Slacko 5.7 - March 2014

Please post any bugs you have found
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#281 Post by 01micko »

glibc is the basis of the distro. Everything compiled is dependent on it. It contains all sorts of stuff including timezone information, which does change for various timezones over the years as local jurisdictions change their laws on daylight-savings and the like.

When this happens it is updated, however it is not a simple update to apply to a puppy version. I'm not sure that this is your problem though. A 'live' system is one that runs in RAM, typical of puppy in a frugal or USB install or running off CD. glibc is builtin at woof level and various manipulations are done to it with woof so can't be updated on a 'live' system. Usually time problems can be resolved with Psync.

What is your time problem? Can it be resolved with Psync? All that Psync does is get the time from your local 'time server'. Psync can be set to run everytime you restart X so should keep your time in sync. There are explanations all over the web on what a 'time server' is and where they are located.

I hope this helps.
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#282 Post by Sylvander »

1. "I hope this helps"
It certainly does. :D
I don't have your depth of understanding, but I get the general idea.

2. "Psync can be set to run everytime you restart X so should keep your time in sync"
I have mine configured to auto-sync during each Puppy startup, but it seems to be not working, since the time is WRONG at the beginning of each session including this one.

I deleted the pupsave and replaced it with a backup copy, and the problem is GONE [fingers crossed it will continue to be gone].
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#283 Post by 8Geee »

Good to see you here in 2015.

I have a question about CD-Live. I know its running deprecated file-layering. When I boot CD the drive icons appear, but do not change their status if I access the hdd for example, or even plug in a USB flash stick. Is this to be expected, or is this a bug? I realize pmount solves.
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#284 Post by rcrsn51 »

8Geee wrote:When I boot CD the drive icons appear, but do not change their status if I access the hdd for example, or even plug in a USB flash stick.
I cannot duplicate this problem with Slacko 5.7.0.
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#285 Post by 8Geee »

sorry, this is the non-pae.
Update: tonite, I had to go live-CD again and mnt-unmnt of the hdd did display correctly. But plug in a stick and no icon. Could it be that changing the default user from puppypcXXXXXX to anything else causes this?
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#286 Post by Sylvander »

Running "Slacko-5.7-pae" from "live" CD-RW with pupsave on internal HDD [but Slacko thinks it's pupsave is on a Flash Drive].
This is normally trouble-free, except...
a. The version of Firefox in use is 17.0.11, and Youtube says this is outdated.
Tried and failed to update it; how best to do it?
b. Flashplayer11- [latest for above Firefox version] in use, and fails to play some Youtube videos.
How to solve this problem?
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#287 Post by 8Geee »

Some things to consider are if you need FF for a bit more security, theres a linux download of at least FF-27 at OldApps. FF27 or newer because of TLS 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2 support (this may be why your browser is 'too old').Since its the complete tarball, just import bookmarks (from an html file). Use about config terms 'ssl' and 'tls' to exclude SSL3 of any type.

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#288 Post by Sylvander »

I need detailed instructions on...
What to do with the file...
And also..."Use about config terms 'ssl' and 'tls' to exclude SSL3 of any type".
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#289 Post by jeff757 »

Either update PPM or go to ... -slacko14/ and download 01micko mentioned this here Don't forget to remove firefox 17 unless you want 2 versions installed at the same time.
Adobe archive is here ... sions.html I use Semme's method:
1. Download version
2. Click on file and xarchive will ask what to do.
a. Maximize xarchive window.
b. Put cursor on vertical bar just to the right of Sym in the field name line,hold down left mouse button and drag to the right to expand file names.
c. Click fp_11.2.202.......linux-i386.tar.gz.
d. Click Extract on top menu.
e. Choose where you want to save the archive.
f. Close xarchive when it finishes.
3. Go to where you just stored your archive and click it.
4. Repeat step 2 & 2a; then click and 2d,e&f.
5. Open 2 Rox windows (I hope I used the right term),one to where you just put and one to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins. If there is a in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins delete it and copy it from your first window.

I hope this will help.


P.S. sorry I tried to make the word here for 01micko's page an active link but going back and adding the next sentence screwed it up somehow.
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#290 Post by Sylvander »


1. "update PPM"
Successfully done just now.

2. "download"
I see that listed in my PPM.
I believe this is the version I previously installed using the PPM, and this had a BAD effect on [functioning of] the Puppy, so I restored my pupsave backup to restore [my previous setup, and hence] full functionality.
Aught I to try once again?
I see no way to uninstall my existing version of Firefox [17.0.11].
No version of Firefox is listed in PPM as installed. [Does that mean this Slacko-5.7.0-pae came with this natively installed?].
Is it the two Firefox installs clashing that's causing the problems?
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#291 Post by Semme »

Without having first renamed your current Firefox settings folder, it's possible for components from the new build to corrupt and cause problems with your existing profile.

As for how to deal with a download from Mozilla, the install is exactly as Seamonkey suggests, a simple extraction.. ... tall_linux

/usr/lib is just as good and most likely where the current build resides.

Seriously, it's not rocket science.
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built-in firefox removal

#292 Post by jeff757 »

Try Menu - Setup - Remove builtin programs click the down arrow and select firefox.
I've never tried this but one would hope it works.

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Re: built-in firefox removal

#293 Post by Sylvander »

jeff757 wrote:Try Menu - Setup - Remove builtin programs click the down arrow and select firefox.
a. Tried this.
Removed Mozilla-Firefox, and clciked the "Save..." icon. [My session changes are not auto-saved]
Then looked in PPM.
"Firefox" version [15.0.1] that was previously listed was still listed.
I never see any mention of version 17.0.11, except in "Firefox->Help->About Firefox".
No Firefox would now load.

b. Used PPM to install "firefox-27.0.1-i686".
Once completed, I clicked the "Save..." icon.
No Firefox would run: not listed in the Menu system, or the Console.

c. Restored a backup of the pupsave file, so now back as before.

d. Looks like I'll need to attempt to understand your suggested method.
I'm getting too old for this. :roll:
You say "it's not rocket science"...
Seems to me like a Rocket Scientist talking to a child.

e. So I'm to rename [to what? Anything other than the current name?] my "current Firefox settings folder", right?
So which is that folder? /root/.mozilla/firefox/58ggeg3g.default?
I have Path=58ggeg3g.default in the /root/.mozilla/firefox/profiles.ini file.
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#294 Post by Semme »

Room in ~/ shouldn't be a problem.

Rename /root/.mozilla/firefox >> /root/.mozilla/firefox_anything-your-heart-desires.

Dwnld one of the builds near the end.. You'll choose good enough.

Unpack it somewhere.. /usr/lib or /tmp if unsure.

/tmp won't be permanent.

Fire the binary!

If you leave ~/.mozilla open, you'll notice a new FF directory gets created.

The whole shebang? No more than two minutes.

This method allows you to reinstall the same version you had.


And should you need one of these, it goes in /usr/share/applications.
(274 Bytes) Downloaded 278 times
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#295 Post by Semme »

What's the deal Sylvander.. Do you somehow need more detailed instructions?
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#296 Post by Sylvander »

Semme wrote:What's the deal Sylvander.. Do you somehow need more detailed instructions?
a. I'm getting old, and struggling to keep up.
e.g. This morning conditions were right, so I mowed the lawn, trimmed the edges, forked around the borders to loosen the surface soil, lifted out all weeds growing, got rid of stones found, spread the grass cuttings under the strawberries, and there's more needing done.
Might finish most of it tomorrow.
Garden now looks really good; like a small work of 3D living art.
I feel like I've been rolled on by a horse, but have just had a shower, so I'm feeling fresh, skin glowing.
Now to rest and recover.

b. I think I'll be able to follow your instructions.
Studied them yesterday, and intended to attempt to implement them today, but the other stuff demanded 1st priority.
Perhaps tomorrow, but the weather tomorrow is to be good, so perhaps more gardening.
If I found it so easy I could do without thinking, I'd bash ahead and it would be done by now.
I appreciate your efforts, and apologize for my poor responses.
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#297 Post by Semme »

Yeah, been busy beautifying my surroundings as well, so, take your time. When you're ready you're ready!
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#298 Post by greengeek »

Sylvander wrote: I mowed the lawn, trimmed the edges, forked around the borders to loosen the surface soil, lifted out all weeds growing, got rid of stones found, spread the grass cuttings under the strawberries, and there's more needing done.
What's your hourly rate? Theres quite a bit needs doing here too if you're available.... :-)
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#299 Post by Semme »

:D:wink: Got a laugh outta me.
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#300 Post by Sylvander »


...I think.
How do I find which version this "newer" Firefox is?

Had to deviate slightly from your instructions...
Following them exactly produced the old Firefox instead of the new.

1. Had to use ROX rather than Xfe to rename the /root/.mozilla/firefox folder to /root/.mozilla/firefox_old.
Also had to shut down all 3 Firefox windows.
Xfe was closing [crashing?] when I hit rename...
And producing an added/renamed COPY, with the original still in place.
Using ROX with no open Firefox windows fixed this problem, hence only the renamed version existed.

2. Also had to rename /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11 to /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11_old.
I guess this was producing/running the old Firefox instead of the new.

3. I unpacked /mnt/home/00/Firefox-38.0.5/firefox-38.0.5.tar.bz2 that I'd downloaded previously.
Did this instead of using one of the versions on the page you linked.
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