Failed to open VDPAU backend

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Failed to open VDPAU backend

#1 Post by Argolance »


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Failed to open VDPAU backend cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
My laptops have both Intel graphic chipsets and this is what I get in the xerrs.log file if I use Firefox or Seamonkey. I already posted a :arrow: message on the French Forum a long time ago, but didn't have any answer to this problem that makes my Puppy (Puppy Precise 5.4.3, 5.7.1, and ToOpPy based on both) experience a misery (thousand of lines, 30% cpu used...) when running these browsers. I found other messages related to this very annoying issue but nothing to solve it.
Strange indeed that no Puppy user seemed to encounter this: I cannot think that I am the only one to be concerned. :oops:
(Obviouly all is ok with my PC which has a NVIDIA graphic card).

I hope to be luckier this time!


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#2 Post by Hotdog »


I too, have seen this error with my Nvidia card. It means that a part of the hardware acceleration for the card is not implemented in the video driver. In my case that would be the noveau driver. A fix would be to replace the driver with the appropriate one from Nvidia, or the chipset manufacturer, if available.
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#3 Post by Argolance »

Thanks for your answer.
Hotdog wrote:I too, have seen this error with my Nvidia card.
As said above, this doesn't happen with my PC which has a NVIDIA graphic card (I installed the appropriate NVIDIA sfs file and do not use the nouveau driver one because it lets the card fan run like a fool! ).
It means that a part of the hardware acceleration for the card is not implemented in the video driver. In my case that would be the noveau driver. A fix would be to replace the driver with the appropriate one from Nvidia, or the chipset manufacturer, if available.
This only concerns my laptops (Intel graphic chipsets).
Obviously, when I deactivate the flash player acceleration option, I do not have the messages but it is not a "good" solution, just a last resort. Anyway firefox and its "plugin-container" continue to use 30 % of the cpu, sometimes much more!
I spent hours trying to find a solution but unsuccessfully. :evil:


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#4 Post by LateAdopter »

Hello Argolance

Intel GPU's use VA-API not VDPAU, but you can use a wrapper to get VDPAU

The arch wiki says what drivers you need to install to get it.

But I don't know what is available for precise, though.

Use vainfo to check that VA-API is working

Folowed by vdpauinfo to check that VDPAU is working.

I don't have Intel hardware, so I can't give more advice than that. Sorry.


I think you also need to set the environment variable: VDPAU_DRIVER=va_gl

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#5 Post by Argolance »

I will have a look.


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#6 Post by OscarTalks »

The file is part of the nvidia driver package (some of them - only the larger and later ones) so if you are not using an nvidia card you probably will not have this file in your system.

You could just grab the library and install it but that would probably not be the best solution. It would not be used for anything but it would stop the error messages.

If this happens when running Firefox or Seamonkey in a Precise-based Puppy I wonder if the problem is being caused by the mplayer plugin. I think it may be mplayer that is looking for this library. Maybe try disabling the plugin as a test.

You may be able to stop these errors by setting the default video driver in mplayer to xv so it does not look for vdpau. Edit the config file in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf or /root/.mplayer/config with vo=xv
Oscar in England

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#7 Post by Argolance »

Bonjour OscarTalks,
OscarTalks wrote:The file is part of the nvidia driver package (some of them - only the larger and later ones) so if you are not using an nvidia card you probably will not have this file in your system.
I already tried this but, afterwards, complains about other missing librairies... and so forth!
You could just grab the library and install it but that would probably not be the best solution. It would not be used for anything but it would stop the error messages.
Yes but this doesn't solve the excessive cpu consomption.
If this happens when running Firefox or Seamonkey in a Precise-based Puppy I wonder if the problem is being caused by the mplayer plugin. I think it may be mplayer that is looking for this library. Maybe try disabling the plugin as a test.
This could be the solution...
You may be able to stop these errors by setting the default video driver in mplayer to xv so it does not look for vdpau. Edit the config file in /etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf or /root/.mplayer/config with vo=xv
Let me try and see!
Thank you.


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