Rapid Pup V2 Released 1st May 2015 64-bit

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#41 Post by Barburo »

Popcorn upgrade took a while but works with the .pet installed.
... continuing to test!.
[i]Laptop[/i]: Acer Aspire 5810TZ
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Update 25th July

#42 Post by ETP »

Google Chrome:

Version 44.0.2403.107 (64-bit stable) was released yesterday.
It seems to be an improvement on the 43.xxx series.

Please use PPM to uninstall the existing version then run
"Get Latest Chrome Version" from the Internet sub-menu.
Follow the prompts and await a final invitation (White text on a blue background) to launch the above version.


Thunderbird 38.1.0 is now available.
To update Thunderbird – in T’bird click on help/about/update.

Google Chrome Extensions:

The new "Stars" bookmarks feature is available again as an extension.
It is switchable between a grid or tile view and can be found here:
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... nfo-dialog

Google Chrome Theme:

The following theme (Morpheon Dark) sits well with the default JWM, GTK & FbBox themes.
It also matches the recommended "Dark Fox" theme for Firefox when that is also installed.
https://chrome.google.com/webstore/deta ... d?hl=en-GB

Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.
Morpheon theme - Apps view
(72.03 KiB) Downloaded 864 times
Morpheon theme
(64.65 KiB) Downloaded 855 times
Chrome's Bookmark Manager - tile or grid view
(162.09 KiB) Downloaded 864 times
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Rapid Pup V2 - Update 5th Aug.

#43 Post by ETP »

Google Chrome:

Version 44.0.2403.130 (64-bit stable) was released yesterday.

Please use PPM to uninstall the existing version then run
"Get Latest Chrome Version" from the Internet sub-menu.
Follow the prompts and await a final invitation (White text on a blue background) to launch the above version.

Optional Pet - Chrome App Launcher:

Attached is a .pet that creates 2 additional .desktop files in /usr/share/applications.
They may be dragged onto the desktop from that location & the text beneath then edited.
The first file provides an additional PupShutdown icon (psd) if required.
The second file gives access to the Chrome App Launcher the main benefit of which is the
ability to perform a Google search straight from the desktop. A choice of icons can be found in /usr/share/icons.
The .pet also places some additional choices of icons for both Firefox & Popcorn Time in /usr/share/pixmaps.

Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.

EDIT 11:45 am:

Popcorn Time have just issued an automatic hotfix which takes the version to 0.3.8-2
Chrome App Launcher
(147.88 KiB) Downloaded 308 times
(43 KiB) Downloaded 807 times
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Rapid Pup V2 Released 1st May 2015

#44 Post by ETP »


There is a bug in PureFTPd within Quirky April x86_64 k 3.19.2 which is used as a base for Rapid Pup.

The problem is that no PID file is written to /var/run/ when the FTP server is started. This results in the
menu item only ever offering the option to start the server. It should offer the option to stop it when it is
already running.

For anyone using PureFTPd the attached .pet fixes the issue. It also changes the icon and the .desktop file in
/usr/share/applications may be dragged onto the desktop to provide a convenient means of starting and stopping
the server. (Edit the text beneath the icon - see screenshot)

The root share may be accessed from any browser on another linux box.
For more info on the "Creation of and access to Linux shares" please see the end of this post together with
the link within it to the slides & notes on Google Drive:


Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.
Fix for pureFTPd revised 10th August
(54.29 KiB) Downloaded 294 times
In this case access from a browser in another Pup using
(185.07 KiB) Downloaded 726 times
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Rapid Pup V2 - Update 7th Sept plus VLC.

#45 Post by ETP »

Rapid Pup V2 - Update 7th Sept plus VLC.

Google Chrome:

Version 45.0.2454.85 (64-bit stable) was released on 1st Sept.

Please use PPM to uninstall the existing version then run
"Get Latest Chrome Version" from the Internet sub-menu.
Follow the prompts and await a final invitation (White text on a blue background) to launch the above version.

Firefox ESR - 64-bit: (When also installed)

Now on version 38.2.1 (Upgrade via its inbuilt utility)


Version 38.2.0 is now available.
To update – in T’bird click on help/about/update.

Popcorn Time:

This should now be on Version 0.3.8-3. Updates are automatic.
Additional themes are available in this latest version & are worth checking out.

VLC & Xine:

In Rapid, Xine is included OOTB but VLC is not. To install VLC 2.1.5 64-bit:

1: In PPM search for vlc then load it together will ALL its dependencies.

2: Install the dbus-1.8.0-x86_64-1 pet (517KB) from within the "Optional Pets" folder here:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_iVV ... FU0TVVnM3M

3: Install the attached fix pet.

4: Reboot.

Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.
(964 Bytes) Downloaded 574 times
VLC 2.1.5
(50.95 KiB) Downloaded 973 times
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Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2)

#46 Post by ETP »

Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2) 09 Oct 2015

Rapid Pup V2 is currently based on Quirky April x86_64 k 3.19.2
On Tues 06 Oct 2015 BarryK released the latest in the April series - 7.2
which uses the 4.1.7 kernel & includes a number of bug fixes. In addition he has
provided a Service Pack PET to upgrade from Quirky

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... 717#866717

That service pack will be offered within Rapid Pup when you next access PPM or
"Quirky Version Upgrade Manager" on the filesystem sub-menu.

Upgrading is recommended BUT before doing so you will need to download the new 16Meg 7.2 boot utility image
from the link below and place it on your boot card or stick. (See next post for how to do that) It contains the new kernel so that
you will be able to boot once you have upgraded. The final line of syslinux.cfg should be edited to
point at the partition you are using. (OOTB it points at sda6)
No 4Meg hybrid boot ISO images are to be offered unless there is a demand for them.

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B_iVV ... VQ1MDJaRjA

If you are currently using the JWM or OpenBox desktop within Rapid V2, following the upgrade you will find
that Barry's green themes & icons will appear. To correct that:

1. In "JWM Window Manager Settings/Themes" change back to the "Blue Pup" theme.
2. In "GTK-Qt theme chooser" change back to "ETP-gtk-rapid".
3. In "Desktop icon switcher" change back to "ETP-Moka".
4. Reboot.

FbBox (OpenBox):
1. In FbBox "Desktop Appearance" change the Icon Theme back to "Ardis".
2. In the Window Widget (GTK) section change back to "windows8OB".
3. Reboot.


There is currently an issue with "Samba Simple Management" which I need to investigate. Pending a fix I
suggest that in BootManager/services you untick rc.samba [EDIT Sun 11 Oct - Sorry false alert on Samba]

Testing has revealed no problems with VLC, Google Chrome, Popcorn Time, Firefox, Thunderbird or Voice Control when installed.
Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.
Rapid Pup V2 upgraded to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2) 09 Oct 2015
(53.19 KiB) Downloaded 926 times
Last edited by ETP on Mon 12 Oct 2015, 14:48, edited 1 time in total.
Regards ETP
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Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2)

#47 Post by ETP »

Install Procedure – 16meg 7.2 Boot Image for Rapid Pup k4.1.7


In Windows use Win32diskimager to write it to a stick or card. A guide to using Win32diskimager can be found here:

http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... 457#765457


If using Linux to place it on a card or stick proceed as follows:

Find out the name of your USB drive with blkid.
Make sure that it is not mounted.
Note that any contents on the target will be wiped.

Run the following command, replacing /dev/sdx with your drive, e.g. /dev/sdb

Do not append a partition number, so do NOT use something like /dev/sdb1
Modify the path to the image file if need be.

Code: Select all

dd if=/root/Downloads/boot_utility_7.2_k4.1.7.img of=/dev/sdx && sync
Regards ETP

#48 Post by gcmartin »

Should an ISO/hybrid version emerge, I would be interested in testing and running RapidPUP this way.
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Rapid Pup V2

#49 Post by ETP »

Hi gc,

I do not intend to issue an ISO for this Pup as it would defeat the first two objectives in the OP:

This Pup is based on BarryK’s Quirky April 7.0.1 x86_64 k 3.17.4
Its main attributes are:

1. Speed.

2. Straight to HDD/SSD install, with boot provided by a separate 4MB hybrid ISO image.

3. The Main image is in tar.gz form and is to be copied onto an empty 10G f2fs partition (sda8 in the screenshots) then simply extracted in situ.
Boot is from a 4 Meg hybrid ISO that contains the kernel. The ISO can be written to any old USB stick/SD card > 4Meg or CDR if preferred.

4. Simplicity of install with no need to modify any existing bootloader.
Installed in the fashion described it is a speed daemon. If however you are prepared to sacrifice some speed the main image rather than
being placed on a HD or SSD partition and then extracted, can be placed on a second stick or card. (8GB would do)

The second card or stick need only contain a single f2fs partition.
In order to boot such an arrangement you would need to boot from the 16Meg boot utility image placed on the first stick or card.

A single line in syslinux.cfg as follows would be required:

default /vmlinuz root=/dev/sdc1 rw
(Change sdc1 depending how your second card or stick appears)

The boot utility card or stick can be extracted once booted as Rapid is a full install.
I will wean you off those DVDs one day :lol: :lol:
Regards ETP

#50 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks @ETP

@Barryk's ISO when run from my DVD runs in ZRAM. Does that impose a speed penalty? Or does it impose some other operational disadvantage?

Just curious
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Rapid Pup V2

#51 Post by ETP »

Hi gc,

AFAIK the Quirky live-CD uses ZRAM. The penalty is a slower boot but once everything has
been constructed in RAM it should be quick. Other penalties are the need for more RAM and
a limited save ability.
BK intended that it be used to evaluate Quirky before using it to do a full install to a partition on
a HDD/SSD, USB stick or fast SD card. He created it in response to forum demand for an ISO but it is
not like a traditional Puppy ISO.
Regards ETP

#52 Post by gcmartin »

Yes, I agree.

The DVD is quick. RAM use isnt an issue I face in operation of the 64bit Aprils ISOs provided. And, I have used his "save icon" to create and boot a new image of the system on the DVD.

I did recognize that its not a true PUP (as we've come to know in past PUPs).

But, even as a evaluation perspective, it is wickedly swift and seemingly meets objectives (excepting the problems I have already reported on one of my 64-bit PCs.

Also, I do understand your position. Further, its enough work just to achieve the results you have for a smooth stable system in RapidPUP.

Thanks for your insights.
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new use for old CF

#53 Post by prehistoric »

I was about to dedicate a 16 GB USB drive to testing Rapid Pup when I realized the boot image is for a 16 MB device. I happen to have a number of compact flash devices which once fit in cameras. I also have readers for multiple flash devices installed in three machines.

When I put the boot image on one such, and created a hard drive partition (which just happened to end up as /dev/sda6) Rapid Pup V2 came up and played.

I'm not posting from there because, for reasons I have not yet discovered, the kernel module for the reverse-engineered Nforce2 forcedeth module refused to load, even when selected manually. (I also did not get the sensor module. That machine requires the K8temp sensors.)

This is not a serious problem because I'm planning to run Rapid Pup on a different machine with a SSD.
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Re: new use for old CF

#54 Post by ETP »

Hi prehistoric,

That is exactly what I used to create the original 16MB boot utility. :)
I only have the one and was just hoping it did not fall over. The next
alternative was a 128MB Disgo USB stick which is still running!

When you come to install the service pack to upgrade to k4.1.7 there is no
need to download the new 16MB Boot Image for Rapid Pup k4.1.7 if before
rebooting you replace the kernel (vmlinuz) on the card with the new one that you will find in /boot (3666k dated 06 Oct 2015)
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Optional 64bit Mini DLNA server for Smart TVs

#55 Post by ETP »

Optional 64bit Mini DLNA server for Smart TVs

An optional pet for Rapid Pup V2 is attached.
Having installed the pet and before rebooting:

1. Edit line 14 of /etc/minidlnad.conf. It currently reads as follows:

Code: Select all

14 media_dir=/mnt/sdd1/81movie/Popcorn-Time
In this case sdd1 is a fat32 32GB USB2 nano stick permanently plugged into a port on the
rear of my box. As such it is accessible from Win8.1, Manjaro & various Pups running off
the SSD and a variety of USB sticks. Such an arrangement is versatile & strongly recommended.
A smaller stick can be used but will hold less mp4/mov files. Minidlna will atomatically mount
the stick.

2. Visit "BootManager Configure Bootup" and ensure that in services a tick is present in "minidlna" box.

3. If using Popcorn-Time, in its advanced settings mirror the path that you set in line 14 and untick the
clear tmp folder if you wish to retain anything.

4. Place a test mp4 trailer on the stick, reboot, then head off to the TV.


If your smart TV struggles with some mkv files just use FFConvert to change them to mp4.

In PT, if you want to download a movie then watch it later, once it begins to play, press the space bar to pause it then take
the dog for a walk. It will continue to download.

Rapid Alert has been turned on & will remain so for 72 hours.
Also available in the Optional Pets download folder.
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Advanced settings in PT
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Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2)

#56 Post by superchook »

I first took notice of this thread earlier this week and (foolishly) jumped in on page 4. I then went back to the first post on page 2 to find the download location of the main tgz file and the boot images.

I ran into the same problem as Prehistoric i.e. I could not load the forcedeth ethernet module and hence could not connect to the internet.

The problem turned out to be that the 16 MB image is for the 4.1.7 kernel but the tgz file has the modules for the 3.19.2 kernel.

My crude solution was (using another Puppy) to download one of the hybrid iso files and extract vmlinuz renaming it vmlinuz3 and adding it to the 16 MB image on my boot up USB stick. by editing the syslinux.cfg to look for vmlinuz3 I could now boot Rapid Pup properly.

After upgrading to the system I re edited syslinux.cfg to point to the 4.1.7 kernel. ( more elegant solution would be to be able to select the appropriate kernel from a list at boot up)

I maybe the only mug to make the above mistake but thought posting about it might save someone else some bother :-)
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Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2)

#57 Post by ETP »

Hi superchook,

Welcome to the thread. Your solution was an elegant one condsidering that its pretty hard to upgrade
without a working connection. :) I hope you enjoy Rapid.
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#58 Post by prehistoric »

My childlike faith has been damaged. I was sure an dab hand like ETP wouldn't have mixed up kernels and kernel modules. :shock:

Even after superchook's post, I still had the problem with kernel versions backwards. Once this was sorted out I had no problem booting into the first version of Rapid Pup, and getting both the ethernet module and sensors to load. 8)

Without getting into theological disputes over isos, I'd like to point out that these can be considered as merely package formats like tgz rather than actual DVDs. Using a solid one like BK's April 7.2 to build your version via a script could avoid problems of mismatching versions.

For those who want isos, you could produce them as deltas from corresponding versions of April. Or, am I missing something?
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Upgrading Rapid Pup V2 to kernel 4.1.7 (Quirky (April) 7.2)

#59 Post by ETP »

Hi prehistoric,

I will attempt to explain and hopefully restore your faith. :)

I suspect that you both missed the significance of this para at the top of this page. That post deals with upgrading V2
rather than installing V2.

Code: Select all

Upgrading is recommended BUT before doing so you will need to download the new 16Meg 7.2 boot utility image 
from the link below and place it on your boot card or stick. (See next post for how to do that) It contains the new kernel so that 
you will be able to boot once you have upgraded. The final line of syslinux.cfg should be edited to 
point at the partition you are using. (OOTB it points at sda6) 
No 4Meg hybrid boot ISO images are to be offered unless there is a demand for them.
If you were installing Rapid Pup V2 today you would need to first boot with the earlier 16MB image which contains
the k3.19.2 kernel (3538K) or one of the 4MB hybrid boot ISOs that each also contain that kernel.

To upgrade you would need to have ready the later 16MB boot utility that contains the k 4.1.7 kernel (3666k)
so that you can boot from it once BK's upgrade service pack has been installed. That pack will place a copy
of the new kernel in /boot so you can if you wish before rebooting, just copy that over the vmlinuz in the original
16MB boot utility. That saves having to download the new 16MB boot utility image.

The attached composite shot shows all the relevant files.
(70.66 KiB) Downloaded 383 times
Regards ETP
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#60 Post by prehistoric »

Thanks, ETP. That will help others. I had figured out exactly what that meant after superchook's post. It was possible to misinterpret.

I would have gotten there eventually on my own, assuming I didn't give up. I was trying to deal with a mystery involving video. When superchook posted, I realized that none of the loadable kernel modules were working. I am surprised anything functioned as well as it did.

I applaud your inclusion of updating software. This is a constant problem if I try to support Puppy systems operated by others. However, I'm leery of following long sequences of instructions posted at different dates to arrive at a particular configuration. All too often you find the context in which some were written has changed. (This is a variation on the usual advice to read all the documentation, and ignore the parts that don't apply.)

The change to Quirky 7.2 and kernel 4.1.7 was significant enough to deserve a new starting point.

My own preference is always to produce a minimal base system, paralleling the developments you are tracking, and then build the final system by adding packages. Back in the days when I had sufficient mental stack depth, and was good for something more than offering advice, I repeatedly made the mistake of saying "this will only be done once", after which I would invariably end up doing it again, if the software remained in use. My only lasting developments were based on systems for building programs.

I'll admit to holding prehistoric ideas. In one commercial environment I even completely avoided object libraries, insisting every delivered product had to be built completely from source. People grumbled about this eccentricity, right up to the day when a combination of hardware failure and operator error destroyed about three generations of back up. We were able to recreate the delivered programs from listings on paper. This was painful, but we survived. You can hire people to type in listings.
Another example of my antediluvian nature is my use of Sylpheed for email. Besides having a mountain of about 10 years of text email in MH form, I also have a paranoid attitude to executing code from unknown sources, and, yes, HTML, Javascript, etc. are real programming languages which might do anything. (My dissertation adviser once proved that a very simple language with only two variables was universal.) When I go on the web, I try to do so from a bunker in which it is only possible to write to "spot".

Anyone out there have Sylpheed for Rapid Pup?
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