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#41 Post by MU »

ok, so it misses an entry in /usr/share/applications/
Will add one tomorrow.

OpenOffice... must have a closer look this weekend, I think I did not encounter that yet.
You might do this:
This lists all running processes.
If one looks like being from OpenOffice (like swriter), type

If you can shutdown then, please tell me the whole line you got by "ps".
Muppy also has a "grafical ps", click on the processor-display at bottom right to run it.
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Thunderbird>Gnome Browser

#42 Post by Fishy »

Muppy -sweet!

I downloaded thunderbird as a pup and set it as default email but when I click on a url link a message of " Cannot start Gnome Browser" appears. I am a little confused by this.

I was going to maintain Sylpheed but it kept stripping graphics from emails and I didn't manage to find an answer to this behavior in the forum. :?
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#43 Post by MU »

I can't help with thunderbird, but with sylpheed.

configuration - common preferences

display - message

[] Render HTML-messages as text.
Remove the [x], and it should work?

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#44 Post by MU »

I updated the servicepack, now you have a menuentry for "RutilT" in the setup-menu after restarting Icewm. ... cepack.pup

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#45 Post by Nevermore »

mark do u know how to set up the windows boot menu to have a double boot menu, one for puppy one for windows? so that i don't have to use the cd?
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#46 Post by MU »

I will update my XP-installer this weekend, then it will be very easy to set up.
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#47 Post by zikarus »

Moin Mark,

could you please include the proposal of pakt on page 7 in the Muppy 004/005 thread (concerning the better detection of wireless keyboards and mouses) as default in your next release?

I quote pakt:

"I have suggested to Barry that the test be made on "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02" which, as far as I have been able to determine, is a more reliable way to detect a USB mouse.

If you would like to test this, edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local0 and change line 191 from
[ ! "`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null | grep -i --extended-regexp "mouse|trackball|netscroll|bt mini\-receiver"`" = "" ] && USBMOUSEDEV="input/mice"
[ ! "`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null | grep -i "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02"`" = "" ] && USBMOUSEDEV="input/mice"

Don't forget to reboot after modifying the file or Puppy won't save the change to pup_save.3fs. After rebooting, your mouse (and keyboard) should be detected."

It did work and would be great to have out of the box....

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#48 Post by MU »

ok, I'll add it to 007.
Thanks for the quick-instruction.
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#49 Post by primalphunk »

I have experienced a little quirky issue with icedock on both my full hd install and with the live cd. It is an intermittent issue in which sometimes the programs in icedock load normally into a single dock(slit?) and other times there is a seperate window and tab for each program launched in icedock.

The shadow option in styling blanks everything between the taskbars at the top and bottom of the screen. It leaves me with a cursor that I can still move around the screen with no ability to click on anything. I just restart x with ctrl-alt-backspace to return to a functional system. This happens with both the traditional linux hd install and the live cd.

I'm not sure if it makes any difference but I'm runny these 2 muppy installs on a 400 Mhz Celeron with 320 Meg of RAM.


PS - Thanks for your hard work on this puplet. Muppy is now my favorite larger puppy.
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#50 Post by tazoc »

I have experienced a little quirky issue with icedock on both my full hd install and with the live cd. It is an intermittent issue in which sometimes the programs in icedock load normally into a single dock(slit?) and other times there is a seperate window and tab for each program launched in icedock.
I installed (booted from Muppy006-212 CD, saved pup_save.3fs to HD at shutdown and then used Muppy Speed-Wizard) on a PIII-500 with 128 MB RAM for a friend last week and experienced the same intermittent issue. Happened often on first powerup boot to the desktop. Apart from that it was just peachy. Then I changed the last line of /root/.icewm/startup
sleep 4 && icedock &
sleep 6 && icedock & ...increasing the delay before starting icedock which seemed to help although I can't prove that was it. You could even try sleep 8 if 6 doesn't help. However, on my own PC I installed Mark's great new
:arrow: Icedock Wizard here as well as the service pack and noticed that line is removed, so if you haven't already you might try these first.

Mark and others may have more insight into this and the shadow issue. As much as I like the shadow effects of xcompmgr I know that it is experimental/buggy and I find myself turning it off more than on. It seems to work better when starting Puppy or other distros entirely in KDE instead of JWM or Icewm but everything is soooo slow in KDE with the effects enabled. Right now I prefer Muppy with Icewm and no shadows. The most reliable implementation of shadow effects I've seen is elive 17 'Revolution' which is still developmental but did run okay for me--what few times I've used it. But elive Revolution is not Puppy. It's debian based, has a much larger disc space requirement, works best as a full HD install and to me is not as snappy, flexible or user friendly as Muppy. Fast, attractive and lot's of 'bling' but more difficult to configure and get started with than Puppy.

:D I think Mark, Barry and all those contributing to Puppy have done a fantastic job. I like the new kernel driver zdrv_2xx.sfs strategy and Bitsream Vera TrueType fonts in puppy, unicode/language support improvements and countless enhancements in Muppy. I've been telling my friends about it. Thank you all, especially Mark.

To me, Muppy is like an early Christmas present! :wink:
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#51 Post by MU »

yes, the program for shadows has bugs.
On my system (Ati radeon 9250) with freedesktop-drivers it runs fine at first sight, but after a while the performance decreases.
Same on my notebook with savage-chip.

I already added some workarounds to the backgroundsetter to deal with problems regarding the background, but they might not work with every card.

If you use Rox1, you might encounter a strangely broken background with xcompmgr.
In that case try rox2, as it uses an own window to hide the root-window.
This is the same trick used by KDE.

You can switch rox with

But rox2 already is set by default in Muppy006, so if you still encounter erratic display, I cannot help.
It seems the development stopped, as now the developers of X focus on 3D-accellerated desktops with aiglx and the compiz windowmanager.
You would need xorg 7.1 and an accellerated graficscard, the list of supported cards is not so good yet.

the new wizard starts it differently.
In Muppy, every dockapp was run by a script.
The wizard now uses the icedock-configurationfile /root/.Muppyicedock/icedock.rc instead, to load them (this file is created/modified by the wizard).
But even with this method, sometimes a dockapp is "overseen" and opens in an own window. I must restart it then.

I will add a desktop-icon in muppy 007 to restart the dock.
You can try that by dragging
on your desktop and click on it.

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#52 Post by MU »

this german thread reports a bug:

Muppy tries to get a IP by a dhcp-server (usually if you connect to a network or DSL-modem).

But in some cases, you must assign own settings with the network-wizard.

Those are not remembered after a reboot.


delete these lines from /etc/rc.d/rc.muppy2:

Code: Select all

rm -f /etc/dhcpc/dhcpcd-*.pid
dhcpcd 2>/dev/null 1>/dev/null &
I must write a bugfix that takes care of this issue.
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Mplayer Files for Video Feeds

#53 Post by jam »


Promised you these files awhile back to get video feeds from websites working by default under Muppy and Firefox. You need to extract the attached file under the /usr/local/firefox/plugins directory. Also be sure to have all the latest Puppy Mplayer codecs installed via PSI and pupget as well as the latest verson of Firefox 2..0.0.1. Now, my only disclaimer is that this will not support video feeds from every website, but it is a step up from what Muppy offers by default. Try playing video from CNN and go to other of your favorite video sites and let me know if you experience any problems. One issue that I'm working on relates to Firefox shutting down once a CNN video has finished playing. Also trying to make this work for ALL sites, not just a select few.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! :D

UPDATE: When you look under Firefox' Edit--> Preferences --> Content --> File Type/Manage you should see a slew of media file type associations being displayed, which is your confirmation that your extract went well.
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#54 Post by pakt »

zikarus wrote:Moin Mark,

could you please include the proposal of pakt on page 7 in the Muppy 004/005 thread (concerning the better detection of wireless keyboards and mouses) as default in your next release?

I quote pakt:

"I have suggested to Barry that the test be made on "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02" which, as far as I have been able to determine, is a more reliable way to detect a USB mouse.

If you would like to test this, edit /etc/rc.d/rc.local0 and change line 191 from
[ ! "`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null | grep -i --extended-regexp "mouse|trackball|netscroll|bt mini\-receiver"`" = "" ] && USBMOUSEDEV="input/mice"
[ ! "`cat /proc/bus/usb/devices 2>/dev/null | grep -i "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02"`" = "" ] && USBMOUSEDEV="input/mice"

Don't forget to reboot after modifying the file or Puppy won't save the change to pup_save.3fs. After rebooting, your mouse (and keyboard) should be detected."

It did work and would be great to have out of the box....
Thanks, zikarus, for pointing that out to Mark. Barry has put this (as well as "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=01" for USB keyboard detection) into 2.13b and both work well :)

@Mark: If you copy "Cls=03(HID ) Sub=01 Prot=02" for the USB mouse (as well as the other line above) from this page to use in Muppy, detection will not work - this is because the forum text handler has removed a 'space' from the line :( There must be two spaces between the 'D' and ')'.

Easiest to just copy rc.local0 directly from 2.13b into Muppy ;)

Methinks Raspberry Pi were ideal for runnin' Puppy Linux
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Re: Mplayer Files for Video Feeds

#55 Post by tempestuous »

jam and Mark,
a few months ago I went looking for good MPlayer/Firefox compatibility. I didn't keep detailed notes, but I remember that mplayerplugin was not successful with all media typees. Also, it's very large: 1.2MB when installed.

mozplugger (an updated version of plugger) won't play all media types either, but it's configurable, and using instructions from here I modified its configuration file to make it compatible with streaming WindowsMedia and RealVideo.
Get mozplugger dotpup here ... 2705#82705
The mozplugger plugin installs to the location which suits Puppy's Seamonkey, so for Firefox you will need to shift it from /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/ to /usr/local/firefox/plugins/
jam wrote:Also be sure to have all the latest Puppy Mplayer codecs installed
99% of streaming video on the web is WindowsMedia, RealVideo, or QuickTime. The MPlayer1.0RC1 version at Mark's site already includes the necessary codecs for these. So if you have this version of MPlayer, Codecpack will only add 20-30MB of files unnecessarily.

In an earlier post jam mentioned configuring Firefox to associate media file types with MPlayer. I suggest that this is not as good a solution as using a plugin, because a plugin (like mozplugger) will embed the video playback in the browser window, just as the webpage designer intended.
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#56 Post by MU »

with mozplugger I can see nothing, there are only some symbols displayed.

Mozilla-plugin works, but:
the video-driver must be set to x11, because with xv it crashes.
Seamonkey runs unstable, so it is important to put it in /usr/lib/firefox/plugins, not in /root/.mozilla/plugins.

It seems, Firefox is required to run stable.

I made a dotpup, that replaces Muppys firefox with all these changes.
It will not use the plugin for .mpg or .wmv, as I personally prefer to see them in an external mplayer (looping fullscreen).
But now this plugin enables you to watch streaming videos at and

Requires approx. 20 MB free diskspace. ... pgrade.pup (9 MB)

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Plugin Provided

#57 Post by jam »


The attachment I provided contains the version of the Mplayer plugin which runs the streaming video right from within the browser window and not via the Mplayer app outside the browser. I found I had to add the file associations and necessary codecs to get the plugin to work properly and supporting Windows/Real/Quicktime and other media types you mentioned. This may not be the best solution in the long run, but it works for now and at the very least provides some basic streaming support for some websites. One issue that causes Firefox to crash involved Flash-based sites that offer video streaming. Still trying to figure those out.

Mark: Forgot to mention that small detail regarding the use of the X11 driver! Good catch! :)
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#58 Post by tempestuous »

It seems there is no straightforward solution!
tempestuous wrote:99% of streaming video on the web is WindowsMedia, RealVideo, or QuickTime.
I'm wrong about this. Well, correct 12 months ago, but now I see there's a recent trend towards FlashVideo (.flv).
And I see here that people are trying to play FlashVideo with the FlashPlayer9 beta in Puppy

MPlayer supports FlashVideo with its ffmpeg library, but I suppose getting it to play FlashVideo from a web browser will take some tweaking of the various MPlayer plugins.
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#59 Post by Nevermore »

today i was trying to use my psi to add some programs
and seems it doesn't work again
it tried to connect to grafpup, but can't and then i get an empty list..
connects to all the other mirrors but still cannot get a list.
i wonder what happened..
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#60 Post by MU »

it seems grafpup is down.
I can press the keys "CTRL C" to interrupt trying to get the list from grafpup, then all others are downloaded and displayed.

You also might click on the "mirror" button, and revove grafpup there after the current mirrorlist was downloaded.

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