Set of ready-made pupsave and swap files,

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Set of ready-made pupsave and swap files,

#1 Post by musher0 »

(If you rather need zipped files, see post # 6 below. But still read this
initial info post, please. Thanks.)
Hello, all.

The old and ugly and very hush-hush problem of the pupsave file not
being created seems to be resurfacing. ... ost#850640

Also: ... ost#846445

This problem had been quiet for a couple of years (thanks to Karl_Godt's
excellent editing of some code, as I understand it) and now it seems to be
reappearing at random.

Some Francophones say it's how the *.mo translation file reacts to the
shutdownconfig script, other times it seems that the wrong
shutdownconfig was used in the wrong context. Some say it's linked to
the machine you're using. I won't bother you with the details, because it
can get technical in very short order.

In any case:
if you've had the problem, don't give up on Puppy, it's only a glitch.

Attached is a solution. It's external, it's not script-dependent, so it will
always work -- with any Puppy.

First unpack the attached zip archive. Choose a pupsave of likely size, a
size that you think is reasonable for your use. Move that file alongside the
sfs file of your Puppy, in the same folder.

For example, if you have your puppy_precise_5.sfs main file from
PuppyPrecise-5.7.1 in foilder /mnt/sda1/PuppyPrecise-5.7.1, put the
unpacked pupsave file in that folder.

Then follow the instructions below to completely develop that pupsave file
and to rename it for your Puppy.

Once you have completely unpacked the pupsave file, reboot your Puppy.
The new pupsave file will be picked up normally by the Puppy boot

Once back up on your desktop, if you icons look like road warnings, ;)
run the attached script to restore them.

I hope this solution will help keep a few more newbies interested in
Puppy, instead of this problem scaring them off.

(Until one of our experienced programmers reviews what's going on again
and comes up with a universal and absolutely fail-safe solution.)

Best regards.


From the note in the archive :

Here's 4.32 Gb worth of pupsave files, as nine *.2fs files, in multiples
of 96Mb. The lzo and then xz compressions gave the best results.

To unpack, click on them twice. The click on the xz file will free the
lzo file. Then click on the lzo file. This will develop the pupsave file
to its full and original size.

Then, replace the letters "CE" at the beginning of the filename with the
name of your Puppy. For example, you can rename "CEsave-jk384.2fs" to
"precisesave-jk384.2fs". Enquire or do some research if you are not sure
what the proper filename of your pupsave should be.

Here are some pupsave filenames used in a few recent Puppies:
tahr unicorn CE dpup kdpup lina lupu polar precise quirky
racy raring slacko sulu wary wheezy wolx tooppy_precise

Finally, keep this zip file somewhere safe. You may need it again in the

Bye for now.

Unzip in /root/my-applications/bin, make executable and run.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Hello again, people.

The above ready-made files should be useful for anyone setting up
a PuppyPrecise-5.7.1 or below version, down to the early upups (Puppies
4.7, etc.), stopping short of the Puppy 4.2x series.

  • -- You shouldn't need these pupsaves -- to my knowledge -- with the
    dpup's generally, by which I mean the Puppy derivatives created by
    gposil, dejan555 or pemasu, that they based on Debian.

    -- They are of no use either with the DebianDog's by saintless and
    fredx181, which use the Debian savefile process, not Puppy's.
Beginning with Slacko 6.0b, or generally with any Puppy published after
mid-November 2013 AND based on the woof-CE git-hub process,
the above ready-made pupsave files should be of no use to you, since
the shutdownconfig script in those was thoroughly edited.
It's ok to use the ready-made pupsave files above with those new
Puppies. What I mean is that the shutdownconfig script of the newer
Puppies now being safe and sound, you shouldn't have to use them.

I hope this second post clears up matters a bit.


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#3 Post by musher0 »

(And now the poll is gone again... To sum up the former poll results,
it seems that the problem occurs in +/- 30 % of cases.)

Sorry for the doubles in the poll.

Shortly after creating it, I wasn't seeing it. I don't know what happened.
I thought I had erased it somehow, so I re-created it.

Sorry about any confusion, but now that there are results in the poll, I'm
afraid that cleaning up the options would erase the results. Just use good

Thanks for your understanding. BFN.

Last edited by musher0 on Sun 21 Jun 2015, 06:28, edited 5 times in total.
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#4 Post by musher0 »

Hello again.

If you prefer, there's PupsaveConfig by Shinobar.

Here's how to use it:
  • You download it in advance of starting your new Puppy.

    Once your pristine Puppy is up and running, first thing you do is install
    and run PupsaveConfig. Once you've specified your configuration, simply
    click ok and exit the utility. Please note there's no confirmation.

    Then, reboot. You won't have the usual dialog at this point. The Pupsave-
    Config script will say it its creating your pupsave file in a simple line at the
    top of the exit console.

    Coming back in your Puppy your new pupsave file will be operational.

Last edited by musher0 on Thu 16 Jul 2015, 11:55, edited 1 time in total.
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#5 Post by mikeb »

Would it be a good idea to use gzip since some pups won't support lzo or xz by default..lucid comes to mind and certainly older. You get roughly the same size after compression.

Or what about zip so a puppy install could be fixed/repaired from windows?

While you are at it how about a few swap files similarly compressed...they are handy.

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#6 Post by musher0 »

Hi, mikeb.

Here we have the same ready-made pupsave files as above, but zipped
twice, for use in WhineDose contexts or whatever.

The user simply has to unzip them twice alongside the main puppy*.sfs file
in the Puppy folder to get the full-blown pupsave file.

Given that these files are now attached, I think it would be overkill
to create similar lzo.gz files.

Concerning a set of swap files:
  • I think ready-made swap files should be presented in their own thread, if
    such a thread does not exist already.

    The reason is that some code has to be inserted in /etc/rc.d/rc.local for
    these swap files to be recognized by the Linux system. (Swap partitions
    are recognized automatically.)

    As well, a large static WhineDose swap file (whatever its name nowadays)
    can be used as a Linux swap file. As our beloved Shakespeare once said:
    "A swap file by any other name is still a swap file." :)

    So, yeah, I think swap files would be better discussed on their own.
Note, June 22 2015:
I finally decided against my initial opinion and included a set of
pupswap.swp files in this thread anyway. See further down.



The same pupsave files as in the 1st post, but easier to unpack from any
system, since they're inside zip files. (Thanks to mikeb for the suggestion.)
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#7 Post by mikeb »

Ah goodly.... just rounds off your post :)

well it used to be a swap file was automatically used if called pupswap.swp and placed with the other puppy files or root of the puppy partition.... or something very that no longer done?

for example ... ar.gz?dl=1

they don't seem to compress as much... handy though as avoids any partitioning.

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#8 Post by musher0 »


I didn't know that. I thought Puppy created a 256 Mo pupswap.swp file only
if the user's system did not have enough RAM. I didn't know it could
automatically load one.

Good to know. Thanks for this.

I gave your swap file the same expert crunching treatment that I gave the
pupsave files ! ;) So here goes. (See attachments.)

Small is beautiful! Enjoy.

Unpack twice in /mnt/home partition.
(1.75 KiB) Downloaded 880 times
Outstanding compaction here, considering this archive houses a 512 Mg
swap file... An empty swap file, you'll say, but still...
Unpack twice in /mnt/home partition.
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#9 Post by musher0 »

Hello, again, people.

One last thing:

if your swap file above doesn't seem to load automatically, insert the
following in file rc.local at /etc/rc.d, just below the lines:
#this file called from rc.sysinit
#you can edit this file
So in all, you'll get:

Code: Select all

#this file called from rc.sysinit
#you can edit this file

# swap file
mkswap /mnt/home/pupswap.swp # mount it
swapon /mnt/home/pupswap.swp # activate it
echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness # makes swapping a little less agressive
Whatever the boss says ;), please don't edit or touch anything else in that
file. There's a firewall command in it -- and maybe other commands too.


Last edited by musher0 on Sun 21 Jun 2015, 15:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#10 Post by musher0 »

If your system needs more leg room, here's for you two pupswap.swp files
of 1 Gb...
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#11 Post by musher0 »

... and of 1.5Gb.
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#12 Post by musher0 »

... and of 2Gb...
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#13 Post by musher0 »

... and of 2.5Gb.

If you change pupswap files, from smaller to bigger for example, please be
aware that in Puppy, all the different swap sizes need to have the same
filename. Just pay attention so you don't get them mixed up. :)


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#14 Post by mikeb »

Ah ha... well a useful can of worms opened... this info normally gets lost in the forum.

Interesting the double zip makes quite a difference...must have a play with that....again useful if setting up or fixing from windows.

Don't think you need to repeat the mkswap (though no harm its pretty quick) once done but not heard of using
echo 30 > /proc/sys/vm/swappiness
sounds very useful. :) Learn something every day.

As far as I know there is no significant speed penalty using a swap file instead of a partition unless its on ntfs due to that using a fuse driver.

nice one

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#15 Post by musher0 »

My pleasure!
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#16 Post by musher0 »

Hello again.

For those of you with newer computers offering gigabytes of RAM, here's
a set of swap files from 3 Gb's to 8 Gb's.

Edit, June 26 2015
These big swap files are used essentially to "hibernate" your machine.
Please see: -- --, par. 3.
Sorry about that. musher0

Download and unpack in a partition with lots of free space, not in your
internal Puppy structure (i.e. not in your pupsave file).

Then do as indicated in the initial post:
  • -- choose a proper size for your machine (i.e. choose a swap file
    equal to your total RAM or a little larger) and
    -- unpack the archive twice in /mnt/home.
You can remove the interim zip or lzo archive once your pupswap.swp
file is in place.


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#17 Post by mikeb »

You have made quite a market stall here :)


ps..kernel 2.4 had an option of a daemon to create and load swap files as needed like windows does ...shame that is still not around but it does not seem like a difficult task.
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#18 Post by musher0 »

mikeb said:
> "... it does not seem like a difficult task... "

That's usually the prelude to a script... ;)
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

Swap does not work on USB pendrives..

#19 Post by Pelo »

Bon, c'est plus compliqué que ce que je croyais.
The solution is not the one what i expected.
I don't use hard disk to respect the initial spirit of Puppy Linux.
Swap does not work on USB pendrives...
My problem is that Gnome desktop is unable to increase pupsave size once created... (Slacko 5.3.3 Gnome )
Never mind... I will create a big pupsave at first (512mb)
It's against my way of doing with Puppy, tiny but speedy Linux, pocket OS (pendrive) or Wallet OS (SD card or mini-CD)
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#20 Post by musher0 »

Hi, pelo.

My ready-made pupsave files are only that. I saw that nilsonmorales had
directed you to a solution by Terryphi to increase the size of your pupsave
for your special Puppy on the other thread where you also reported your
problem. Good luck!
  • Trad. :
    Mes pupsaves tout faits ne sont que ça. J'ai vu que nilsonmorales t'avait
    orienté vers une solution par Terryphi pour augmenter la taille de ton
    pupsave pour ton Puppy spécial sur l'autre fil où tu as aussi rapporté ton
    problème. Bonne chance !
Last edited by musher0 on Wed 01 Jul 2015, 21:17, edited 3 times in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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