Libre Office RoxApp/Portable

Word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, translation, etc.
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Libre Office RoxApp/Portable

#1 Post by rufwoof »

Download Libre423.tar.xz (141MB)

US/UK dictionaries included

Tested on Puppy Slacko 5.3.3 (jwm). May work ok under other 5.x Puppy's.

Extract Libre423.tar.xz somewhere (doesn't matter if the file system of the partition is ext2/3/4, f2fs (if the kernel can handle), ntfs or vfat). You can remove the archive Libre423.tar.xz after extracting. Extracted directory content size is around 613MB

Make the Libre423 folder executable

The Libre423 folder works as a ROX application i.e. clicking on the Libre423 directory launches Libre Office. It is seen as a app icon with a gear (right click and select Look Inside if you want to view the contents of the directory). Unfortunately it does not work as a ROX application on NTFS and you have to manually click on AppRun in the Libre423 directory to launch Libre.

Launching adds the word processor and spreadsheet choices to Puppy Menu, it also sets defaultwordprocessor and defaultspreadsheet to point to Libre writer and calc. (replaces existing copies of those scripts/files). A quick launcher should also appear in the tray. It also re-points Libre's config files that are normall stored under the root directory to copies in the RoxApp directory so that any Libre configuration changes are preserved across reboots.

Use at your own risk, backup first etc. (I'm no software developer/coder).

I Frugal/LiveCD ram boot Puppy with no save file and use this version of Libre together with Shinobar's Portable Firefox which are both installed outside of Puppy Space (on a ext4 HDD partition) - so any config changes etc are preserved across reboots.
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Last edited by rufwoof on Tue 30 Dec 2014, 17:05, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by rufwoof »

Here's another alternative, ooo4kids (82MB) which is a light weight version of LibreOffice with word processor, spreadsheet, presenter and draw. Despite its name its powerful - and yet quick (I guess through being lightweight i.e. spreadsheet only supports up to 256 rows, 64 columns).

Same install and run method as the previous posting. For this however I've added a right click menu option to clear recent history i.e. right click the ooo4kids gear icon and click Clear Recent History, so that files you've already previously loaded aren't shown in the Recent History list.

This uses a sfs which is loaded when run.

Includes US and UK dictionaries

Installs entries into Puppy Menu and replaces defaultspreadsheet and defaultwordprocessor with links to ooo4kids Calc and Writer
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Error in AppRun in Libre Office portable

#3 Post by Keisha »

AppRun, line 70, should read

$APP_DIR$PROG --quickstart &


$APP_DIR/$PROG --quickstart &
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#4 Post by neerajkolte »

Hi rufwoof,

I haven't downloaded this as I mostly run Fatdog.
But I saw this
rufwoof wrote:It is seen as a app icon with a gear
While making Opera Roxapp For my .sfs I found that.....

In a ROXapp if you take a icon and place it in the roxapp directory and rename it as ".DirIcon" it would be shown as Icon of that roxapp directory.
I do not know what formats work but I tried with 128x128 Opera.png file and it works.
I am attaching an Icon I found on net and I liked. Please see if it works.

- Neeraj
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#5 Post by rufwoof »


I'm not going to make those changes in the original upload so anyone that downloads will have to make the changes themselves. I'm too lazy to correct the AppRun script, reform the tar, upload to google drive and get a new share name and update the posting ... etc - especially as I don't think it matters too much??? (still seems to work) whether you have two or more // in the path, so not a critical thing. i.e. ls /root/Choices works the same as ls /root/////Choices - but yes obviously not tidy/clean.

Thanks again.
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#6 Post by rufwoof »

For info

I unsquashed/merged a load of single sfs's and mksquashfs'd a single sfs of all of those. Audacity, Blender, xvidcap, Qt, Skype, flash and of course Libre Office.

With more normal mksquashfs that turns out around a 350MB sfs file size, however my personal preference is to use light and fast compression, lzop level 1, which turns out a 500MB sfs.

What I'm now doing is creating a ramdisk under /tmp that matches that large sfs size, copying the sfs to there and sfs_loading that - so its memory bound.

I boot frugal, ram, no save file so puppy is also memory bound.

On my 1.5GB ram system that leaves me 750MB free - but everything loads and runs like lightening. I'm seeing Libre office (word, calc etc) firing up as quick as the memory bound default abiword that comes with nearly all puppy's. A big difference however is that puppy abiword is a cut down version of the full version and you can hit snags/bugs - versus full blown Libre, that also has other functionality (presenter, formula, database etc).

Whilst some say abiword and gnumeric are fast, as they're installed in puppy those programs are memory resident. Compared to other programs such as above that are also made memory resident and abi/gnu aren't as fast as some perhaps believe. If for instance you install full blown abi, gnumeric and inkscape - disk bound, they compare to libre disk bound speeds, utilise a lot of disk space and aren't as integrated with each other as well as what Libre is.

So next time someone says Libre's too slow compared to abi/gnu, ask them whether they've compared on a equal footing basis (all disk bound or all memory bound).

The code I'm using to load that office sfs (called officelzop1.sfs) is as follows. I do some linking out (sym links) of the respective programs config files/directories beneath /root as I said earlier I ram boot with no savefile, so that linking just helps preserve program configuration changes across reboots. The first check is to see whether the sfs has already been loaded previously, it then checks to ensure the office sfs is present and then further down it does the ram disk creation, file copy and sfs load etc. On frugal systems you have to create the ramdisk under /tmp otherwise it shows up in /initrd/pup_rw and free memory drops a lot.

Code: Select all

P="officelzop1.sfs" export P
    [[ `losetup | grep $P` ]] && T=1
    if [ $T -ne 1 ]; then
      if [ ! -f $APP_DIR/officelzop1.sfs ]; then
         yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg orange -fb black -text "$(gettext 'officelzop1.sfs not found - exiting')" &
         sleep 5
         kill $X3PID
      yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg orange -fb black -text "$(gettext 'Loading Office Module ... please wait')" &

      # Create ramdisk under /tmp (must be there otherwise fills up pup_rw on a frugal system)
      FILESIZE=$(stat -c%s "$APP_DIR/officelzop1.sfs")
      SIZE=`expr $FILESIZE / 1048576` # convert to MB 
      SIZE=`expr $SIZE + 1`           # Add on 1MB for good measure
      #make sure the mountpoint exists
      mkdir -p "$MOUNTPOINT"          
      #mount the ramdisk
      mount -t tmpfs -o size=${SIZE}m tmpfs "$MOUNTPOINT"
      # Note if required can unload ramdisk with umount "$MOUNTPOINT" (but unload sfs first)
      cp $APP_DIR/officelzop1.sfs /tmp/ramdisk/.
      # Load the SFS (using no copy)
      /usr/sbin/sfs_load -c -q /tmp/ramdisk/officelzop1.sfs
      if [ $APP_DIR != "/root" ]; then
        # Preserve config changes
        rm -rf /root/.audacity-data
        rm -rf /root/.openshot
        rm /root/.xvidcaprc
        rm -rf /root/.config/inkscape    
        rm /root/.xvidcaprc
        rm -rf /root/.Skype
        rm -rf /root/.config/libreoffice
        rm -rf /root/.config/Trolltech.conf
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.config/libreoffice /root/.config/libreoffice
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.audacity-data /root/.audacity-data
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.openshot /root/.openshot
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.xvidcaprc /root/.xvidcaprc
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.config/inkscape /root/.config/inkscape
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.Skype /root/.Skype
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.config/libreoffice /root/.config/libreoffice
        ln -s $APP_DIR/root/.config/Trolltech.conf /root/.config/Trolltech.conf
      kill $X3PID
      yaf-splash -close never -fontsize large -bg orange -fb black -text "$(gettext 'Office module already loaded')" &
      sleep 5
      kill $X3PID
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