pWidgets 2.5.8

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#3141 Post by Moat »

More testing on a different computer, Tahrpup 6.0.3, and Pwidgets version 2.5.7 - Weather Station is working fine here, using the above linked WOEID's.


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#3142 Post by tlchost »

Moat wrote:That is odd, tlchost! BTW - the codes need four digits at the end - the example you gave - usmd020 - is one number shy of being valid...!? Probably should be capital letters in front, as well. Might be part of the issue, as...
The famous I don't type rite syndrome...sorry.

May have been a bad a fresh copy of 257 and it works fine...sorry for causing any extra work.
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#3143 Post by Moat »

tlchost a fresh copy of 257 and it works fine...sorry for causing any extra work.
All good. Spurred me on to fix some other issues I discovered while in there. :)

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#3144 Post by Moat »

bigpup wrote:When trying to access plugin calendar I get this:
Confirming this, with Pwidgets 2.5.6 as well. Other plugins, too - not just calendar.

LiveCD session of Tahrpup, updated to 6.0.3. Pic of oddities (arrow highlights) when ran from terminal, attached (no 'C' in 'Clock_analog'...?)...

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#3145 Post by 01micko »

resizepng needs a patch for newer versions of glib so it compiles.

Code: Select all

# zcat resizepng_gobject_unref.patch.gz             
--- resizepng.c.orig	2009-01-20 22:18:52.000000000 +1000
+++ resizepng.c	2015-07-03 08:26:58.727669174 +1000
@@ -58,8 +58,8 @@ int main(int argc, char **argv) {
   gdk_pixbuf_save ( im , jpgname , "png" ,NULL, "compression" , newquality, NULL);
-  gdk_pixbuf_unref(im);
-  gdk_pixbuf_unref(im2);	
+  g_object_unref(im);
+  g_object_unref(im2);	
Maybe blendpics does too.. we'll see.

EDIT: yes blendpics does too

Code: Select all

# zcat  blendpics_gobject_unref.patch.gz
--- blendpics.c.orig	2009-01-18 22:01:12.000000000 +1000
+++ blendpics.c	2015-07-03 08:50:45.307709135 +1000
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ gdk_pixbuf_get_from_drawable (im,pixmap,
 gdk_pixbuf_save ( im , jpgname , "png" ,NULL, NULL);
   return 0;
# MU's original source + patch

tar xjvf blendpics_source.tar.bz2
cd blendpics_source
zcat blendpics_gobject_unref.patch.gz | patch -p0 && ./ || exit
(7.33 KiB) Downloaded 278 times
MU's original souce
(2.78 KiB) Downloaded 335 times
zcat resizepng_gobject_unref.patch.gz | patch -p0 && make || exit
(255 Bytes) Downloaded 305 times
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#3146 Post by Moat »

For anybody who decided to try the 5 day extended WeatherStation_Forecast I threw up here - ... 572#846572

- below is attached a mildly-tweaked version of the original Weather Station locale-setting plugin, that should work for it. Just extract the 'Weather_Station_Forecast' folder to the '/usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins' directory...

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A new problem with sleep delay and desktop backgrounds

#3147 Post by bigpup »

jrb wrote:
bigpup wrote:Maybe a start delay setting in the root/startup/0_show_widgets?

Code: Select all

sleep 3
fixwidgets -boot &
Works for me. :D I saw the problem but liked the black background.
I am using a very detailed picture as the desktop background that takes a little time to fully load.

I had to change the sleep setting to sleep 5.

This keeps Pwidget from starting too fast and loading the start up black.

The sleep 3 works OK for normal desktop backgrounds.
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#3148 Post by live »

With my tahr 6.0.3
* pwidgets 2.5.6 works, but I can't inforce some preferences, such as left.

* pwidgets 2.5.7 nothing shows up.

Changing quite often of monitor, I would be nice to have in the preferences to set a y offset and not only an x.

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#3149 Post by Mike Walsh »

Evening, guys..

Hm. I've been using pWidgets virtually since I started using Tahrpup (shortly after it was released). I use 2.5.6; wasn't even aware there'd been another update.

I've had hardly any problems with it. I use Weather 2, which seems to work for me just fine. It's not a forecast per se. just a current indication of local weather conditions.....but it's very easy to set up.

The only thing I've found problems with is if I try to use the analog clock. I can guarantee that on re-boot, it will have disappeared....and I won't be able to restart it, until after a further re-boot.

Any kind soul have an explanation for why this should be happening....and is there anything I can do about it?

BTW: There is one further issue I've noted with the clock. The seconds hand, instead of moving every second, appears to jump two, every other second. Anybody come across this one, or worked out a 'fix' for it? It's perhaps something in a config file somewhere.....but where do I find it?

(Before anybody says it, it's nowt to do wi't CMOS battery; it's been replaced, during the last 6 months or so. As far as I'm aware, the old one was still the original, from when my sister bought it back in 2005..!)

I say this, in all seriousness, because I have a 9 yr-old Pulsar chronograph, which, when the battery gets low (approx every 3 yrs or so), does exactly the same thing.....jumps 2, every other second. But I don't think computers act up quite like that... :lol:


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#3150 Post by 666philb »

hi zigbert,
tlchost brought up on puppychat that pwidgets wasn't autostarting.

the in the .pets copy '0_show_widgets' to /root/.config/autostart. this directory is for .desktop files .... the script needs to go in /root/Startup for pwidgets to autorun at startup.
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#3151 Post by zigbert »

Thank for the feedback
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#3152 Post by zigbert »

Version 2.5.8
See main post

Bugfix: show widgets at startup (thanks to tlchost)
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#3153 Post by tlchost »

Moat wrote:F

- below is attached a mildly-tweaked version of the original Weather Station locale-setting plugin, that should work for it. Just extract the 'Weather_Station_Forecast' folder to the '/usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/plugins' directory...
Tried it with 258 and Tahr604 on bootable USB shows up as weather in the pwidgets selection menu....and palces some bad stml on the desktop

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Temp_cpu widget

#3154 Post by davids45 »

G'day zigbert,

Thanks for updating your widgets pet and particularly for doing a 64-bit version.
There seems to be a lot of 64-bit Pups on the loose at the present time, and the only 64-bit widget I could find from any 64-bit Pup was very old.

Could you alter the wording that describes the TEMP_cpu widget as I think this widget applies only to the EEE-type mini-laptops. Say rename it something like "TEMP-cpu_EEEcomputers"?

Here's my non-EEE version that works on various old HP desktops here.
I added to the info. in the config file to indicate that modules are needed dependent on the computer so this widget needs adjusting by the user to suit each different computer.

Code: Select all

#this is a Pwidgets config file
#the actual building of the graphics is defined in bottom of this file, - after 'TEXT'. 
# temp data for this widget comes from modules loaded at boot that report any temps for cpu or other devices and for fan speeds if modules report these
# run 'sensors' in a console to see what your system could report
# you may need to run an lm-sensors pet if sensors shows in the terminal it is not loaded
#### --> NB: this widgets needs tailoring to suit your particular computer and its hardware 
# this particular version runs on old HP Small Form desktops

#### PWIDGETS #####


#### CONKY ####
#COLORS --- 0:headings 1:base-info 2:extra-info 3:markers 5:green 6:red
#Colors are defined in theme-files, - NOT here.
color0 A2914E
color1 666666
color2 bbbbbb
color3 ffab00
color5 499D3A
color6 red

background no
own_window yes
own_window_type roxdesktop
#own_window_hints undecorated,below,sticky,skip_taskbar,skip_pager
own_window_transparent yes
own_window_colour hotpink
double_buffer yes
total_run_times 0
update_interval 1
minimum_size 180 5
draw_shades yes
draw_outline no
draw_borders no
stippled_borders 2
border_margin 4
border_width 1
default_color white
default_shade_color 333333
default_outline_color red
no_buffers yes
uppercase no
use_spacer none
#font fixed
use_xft yes
xftfont dejavu:size=8

${font pdingobats2:size=20}${color4}z${font :size=12}${color yellow} CPU Temps
${font}${color3} ${execi 33 sensors | grep -A 1 'Core' | cut -c1-22 | sed '/^$/d'}
${color3} ${execi 33 sensors | grep -A 1 'Adapter: P' | cut -c1-25 | sed '/^$/d'}
${color3} ${execi 33 sensors | grep -A 9 'smsc' | cut -c1-25 | sed '/^$/d'}
This widget doesn't need the script that came with the EEE-TEMP-cpu widget - the config seems OK just by itself.

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#3155 Post by Moat »

tlchost wrote: Tried it with 258 and Tahr604 on bootable USB shows up as weather in the pwidgets selection menu....and palces some bad stml on the desktop
Please explain... can you attach a screenshot? Location issue? Font issue??

I did find a path error in the location plugin script - attached below is the the fix, you might want to give it a try (I've updated the previously posted version here ... 572#846572 )...
Unpack and replace 'WeatherStation_Forecast' script in /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/scripts/
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#3156 Post by tlchost »

Moat wrote: Please explain... can you attach a screenshot? Location issue? Font issue??
What should it appear as in the pwidgets menu....all I see is weather2, weather station and weather. I use weather station

Perhaps this will help, When I run the scriot in terminal I see

Code: Select all

cat: /usr/local/pwidgets/widgets/configs/Weather_Station_Forecat:  No such file or directory

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#3157 Post by Moat »

tlchost wrote: What should it appear as in the pwidgets menu....all I see is weather2, weather station and weather.
If you copy the files I've attached in these two posts into their respective directories... ... 572#846572 ... 875#853875

... it should show up as 'Weather_Station_Forecast' in the Pwidgets menu.

Working fine here with the latest Pwidgets 2.5.8 in an updated Tahr 6.0.4 (32 bit).

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#3158 Post by tlchost »

Moat wrote: ... it should show up as 'Weather_Station_Forecast' in the Pwidgets menu.

Working fine here with the latest Pwidgets 2.5.8 in an updated Tahr 6.0.4 (32 bit).
Thanks...neither one works must be some cockpit error here, In the interest of not beating my forehead into a slope and reducing blood loss, I'll give up.
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#3159 Post by Moat »

tlchost, In the interest of not beating my forehead into a slope and reducing blood loss, I'll give up.
Here's a .pet of it all combined (attached below), to help ya' avoid such terrible pain. :) The .pet should just install and work!

Includes Eurostile and pcompass fonts
(65.59 KiB) Downloaded 345 times
Installed and running in updated Tahr 6.0.x (no-PAE, 32 bit) with Pwidgets 2.5.8
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#3160 Post by tlchost »

installs and works fine...thanks very much.

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