Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

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Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

#1 Post by Geoffrey »

I've written a script that can be placed in /root/Startup and will check if there is a newer version of flash player on each boot or restart of X, if there is it will automatically download the lastest linux version then extract the and move it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins, replacing the the old version.

Edit: New version 1.1, this has a download progess bar, if for any reason the the script halts, it can be restarted manually or restartX, the download will resume, it also makes a backup of the old

Edit: New version 1.2, I just changed the way the version number is parsed from the web page, it's a one liner now.
I noted that there is a problem, the command "/usr/bin/strings" and "/usr/lib/libbfd-2XXX" from the devx are needed to read the content of to get the version number

I tried it using "busybox strings" applet, this works for me in carolina, please test this, if your flash player is up to date then nothing will download.

Edit: New version 1.3, this now has a menu entry in the internet menu, has option to run at startup, if the download it stopped it can be resumed, test this please, it works fine for me but it may have problems I haven't noticed, the script is bit of a mishmash but works, ideas are welcome.

It now uses " awk" instead of "busybox strings" .

Edit: New version 1.4, rewrite of script, now uses gtkdialog for download progress, yad no longer a dependency, rg66 had problems from his location, if unable to find then checks for version info.

Edit: New version 1.5, edited script as adobe wasn't detecting the OS, thanks sfs.

Edit: New version 1.6, flashplayer now follows Firefox - NPAPI.

Edit: New version 1.7, fixed finding installed version number, now only checks for updates at

Edit: New version 1.8, fixed finding latest available version number, at

Code: Select all

# By Geoffrey, do with as you please.......
# 15052017
# Update Flash v1.8
# Used sed in place of perl as suggested by sfs
# yad no longer a dependency, uses gtkdialog 
# fixed url not found "" from some locale's, get update version info from alternate url "" rg66
# fix linux detection by sfs
# 14122016 final, Linux flashplayer now follows Firefox - NPAPI
# 20022017 reverted back to using busybox strings to get version number
# now only looks for new version @
# URL fix 15052017
FLASH_UPDATER="$(readlink -e "$0")"
sleep 0.3
if [ `pidof "$(basename "$FLASH_UPDATER")" -o %PPID | wc -w` -gt 1 ]; then
gtkdialog-splash -icon "/usr/share/pixmaps/flash-player-properties.png" -timeout 6 -fontsize x-large -text "
Flash Updater is running.
" &
 exit 1

if [ ! -f ~/.flash_update/index.html ]; then 
IFCONFIG="`ifconfig | grep '^[pwe]' | grep -v 'wmaster'`"
while [ "$IFCONFIG" != "" ]; do
   sleep 1
    ping -c 1
    if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
      ping -c 1
      if [ $? -eq 0 ];then
done &> /dev/null

function DOWNLOAD_FLASH(){
wget -t 2 -T 20 --waitretry=20 --spider -S "$URL" > ~/.flash_update/filesize 2>&1	
SIZE=`echo $(awk '/^Length: / {print $3}' ~/.flash_update/filesize) | sed 's/^.\(.*\).$/\1/'`
<window title="Download Flash Player Update" icon-name="flash-player-properties" border-width="10" resizable="false">
<progressbar width-request="300">
<label>Please Wait...</label>
<input>wget --no-check-certificate -4 -c -t 5 -w 5 -P ~/.flash_update '$URL' 2>&1 | sed -nru "s|.* ([0-9]+%) +([^ ]+).*$|\1\nDownloading \1 of '$SIZE' @ \2B/sec |p" 2>/dev/null</input>
<action type="exit">Ready</action>
<hbox homogeneous="true">
<button use-underline="true">
	<label>"_Cancel "</label>
	<input file stock="gtk-close"></input>	
I=$IFS; IFS=""
for STATEMENTS in  $(gtkdialog --program=DOWNLOADER_GUI); do
[ $EXIT = exit ] && exit 1 

cd ~/.flash_update/
tar -zxvf flash_player_npapi_linux.i386.tar.gz &> /dev/null
chown root:root
cd /
rm /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
mv ~/.flash_update/ /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
export INSTALLED_VERSION=$(busybox strings -n13 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  | grep 'FlashPlayer_' | cut -d '_' -f2-5| tr '_' '.')
gtkdialog-splash -icon "/usr/share/pixmaps/flash-player-properties.png" -timeout 6 -fontsize x-large -text "Flash Player has now been updated
         Version $INSTALLED_VERSION"
[ "$LATEST_VERSION" = "$INSTALLED_VERSION" ] && rm -r ~/.flash_update

PID_UPDATE_FLASH=$(pidof update_flash)	
GUI=$(ps -ef | grep program=FLASH_UPDATER_GUI | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }')
	  kill "$GUI"
export -f  func_terminate_service 
[ ! -f ~/Startup/update_flash ]	&& echo false > ~/.update_flash
if grep -q true ~/.update_flash 2> /dev/null;then

mkdir -p ~/.flash_update
if [ ! -f ~/.flash_update/index.html ]; then
wget --no-check-certificate -O- --spider > ~/.flash_update/flash_url 2>&1 
if grep -q '200 OK' ~/.flash_update/flash_url 2> /dev/null; then
wget -q -N -P ~/.flash_update
gtkdialog-splash -icon "/usr/share/pixmaps/flash-player-properties.png" -timeout 8 -fontsize x-large -text "The Adobe web site appears
  to unavailable at this time
      Please try again......."
rm -r ~/.flash_update && func_terminate_service         

export LATEST_VERSION=`cat /root/.flash_update/index.html | grep -A3 Linux | grep [0-9] | awk -F '[><]' '{print $3}' | tr -d "\n"` #rg66
export INSTALLED_VERSION=$(busybox strings -n13 /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/  | grep 'FlashPlayer_' | cut -d '_' -f2-5| tr '_' '.')

TEXT="<b><span size='"'large'"'>Adobe Flash is up to date...</span></b>"
TEXT_VERSION="<b><span size='"'x-large'"'>Current Version $INSTALLED_VERSION</span></b>"
BUTTON1='<button use-underline="true">
	<label>" _About"</label>
	<input file stock="gtk-info"></input>
TIMER='<timer seconds="true" interval="8" visible="false">
rm -r ~/.flash_update   
if [ -f ~/.flash_update/flash_player_npapi_linux.i386.tar.gz ]; then
TEXT="<b><span size='"'large'"'>Adobe Flash update has already started...</span></b>"
TEXT_VERSION="<b><span size='"'x-large'"'>New Version $LATEST_VERSION</span></b>"
BUTTON1='<button use-underline="true">
	<label>" _About"</label>
	<input file stock="gtk-info"></input>
BUTTON2='<button use-underline="true">
	<input file stock="gtk-apply"></input>
TEXT="<b><span size='"'large'"'>A New Adobe Flash update is Available</span></b>"
TEXT_VERSION="<b><span size='"'x-large'"'>New Version $LATEST_VERSION</span></b>"
BUTTON1='<button use-underline="true">
	<label>" _About"</label>
	<input file stock="gtk-info"></input>
BUTTON2='<button use-underline="true">
	<input file stock="gtk-apply"></input>

LINK="<b><u><span color='"'blue'"'>Update Flash 1.8 By Geoffrey 15th May 2017</span></u></b>"
ABOUT="<b><span size='"'x-large'"'>Adobe Flash Updater</span></b>"

<window title="Flash Player Updater" icon-name="gtk-about">
    <text wrap="false" justify="2" use-markup="true"><label>"'$ABOUT'"</label></text>
    <eventbox tooltip-text="  Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater  " hover-selection="true" homogeneous="true">
      <text justify="2" use-markup="true"><label>"'$LINK'"</label></text> 
      <action signal="button-press-event">defaultbrowser &</action> 
    <text wrap="false" justify="2" use-markup="true"><label>"Updates only the flash player plugin"</label></text>
    <hbox space-fill="false" space-expand="true" homogeneous="true">
      <button ok>

<window title="Flash Player Updater" icon-name="flash-player-properties" border-width="10" resizable="false">
    <input file icon="flash-player-properties"></input>
	<text wrap="false" xalign="0" use-markup="true"><label>"'$TEXT_LINE1'"</label></text>
	<text wrap="false" xalign="0" use-markup="true"><label>"'$TEXT_LINE2'"</label></text>
	<checkbox use-underline="true">
    <label>_Run Flash Player Updater at startup</label>
    <action>echo $STARTUP > ~/.update_flash</action>
    <action>if true ln -s /usr/bin/update_flash ~/Startup/update_flash &> /dev/null</action>
    <action>if false rm ~/Startup/update_flash &> /dev/null</action>
  <hbox homogeneous="true">
	<button use-underline="true">
	<label>"_Cancel "</label>
	<input file stock="gtk-close"></input>
gtkdialog --program=FLASH_UPDATER_GUI >/dev/null 2>&1

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Last edited by Geoffrey on Sun 14 May 2017, 22:28, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

#2 Post by Mike7 »


Can this simply be copied off the page, or should the tar.gz be used?

Carolite-1.2 w/FF38 on bootable 16G flash drive; Asus eeePC 1000HA, Atom CPU, 2G RAM, 160G HDD.
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Re: Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

#3 Post by Geoffrey »

Mike7 wrote:Cool!

Can this simply be copied off the page, or should the tar.gz be used?

Mike, download the new pet, this one works much better.

I did note that firefox didn't register that it had a new flash plugin,
I had to rename the libflashplayer.soxxx so as fiirefox couldn't find it,
then ran firefox checked the plugins to make sure the plugin wasn't listed,
then renamed it, then firefox found the new flash version.

I've seen that others have mentioned that installing a new flash player
firefox didn't show any change, there must be a simple fix for that :?

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#4 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

thanks for this, Geoffrey.
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#5 Post by 666philb »

thanks geoffrey,

added the link to this page in tahrpups getflash
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Re: Adobe Flash Player Auto Updater

#6 Post by Geoffrey »

Update to 1.2
Fixed a problem. the "strings" command from the devx was needed, I changed the command to "busybox strings" this appears to work.
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#7 Post by Sylvander »

Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

1. I tried the original version, and that crashed Firefox, so...
I deleted my slackosave.4fs and restored a backup copy. then....

2. Installed the latest, and that too crashed both Firefox-39.0 and Palemoon-24.7.1.
So, I've yet again restored my backup slackosave.4fs.
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#8 Post by Geoffrey »

Sylvander wrote:Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...
I've been testing also, I tried it with palemoon and it asks to be updated even though it's the latest version, checking online say's
Flash Player Plugin on Linux and lower (click-to-play) has been blocked for your protection.
I get the same result if I use the pet from the repo, so it's not the script as all it does is download the same files as the pet is made from.

I just installed seamonkey and it works ok with it, so it's an issue with palemoon and as for firefox it don't seem to refresh the plugin, if you do as I did and rename or temporarily move the file then run firefox, check that the plugin is not loaded, close firefox and replace the, I think you'll find that it will then work.

I tried the script in puppy vivid 6.5, works fine with the " busybox strings " command.
Last edited by Geoffrey on Sat 08 Aug 2015, 22:28, edited 2 times in total.
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#9 Post by 666philb »

the flash out of date warning is a problem in older palemoons ,.... this shouldn't be an issue in 25+
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#10 Post by Geoffrey »

I've updated palemoon, works ok now, I can see what the problem was, palemoon wasn't parsing the version correctly, it was showing " 11,2,202,491 " instead of " "
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#11 Post by Sylvander »


1. "it's an issue with palemoon"
I updated Palemoon to version 25.5.0, and the updated version doesn't have all of the nice links. :(
How to get those back?
But I won't re-install your pet until all of the problems have been fixed.

2. " for firefox it don't seem to refresh the plugin"
Errr...which plugin?
I don't understand.

3. "...if you do as I did and rename or temporarily move the file then run firefox check the plugin is not loaded..."
Um, confused again...
Did you mean "then run firefox, AND check the plugin is not loaded"
Which plugin? FlashPlayer?

4. "...close firefox and replace the"
With what exactly?
A more up-to-date copy? Which?

Am I coming across as dense? :(
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#12 Post by Semme »

1) Nice links from which version? Are you referring to the ones that come standard or your old ones?

2) There's only ONE plug-in we're discussing.

3) Yep, FlashPlayer. He meant, if you rename or move it elsewhere, Adobe's page would say it's NOT installed. Follow"

4) Yeah, replace it with a different one.. And older if need be.
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#13 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Geoffrey.

Hmm. That last stanza in the script looks awfully familiar..! Mavrothal's network 'readiness' script looks to be proving itself quite useful... :lol:

Might give this .pet a try myself, even though I've got into a routine of checking Flash Player version with this page:-

...and then downloading and manually installing the new as & when necessary.

I do the same thing with for Chrome/Chromium .....although that's a bit more long-winded; it entails downloading the newest version of 'google-chrome' from the 'Get Chrome' downloads page, then extracting the from the mess, and discarding the rest of it. Seems a bit of a waste of bandwidth, but that's how Ubuntu gets Pepperflash for Chromium; exactly the same way. I'm guessing that's probably how peebee gets it for his Chromium .pets & .sfs's.....and then includes it with the browser versions when he re-packages them.

Necessary for both in my case, since I don't run the newest versions of either of 'em..!

Pepperflash has never been available as a separate download, the way the Linux version of Flash has, 'cos Google always 'bundles' it in with Chrome as a complete package, so.....anybody wanting it for Chromium has to go the same route, since it's the only way to obtain it! Appears to be the way their 'exclusive' arrangement with Adobe for the up-to-date version of Linux Pepperflash works...

Hey ho. :lol:

Last edited by Mike Walsh on Sat 08 Aug 2015, 23:40, edited 2 times in total.
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#14 Post by Geoffrey »

Sylvander wrote:
1. "it's an issue with palemoon"
I updated Palemoon to version 25.5.0, and the updated version doesn't have all of the nice links. :(
How to get those back?
I have no idea, that's to do with Palemoon not the flash plugin
2. " for firefox it don't seem to refresh the plugin"
Errr...which plugin?
I don't understand.

3. "...if you do as I did and rename or temporarily move the file then run firefox check the plugin is not loaded..."
Um, confused again...
Did you mean "then run firefox, AND check the plugin is not loaded"
Which plugin? FlashPlayer?

4. "...close firefox and replace the"
With what exactly?
A more up-to-date copy? Which?
From what I've noted is that Firefox does not recognize that the flash plugin( has changed,

after the update script has done it's magic or for that matter the latest flash pet package,

it don't seem to look for the version number but only that the file exist, so if you rename the /usr/lib/mozilla/ to libflashplayer.sox

and then run firefox, select the menu > Tool > Add-ons and look under Plugins, Shockwave flash shouldn't be listed,

now close Firefox, name it then rerun Firefox, the flash plugin should be seen as the new/latest version.

Well that's how I have overcome the problem, I have Firefox version 39.0.3, it may not need this done with other versions.
Mike Walsh wrote:Hmm. That last stanza in the script looks awfully familiar..! Mavrothal's network script looks to be proving itself quite useful... Laughing
Yes, it does come in handy for anything that relies on a network connection.
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#15 Post by bigpup »

First, I thank you for offering this!!!!!!!

Flash Player is a constant issue :evil: :twisted:

However, I will never use anything that, at bootup, automatically connects to the internet, downloads stuff, and installs it.

I choose when a program does things :!:

If you offer an option, so the program searches for a new version of Flash Player, notifies about the update, but gives you the option to download and install.

I could use that :!: :!: :!: :D
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#16 Post by Geoffrey »

bigpup wrote:If you offer an option, so the program searches for a new version of Flash Player, notifies about the update, but gives you the option to download and install.
Working on it, just about finished with a rewrite of the script, I'll be giving it a menu entry, when run it will give the option to check for new flash version at startup and some other features.
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#17 Post by Geoffrey »

New version 1.3 for testing, see first post, there was a new flash update earlier today.
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#18 Post by Sylvander »

Installed latest version = update_flash-1.3
Doean't run from the menu entry.
Get this in a console.

Code: Select all

# update_flash 
awk: cmd. line:1: fatal: cannot open file `/root/.update_flash' for reading (No such file or directory)
/usr/bin/update_flash: line 28: yad: command not found
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#19 Post by Geoffrey »

Sylvander wrote:Installed latest version = update_flash-1.3
Doean't run from the menu entry.
It needs yad installed to run, I'm guessing your trying it in slacko which doesn't have yad,
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#20 Post by Sylvander »

Installed yad, and "Update Flash" now runs from the menu entry in Slacko-5.7.0-pae. :D

Looks polished, and seems to be working well.
I like the way it now tells the version it has just installed.

Nice job! 8)
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