GtkDialog - tips

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#961 Post by don570 »

Here is the way I tested my script.

1) I created a folder in /root called test

2) I ran the script so that the destination folder is /root/test

3) I trashed the folder

4) I ran the script again. I saw that the initial folder choice is /root/test
which may cause confusion. That is why I suggested that there be a
test of the existence of the destination folder
(Note that the file 'destination' holds the folder name including path)

Code: Select all

[ ! -d  $WORKDIR/destination ]  && echo "/root" > $WORKDIR/destination 

Your script is very clever. I never thought of doing it that way however
profession programmers prefer to modify configuration files
in case a write-to-disk operation is faulty. With your script the script would be damaged
and the entire app would have to be installed again.

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#962 Post by don570 »

OOps wrong :oops: I need to read the file with cat command

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[ ! -d  $(cat $WORKDIR/destination) ]  && echo "/root" > $WORKDIR/destination
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#963 Post by don570 »

I came across this Trusty Tahr version of gtkdialog ... 4_i386.deb

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#964 Post by inops »

Hi guys.

Any idea how I could get the "X" button in the top right of a window to a run a function, i.e. a confirmation of closing?

I know you can do this:

Code: Select all

for STATEMENTS in  $(gtkdialog --program DIALOG); do
if [ "$EXIT" = "abort" ]; then
  echo "You entered: $ENTRY."
but I want the GUI to stay while this is asked, to allow the user to go back to it if they click "no" on "Are you sure you want to close".

Thanks, Inops.
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#965 Post by don570 »

Any idea how I could get the "X" button in the top right of a window to a run a function
The only app that leaves Xwindows is Zigbert's ptiming
There's a button that the user clicks to leave X windows and put
up a digital clock. I think the user can come back to X windows???

I made an interesting app that doesn't leave X windows.
You might study it. I was learning how to use the togglebutton widget. ... 690#756690
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#966 Post by Bert »

Back to basics :wink:

I've been playing with zigbert's
5.) The benefits of a config file
in the first post of this thread.
Can someone explain why the contents of the config file become invisible in Geany? It changes to an invisible one-liner (security?).

I tested creating different config files for other scripts and they all become "invisible" as soon as the main script is activated.

Thanks for any help!
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#967 Post by MochiMoppel »

Bert wrote:Can someone explain why the contents of the config file become invisible in Geany? It changes to an invisible one-liner (security?)
The first code example Set status of Radiobuttons, Comboboxes... contains a bug. The last line

Code: Select all

gtkdialog -p main > $HOME/.testrc
writes the status/contents of the 3 widgets to the config file - provided you leave the dialog via the "OK" button. If you close it with Alt+F4 or with the X button, only the line EXIT="abort" will be written to the config file. The next time you try to open the dialog, it will not work at all and an empty string will be written to $HOME/.testrc. This is one way to create an "invisible one-liner". After the next try the dialog will then open with the default values (same as if no $HOME/.testrc exists). There are other ways to trash the config file, basically any error in gtkdialog will do.

IMO it would be better to test the output for EXIT="OK", and only in this case write the new defaults to $HOME/.testrc.
And while you play with it, you might want to replace the outdated combobox widget ("deprecated since GTK+ 2.4") with a comboboxtext or comboboxentry widget. This will eliminate the odd workaround to put the default item at the top of the list, which results in having this item in the list twice.

Here a quick fix of zigbert's code which should work better:

Code: Select all

#in case no testc file (first run), build the file 
 [ ! -s $HOME/.testrc ] && echo -e -n 'COMBOBOX="item 3"\nENTRY="default text"\nRADIOBUTTON1="false"\nRADIOBUTTON2="true"\n' > $HOME/.testrc 
 . $HOME/.testrc 
 #define comboboxtext list items 
 for I in 1 2 3 4; do COMBOBOX_ITEMS=`echo "$COMBOBOX_ITEMS<item>item $I</item>"`; done 
 export main=" 
 <window title="The benefits of a config file"> 
   <frame The first item of list is the default choice in a Combobox> 
   <frame If nothing else is set, the first radiobutton is the active one> 
     <label>Yes I am</label> 
     <label>No I'm not</label> 
   <frame Fetch entry-value from config file> 
    <button ok></button> 
 I=$IFS; IFS="" 
 for STATEMENTS in  $(gtkdialog -p main); do 
    eval $STATEMENTS 
 [ "$EXIT" = "OK" ] && echo -n "$STATEMENTS" > $HOME/.testrc  
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#968 Post by Bert »

What a perfectly helpful reply!

The problems you describe are exactly what I experienced.
MochiMoppel wrote:There are other ways to trash the config file, basically any error in gtkdialog will do.
Good to know :lol:

Thanks a lot, MochiMoppel!
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Go home widgets, you're drunk!

#969 Post by SFR »

Yet another useless, nice-looking though, trick. :wink:

Code: Select all


SIN=( $(awk 'BEGIN { for (i=0; i<=32; i++) printf("%.0f\n", sin(i*(3.14/16))*16+16)}') )

export MAIN='
<window resizable="false" width-request="300" height-request="300">
  <notebook show-tabs="false" show-border="false">
    '$(for i in {0..31}; do
      echo '
      <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+0)&31))]}'">
        <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+5)&31))]}'">
          <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+10)&31))]}'">
            <hbox homogeneous="true"><checkbox></checkbox></hbox>
            <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+15)&31))]}'">
              <hbox spacing="'${SIN[$((i&31))]}'" homogeneous="true">
              <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+20)&31))]}'">
                <hscale range-value="50"></hscale>
                <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+25)&31))]}'">
                  <vbox spacing="'${SIN[$(((i+30)&31))]}'">
                    <button ok></button>
    <input>echo $(( (varINDEX+1) & 31 ))</input>
  <timer visible="false" milliseconds="true" interval="50">

gtkdialog -p MAIN
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Re: Go home widgets, you're drunk!

#970 Post by radky »

SFR wrote:Yet another useless, nice-looking though, trick.
I'm very dizzy now! :D
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Re: Go home widgets, you're drunk!

#971 Post by zigbert »

SFR wrote:Yet another useless, nice-looking though, trick. :wink:
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#972 Post by xanad »

:shock: ahahahah.... gtk-vumeter or gtk-compiz or gtk-alert or gtk-warning or.....
[url][/url] Html5 Parallax
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#973 Post by mavrothal »

I do not have any tips to offer but I would appreciate one.
The clasic UI of PPM has the repos on top in a simple hbox as

Code: Select all

  <text><label>$(gettext 'Repo:')</label></text>

Code: Select all

# and 
REPOS_RADIO="${REPOS_RADIO}<radiobutton space-expand=\"false\" space-fill=\"false\"><label>${xREPOCUT}</label>
<action>/tmp/ ${REPOCUT}</action><action>/usr/local/petget/</action>
# This is a single line. Just added breaks so will not mess you web page

Code: Select all

so the window will not grow when we add more repos, works but the hight of the hbox is now very high (see pick) and no matter what options I tried I failed to make more narrow.

I do not really know if there is a magic option for the hbox or if some tag should be added to the <radiobutton> (tried few) to achieve this and I would appreciate any hint.
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#974 Post by LazY Puppy »

Try using the tag below in <vbox> and/or <hbox>:

Code: Select all

space-expand=\"true\" space-fill=\"true\"

Code: Select all

space-expand="true" space-fill="true"

Code: Select all

space-expand=\"false\" space-fill=\"false\"

Code: Select all

space-expand="false" space-fill="false"
or combinations etc...

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#975 Post by SFR »

@Mav: Hmm, <height></height> might help, but the problem is that what looks (more or less) good if scrollbar is visible, doesn't look so good if it's not visible.
Try this and then try again with width-request="600", to see what I mean:

Code: Select all

echo '
<window width-request="300">
  <hbox scrollable="true" homogeneous="true">
</window>' | gtkdialog -s
Perhaps hscrollbar-policy="0" (always visible) is the way to go..?

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#976 Post by mavrothal »

Thanks SFR, the <height> attribute did it.
(I was trying height-request that is apparently ignored)

What are you up to these days?... :wink:
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#977 Post by SFR »

mavrothal wrote:What are you up to these days?... :wink:
I took a vacation from Slacko for now and been playing with FD64 for last couple of months, although I'm still tracking what's going on in Woof-CE. 8)

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#978 Post by mavrothal »

SFR wrote:
mavrothal wrote:What are you up to these days?... :wink:
I took a vacation from Slacko for now and been playing with FD64 for last couple of months, although I'm still tracking what's going on in Woof-CE. 8)
If you are into 64s, I believe slacko64 is going to be an orphan if not an orphan already... :wink:
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#979 Post by fabrice_035 »


I am not sure but i think it's not possible with Tree-widget to :

1) show number of selected row
2) export all selected column in variable

could you please confirm ?

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#980 Post by mister_electronico »

Hi I'm trying to create a rotary knob by a svg image
I want to create an event every time I press the picture with the mouse but can not find how to do it.

I do not know how to do it but the idea would do something like this

Code: Select all

    <input file>./rotary1.svg</input>
    <action signal="clicked">exec somescript</action>
I know that this does not work but this would be the idea.

Any idea
Thanks ... greetings
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