StemseeS-Remastering-Suite-V5.4 pet 22/05/15

Under development: PCMCIA, wireless, etc.

#61 Post by stemsee »

is it too difficult to "just try it and see"? It takes three minutes or so.

#62 Post by gcmartin »

I take this to mean you want us to help by testing both conditions. Reason for my inquiry is that I am currently testing Barry's USB (full install) on a 1GB PC. The DVDs will NOT boot on 1GB PCs. I have not yet tested the DVD version on the larger RAM platforms.

I will test the full install version as soon as I get my arms around the current problems on the 1GB system in use with April64-703

Update: April64-703 testing has been abandoned. Problems with I/O subsystem and drives.

#63 Post by stemsee »

This thread is for remastering. Specifically using my scripts. That's all.
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#64 Post by slavvo67 »

Script did not create the .iso anymore, at all. Couldn't burn to usb as it asks for the iso file.

#65 Post by Bindee »

Can someone explain in idiot terms what the main difference is between this and the original remaster that comes with puppy or 3rd party tools such as mklivecd?


#66 Post by stemsee »


I will look ito it. You were using the unattended remaster script? Only that script goes to iso, but not for April, not yet anyway. April is only covered with sfs-direct-remaster, it builds the q.sfs and packs it into the initrd.q


This script (actually 2 scripts: sfs-direct-remaster and sfs-unattended-remaster) provide the quickest remaster possible. It also easily includes personal customisations and settings. It does not require an original iso to be mounted or present. It takes a few minutes.

#67 Post by Bindee »

Only a few minutes. :shock: :mrgreen:

Sounds awesome , Next time i need to remaster i'll try it out as i plan on going ram only and totally diskless.

Thanks for your work. :)
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#68 Post by slavvo67 »

Hi Stemsee:

For now, I only use the unattended, though I do attend to it to see it working.
I looked at it after I posted and it looked like an .iso may have been made (maybe it took some time to make?). I'll check again, this evening. I'm not having any success with the USB option, though. Perhaps I'm not doing it right... your instructions a pretty brief there.

Thanks for all your help. I'll write back in the evening with additional results / comments.


#69 Post by stemsee »

I have written a much simpler remaster script. Does a much better job in a slightly different way. I will add it to the suite after further testing on other pups, namely quirky, lighthouse, fatdog etc.
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#70 Post by Uten »

I'm probably blind but is there a link to v5.1 somewhere? I only found v4.9

#71 Post by stemsee »

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#72 Post by slavvo67 »


Running this seemed to effect the USB I was booting from. I'm not sure why but I had 3 distro's on a USB using ISObooter and now the Vivid (which I used with the Remastering Suite) no longer completes its boot process.

Anyway, this is all a part of testing so it's no big deal to me. I just wanted to let you know that it seems something isn't quite right. I wish that I could help pinpoint the issue....


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#73 Post by tone303 »

couldnt you just have made this as a .sh file upload instead of an SFS? Im not sure what to do with this, ill try to click on it and press Yes to load new SFS file. so far no one's remastering script has worked at all for Puppy Slacko version 5.7, Im trying this one next, but dont know if im supposed to use boot with multiple SFS files or just click on this from the puppy desktop. I dont even know how to do the former so ill try the latter......

Sorry, cynical because everything so far everyone has posted has failed and it doesnt make sense that the one built into puppy makes some sort of stupid incompatible version 3 squash when version 4 squash has been out for so long before puppy 5.7.

I hope this works so i can have a new SFS that fully copies to RAM and allows a multisession DVDs to be burned, instead of the "if all else fails" alternative, which is to attempt to find a program that works for creating a USB duplicate iso image out ofa post-setup puppy with a save file included as part of this USB exact-image. which sucks because id rather remaster and have a fresh save file that has a fully 3.9 GB free than a used one with 2.0 GB left as an installer. BRB, trying it now.....
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#74 Post by tone303 »

for the love of god, can someone just make a script that forms a bootable .iso in the same way remastersys did for ubuntu uisng etc/skel/ paste and pressing one button? it cant be that hard. forget about all these options and menus, just make a script that takes whatever is placed in /tmp/root by the user and makes a bootable .iso that is identical to the .iso one downloads to get puppy in the first place, except with the user's system in its exact state, including all new programs and wine programs the user has added and all setting changes.

remastersys abandonware still works to this day on the latest versions of ubuntu and mint. someone who is a good coder should be able to do this. And why the hell would the one alrteady built into slacko 5.7.0 fail by making a squash that is a super old version 3.x ? that doesnt make any sense.

.... and slavvo 67 asked twice if option 6 is for creating the bootable .iso , no one replied to that except for the ambiguous answer that begins with "I will look into it" instead of "yes" or "no", LoL

and why are you giving it a false extension we have to delete? and after we delete the false .txt.gz extension, what do we do? right click it and change permissions to execute? should we be adding .sh?

thanks for all your efforts, im going to try a few of these and see if any works. I dont see why this is a search all over the forums just to find something that remasters a working .iso from a /tmp/root/ paste. Let alone the one that comes with 5.7 working instead of failing and creating an ultra old squash version, with the version convertor also failing to fix that. This is a cluster F
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#75 Post by tone303 »

Bindee wrote:Only a few minutes. :shock: :mrgreen:

Sounds awesome , Next time i need to remaster i'll try it out as i plan on going ram only and totally diskless.

Thanks for your work. :)
just boot into another OS, then copy your save file somewhere else, and if your USB gets screwed up, boot back in the alternative OS, drag the save file copy onto the USB folder and over-write it. thats what i do for all these screw ups and system destroyers.

#76 Post by stemsee »

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#77 Post by tone303 »

I got StemseeS to work 99% for a remaster of my system by the SFS remaster and then dragging the SFS with the basic boot-time files and using k3B in Linuxmint to create an .iso and then using LinuxLive USB Creator in windows to write to USB, and from there a USB Duplicator can render from the USB a bootable iso that doesnt need LiLi.exe

hah, thats a lot of steps

It worked 99% because things I did would just keep disappearing, like changes to rc.local would go away, shortcuts on desktop would disappear while others remained

Im going to try simple-remaster, thanks a lot.

really, thanks. ill let you know how it goes


By the way, if I might recommend something thats good for puppy linux in general if you use bigger remastered sys, is to create a desktop button that will recover a large amount of RAM without affecting the system, in my experience.


In the /root/startup; Right-Click Create a new empty file and call it folder,, place the command pasted below inside & save,

Then drag the scrip in the area of desktop with the lock and zip icons on the right. Right click new desktop link, click edit item, and call it RAM

If you make systems for others, Explain in a readme text file that it cleans the RAM memory and recovers RAM cache that program uses, without effecting the actual CopyToRam Rest of system.But that there is no confirmation, it just does it,

Heres the command:

echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

Heres the Icon you can drop into / and then use Set Icon on the desktop shortcut: ... e-icon.png



Anyone know what is good to add to puppy linux that shows amount of RAM in use as a panel meter or a desktop embed? i would think a Copy2Ram based system would have wanted to have that by default, next to the green cylinder that shows space.
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#78 Post by tone303 »


the simple-remaster you linked is just an empty file of zero bytes, or else that file hosts inst working

that file host is bulky and strange, it attempts to download as a temp file first, then save after, use Temp-Share or File Dropper. those two are the best.
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#79 Post by tone303 »

slavvo67 wrote:Script did not create the .iso anymore, at all. Couldn't burn to usb as it asks for the iso file.
if the iso fails you can do all the steps i did posted above. Stemsees program is useful with workarounds and I apologize for any complaining. Just dont see why someone doesnt make something like remastersys, that worked perfectly every time and did both files/folders and a .iso at the same time, and merely required use of etc/skel paste, plus had the option of adding an exclude folder to exclude from the remaster.
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#80 Post by tone303 »

stemsee wrote:SRS-v5 accomodates April. q.sfs
removed code for rc.local
added 'growisofs -speed=8'!oJplASiC!1xoagNfBI ... 8jUM67Piks
"the file you are trying to download is no longer available"

broken link, cant find any working link to 5.1, and stuck with 4.9 still


those are the cleanest and best file hosters you can find.
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