Slacko 5.7 - March 2014

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#301 Post by Semme »

C'mon now, version info's in Help, then About.

The old FF came up because you launched it from (I suspect) the menu.

Anytime you edit program files, make certain the application's *closed.

Again, I suspect a menu launch..
Also had to rename /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11 to /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11_old.
Since my method works well for testing, storing the extracted pkg somewhere in /mnt/home is fine. With this setup you simply drag the binary to your desktop and avoid any menu launchers. Doing so would make the old build use components in the new FF settings folder. This you wanna avoid.

The good thing is, if any part of your setup became *polluted,* and you weren't happy with the new build, you could always drop back to a smaller, less bloated, earlier version.

And Pup doesn't need any (firefox-17.0.11) numbered naming convention.. It's downright silly.

PS >> If you run NoScript, make sure'n backup your white list.
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#302 Post by Sylvander »

1. "C'mon now, version info's in Help, then About."
In the old Firefox it was, and I could find it no problem...
But in the new Firefox, I cannot find "Help"; even when I click "Open menu" help isn't listed..
There are no menu titles at top left.

2. "The old FF came up because you launched it from (I suspect) the menu."
I used the "Browse" icon on the desktop.
The same happens when I use the "Menu->Internet->Firefox" entry..
I'd expect these to launch the new Firefox.

3. "Anytime you edit program files, make certain the application's *closed."
I'll try to remember that.

4. "Doing so would make the old build use components in the new FF settings folder. This you wanna avoid."
What is the "SO" that doing "would make the old build use components in the new FF settings folder"?

5. "With this setup you simply drag the binary to your desktop and avoid any menu launchers."
What is the "THIS SETUP" to which you refer?
Sorry if I'm sounding pedantic, but I was educated in Physics, Engineering, Maths, and being SPECIFIC was trained into me for years.
Was also once a "Trainee Training Officer" where we trained Supervisors [and me] how difficult it is to give written instructions that others will have no difficulty following.

6. I'm guessing that if I "drag the binary" [ i.e. /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin?] to the desktop, and use that to launch the new Firefox, I won't get the warning that displays that it's launching the binary of the old Firefox, and asking if I want to save a copy of that binary file [so far I always cancel this].
When I use ROX and left-click on /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin the new Firefox launches, with no warning dialog.

7. The new Firefox won't play the 1st video I tried at
There's a warning that "the plugin is vulnerable and should be updated" [Adobe Flash].
I'm about to use "GetFlash" to install "flashplayer11-
Will post this and then click OK.
Still doesn't work; will save session changes and reboot.
Videos now play just fine. :D

8. I'm unable to get "Open menu->Preferences->General->Startup->When Firefox starts" to accept "Show my windows and tabs from last time". :(
It's stuck on "Show my home page".
At least it has accepted as my home page.
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#303 Post by Semme »

Version = horizontal bars on the right >> little question mark lower right >> about.

Menu stuff won't launch the new one unless the exec line in firefox.desktop is adjusted.

I'm not on Slacko ATM to know the difference.

As for user settings components, the new build contains 43 items.

My older build >> 30.

:?: You tell me whether mix'n match is a good idea..

For a clean install, you wanna avoid this type of pollution.

Export whatever you need and re-import into the new build. This is the safer bet >> ALWAYS!

As for launching a new build, say from /tmp.. It's always <cmdline now.. DOT_SLASH_BOLDED_WORD> "./binary" from within the same directory, and why I said to drag this binary onto your desktop where <sans any cmdline magic> clicking will launch it directly from /tmp. Follow?

The YT site I'll check and reply to shortly.. Yes, YT Great Britian plays.

Personally, my machine is nowhere near powerful enough to deal with Mozilla's latest bloat!

Horrible what they've done with *thee* alternative browser.. An absolute CPU <bite my tongue> Who-Wa!

On the other hand, it's fine if you get on with it.


As you may recall, I made this suggestion.


You, running Slacko, might be better off with....... Slimboat? :D
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#304 Post by Semme »

In fact, here's FF ESR 24.x with a modified user.js >>

And the "outdated plugin" warning? I simply don't care.

Am I suppose to sacrifice my ability to browse in order to keep up with bloated code?

I think not. Gotta draw the line somewhere..
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#305 Post by Moat »

Semme wrote:And the "outdated plugin" warning? I simply don't care.
Super easy to disable the warning via 'about:config' -

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#306 Post by Semme »

Bob, there's only so much nonsense I care to remember.
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#307 Post by Moat »

Semme wrote:Bob, there's only so much nonsense I care to remember.
You and me, both, Semme. Took me a few minutes Googling that up just to figure out what I'd already done... numerous times! :) I need to start taking/saving notes on this stuff...

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#308 Post by Semme »

:D You're not one of those peeps that jot down passwords, are ya?

Nah! Manly men remember.. :lol: Haha..


Sylvander, Bob's post simplified..

FF >> about:config >> search "blocklist" >> toggle: extensions.blocklist.enabled = false.
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#309 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Version = horizontal bars on the right >> little question mark lower right >> about."
Got it. :D

2. "Menu stuff won't launch the new one unless the exec line in firefox.desktop is adjusted."
Tried to do that, but couldn't get it to work. :(

3. "You tell me whether mix'n match is a good idea.."
Not understood.

4. "For a clean install, you wanna avoid this type of pollution."
Not understood.

5. "Export whatever you need and re-import into the new build."
Er...Beyond my level of understanding.

6. "As for launching a new build, say from /tmp.."
I didn't extract the Firefox compressed package to /tmp [but instead to /usr/lib because [as I understand things] everything in /tmp is LOST at shutdown/reboot.
I drag-n-drop'd the /usr/lib/firefox/firefox-bin file to the desktop [using ROX], and it made a link, which is working fine.

7. "The YT site I'll check and reply to shortly."
My latest Firefox->FlashPlayer combination work fine at Youtube.
Unfortunately, I'm not able to make the new Firefox open at the 3 windows [that I deliberately leave] open when I reboot Slacko-5.7.0-pae.

8. "my machine is nowhere near powerful enough to deal with Mozilla's latest bloat!"
My desktop PC can handle it without breaking a sweat. :D

9. "As you may recall, I made this suggestion."
Yes, I recall that, but couldn't decide whether to go that route.
Looks like this [my preferred option] is working [except for the tweaks needed to get Firefox working exactly as I'd like].
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#310 Post by Semme »

Try this in your firefox.desktop file >> Exec=/usr/lib/firefox/ /usr/lib/firefox/firefox

By "export whatever you need" I'm referring to bkmrks, and, if running, your NoScript whitelist.

Yeah, extracted to /usr/lib I get. Remember I said "/tmp for testing."

/usr/lib for persistence is up to you.

The three window deal may be a bug or an add-on conflict. Can't say without knowing which you might have.

Then again, you may be "trying to have your cake and eat it too!"

Nine you can :mrgreen: "pay no mind.."
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#311 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Try this in your firefox.desktop file >> Exec=/usr/lib/firefox/ /usr/lib/firefox/firefox"
Made this change within /usr/share/applications/mozilla-firefox.desktop using leafpad, and clicked "Save" within leafpad and closed it.
Later clcked "Save..." icon on the desktop.
When I click the "Browse" icon on the desktop [or the Firefox entry in the Menu system] a Mozilla Firefox window opens with a warning that I have "Chosen to open...a Firefox BIN file from /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11_old", and would I like to save this file.
I click "cancel".

2. "By "export whatever you need" I'm referring to bkmrks, and, if running, your NoScript whitelist."
I have no need to do either of these.
NoScript not installed, and using Sync.

3. "The three window deal may be a bug or an add-on conflict."
I'm inclined to think I just need to know how to configure this new Firefox version to get it to do what I want.

4. "you may be "trying to have your cake and eat it too!"
I agree.
Will need to read up on that later and get back to you.
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#312 Post by Semme »

Sylvander, as far as I see it --this is a wrap. :wink:

Delete or move "mozilla-firefox.desktop" and use the one here.

Did I test and confirm this personally? You better believe it!

Make sure the new build resides in /usr/lib as "firefox". Nothing more, nothing less.

The firefox script in /usr/bin should suffice "as is."

That the new guy works, there's no reason "firefox-17.0.11_old" should even exist.

"Windows and tabs from last time" works just fine.

The deal is you can use neither "private browsing mode" nor "clear history."

For a man with your credentials :roll::mrgreen: the above should make perfect sense.

Alas! There's hope..

Code: Select all

firefox url_1 url_2 url_3
.. A script YOU can create!

All you gotta do is tell your desktop file where this script's hide'n.

And it's where?

Right! "Link relative" in <safe bet> /usr/bin or /usr/local/bin.

echo $PATH will tell you what's available...


Please, don't try'n reply to every line. It's stuffy.

Respond, pro or con, what matters for YOU.

Above all >> T-a-k-e y-o-u-r t-i-m-e..
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#313 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Delete or move "mozilla-firefox.desktop" and use the one here."
I copied it to a handy storage location, then deleted the original, and replaced it with the version you supplied, BUT...
It appears to have made no difference; the warning is still displayed when I click the desktop icon or use the menu entry to run it. :(

2. "Make sure the new build resides in /usr/lib as "firefox". Nothing more, nothing less."
Already done.

3. "That the new guy works, there's no reason "firefox-17.0.11_old" should even exist."
Aught I to delete this, or move it out of its folder?

4. "Please, don't try'n reply to every line. It's stuffy."
I only reply to lines that I think need dealt with.
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#314 Post by Semme »

I think your profile's polluted, in which case, clean install. I've provided the method.
The warning is still displayed when I click the desktop icon or use the menu entry to run it.
Export your bkmrks and delete ~/.mozilla/firefox should be all that needs doing.

Oh, uh.. For a new profile >> terminal >> firefox -p
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#315 Post by Sylvander »

1. "delete ~/.mozilla/firefox"
But, but, but...
I've only just created the only ~/.mozilla/firefox in /root/.mozilla/firefox...
On your instructions methinks. :?
So this latest instruction confuses me.
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#316 Post by Semme »

Yes, exactly.. Remove it.

A new one's created the moment you launch the menu item. This should also free you from that warning.
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#317 Post by Semme »

NOW I understand what you did.

You used the old FF binary to fire the new builds components in ~/

And as I said, TOSS that old desktop file!
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#318 Post by Sylvander »

1. "You used the old FF binary to fire the new builds components in ~/"
Means nothing to me. :(

2. "TOSS that old desktop file!"
OK, deleted /usr/lib/firefox-17.0.11_old...
Hence, the dialog/warning is no longer displayed. :D

3. Now all that's needed is to get the new firefox to offer to open the 3 windows that were open when I clicked the "Save..." icon on the desktop.
I need to go back and read what you said about that.
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#319 Post by Semme »

Go into ~/my-apps/bin and rt-clk >> new >> script. Name it ( as you wish.

Make it look like this substituting your own urls.

Code: Select all

firefox url_1 url_2 url_3
Then open the desktop file and spec your script.


Actually, stick it in /usr/bin and restart X.
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#320 Post by Sylvander »

1. "Go into ~/my-apps/bin and rt-clk >> new >> script. Name it ( as you wish."
Used ROX to make a new script file = /root/my-applications/bin/firefox_3url' with the following content:

Code: Select all

2. "open the desktop file and spec your script"
How is that done.
Any particular position for the line in the file?
What wording?
The file is /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop.
Here is the present content:

Code: Select all

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Firefox Web Browser
Comment=Browse the World Wide Web
GenericName=Web Browser
Exec=firefox %u
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