with ZRTP
(40.78 KiB) Downloaded 354 times
Oscar in England
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#28 Post by Roy »

Oscar Talks, et al,

Please accept my thanks for your help and my sincere apologies for my prolonged absence -- the person I have been helping had a stroke and has been quite a chore lately.

But I still cannot get Linphone to work on this end. Where you get the message, "Registration on <> successful", I get a notification that "Registration on <> failed; no response timeout".

I think my problem may be with not having a STUN server to input --or-- it might be with the "direct connection to the internet' option. I have tried both the IP assigned by the router and the IP shown at with the direct connection option without success.

Of course, it is also a possibility that the router needs to have a special port opened up internally -- which I know nothing about and have not done.

Again, please accept my apology for not responding sooner.

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#29 Post by OscarTalks »

Hello Roy,

Well as you can see I got it working in one Puppy (Slacko 5.7) in one computer but I must confess that I tried with other Puppies on the same machine and the same Puppy on another machine and I couldn't repeat the process successfully so there is still some unknown variable that I haven't quite got to grips with. Unless someone else knows the answer I will have to investigate further when I get some time and report back with any findings.

The STUN server is only for resolving the media ports and paths as far as I know so it should not be needed for the registration process. Your search engine of choice should give you lots of public STUN servers that you can use if you want to enter one. I often use but there are loads of others. Depending on your router you may find that the "direct connection" option works better.

The field for an IP address is for your external (WAN) IP which needs to be static and normally you would leave this blank and not be using it (since you are working via a SIP provider).

Usually you don't need to do any port forwarding in your router but you can if you want. This involves defining ports in Linphone and if you do this you would then use the "direct connection" option and definitely NOT the STUN server. This is useful if you have more than one Linphone running in your LAN and you want to make sure that each has been allocated separate ports that won't clash. You may also wish to try opening the ports in your Puppy firewall if it is running.
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#30 Post by OscarTalks »

To Anyone Interested In Cross-Platform

I recently acquired my first ever Android SmartPhone and have installed Linphone on it. It is working brilliantly for calls between SmartPhone and Puppy. Video Calling (VP8 codec) works fine and so does the Instant Messaging.
Oscar in England

#31 Post by gcmartin »

OscarTalks wrote:To Anyone Interested In Cross-Platform

I recently acquired my first ever Android SmartPhone and ....
Check PM
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