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#81 Post by Ether »

saintless wrote:Ether, if you can make BCM4312 driver work post the steps, please!
The following steps worked for me:
- connect ethernet cable
- Porteus boot an unmodified MintPup with save changes on exit
- synaptic: reload database, install firmware-b43-installer
- shutdown saving changes
- remove ethernet cable
- re-boot

Dell Inspiron 1545 laptop Model PP41L with OG848F mobo
Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)
Subsystem: Dell Wireless 1397 WLAN Mini-Card

reference: (see post dated Tue Jan 07, 2014 2:14 pm)

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#82 Post by saintless »

Thanks Ether.
I will add this in first post related links.

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#83 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:fredx181 wrote:
I put a lot of energy and time into it lately, and would feel dissapointed if I gave up.

I know Fred, no problem to test again but keep in mind I get the broken pipe message with remastercow too. Not only remasterdog and debdog-full-install need changing.
The reason to use ktsuss (gsu-root) for some scripts is because it will preserve user $HOME/ directory. Otherwise the cleaning will be done in /root directory even when you start remastering from user account. I know sudo also has option to preserve the user directory but the included gsu doesn't do that I think.
Thanks, Toni, I made change to remastercow also.
It's good to be able to preserve $HOME and in fact all scripts should work with all *su*.

Attached remasterdog+other-progressbar-scripts.tar.gz.

The remasterdog script I tested 1000 times :) with different *su* options.
The others a little less, but should be ok also, as they have similar progress bar code.

Might the progress code still have bugs, I promise to never burn my fingers again on any progress code :)

I hoped to understand more, by debugging and testing, about the difference when running with e.g. sudo gksu or ktsuss, but still cannot figure out why, just changed things to the progress code till I was sure it worked well with all.

Ps, included also remasterdog-mintpup with progress code modified, your choice of course to use or not.
If I can help with other scripts for mintpup, just tell.

Edit: Re-attached with fix for remastercow, made a mistake with it.

Re-attached with fixed remastercow
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#84 Post by saintless »

Thanks Fred!
I'm not sure I will have much time for testing today but I will do it properly in the next few days and post the results.

Thanks again!

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#85 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.

Quick test with freshly DD-Wheezy last iso frugal install shows remasterdog works from user menu entry and root cleaning /var/log and without errors.

But remastercow doesn't work from user and root. See the screenshot.
The test is without running apt-get update and just opening geany and dillo few times. Nothing much to copy in new module from changes. The progress bar stays as you see it in the screenshot and nothing happens 5 minutes and more.

I will test more tonight and tomorrow.

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#86 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
But remastercow doesn't work from user and root. See the screenshot.
Fixed, made a mistake, was late at night yesterday.
Edited and re-attached the .tar.gz, see my previous post.

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#87 Post by saintless »

Thanks Fred.

Remastercow works well now. I get this in terminal but I guess it is OK:

Code: Select all

sda1 sda2
Copying files to /mnt/sda1/01-cow-test-root...
+ PERC=0
+ '[' 0 ']'
++ du -cbs --apparent-size /mnt/sda1/01-cow-test-root
++ awk 'END {print $1}'
+ COPY=457841
+ PERC=98
+ '[' 98 -le 100 ']'
+ echo 98
+ echo 98
+ sleep 1
++ grep -v grep
++ grep 'cp -a /mnt/live/memory/changes'
++ ps -eo pid,cmd
++ awk '{ print $1 }'
++ grep -v grep
++ ps -eo pid,cmd
++ grep 'yad --title=RemasterCow (create module from changes)'
++ awk '{ print $1 }'
++ tr '\n' ' '
+ YADPID='3001 '
+ '[' '!' '3001 ' ']'
+ '[' -z '' ']'
+ break
+ '[' '3001 ' ']'
+ echo 99
+ echo 99
+ sleep 1
+ echo 100
+ echo 100
It will take some time to test all with every available ktsuss/su/sudo option and boot method on my machine but the ktsuss broken pipe messages problem seems solved.

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#88 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
Remastercow works well now. I get this in terminal but I guess it is OK:
Not really important, but if you want you can remove "set -x" at start of progress code.

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#89 Post by saintless »

No problem to keep the terminal messages Fred.
We must be careful using ktsuss in the future. For example debdog installers don't work with ktsuss (tested only in Jwm). No progressbar indication and:

Code: Select all

/opt/bin/drive-info: line 36: fdisk: command not found
I know we start the installers with gsu and it works well but it is better not to use ktsuss (/opt/bin/gsu-root) for starting new scripts. I'm sure other included scripts will not work well with ktsuss because of the missing secure path.

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#90 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,
We must be careful using ktsuss in the future. For example debdog installers don't work with ktsuss (tested only in Jwm). No progressbar indication and:
/opt/bin/drive-info: line 36: fdisk: command not found
I cannot reproduce this from where I am now, logged in as puppy on openbox-jessie.
Very strange, btw, why can't it find fdisk? It's in PATH

The gsu script can be changed easily to make it behave same as ktsuss ($HOME variable is e.g. /home/user) by using the -E switch for sudo, so in gsu script instead of:

Code: Select all

echo "$pass" | sudo -S env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/usr/local/lib sh -c "$cmd"
Make it:

Code: Select all

echo "$pass" | sudo -E -S env LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib:/usr/local/lib sh -c "$cmd"
The only diference with ktsuss is that it asks for user password instead root, which is not a problem IMO.
We could replace 'gsu-root' by "gsu, including the -E switch".

Edit: Testing just now on JWM version I can reproduce the "fdisk: command not found"
On openbox version "/etc/profile" is different from JWM version, I guess I cheated a little with that :)

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#91 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.
fredx181 wrote:I cannot reproduce this from where I am now, logged in as puppy on openbox-jessie.
Very strange, btw, why can't it find fdisk? It's in PATH
Looking /etc/profile I guess it is because it exports the same path for user and root in OpenBox version:

Code: Select all

if [ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]; then

export PATH
This is the same section in Jwm version and in MintPup:

Code: Select all

[ "`id -u`" -eq 0 ]&& PATH="$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
export PATH
For user account sudo should export secure path in /etc/sudoers
For some reason ktsuss doesn't export secure path or doesn't use /etc/sudoers file.

Edit: Didn't see your Edit. Yes, it is the difference in /etc/profile
BTW I have some lines in /etc/environment needed for xdm and rox-filer fixes.

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#92 Post by mcewanw »

You do realize, Fred and Toni, that you've discussed the, somewhat major I feel, difference between openbox and jwm /etc/profile PATH handling before. I can't remember where exactly, but been long time ago I know.

I have to say, I don't think user and root 'should' have the same default PATH (why should a normal user have access to executables in /sbin, for example). But main thing is that this difference seems to come back to haunt developments in the sense that scripts developed on openbox version sometimes it seems have problems on jwm DD/MintPup etc.

I think you can tell my opinion - the scripts should be written on the basis of the user default PATH not having access to admin binaries, but easy for me to say. More generally, it appears from reading these repeating problems that the jwm and openbox versions would be easier to maintain if underlying system configs were kept identical (aside from wm configs etc). I use both jwm and openbox versions at home, and I do generally run as root user, but that's only because I'm being lazy - I keep intending moving over to normal user most of the time, if only because running as root user encourages poor use of access control rights (appropriate file/dir permissions included) which is certainly a big no no in professional circles, and bad from an app developer's point of view since what works as root may turn out not to work as a normal user on big Linux systems.


EDIT: For the sake of balance, please let me also say that in terms of look and feel and pleasure in usage, the DD-openbox is the nicest, IMO... That is probably because openbox allied with xfdesktop and Thunar is such a pleasant combination - so no surprise to me that a non-technical user such as my partner likes that one the best. I'm a bit different though - I'm really into low resource usage at the expense of some of the 'niceties' and I also think JWM isn't too bad once tweaked a bit (I just haven't bothered since what is there is fine for me). And Rox is also very efficient (running several Rox filers doesn't seem to increase overall Rox resource usage much at all - basically once Rox pinboard is running, that seems to pretty much determine most all resources Rox ever uses... amazing really). But most modern systems have 'tons' of resources, so worrying about a few MB RAM here and there isn't probably very important to most people (even my 'newer' machines, the HP elitebooks, are from 2009 and have 2GB RAM for example - plenty for most of the junk I do no matter which of the DD or MintPup systems I'm running :-) But keeping normal user access controls as tight as big brother Debian/Ubuntu/Mint seems pretty important to me (despite the oft-discussed views of the Puppy Linux world more generally).
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#93 Post by saintless »

mcewanw wrote:You do realize, Fred and Toni, that you've discussed the, somewhat major I feel, difference between openbox and jwm /etc/profile PATH handling before. I can't remember where exactly, but been long time ago I know.
Hi William.
I agree user should not have /sbin and /usr/sbin in path without using sudo. And I remember we had similar discussion before. In general this difference is not so important because using sudo (gsu) doesn't have problem to add secure path for user account.
But this difference makes impossible for Fred to find problems like ktsuss not exporting secure path while testing script changes.
Just for info in case Fred likes to do the same in OpenBox I have also this in /etc/environment:

Code: Select all

GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true #fix for rox-filer focus problem.
LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/opt/lib:/usr/local/lib" #xdm can't use libs from /opr/lib and /usr/local/lib without this.
I think we don't have other path differences.

After some more testing and making deb packages for remaster scripts I agree it will be best to change inside gsu-root to use sudo. This will save us some ktsuss troubles in the future. BTW I can't remember why I had to make /opt/bin/blkid link but I guess it is also because the ktsuss problem we found yesterday.

Edit: Yes, /opt/bin/blkid link is needed because of the ktsuss problem. I will remove the blkid link after changing ktsuss with gsu.

Edit2: I think it is better to remove ktsuss and /opt/bin/ktsuss2 from the system and from dd/mintpup repository. If it is available in official Debian?Ubuntu repository it is user choice to install it. No need to have it inside the system since it doesn't work well in MintPup and DebianDog.

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#94 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:Edit2: I think it is better to remove ktsuss and /opt/bin/ktsuss2 from the system and from dd/mintpup repository. If it is available in official Debian?Ubuntu repository it is user choice to install it. No need to have it inside the system since it doesn't work well in MintPup and DebianDog.
Yes, I agree with that, it's not working as it should, all other su commands give correct PATH (for root id), except ktsuss.
That's probably the reason that I changed /etc/profile, as a workaround to make ktsuss work properly.
I will change /etc/profile to the same as it is on JWM version.

Edit: Because of the changed PATH in /etc/profile 'obshutdown' isn't found when logged in as user, I think I'll solve that by creating symlink in /opt/bin.
Hopefully obshutdown is the only problem in Openbox version.

Edit2: Trying to make the change from ktsuss to 'sudo -E', I found that just this in /opt/bin/remastercow-start works fine:

Code: Select all

xterm -T "RemasterCow" -si -sb -fg white -bg SkyBlue4 -geometry 65x14 -e sudo -E /opt/bin/remastercow
The 'sudo -E' will be ignored when running as root.
Can be similar for remasterdog.
Just first idea, maybe there is a better solution.

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#95 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.
I prefer to change less as possible. Changing the content of one file only ( /opt/bin/gsu-root) is the best way to go. Attached gsu-root in archive if you like to continue the testing with this script. It is gsu-notimeout with added -E.
When I'm ready with the testing I will upload new remaster-scripts with /opt/bin/gsu-root included and new install scripts package.

BTW I had one situation when remasterdog and remastercow do not work because some process from previous remasterdog or remastercow is still active. There was error about /dev/sda1 is already mounted according the information in /etc/mtab. The error message is visible after removing 2> /dev/null from mount /dev/$DRV /mnt/$DRV 2> /dev/null line. I'm not sure yet if this could be a problem but I think you can reproduce it by opening second remasterdog while the first one is still active copying files. I will test this situation more.

Edit: It works for me starting remasterdog and remastercow at the same time now. Maybe I did something else to cause this error. I will try to reproduce it later.

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#96 Post by fredx181 »

Toni wrote:I prefer to change less as possible. Changing the content of one file only ( /opt/bin/gsu-root) is the best way to go. Attached gsu-root in archive if you like to continue the testing with this script. It is gsu-notimeout with added -E.
Yes, it's good solution, works ok for me from quick test.

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#97 Post by fredx181 »

Hi everyone,

*** New openbox-mintpup light setup ***

Thanks to the suggestions from William for using rox-pinboard!.
There's choice now to use rox-pinboard or tint2 left-panel for providing the desktop (see below and screenshots)

As I didn't want to change any existing settings for rox, there's one annoying thing:
The iconified windows from rox-pinboard are (for a part) under the conky window.
To disable iconified windows go in rox options and uncheck "Show iconified windows"

(see also README-setup in the extracted openbox-mintpup_setup-0.0.2.tar.gz)
Openbox-mintpup setup, version 0.0.2.

- Very much improved menu, it reads now from /etc/xdg/menus/
It's a modified /etc/xdg/menus/
It looks similar to the menu in DebianDog Openbox_xfce version.

- Choice of 2 desktop types:
-- Rox pinboard, desktop provided by rox, with launcher icons, tranparent conky, tint2 bottom panel.
-- Tint2 transparant left-panel with launcher icons, tranparent conky, tint2 bottom panel.
To switch between them: Menu > Desktop Manager
Wallpaper chooser (Menu > Set Wallpaper) is different for Rox pinboard and Tint2 transparant left panel;
for tint2 panel it's nitrogen, for rox-pinboard it's the wallpaper gui program from Terry, just like on JWM.

To install: (can be installed over previous version 0.0.1, will overwrite old configuration in ~/.config/openbox when running 'Start Openbox' from menu):

After apt-get update :

FIRST: Install tint2_0.11+svn20121014-3_i386.deb:
This tint2 version is from Debian Jessie, the Ubuntu Trusty tint2 version is to old.

From terminal in this directory:
dpkg -i tint2_0.11+svn20121014-3_i386.deb
apt-get -f install

Install openbox-mintpup_0.0.2_i386.deb:

From terminal in this directory:
dpkg -i openbox-mintpup_0.0.2_i386.deb
apt-get -f install

Total install size: around 9 MB

To start: Jwm menu > System > Start Openbox
To get back to Jwm from Openbox: Menu > Settings > Start Jwm

When installing from previous version installed while inside Openbox-mintpup session, upgrade to 0.0.2 by running Menu > Settings > Start Openbox.
Warning: this will overwrite the configuration in ~/.config/openbox

Edit: Link to openbox-mintpup_setup-0.0.2 removed, since it conflicts with new package jwm-obmenu (Menu Openbox for Jwm) if openbox-menu is activated.
Replaced by version 0.0.3, conflicting has been fixed. ... 0.3.tar.gz

Toni, I really didn't want not interfere with JWM session, and I think I succeeded with that. except one thing:
In ~/.config/ some icon paths are added (e.g. for conkytoggle), it doesn't show anything from that on JWM or Icewm though.

openbox-mintpup is now part of the mintpup repository, so to easy install, just in terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update # might be required to update the package lists
apt-get install openbox-mintpup
Or install it from Synaptic package manager.

Openbox-mintpup with tint2 left-panel icons
(150.29 KiB) Downloaded 1323 times
Openbox-mintpup with Rox pinboard
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#98 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.

The link in the first post changed to your new openbox setup.

DebDog repositories updated with mpv, youtube-viewer, debdoginstallscripts_1.0.5_i386.deb, remaster-scripts_1.0.4_i386.deb with latest progressbar fixes and changed gsu-root. I will make updated packages for MintPup later. Fixes post for Wheezy and Jessie updated.

I can't reproduce again the problem I had with not working remastercow and remasterdog after the message sda1 already mounted. If it happens again in the future (it was with live-boot-3 no persistence) I will try to get more information before reboot.
I don't think the testing is enough yet for remastering and install scripts changes but all looks OK so far testing with all boot methods on my machine.

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#99 Post by futwerk »

some new backgrounds.
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#100 Post by saintless »

futwerk wrote:some new backgrounds.
Thanks futwerk!
All mirrored here: ... reenshots/

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