Puppy Translator of the Year (2014)

For efforts in internationalising Puppy and solving problems in this area

Who has contributed most to Puppy internationalisation?

Xanad ~ Italian
icake ~ traditional and simplified Chinese
vicmz ~ Spanish, Portuguese, Italian!
L18L ~the father of Puppy translation
Barry ~ the creator of momanager
Other ~please post your ideas.
Total votes: 16

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Re: translateurs, traduisez, svp !

#21 Post by L18L »

Pelo wrote:pouvez vous nous dire de quoi il s'agit ? :D
Mais oui. Who has contributed most to Puppy internationalisation?
Qui a le plus contribué à l'internationalisation de Puppy?

l'internationalisation explique et traduit en 30 (exception canadienne) langues:
http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internationalisation_%28informatique%29 wrote:L'internationalisation d'un logiciel (abrégé par i18n) consiste à préparer son adaptation à des langues et des cultures différentes. Contrairement à la régionalisation, qui nécessite surtout des compétences en langues (il s'agit de traduire), l'internationalisation est un travail essentiellement technique mené par des programmeurs. Le but est de produire un programme qui puisse être immédiatement déployé dans différentes langues en ajoutant simplement un nouveau fichier de traduction.
Qui a le plus contribué à l'internationalisation de Puppy?
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#22 Post by Bert »

Chèr Pelo,

Not much to add to what L18L explained.

Maybe this: as Musher tried to explain to you in the French section, this is meant to be light-hearted. Sometimes a bit of humour is the best way to open new doors.

I just wanted to get some amazing 2014 translators into the spotlight.
( hello icake, are you reading this ? :wink: ) (probably not, he's busy translating another puplet.. :shock: :D .)

As you know from your work helping with the Spanish translation, translating Puppy is not for the faint-hearted.

This crazy "poll" is just my way of saying thank you to the (2014) translators. Nothing more.

"Nothing more" is not completely true: there has been some discussion here in the forum about going back to an "English-only" Puppy. While I understand the technically valid arguments to do so, to get back to the faster-than-lightspeed-puppy we all fell in love with, easier to maintain for developers, less buggy, etc, I cannot accept this anglo-centric direction.

As xanad explained so well, offering a quality 100% translation opens up a whole new audience (user group) for Puppy.

I also think this little topic could lead to a few urgently needed new forum threads:

1. xanad's proposal for a centralized translators space (isn't ASRI working on this?)

2. xanad's idea to review how developers are coding with or without internationalization in mind. And how we should finally try to find a consensus how to go ahead.

We will have to resolve the problem some developers express: internationalization slows down and complicates Puppy. They are right. The gettext system is all we have and it's very good for its purposes. What can be done to bridge this conflict?

3. As L18L says, first start-up window of any distro should be the question: "choose your language" All popular distros do it this way, followed by the second question: "keyboard?"
Can Puppy implement this without growing the iso to 800mb and without sacrificing its soul?

Why do I always get the word "grenache" in my head when I read a Pelo post? :lol:


Chèr Pelo,

Pas grand chose à ajouter à ce que L18L a expliqué.

Peut-être ceci: comme Musher a essayé d'expliquer dans la section française, ceci n'est pas trop sérieux. Parfois un peu d'humour est le meilleur moyen d'ouvrir de nouvelles portes.

Je voulais juste mettre les étonnants 2014 [/ b] traducteurs dans le projecteur.
(Bonjour icake, si tu lis ceci: wink:) (probablement pas, il est occupé à traduire une autre puplet ..: shock::. D)

Comme tu sais de ton travail à la traduction en espagnol, traduction Puppy n'est pas pour les timides.

Ce "sondage" fou, c'est juste ma façon de dire merci aux traducteurs (2014). Rien de plus.

"Rien de plus" n' est pas tout à fait vrai: il ya eu des discussions ici dans le forum à propos de revenir à un «anglais seulement» Puppy. Même si je comprends les arguments techniquement valides de le faire, pour revenir à la plus rapide que lightspeed-toutou nous sommes tous tombés en amour avec, plus facile à maintenir pour les développeurs, moins buggé, etc.,mais je ne peux pas accepter ce sens anglo-centrique.

Comme xanad a si bien expliqué, offrant une traduction 100% de qualité ouvre un tout nouveau public (groupe d'utilisateurs) pour Puppy.

Je pense aussi que ce petit sujet pourrait conduire à quelques nouvelles discussions sur le forum:

1. La proposition de xanad pour un espace de traducteurs centralisée (est-ce que ASRI ne travaille sur ça?)

2. L'idée de xanad d'examiner comment les développeurs codent avec ou sans l'internationalisation à l'esprit. Et comment nous devrions enfin essayer de trouver un consensus comment progresser.

Nous aurons à résoudre le problème, certains développeurs expriment: l'internationalisation ralentit et complique Puppy. Ils ont raison. Le système de gettext est tout ce que nous avons et c'est très bon pour ses fins. Que peut-on faire pour combler ce conflit?

3. Comme le dit L18L, première start-up fenêtre de n' importe quelle distribution devrait être la question: "Choisissez votre langue" Toutes les distributions populaires font de cette façon, suivie par la deuxième question: "clavier"
Puppy peut mettre en œuvre ça sans augmenter l'iso à 800mb et sans sacrifier son âme?

Pourquoi est-ce que j'ai toujours le mot "grenache" dans ma tête quand je lis un message de Pelo? :lol:

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#23 Post by musher0 »

Salut, Bert ! | Hi, Bert!

La marque canadienne était celle d'un confiseur, pas d'un vin ! :lol: | The Canadian brand was that of a candy-maker, not of a wine!
Le nom "Grenache" me rappelle de bons souvenirs de mon enfance ! :lol: Ils faisaient une délicieuse tartinade au caramel !
| The "Grenache" name brings back happy memories from my childhood! :lol: They made a delicious caramel spreadl
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#24 Post by musher0 »

Doublon. Désolé ! | Double post. Sorry!

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#25 Post by xanad »

Hello Bert, your conclusions are correct.
But maybe it's time to take a step forward. How many translators are available to create a development team?
Who is willing to join the team?
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#26 Post by Bert »

xanad wrote:Hello Bert, your conclusions are correct.
But maybe it's time to take a step forward. How many translators are available to create a development team?
Who is willing to join the team?
Ciao xanad,

Well it looks like not many volunteers are coming forward :wink:
Maybe the goal and the work to be done should be explained some more in a new thread?

I would join the team, although I am not very active in translating these days.
What I like most about teams working together is the coffee breaks :)

Seriously, if we could show the advantages of cooperating and show how it would actually lead to less work for the individual translator, the translators would join immediately.
I guess as it is looking now, starting a new team looks like adding more work and trouble for translators.
(my head is still dizzy from looking at git weeks ago :wink: )

Let's start a new thread about this, trying to define the goals.

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#27 Post by Bert »

Some rough ideas:
  • A central place for ALL sources needed by translators
    Creating a step-by-step guide for beginning translators
    Automatic download and install of the latest language pack
    Choosing L18L's QuickSetup as the default QuickSetup
    Language packs in the repository are rolling releases, getting better all the time
    Convincing Puppy developers to do like Barry: include all stuff translators need in the distro
    Enjoying a slice of icake together regularly
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#28 Post by Bert »

Hi xanad and all,

Is it safe to say no one is interested in a new translators central place?

A place for refreshing ideas and to better organize and streamline Puppy translation?

As no one showed interest I will not start a new thread about a possible translators development team.

Ora pro nobis :wink:
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#29 Post by musher0 »

Bert wrote:Hi xanad and all,

Is it safe to say no one is interested in a new translators central place?

A place for refreshing ideas and to better organize and streamline Puppy translation?

As no one showed interest I will not start a new thread about a possible translators development team.

Ora pro nobis :wink:
Hi, Bert.

Flectamus genua... ;) But I wouldn't pray the Lord to take over the translation of Puppy
just yet!

Your project is interesting. Count me in for French. It's just that translation is for the
most part a solitary job. "Translators are the monks of the publishing world." We're used
to working each in our little cavern, with sometimes a corresponding wicked
Neanderthal character! :)

Who'd be the project manager? One per language? One for the entire project?
(Just asking.)


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#30 Post by xanad »

My membership is safe. :D
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#31 Post by Bert »

Three members is a team :)
Let's roll..

@Musher0: it's not "my" project.
It all started with some "utopean" remarks by xanad earlier in this thread, which really made sense to me.

As for the leadership, we've been looking for a neo-neanderthaler.
It was soon decided the overall leader will be musher0. (But we still have to tell him)

What can we do as step one?
Maybe keep it simple and start with a wish list? And then sort that into short term and long term manageable projects?
Here in this forum or somewhere else? (e.g. Nabble?)

And don't we need a name for this translators' project?
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#32 Post by musher0 »

Thanks for the vote! I accept!
Thanks Bert and xanad for stiking your head out! :)

How about:
Project Canis-Cane ?
(Latin for dog) :) Nah, does not sound old enough.


Project TrogloDog14 ?
Because of idea association with carbon14, will sound "active" even when ide l ! (We'll
see about that...) :) Also contains the year of creation in the title. I sort of like this one.

Any other ideas?

What's Nabble? Ah, I see http://www.nabble.com/

For any site, my only reservation would be that the site is
* somewhat permanent
* has as many of the following features as possible
  • lots of storage space
    an easy follow-up system (% translated ?)
    forum with threads and even sub-threads (helps to organize thoughts)
    home page to expose our "charter" to Puppyists and the world
(I say chat,,, not necessarily for me, I only tolerate it. But some people really like it
as a working or collaborative tool. And sometimes a typical forum is not the best way
to exchange flowing ideas.) (Only my 2¢.)

I'm sure I missed something...

So... let's get to work!


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#33 Post by musher0 »

ASRI has also been active on this front. He's created a gitHub for translations.
Maybe ask him to join?
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#34 Post by musher0 »

I propose vicmz be voted in as Treasurer, because he likes euros AND dollars. :)
http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... ost#812087
Who seconds? :)
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#35 Post by Bert »

Hi musher0,

When I wrote
As for the leadership, we've been looking for a neo-neanderthaler.
It was soon decided the overall leader will be musher0. (But we still have to tell him)
, that was meant jokingly...this is Puppy Linux, so who needs a leader..? :)

I think the name of this project should say what the project is about: something like Puppy Translators Corner or similar. Anyway we have no project yet, let's start with the goals, plenty of time left to find a name.

To keep the workload minimal, my own preference would be to use this forum for the time being. If things evolve, we'll see about what site/repo/forum would be best.

Xanad's two "utopias" are the best base as a starting point. Those are already two big trees, allowing plenty of branches to grow from them.

Vicmz is a great linguist...those usually make lousy Treasurers :) He would create a perfect multilingual powerpoint on how to translate dollars to euros..

Of course the doors of our little project are wide open to vicmz, ASRI and all other translators. I think we have some work to do first, to make the project visible and appealing.

That's in short what I think at the moment.
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#36 Post by L18L »

I wish you a good start,
start with the goals is very good.
If I had time...

Fully occupied with canis crassus at the moment
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#37 Post by Bert »

L18L wrote:I wish you a good start,
start with the goals is very good.
If I had time...

Fully occupied with canis crassus at the moment
Ha, the momanager maintenance man :wink:

Thanks for your wishes.

It's fun to see my dutch translation more or less working in the Canis Crassus menu. Does the rest of the langpack have a similar (66%?) success rate?

Enjoy your Foie Gras, correction, Chien Gras.

BFN, as musher0 would say.
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#38 Post by ASRI éducation »

musher0 wrote:ASRI has also been active on this front. He's created a gitHub for translations.
Maybe ask him to join?
You can count on me.
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#39 Post by xanad »

Cave canem! :D
I think that the first thing to do even the simplest would be to open a new thread for the welcome and support to new translators. Where to read the basic rules to begin ... momanager, DevX, poedit, gettext, etc .... and above all as done for me by vicmz a kind of 'Caronte' accompanying the translator in the low group hell: LC_MESSAGES! :twisted:
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#40 Post by Bert »

ASRI éducation wrote: You can count on me.
That's great ASRI.
Thank you.
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