[HowTo] Install Skype on Puppy

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#101 Post by jhecht »

rufwoof wrote:Is there any way you can boot another vmlinuz/initrd to your usual one? i.e. do you have grub4dos or a PXE server that you can net boot from?
Wow, rufwoof - what a precise, detailed, lengthy reply! Thank you! :)

Some of your ideas are a little advanced for me, so I'll break my reply up into several discrete posts.

I know (after research) that vmlinuz is a compressed Linux kernel, and initrd is the startup ramdisk thingy, but have no idea how to change them, and have never worked with either one. Grub4dos >is< included in my new Puppy loadup,

Thanks again rufwoof - Puppy users are the >best< support group I've ever found! And I'm a pro desktop computer tech working on both Window$ and Macinto$h for $$$, so I talk to a lot of user groups...

More in my next post.
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#102 Post by anikin »

jhecht wrote:...Opened terminal and typed code >exactly< as shown above,...
You can just copy the text and insert/paste it into the terminal by simultaneously pressing the left shift and insert keys on the keyboard.
jhecht wrote:- Puppy users are the >best< support group I've ever found!
Very much true! ... provided, of course, you don't exclude Semme from the list.
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#103 Post by rufwoof »

jhecht wrote:I know (after research) that vmlinuz is a compressed Linux kernel, and initrd is the startup ramdisk thingy, but have no idea how to change them, and have never worked with either one. Grub4dos >is< included in my new Puppy loadup,
vmlinuz is the kernel, initrd is initialise ramdisk into which a cut down linux is loaded and then that small linux has disk drivers loaded and it scans for puppy sfs which is a squashed file system containing the main full (well large) linux, drivers etc. Grub4dos needs pointers to where those vmlinuz and initrd files are located and you can list more than one set so that when you boot the menu can be scrolled through to pick which one you want to load/boot.

To try another puppy for instance you can download perhaps the ISO and click on that to open it and copy the vmlinuz, initrd.xx and usually puppyxxx.sfs files to a directory somewhere say called puppy_lighthouse and then edit grub4dos menu.lst to add that choice i.e. point kernel to /puppy_lighthouse/vmlinuz and initrd to /puppy_lighthouse/initrd.gz. So you don't have to burn CD after CD trying different puppy's.

BTW I've changed and uploaded a new version of the files I outlined earlier,. all you now require is the initrd.lzo and vmlinuz from that http://tinyurl.com/ngf6snn link. initrd.lzo is the big one of the two at around 180MB.

If/once you get that booting via grub4dos and assuming you have a modest PC with >1.5GB of ram - and your bandwidth isn't limited/restricted, then in the HOME directory (/root) there's a file called wgetoffice. SINGLE click that and it will pull down the 500MB office file and install that, Once that finishes downloading you'll have Skype, Libre Office, Openshot video editor, Blender 3D animation, Audacity sound editing, XvidCap screen video recorder as well as PXE server etc. The main menu (bottom left) will run as intended in that new version with no further adjustments being required.

That puppy isn't intended to use a save file i.e. it boots the exact same each and every time. If you make changes they'll be lost (no persistence). One choice however is to remaster i.e. menu, config, remaster which will create new version of initrd.lzo and vmlinuz in the /root directory that you can use to replace the original ones that you booted from (actually vmlinuz remains unchanged so its only initrd.lzo that needs to be swapped out). Depending upon your PC it takes typically 30 seconds to 1 minute for the remaster process to run through. Best to always keep copies of original initrd.lzo to hand just in case you foul things up. As you add more stuff however remastering takes longer (and the amount of time to boot increases). i.e. if you remastered with all those Skype, Libre ...etc apps installed the initrd.lzo would grow to be very big and take a while to boot. What many do therefore is keep the sfs's separate i.e. that wgetoffice script downloads officelzop1.sfs into the /OFFICE directory and if you copied that to hard disk then next time you boot you don't have to download it but can just navigate to where you stored it on the hard disk and right-click it and select the load sfs option.

Others use savefiles that record changes so that the changes remain persistent across reboots. Yet others do full installs. I don't particularly like either of those choices myself as I like to play around with the system/programs and prefer the option of a reboot resetting back to a working system by default, and remastering if I want to make any changes persistent.
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#104 Post by jhecht »

anikin wrote:
jhecht wrote:- Puppy users are the >best< support group I've ever found!
Very much true! ... provided, of course, you don't exclude Semme from the list.
I don't exclude anybody - even folks I have a (hopefully) temporary disjunction with. Everybody has bad days...

All I ask is that other Puppyians show civility in their replies. I try to offer courtesy to all - even if I disagree with them - and expect it in return. I think that's an appropriate viewpoint...
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#105 Post by jhecht »

rufwoof wrote: vmlinuz is the kernel, initrd is initialise ramdisk into which a cut down linux is loaded and then that small linux has disk drivers loaded and it scans for puppy sfs which is a squashed file system containing the main full (well large) linux, drivers etc...
Thanks for your detailed and erudite post - I'll reply in more depth asap.

Have you ever considered writing an e-book on Linux? You know Linux well, and write in a clear, understandable style. My techy book on wiring earned me a few thousand bucks - maybe a Linux e-book could net you a few dineros. FWIW, I'm a good editor (grin).

But for now, I'd like to focus on my immediate need, which is to get Skype installed on my friend's Netbook (if possible) or get a Skype alternative working, and get it back to her, so she can use it. My friend is smart, but non-technical - doesn't want to experiment, just wants things to work, once she's learned how to use them.

In my ignorance, I did a full install of Slacko Puppy 5.7.0, thinking it would be more robust, and even went so far as to create a swap partition. I also installed TeamViewer 9, as the install seemed to go better than the TV 10 install, but I'm hazy on the details.

That's all working well, so my next issue is Skype or a Skype alternative. Given that the computer is going to a smart but not techy person, what do you think my best option is for Skype-like functions? The Skype is mainly for my remote support, and a few friends she has, so if another program or a website is easier to work with, I'm happy to switch. Your advice? Thanks!
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#106 Post by OscarTalks »

jhecht wrote:so my next issue is Skype or a Skype alternative.
There is no alternative that I know of if the person needs to be able to talk to other people who are using Skype.

I would have expected my apulse version (as mentioned earlier in this thread) to work. If you have previously installed one of those workaround packages for an older Skype in a full install it may be that something left over from that is causing the connection problem.

If you know what Skype package it was you could download it and unpack it to reveal all the file structure and then just go through and delete everything manually from your system. It shouldn't be too complicated as a lot of it will just all be in one directory. Make sure to also delete directory and contents /root/.Skype as well as others have mentioned (not sure if you have done that).
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#107 Post by jhecht »

OscarTalks wrote:
jhecht wrote:so my next issue is Skype or a Skype alternative.
There is no alternative that I know of if the person needs to be able to talk to other people who are using Skype.
Sorry, I was not being clear. It is possible for both me, and any person I need to talk with, to >switch< from Skype to any other (free) program, or use a website to enable two-way speech. Video is nice, but not essential.
OscarTalks wrote:I would have expected my apulse version (as mentioned earlier in this thread) to work. If you have previously installed one of those workaround packages for an older Skype in a full install it may be that something left over from that is causing the connection problem.
Your version may well work, I'll try it.
OscarTalks wrote:If you know what Skype package it was you could download it and unpack it to reveal all the file structure and then just go through and delete everything manually from your system. It shouldn't be too complicated as a lot of it will just all be in one directory. Make sure to also delete directory and contents /root/.Skype as well as others have mentioned (not sure if you have done that).
(sigh) I should flog myself to make work notes as I go along - but I didn't. I currently have a new Puppy install on the Netbook, with no Skype packages. Could you give me a link to your apulse version, so I can get it quickly for a test? That way I don't to search lots of pages for your download link. Many thanks!
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#108 Post by OscarTalks »

You can use a SIP softphone for calls to (theoretically) any other SIP softphone. I really like Linphone which has video if you want it. We also have PSIP Puppy Phone which works very well for audio but does not do video.
My Skype and Linphone packages are all in my Smokey01 repo here:-
You have the Skype with apulse (try first) or the Skype with pulseaudio for Slacko (14.0) and the Linphone for Slacko 5.6 will work in 5.7 but you should experiment to see if the original build or the xv build gives you video (enable self view to see if you get an image).
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#109 Post by jhecht »

OscarTalks wrote:My Skype and Linphone packages are all in my Smokey01 repo here:-
You have the Skype with apulse (try first) or the Skype with pulseaudio for Slacko (14.0) and the Linphone for Slacko 5.6 will work in 5.7 but you should experiment to see if the original build or the xv build gives you video (enable self view to see if you get an image).
I d/l the skype- 4.0.pet package, and it >installed< and runs Skype. Yay! Very >many< thanks! Now I need to test it. Stay tuned for late-breaking news. Is that the second package you meant? I may not have gone down the list far enough to see the first package.

UPDATE: Skype installed and runs. Can even do text both ways, so not too shabby. BUT - on the Linux side, can't hear, mic doesn't work, can't use the built in webcam either. I >was able to hear< music I d/l or played from a CD, so I think hearing problem is Skype, not system. Now I have the same problems as everybody else. :( Your advice, please?
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#110 Post by greengeek »

To see if your webcam is functional in Slacko open a terminal and enter the following:

mplayer tv:///dev/video0

or this:

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0

It is just a basic test, but you should see the webcam output.
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#111 Post by jhecht »

greengeek wrote:To see if your webcam is functional in Slacko open a terminal and enter the following:

mplayer tv:///dev/video0

or this:

mplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video0

It is just a basic test, but you should see the webcam output.
You score bonus points greengeek! :) The first (shorter) string fails, with the message 'file not found'. With the (longer) second string, the camera works. Now why no workee in Skype? Typical built in Netbook webcam, not a USB plugin thingy.

FWIW, I have observed a perennial law that applies to this situation, and most of life as well. It goes:

Every problem has a solution.
Every solution creates TWO new problems.

E.g. - problem - camera doesn't work.
solution - test camera & it works

New problem 1 - why doesn't it work in Skype?
New problem 2 - how can I make it work in Skype?

You may call this Hechtman's Law, and invoke it as needed for sanity. (grin)
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#112 Post by OscarTalks »

jhecht wrote: Is that the second package you meant? I may not have gone down the list far enough to see the first package.
On my netbook that Skype-with-pulseaudio package works OK if I plug a mic or headset into the jack socket but it does NOT recognise the internal mic.

If you can't get it to work I suggest you try uninstalling that one and installing this apulse one instead-
http://smokey01.com/OscarTalks/skype-4. ... ko14.0.pet
This was the one I meant as the first one to try.
Obviously you also need to make sure your capture settings are correct (mic selected as the input and capture level turned up) in retrovol or alsamixer.
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#113 Post by jhecht »

OscarTalks wrote: On my netbook that Skype-with-pulseaudio package works OK if I plug a mic or headset into the jack socket but it does NOT recognise the internal mic.

If you can't get it to work I suggest you try uninstalling that one and installing this apulse one instead-
http://smokey01.com/OscarTalks/skype-4. ... ko14.0.pet
This was the one I meant as the first one to try.
Obviously you also need to make sure your capture settings are correct (mic selected as the input and capture level turned up) in retrovol or alsamixer.
Done - and some progress, now I can >hear< sound, but no mic. Will check settings/second mic & report back. Thanks again!

UPDATE - still no mic, but good (clean) playback.
-Tried 2nd (USB) mic & bypassed internal mic - no change, can hear playback, but no mic level.
-It seems necessary to run 'Sound Wizard' and click 'Adjust Levels' to get Alsa Mixer.
-Accessed Alsa Mixer, but Mic/Mic Boost have zero levels and cannot adjust them.
-Found an optional package in Puppy Pkg Mgr (Aumix 2.9.1) but it needs a proggie called 'GPM' - is this worth trying?
-Retrovol does not appear in Puppy Pkg Mgr.

Skype notes
-In Options/Sound Devices
Mic = Pulse Audio server (local)
Speakers = Pulse Audio server (local)

In Skype menu under Skype/Options/Sound Devices, I get a dialog box that says: "It appears your system has Pulse Audio running. To change volume settings you need to use your Desktop Manger, or Pulse Audio volume control.

Problem is I can't find the Desktop Manger, or Pulse Audio volume control.
What should I try next?

Also - all these tests are with an external mic, connecting via USB, that has worked on other computers, if that is helpful info.

Comments? Suggestions? Yet more thanks... Why is this so gnarly?

Is it time for Linphone yet? I'm never sure when to stop debugging, and try something else...
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#114 Post by greengeek »

jhecht wrote: Why is this so gnarly?
Is it time for Linphone yet? I'm never sure when to stop debugging, and try something else...
As long as you have the patience to continue with this there will be forward progress. If you can't get the apulse or pulseaudio versions to work the way you want there is always the alsa version to fall back on.

We are nowhere near finished with you yet :-)

At least we know for sure that your cpu and webcam are up to the job - the rest is just a matter of time.


ps: Whichever version of Skype (or indeed Linphone) you choose to use you will still need to set your mixer correctly. I have no experience with pulseaudio but I know it is easy with alsa. If you do end up going back to an alsa version here is my summary of how best to do it. It looks daunting the first time, but it's dead easy. Just follow the exact order of events:

1) Boot with your 5.7.0 CD and enter the boot parameter of:
puppy pfix=ram
(This will ensure Puppy ignores your existing installation)

2) Run the 'connect' wizard from the desktop icon and get your internet connected.

3) Run mhwaveedit from the multimedia menu and use it to set your mic parameters as follows:

- Menu, Multimedia, mhWaveEdit audiorecorder, then click on the 'play' tab and you will see the 'record' option.
- Click the 'record' option and you will be given a choice of formats to record in. Choose CD quality.
- You should now see a couple of VU meters. If you talk normally and see the meter needles jump then your mic must be selected and your alsa settings are probably about right already. If you do not see the needles move as expected then it is necessary to use the mixer to make adjustments:
NOTE : You have two mixers available to you : Alsmixer, and also Retrovol. Both have advantages so be prepared to use both.

- If you look at the vu meter window you will see a button for "Launch Mixer". Click this and it will bring up Retrovol mixer. Given your past experience you will probably figure out exactly which controls to activate.
Just bear in mind that Retrovol is only a gui for alsa and may not show all of the available controls. Sometimes it is necessary to open alsamixer instead - but alsamixer uses some odd keystrokes to enable/diasble sliders and activate functions so we will go there only if Retrovol doesn't give you the control you need.

- In using Retrovol keep this in mind - the controls near the top are for playback (including the first mic slider) whereas the ones below (and including) the 'capture' slider are related to input/recording. (each slider is ignored till you tick the associated checkbox).

- Once you have got your mixer settings correct you will see the VU meters respond as you would expect.
- It is not necessary to actually record with mhWaveEdit - we are just using it for it's VU capability. However, if you want to confirm how the playback actually sounds click the "Start Recording" button. (Ask for more mhwaveedit help if you need it..)

- Once you are happy that the mixer is set correctly proceed with the rest of the Skype install:

4) Download my Slacko 570 Skype combo pet from this post
(Saving it to /root is probably the best idea)
Click the .pet and let it install.

5) Run 'skypelogin' from the internet menu and do the following:

- agree to the skype terms
- enter your username and password
- tick the 'log me in each time skype starts' (tiny checkbox visble at bottom of login screen when you enter your username/password)
- click 'login'

Skype 4.3 will log you in and display your contacts, then at the end of the 45 seconds it will close down and automatically login Skype 4.2 (which will run with alsa instead of needing pulseaudio as 4.3 does)

Like I said - this is guaranteed to work - and if it doesn't I'm going to grab a plate and a bottle of Tabasco sauce and eat my hat!

EDIT : of course this is just the way to test in Live session without savefile - if it is suitable for your needs you can do the same setup on your installed Puppy (just uninstall the pulseaudio version of skype first)
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#115 Post by jhecht »

greengeek wrote:As long as you have the patience to continue with this there will be forward progress. If you can't get the apulse or pulseaudio versions to work the way you want there is always the alsa version to fall back on.

We are nowhere near finished with you yet :-)

At least we know for sure that your cpu and webcam are up to the job - the rest is just a matter of time..
I'm working my way through your delightfully detailed instructions. Many thanks!

I'll post with more info as I get it.


-Worked my way through the Retrovol/Mixer instructions, and got the VU meters to go bouncy, bouncy from internal mic input on new Puppy Netbook. Nice! :)
-On new 5.7.0 Puppy install (to HD, not pfx=ram boot) I installed Skype. It runs, and sees me in the contact list as 'offline' - even though the Skype icon on my Win 7 computer is green. Nor will the Skype test call work on her Netbook. Her other contacts >do< show in the contact list, but all as offline - which may be possible.
-Same problem on my Skype - my friend Alison (Ali for brevity) shows as 'offline' even though the Skype icon on her Netbook is green.
-Skype test call OK on my computer.
-Skype test call NOT OK on Ali's Netbook, even though Skype runs, and test call has a green icon in the contacts.
-So in other words, both of us show Skype as OK on our own machines, but Ali's Skype will not do the test call, nor connect to me. My Skype seems OK.
-I'm truly baffled - suggestions?
-Yet more thanks in advance for yet more help! :)


I noticed that the Skype install on Ali's (Puppy) computer is This despite my ardent efforts to follow your 4.3/4.2/switcheroo install instructions. My (Win 7) Skype is version Could the 4.3 install be the problem?
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#116 Post by greengeek »

If it is showing version then that means the previous skype pet is still installed.

EDIT : Ignore that comment - is the correct version. I will have to think more about the symptom you are getting. You said the Skype test call failed on her netbook - what exactly failed? Did any part of that call work ok?

EDIT 2: Don't know if it helps, but there are various Skype options settings that you may need to change for your system to work correctly. Worth having a look at the following:

- Auto-accept files

- Tick "Allow my status to be shown on the web"

Sound Devices:
- May want to untick "Allow Skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels"

Video Devices:
- May want to activate "Start my video automatically when I am in a call" and also set who is allowed to receive video

- Turn off "Check for updates on startup"
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#117 Post by jhecht »

greengeek wrote:I will have to think more about the symptom you are getting. You said the Skype test call failed on her netbook - what exactly failed? Did any part of that call work ok?
Pardon my delay in replying - life intruded on me (grin).

I have tested sound playback volume, and I can hear sound from an mp-4 (video) file. But i can NOT seem to record my voice.

The Skype test call fails in every way. It does not show as connecting, and I cannot hear the Skype message to me, nor does my reply register. Also, Ali shows in >my< Skype as offline, even though the Skype icon in her taskbar is green. This is despite trying several different downloads and versions of Skype.

The Skype icon in Ali's taskbar shows green, and even shows her list of contacts. And I know the Internet connection works, as I can browse the Web.

Further, Skype even shows Ali's contacts, so that much of it is somewhat working. But all her contacts (including me) show as offline - even though my own Skype icon is green. Further, Ali shows as offline in >my< Skype, even though her Skype taskbar icon is green. Somehow, somebody is not talkin' to somebody else...

The Retrovol/Configuration window shows the internal sound card as 'hw:1'. However, there are >no sliders< either active or inactive in the Retrovol/Configuration/hardware window. I accessed Retrovol by using Precord, but either it's not working right, or I'm missing something. I can start a recording and stop it, but when I try to play the recording, I get a 'playback error' message. And then I'm stumped...
greengeek wrote:Don't know if it helps, but there are various Skype options settings that you may need to change for your system to work correctly. Worth having a look at the following:
greengeek wrote:General:
- Auto-accept files
greengeek wrote:Privacy:
- Tick "Allow my status to be shown on the web"
greengeek wrote:Sound Devices:
- May want to untick "Allow Skype to automatically adjust my mixer levels"
greengeek wrote:Video Devices:
- May want to activate "Start my video automatically when I am in a call" and also set who is allowed to receive video
Done - and internal vid cam works.
greengeek wrote:Advanced:
- Turn off "Check for updates on startup"

The 'Advanced' tab / Connection settings are 'Use port 31507' and "Automatic Proxy Detection' is selected. The other proxy options are: 'HTTPS Proxy' and 'Socks Proxy' - which I assume are not appropriate?

Thanks for your continuing help - this is really kickin' my butt! :(
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#118 Post by greengeek »

jhecht wrote:The Skype test call fails in every way.
I think I am out of ideas unfortunately. The only thing I can suggest is to try a different version of Puppy on Ali's hardware. I do have a Slacko 5.6 derivative which has Skype already built in. I use it specifically for Skype - maybe that would be worth trying as a comparison?

If you are interested the download link is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/xrm26 ... eneric.iso

It's not something you would be using as an everyday puppy because it behaves somewhat differently as it is built for Windows refugees and deliberately limits some of the usual Puppy functionality - but maybe it would be worthwhile for a test? B3skype does not try to install itself - it is designed to run "live only" so it won't have any effect on your other puppy installations, or any of your files.

You would need to boot B3skype from CD, then test your mixer settings as described previously then try the skypelogin.

I am hopeful this would offer a clue or two that might help us work out why the Slacko 5.7.0 skype is struggling with that hardware.
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#119 Post by jhecht »

greengeek wrote:The only thing I can suggest is to try a different version of Puppy on Ali's hardware. I do have a Slacko 5.6 derivative which has Skype already built in. I use it specifically for Skype - maybe that would be worth trying as a comparison?
Sure - let's try it. :)
greengeek wrote:If you are interested the download link is here:
http://www.mediafire.com/download/xrm26 ... eneric.iso
I d/l the iso, burned a CD, and >tried< to connect to Skype, using both Ali's settings, and my own. No joy. :( I got the same 'Skype could not connect' error that I had on the Slacko 5.7 install. Then I logged out of Skype on my main computer, and logged back in, using the >same< username and password for myself as I tried on Ali's computer. That worked fine.

So now I am truly perplexed! Internet works fine on Ali's netbook with either your Slacko 5.6 CD, or the installed Slacko 5.7. But Skype does not work in either case on the netbook. That's true whether I select 'Skype' or 'Skypelogin' from the menu.
greengeek wrote:It's not something you would be using as an everyday puppy because it behaves somewhat differently as it is built for Windows refugees and deliberately limits some of the usual Puppy functionality - but maybe it would be worthwhile for a test? B3skype does not try to install itself - it is designed to run "live only" so it won't have any effect on your other puppy installations, or any of your files.
Just out of curiosity, is it >possible< to install your 5.6 variant? It won't help me here, until I get the Skype issue fixed, but might be a useful tool in my toolbox.
greengeek wrote:You would need to boot B3skype from CD, then test your mixer settings as described previously then try the skypelogin.
Did that & no workee. Boots as above, but no Skype functions. What is your experience with Linphone? Should I use the Debian package for a Puppy install?
greengeek wrote:I am hopeful this would offer a clue or two that might help us work out why the Slacko 5.7.0 skype is struggling with that hardware.
Anything I should look at and report on to help? Thanks again!
John Hechtman / www.zenarrow.com / jhecht@ix.netcom.com
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#120 Post by greengeek »

jhecht wrote:I d/l the iso, burned a CD, and >tried< to connect to Skype, using both Ali's settings, and my own. No joy. :( I got the same 'Skype could not connect' error that I had on the Slacko 5.7 install. Then I logged out of Skype on my main computer, and logged back in, using the >same< username and password for myself as I tried on Ali's computer. That worked fine.
It seems to me that your Skype account behaves differently to mine. I don't know why this is. Possibilities include:
1) Regional differences - maybe your local Skype server requires something mine doesn't?
2) Account settings differences - maybe we have different default settings and maybe the settings you have previously been using with your skype account are incompatible with the older version of Skype? I have always used basic settings and never tried to login via pulseaudio versions - maybe some setting on the server has been "set" and is not backwards compatible.
3) Age of the account. My skype account is a few years old and I guess it is possible that it behaves differently to logins that are more recent. Maybe it is worth trying to open a new account as a trial? I will try this myself aswell.
Just out of curiosity, is it >possible< to install your 5.6 variant?
Yes it is. I won't hijack the thread here but all you need to do is make a normal 'frugal' install and take care to include both of the sfs files eg, the b3skype sfs and also the "personalsettings_empty" sfs.
Note that b3skype does not ever save changes into a savefile. It boots into a generic state, then allows the user to run it's inbuilt personalisation script if desired. (Once that is done the user would replace the "personalsettings_empty" sfs with the newly personalised personalsettings sfs).
The whole point is that it never allows the puppy files to be altered except during that one original personalisation session - all sessions thereafter are 'dumped' so that it can not retain file corruptions, malware, passwords, browsing histyory or other problems during a session.
Of course it is not necessary to go through the personalisation routine unless you want to do so - I often use it in it's generic mode so that I know I am working with a standard 'generic' setup.
(Also b3skype includes Softmaker FreeOffice which explains the iso size - it's just that this is my favourite Office suite and I like to have it inbuilt)
What is your experience with Linphone?
Sorry, I have not used it yet. I've heard it is pretty good.
Anything I should look at and report on to help?
I am keen to know if you are able to adjust the mixer settings using b3skype on Ali's netbook. Can you get the mhwaveedit VU meters swinging using her inbuilt microphone?
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