BIT METER OS 0.7.6 (stable) & 0.8.0 (experimental)

Configuration wizards, scanners, remote desktop, etc.
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#41 Post by mikeb »

Ok quick test of the 0.8.0 pet....

libpcap is a funny one.... perhaps the older bitmeter had it statically compiled in since it seems to provide functions that are needed for monitoring...or perhaps there were too many to duplicated in the end :)

As it happens 4.12 (thought I would test on that again) does not have it...debian etch provided the goods and even that has 0.8 as a symlink to 0.9.5! Actually Lucid does not have it (libpcap) either.

Ok those debian start up scipts will not work on 4.12 and lucid (and others?) tested from command line.
All works just fine so no problem there.
4.12 might not be considered but Lucid does still have quite a user base here.

Interestingly enough there is no log file generated that I can see...and since that seemed to be related to the problems I was having I will take that as a good thing :).

II also did not see any problems with the 0.8.0 build...the coding of the guy seems solid and yes the web inteface has those nice extras :)

Just some feedback.

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#42 Post by mikeb »

Just noticed the pet has everything as root.

The older package had all files as 1000:1000 ownership (actually on 4.12 it comes up as ftp:ftp and it behaved) which I am sure helped confuse matters so hopefully being all root makes life easier.


#43 Post by gcmartin »

BM080 installed to 2 32bit PUP distros; namely X-Slacko2.1 and Puppex6.0.

In each case, it shows in the Menu>Network>BitMeter OS... Launching from the menu does not present itself in the browser. On X-Slacko's menu, it has an icon, but on Puppex, it does not.

What can I present which would be helpful?
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#44 Post by Geoffrey »

gcmartin wrote:BM080 installed to 2 32bit PUP distros; namely X-Slacko2.1 and Puppex6.0.

In each case, it shows in the Menu>Network>BitMeter OS... Launching from the menu does not present itself in the browser. On X-Slacko's menu, it has an icon, but on Puppex, it does not.

What can I present which would be helpful?
ldd shows these library files

Code: Select all

ldd bmcapture => /usr/lib/ (0xb7753000) => /usr/lib/ (0xb769e000) => /lib/ (0xb7651000) => /lib/ (0xb749b000) => /lib/ (0xb747f000) => /lib/ (0xb747a000)
	/lib/ (0xb7780000)
Check the task manager, bmcaputure and bmws should be running

I've had the pet work on X-slacko 3 which is slacko 5.9.3 don't know what Puppex's window manager is?

The bitmeterweb.desktop I edited so the icon is a png instead of a ico, it should now show in any menu

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=BitMeter OS Web Interface
GenericName=Bandwidth Monitor
Comment=Monitor your network speed using a web browser
You may have downloaded before I fixed the icon and changed the script, it now opens the default browser, download the pet again and try it.

You can try http://localhost:2605 in a browser and see if it's working
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#45 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks @Geoffrey. I will download and replace 080.

Code: Select all

URL ===> localhost:260
Works, prior to replacing.

I noticed that the utilty implies, by its name, a 32bit usage. Will there be a separate utility for 64bit PUPs or will the 32bit morph into 64bit as well?

Thanks for this very good tool for home data management use. And, thanks to everyone for addressing this understanding.

Edited: Replacing with the latest has resolved the issues reported earlier. Thx, again, Geoffrey! 8)
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 13 May 2015, 19:36, edited 1 time in total.
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#46 Post by Mike Walsh »

My, you have all been busy bees while I've been to the seaside today....!


Goodness me; I shall to have to turn my back on things a bit more often if this is what happens in my absence...! :lol: That's marvellous, Geoff. How certain are we that this will run OK in the Pups you've tried it in?

@ gcmartin:-

As stated in the original post, there are 64-bit versions of both 0.7.6 AND 0.8.0. However, obviously no development work will go on with those if nobody's yet tried them. We need testers for the 64-bit versions. Install them (taking all necessary precautions, of course) from the .deb file; note what happens.....then give us all some feedback! That's what's needed.

What work has been done so far is all on 32-bit 'Pups', for the simple reason, I expect, that there's more of them in general use by the community. That in turn, is also for the simple reason that 64-bit came along after 32-bit; so in terms of what elderly hardware is in use, I think there would naturally be a higher proportion of 32-bit systems. As stated, I'm NOT a programmer, or 'coder'. I did, however, bring this to the community's notice because I genuinely believe that it does have a place for many Puppy users.

I don't have any 64-bit Pups myself to try them out in. Although I have a 64-bit system (AMD Athlon 64 X2 3800+), I've always preferred to run 32-bit Puppies, for the simple reason that they run so fast.....and I'm not too keen on the likes of FatDog, et al. That's not to say that kirk & jamesbond haven't done some absolutely marvelous work with them; it's just not my cup of tea. I've tried FatDog 700 in the past; didn't get on too well with it....

I am, however, considering giving Slacko64 a try, so.....we'll see.

Anyway, it's just my bit to contribute to the community, since I enjoy Puppy so much. The 'dev' work, however, will of necessity have to come from other interested parties...who know what they're doing! (I don't mind admitting I'm very much a 'noob' at present.) Oscar, Geoffrey & mikeb have done some sterling work on this already.....


Mike. :)
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#47 Post by Geoffrey »

mikeb wrote:Just noticed the pet has everything as root.
That's my fault, I had a mishap with the properties on the drive, it don't seem to have been detrimental.
I might make another and see if it works the same with the ftp ownership, though maybe better to let sleeping dogs lie.

gcmartin wrote: Will there be a separate utility for 64bit PUPs or will the 32bit morph into 64bit as well?
Only if someone with a 64bit version of Puppy packages the bitmeteros_0.8.0-amd64.deb, I don't have a 64bit version to try it on.
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#48 Post by mikeb »

yes let the dogs lie... I was actually wanting to make it all root anyway.
Sometimes i find packages with odd permissions and sometimes it causes this case i suspect its not intentional or necessary.

Well all good progress :)

been fiddling with Thunar of all things so left this on the side for a little anyway.

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#49 Post by Geoffrey »

Mike Walsh wrote: How certain are we that this will run OK in the Pups you've tried it in?
I think it should work ok, they were booted with no save file, installed the pet, run bitmeter from the menu and worked without a hitch.

I packaged the 64 bit version for gcmartin to test, changed all the files to "root" ownership, waiting a report
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#50 Post by gcmartin »

Tested results
Installed with no reports of issues to LxPUP64 and on an old nonsupported version of PUPPY Chubby. Both showed the Menu>Network>BM as seen in 32bit, and both would launch the browser to localhost:... But, in each case, the browser port would not open to BM's local page port 2605.

Edit: Lighthouse and its derivatives (Chubby is one of them) will install a ".deb" file. The deb works where the pet did not launch.
Last edited by gcmartin on Wed 13 May 2015, 23:27, edited 2 times in total.
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#51 Post by Geoffrey »


I'll download a 64 bit wary and get it working on that, stay tuned :wink:
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#52 Post by Geoffrey »


I'm posting from wary64-6.99, is working ok for me.
Edit: Lighthouse and its derivatives (Chubby is one of them) will install a ".deb" file. The deb works where the pet did not launch.
Did not launch? from the menu or the pet didn't install? well if the deb works just use it or make a unedited pet from it.
bitmeteros-0.8.0-amd64 running in wary64-6.99
(50.68 KiB) Downloaded 351 times
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#53 Post by gcmartin »

The PET installs with no message of any issues on both systems. And, Menu items are created in Network.
GCMartin wrote:... The deb works where the pet did not launch.
I apologize as this can mislead. To rephrase: The deb allows the browser to spawn to port properly where the pet did not spawn a browser which connects to the port. The PET's browser tab shows page not found while the DEB's browser tab in Chubby launches the tab as expected when started.

Also, on Chubby (when the DEB is used), I can search and find BM while on LxPUP64 I cannot find the BM task

Code: Select all

pidof bmcapture
after Menu launch, even though a tab (which doesnt connect ) spawns on the LxPUP64 browser. Thus, something is causing it to fail when the PET is used.

I will try another 64bit PUP; namely EmSee's Ultra.

I found my EmSee Sugar DVD and booted it. After FirstRUN, I insure WAN was active and installed the PET. Same as before on the 2 other 64bit PUPs.
P.S. No firewall active at any time during any of these tests on the PCs.
Last edited by gcmartin on Thu 14 May 2015, 02:14, edited 3 times in total.
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#54 Post by Geoffrey »

gcmartin, I'm downloading LxPup64-15.03.01-hybrid, hopefully it will work, if not I'll sort it out, it could be the ownership I changed :? , I'm sure I can make it work, here's hoping :wink: .
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#55 Post by Geoffrey »

Got it working in lxpup64, it was a path problem with /usr/lib64, in wary64 the /usr/lib is a symlink to /usr/lib64 that's why it worked.

Download it again and try

The pinstall now looks like so

Code: Select all

LIBPCAP=`find /usr -type f -name '*' | head -n 1`
if [ ! -f "$LINK_PATH/" ]; then
ln -s "$LIBPCAP" "$LINK_PATH"/
cp /var/lib/bitmeter/ /var/lib/bitmeter/bitmeter.db
/etc/init.d/bitmeterweb start 
/etc/init.d/bitmeter start  
This script looks in /usr and get the first instance of the file which in the 64bit version will be in /usr/lib64

I updated the 32 bit version, the only difference is it checks if is present, if not creates it.
Last edited by Geoffrey on Thu 14 May 2015, 19:40, edited 1 time in total.
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#56 Post by Mike Walsh »


Morning, Geoff. I've just installed Slacko64 5.9.1. Christ, is it fast! Now; as regards the 64-bit BM-OS; d'ya reckon your 64-bit pet will work OK in this?

Mike. :)
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#57 Post by Mike Walsh »

No need to reply on this one, Geoffrey; I've just answered my own question.

Posting now from Slacko64 5.9.1, & is working beautifully; no problems detected yet.

Thank you, Geoffrey. Much appreciated. Looks like I can add a few more to the 'working list'. I think I'd best list 32-bit & 64-bit separately, though; might get a bit confusing otherwise. Cheers!


Mike. :D
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#58 Post by mikeb »

I will most likely make and post working pet for 4.12, Lucid and other similar era pups on the 412 collection and add a link to it here.

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#59 Post by Mike Walsh »

Much appreciated, Michael. No rush, old son; as & when.

Remember...'slow & steady'. :lol: My life-long motto has always been; if something's worth doing, do it once, do it properly...and then you're finished with it. Nothing I hate more than having to go back and keep putting things right. Take as long as you need for testing.

Wish somebody had thought to remind my old man of that fact.....


Mike to Mike.
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#60 Post by mikeb »

Remember...'slow & steady'. Laughing My life-long motto has always been; if something's worth doing, do it once, do it properly...and then you're finished with it. Nothing I hate more than having to go back and keep putting things right.
too true...quick fixes are not in the long run...playing boats reminds me of that one.
Sometimes I leave a problem for a week or three and surprising how much better the solution becomes.

Good thing you grabbed some it was woolly hat and gloves time. You went to yarmouth or somewhere closer?

I threw a pile of leftover seeds on the garden yesterday...figured the rain would do the rest.... my attempts to get things to germinate is very hit and miss... might be the random cold nights.

There...I thought it was my turn to drift off...well actually take a right turn at Timbuktu
I also never noticed before how many nautical expressions there are in the English language... and it sneaks into plenty of songs too...

ok inflate thy chest and go forth

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