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#1501 Post by Burn_IT »

You'll get better reception on the roof??
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#1502 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

This day -- May 21, 2015 --, is a very sad day for Canada.

Bill C-51 curtailing civil rights and freedoms of ordinary Canadians under
pretense of fighting terrorism has just received vice-royal assent. It is
now Law.


From now on, in this beloved country of ours, if you voice publicly any
dissent against Conservative Party ideology, you can be spied on, tailed,
interrupted in any of your activites, your phone and computer can be
tapped without a warrant, your family and friends interrogated, you can
be jailed without a valid reason and rot there without trial for as long as
the police, the RCMP and/or CSIS pleases.

R.I.P. Rule of Law as we've known it in this (formerly) great country.
(A minute of silence please.)

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#1503 Post by greengeek »

musher0 wrote:Hello, all.

This day -- May 21, 2015 --, is a very sad day for Canada.

Bill C-51 curtailing civil rights and freedoms of ordinary Canadians under
pretense of fighting terrorism has just received vice-royal assent. It is
now Law.

From now on, in this beloved country of ours, if you voice publicly any
dissent against Conservative Party ideology, you can be spied on, tailed,
interrupted in any of your activites, your phone and computer can be
tapped without a warrant, your family and friends interrogated, you can
be jailed without a valid reason and rot there without trial for as long as
the police, the RCMP and/or CSIS pleases.

R.I.P. Rule of Law as we've known it in this (formerly) great country.
(A minute of silence please.)

Sad to hear. There seems to be a whole new layer of "approved" people running the world these days. No respect for the ordinary citizen. No rule of law being applied equally to all. Police forces appear to be the agents of the wealthy and of the militaristic, rather than defenders of the man in the street.

So much for democracy.
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#1504 Post by darkcity »

Britain is next with Cameron's 'snoopers charter'

http://www.globalresearch.ca/britains-a ... ts/5451025

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#1505 Post by bark_bark_bark »

I guess it's time for you guys to download the tor browser. If need an internet condom, I recommend AirVPN.
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#1506 Post by musher0 »

Good article, darkcity. Thanks.

@bark_bark_bark: Yeah, tor is becoming an urgent need, isn't.
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#1507 Post by Burn_IT »

There is only one problem with that article.
It is emotive and contains no proof whatsoever that the government intends to SNOOP on everybody.
Don't get me wrong; I'm not condoning the possibility that they might. But how do you expect them to detect and protect against the extremists without them screening all calls.
It is not as if they have a group of people listening to everything - it would take a huge number anyway - they would likely do the same as is already done in the US and especially on the transatlantic cable and satellite calls and pass them through speech recognition programs that listen for specific key words.
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#1508 Post by musher0 »

Hi, burn_IT.

Your argument stands to logic. However...

What worries me more is the lack of "methodical doubt" on the part of
police officers. During the War Measures Act in Montreal, Canada (October
1970), the police arrested a student composer with a French-from-France
accent -- a friend of mine -- who had his manuscript compositions in an
old worn out suitcase. The police thought his musical notes (real notes)
and annotations on lined music paper were some code for our then
"Liberation Front". When he said "No, this is a real composition I'm
working on, I'm a student of André Prévost (a well-known Canadian
composer) at University of Montréal" (which he was), they didn't believe
him. A case of reverse racial profiling, I suppose.

The police jailed thousands for a month without reason during our
"October Events", including ordinary trade union stewards, peace loving
hippies, junior college philosophy teachers...

Speaking of lack of "methodical doubt", the police in my town also seized
at that time all books at the college library whose title had "Discours" in it,
including "Discours de la méthode" by René Descartes, the foundational
essay for modern thought and science written in the mid 1600's. Of
course, how would a French-Canadian police officer of the time know the
difference between the "Discours de la méthode" by René Descartes and
THE communist "Discours" by Fidel Castro...

More recently, the London police shot and killed an innocent Brazilian man
during the "tube" explosions, probably because some Brazilians have a
skin color similar to that of some Mid-Easterners.

I'm sure some members here (Northern-Irish or Argentinian perhaps)
have much more hair-raising stories about police misunderstandings that
can have very serious consequences...

The moral of this story is (IMO): with this type of legislation, the police
can and will net in any individual that stands out, including artists,
originals generally, the village idiot as well as your run-of-the-mill loud
mouth. So beware of this kind of legislation, people: somewhere, some
time, for some silly non-political reason, you too may be a target.

Sorry for having been so long-winded in a "picture" thread.


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#1509 Post by Galbi »

musher0 wrote:I'm sure some members here (Northern-Irish or Argentinian perhaps)
have much more hair-raising stories about police misunderstandings that
can have very serious consequences...
With the current government, the rates of 10 or 12 deaths trigger or torture by month became a dead per day.
Source:http://elfederal.com.ar/nota/revista/24 ... il-por-ano

And it's a government recognized by it's policies in favour of human rights. :shock:
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#1510 Post by Puppyt »

"Conservatism. Putting the "mock" back into democracy"
We sadly have the same problem here in Australia, but very sad to see the insanity slipping over your southern border, musher0 :(
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#1511 Post by musher0 »

Thanks for the support, Puppyt. A telling play on words in that quote, too...

@galbi: I don't know enough Spanish to read your article, but I know that
you Argentinians went through hell because of a police state...
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#1512 Post by Galbi »

musher0 wrote:@galbi: I don't know enough Spanish to read your article, but I know that you Argentinians went through hell because of a police state...
Was not my intention that you read it, just wanted to put the source I've found in a quick Google search with: casos de gatillo facil (easy trigger cases).

The lawyer in the article says interesting things like ..."The entire set of policies state repression is a foundational need for any government that administers a state divided into classes. What varies from one government to another is the shape, form, hue, speech and image that is presented to society."...

The police state you mention, is about the years of 'The Dictatorship' (1976-1983)?
Yes, for certain groups (social leaders, syndicalists, and social compromised religious people ) was a hell, but I was very young. The most near I saw , was a banner in my school saying 'Who is going to occupy their places' in reference of five priests of the congregation killed for being too much 'red' (communists).

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#1513 Post by musher0 »


Yes, I was referring to those years.
That lawyer has a gift for concision, doesn't she?

I guess all societies have the reflex of "tightening the screw" in reaction to
perceived danger... The real danger for our democracies comes when that
reflex deteriorates into the expression of the leaders' inner demons or of
their greed.


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#1514 Post by Burn_IT »

More recently, the London police shot and killed an innocent Brazilian man
during the "tube" explosions, probably because some Brazilians have a
skin color similar to that of some Mid-Easterners
He was carrying what looked like a bomb.
He had been under investigation for some time.
He had no documentation
He ran and jumped a barrier to get away.

No he didn't act in a suspicious manner in any way!!
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#1515 Post by greengeek »

Burn_IT wrote:No he didn't act in a suspicious manner in any way!!
Yet he was innocent. Or are you suggesting that by being under surveillance for some time the Police simply used him for a patsy and the whole attack was a false flag? You don't think it was a genuine attack?
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#1516 Post by Flash »

What was he carrying that looked like a bomb? Also, if this is the case I'm remembering, the guy was surrounded by police who had him immobilized when the cop who shot him came up and shot him in the head, execution style.
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#1517 Post by Burn_IT »

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death_of_ ... de_Menezes

Anything can "look like a bomb" if you are handling it gingerly. If I remember rightly, a briefcase bomb was left on a bus earlier.
You need to remember that London was on high alert after several earlier incidents.
I remember people actually saying they were afraid to go to work in the city that week; that was before this incident.
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#1519 Post by musher0 »

Hi, Sylvander.

Well I certainly wouldn't put it past our governments to create an event to
justify imposing martial law or equivalent on their populations.

Plus groups to create that event. Plus other groups to handle the groups
who do the actual terrorism acts. So as to blur the connection between
the government and CSIS, for example, and the terror groups.

In the Montreal, Canada, area, after the October 1970 crisis, investig-
ative journalists discovered that the RCMP itself had created not so mock
terrorist cells to fish out the real ones in the period from 1965 to 1970.
I mean the "mock" cells did themselves blow up a couple of mailboxes in
densely populated neighborhoods.

Your statement doesn't surprise me.

Bye for now.

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#1520 Post by Burn_IT »

I've run out of tin foil......
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