DebianDog - Jessie (21 June 2017)

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#241 Post by otropogo »

[quote="saintless".... You are too stupid to read even two lines...

From the online oxford dictionary:
to troll

Make a deliberately offensive or provocative online post with the aim of upsetting someone or eliciting an angry response from them


(Of an action or thing) causing or intended to cause harm or trouble: a mischievous allegation for which there is not a shred of evidence
Not quite so stupid as to use defamatory words that apply better to me than to the person defamed. (see first post of this thread for reference)

Please note that:

a) the fact that I have not responded angrily to the personally abusive posts of saintless and unpronounceable/unspellable it does not follow that those posts were not provocative or upsetting, and

b) the fact that the two above mentioned hypocrites have responded angrily to my posts does not prove that they were provocative (Logic 101)

Pointing out the shortcomings of a computer program in a forum ostensibly devoted to ironing out bugs and finding solutions can scarcely be considered provocative.

But calling the poster of such critiques "mischievous" and "stupid" certainly is.

I'd also point out that these two self-righteous and self-appointed arbiters of online manners seem to enjoy venting angrily - I've given them every opportunity to be rid of me, and yet, despite repeated promises, they show no willingness to return to their paradisical pre-otropogo existence.

All it takes is removing the defamatory banner and desisting from any further mention or allusion to me or my posts, and I'll be gone from this tread.
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#242 Post by saintless »

Ignore please...
Last edited by saintless on Sat 30 Jan 2016, 17:53, edited 1 time in total.
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#243 Post by anikin »

Please, continue this wonderful exchange of pleasantries.
Don't stop the dance.
It takes two to tango ...
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#244 Post by saintless »

Ignore please...
Last edited by saintless on Sat 30 Jan 2016, 17:52, edited 1 time in total.
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#245 Post by fredx181 »

anikin wrote:Please, continue this wonderful exchange of pleasantries.
Now... that is really mean, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I had my doubts but now I see what kind of person you are.
Apologies are welcome, btw, in case you might regret at some time, would be nice for you and for us.

What's happening?, something in the air maybe, which makes some people crazy?

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#246 Post by bark_bark_bark »

fredx181 wrote:
anikin wrote:Please, continue this wonderful exchange of pleasantries.
Now... that is really mean, you should be ashamed of yourself.
I had my doubts but now I see what kind of person you are.
I never doubted it.
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#247 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.

I will add in next version changes post for Jessie and Wheezy:

Code: Select all

apt-get install xbacklight lxinputsave
There is a problem with lxinput version in Wheezy which doesn't create ~/.config/autostart .desktop file and lxinputsave doesn't work. To fix this in dd-wheezy repo now is available lxinput from Jessie (but with the same version number from Wheezy): ... debdog.deb
The package from dd-wheezy repo will be auto-downloaded after running:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install lxinputsave
If you have any objections or you can find something wrong we can skip lxinputsave in next version.

Edit: But it will not work the same way in DD-Wheezy-OpenBox because it has different sources order: ... 687#859687
We can use higher version number for lxinput but I prefer to keep the same number from wheezy in case some LXDE application depends on lxinput version number.

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#248 Post by dancytron »


I got a couple of basic questions about upgrading and remastering.

My setup is Openbox Jessie with Porteus boot, changes in folder, save on exit only. I created a squashfs file with all the display drivers I need and some basic software I always want (rar, lxterminal, xine, etc).

1. Is it safe to upgrade with "apt-get upgrade"? Would the stuff in my squashfs file get upgraded too?

2. If I was to remaster, would the remaster program know about what is in my squashfs file or would I break the database because all the stuff from the squashfs file would be folded into the remaster but synaptic/apt-get wouldn't know about it? Would unloading the squashfs file before remastering and then just adding it back in after the remaster be enough to take care of any issue?

#249 Post by Bindee »

* ignore - edited out as we don't have a delete option , Sigh! *
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#250 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Dan,
My setup is Openbox Jessie with Porteus boot, changes in folder, save on exit only. I created a squashfs file with all the display drivers I need and some basic software I always want (rar, lxterminal, xine, etc).
Depends much on how you created the squashfs file.
And also if you load it on boot every time (placed in live folder) or use load-sfs to load it once booted.
1. Is it safe to upgrade with "apt-get upgrade"? Would the stuff in my squashfs file get upgraded too?
If you created the squashfs with apt2sfs or 'create module from changes' without dpkg registration dpkg will not know about what's in your squashfs.
I think you used apt2sfs (as you mentioned that earlier), no dpkg registration in that case :
If you do "apt-get upgrade" a package gets upgraded and may have some dependency which is also already in the squashfs (in theory, but probably not in many cases).
Then the only 'bad' thing that can happen is double installed packages, unregistered (in the squashfs) and registered by dpkg, which is in fact a waste of space. But it will not break dpkg database.
But maybe Toni has other thoughts or opinion about it.

In the other case, when squashfs has been created with dpkg registration, there's a risk of breaking dpkg database, specially when loaded with sfs-load during a session.
2. If I was to remaster, would the remaster program know about what is in my squashfs file or would I break the database because all the stuff from the squashfs file would be folded into the remaster but synaptic/apt-get wouldn't know about it? Would unloading the squashfs file before remastering and then just adding it back in after the remaster be enough to take care of any issue?
The remaster program knows what is in your squashfs, it will merge all together into one, (so, then there's no need to load your extra squashfs anymore when you boot next time with remastered 01-filesystem.squashfs).
Unloading the squashfs file before remastering or not makes no difference for safety if created by e.g. apt2sfs (no dpkg registration)
In case created with dpkg registration (Create module from changes, unchecked "Disable dpkg registration"), I would advice to keep it loaded when remastering.

Edit: In general I would not recommend to create a remaster with loaded extra .squashfs that has no dpkg information.
What I would do in your case is to unload the extra .squashfs, install the same packages as in the.squashfs , add or change other stuff, and make remaster.
This way everything installed is registered by dpkg, nothing 'hidden', as it would be with the extra .squashfs.

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#251 Post by saintless »

Hi Dan.

Fred already answered the questions.
The only way you could break dpkg database in some situations is using module created with RemasterCow and unchecked dpkg registration box before creating the module. Dont touch "Disable dpkg registration" box using remastercow and you will be safe.
apt2sfs works without dpkg registration and you can't change that without script mods.

Just for information another risk for the system is using sfs module created on different linux or different Debian version. This could break your save file data because some files from different linux will not work in DD-Jessie and most probably you will get messages like incompatible glib version or missing libraries starting some programs.

To be safe:
1. Make sure not to touch "Disable dpkg registration" box (checked by default) in RemasterCow and create modules (with apt2sfs or remastercow) always from the same DD version where you like to use the modules later.

2. If you like to keep your squashfs module with drivers and different programs separate - unload it before remastering (if it is inside /live/image/live rename the extension to .noload or .sfs and reboot). There is no need to include programs without dpkg registration in the main module.

3. If you like to have the programs in your separate module with drivers upgraded the only way is to create the module with the same programs again when upgrades are available.

4. If you like to have programs from separate squashfs module included inside the main module - better install them with apt-get/synaptic and remaster the main module.

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#252 Post by dancytron »

Thanks, I understand it now.

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#253 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni, All

Updated iso's for DebianDog Wheezy and Jessie openbox_xfce version:

DebianDog-Wheezy-openbox_xfce, size: 159MB: ... -09-02.iso

DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce, size: 197MB: ... -09-02.iso

Edit:Locale files .squashfs for DD Wheezy and Jessie: ... 2.squashfs ... 2.squashfs

Changes for DebianDog Wheezy openbox_xfce:
- All fixes and additions that should apply for openbox_xfce as listed by Toni here: ... 368#776368
- Added mpv package (media player), it's dependency for included Gtk-youtube-viewer
- systemd included (there's choice to use it from boot options)
- added uxterm UTF-8 support
Size of the iso increased a little because of these additions.

Changes for DebianDog Jessie openbox_xfce :
- All fixes and additions that should apply for openbox_xfce as listed by Toni here: ... 904#847904
- Added mpv package (media player), it's dependency for included Gtk-youtube-viewer,
- added uxterm UTF-8 support
The size of the iso increased a little because of it.

Toni, I didn't make locales squashfs yet, do you think it's necessary?
Rename the iso files as you like, just named them with added date to show difference with previous versions.
Edit: Oh,,, and Jessie version has same blue default wallpaper now as Wheezy has.

Last edited by fredx181 on Fri 04 Sep 2015, 06:14, edited 1 time in total.
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#254 Post by saintless »

fredx181 wrote:Updated iso's for DebianDog Wheezy and Jessie openbox_xfce version, download:
Thanks Fred.

I'm almost ready with updated latest pae kernel version and initrd files for jwm versions. I will try to build Pae version for OpenBox and upload all tomorrow evening. If I can't build all I will upload only no-pae versions tomorrow.
Toni, I didn't make locales squashfs yet, do you think it's necessary?
I made new for jwm version. It is your choice. In my opinion it is good to update the locales files later (when you have time).

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#255 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Toni,

New locale files squashfs for wheezy and jessie uploaded, see Edit in my previous post.

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#256 Post by saintless »

Thanks Fred.
Check your PM for confirmation about small yad issue.
Nothing serious, don't worry :)

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DD Porteus boot error message

#257 Post by Ether »


See attached pix.

Are the error messages normal, or am I doing something wrong?

DD Jessie Porteus boot save to folder on exit

It boots and works fine, but the error messages concern me.

menu.lst boot menu entry
(86.62 KiB) Downloaded 329 times
error mss.jpg
error messages (see white arrows)
(138.34 KiB) Downloaded 334 times
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#258 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Ether,
See attached pix.

Are the error messages normal, or am I doing something wrong?
It's not you doing something wrong, I see exactly the same,
Although I see only one error message from where you put the white arrows:

Code: Select all

 cat: write error: invalid argument
I'm not really sure about it, I only know it has to do with writing /etc/fstab.
As DebianDog doesn't need to use fstab, it's empty at boot on purpose, so It's not a problem.

Anyway, thanks for reporting and I will investigate this further.

Looking at where you pointed the other arrows on your picture:
Showing multiple slashes you mean?
That doesn't make a difference IMO.

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#259 Post by saintless »

Hi Fred.
I think the cat error message is because line 390 trying to write to /etc/mtab (symlink to /proc/mounts). I get the same error (after removing /union/ from the path) trying this:

Code: Select all

root@debian:~# cat > /etc/mtab << EOF #it is  /union/etc/mtab in the script (line 390)
> aufs / aufs rw 0 0
> proc /proc proc rw 0 0
> sysfs /sys sysfs rw 0 0
> devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs rw 0 0
> devpts /dev/pts devpts rw,mode=0620,gid=5 0 0
cat: write error: Invalid argument
I guess we don't need this part of the script for DD but it is safe to ignore it and better not to mod initrd1.xz scripts more in my opinion.

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#260 Post by saintless »

New DebianDog-Jessie iso images uploaded here: ... og-Jessie/
First post links and information updated.

Changes and fixes list and information:

1. If you can't start X with OpenBox version remove /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
You can do it easy from command line typing:

Code: Select all

rm -f /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/20-intel.conf
This file will be removed in next iso update.
The problem could appear with some Nvidia video cards, but it is recommended to remove this file if you use OpenBox-Jessie iso. More information read here.

2. DebianDog-installer included in the iso works only from DebianDog. Instead click here to download this DebianDog-installer and extract the archive - working from most linux systems to make frugal install to HDD or USB.
3. In OpenBox version the menu entry for lxrandr (Monitor settings) is missing. Read the fix here.
4. No way to turn back once entered the Help selection of the iso image boot menu. Needs reboot to exit. I will try to fix this before next iso update. Typing menu and pressing enter makes it appear but the Help menu will be removed for next iso update. The new menu will have 12 boot options. Read more here. DebianDog-installer will be changed the same way.
5. Some PC BIOS could suffer a little problem on reboot: the system freezes and you have to force shut down by pressing the PWR button. It is caused by some recent kernel versions and can be solved with reboot=bios boot parameter. ... -restarts/
6. Uxterm in openbox version doesn't work without this fix.
7. initrd1.img for live-boot-2 needs adding .wh. function needed for remastercow to work with .wh. files. If you use remastercow .wh. function with live-boot-2 use this initd1.img to boot instead initrd1.img included in the iso (download with right click -> Save link as): initrd1.img-nopae, initrd1.img-pae.
8. New syslinux menu configuration will be added in next iso update. More information here.
9. Using live-boot and mounting squashfs modules located on NTFS and ext4 partition gives error message. More information here and in the next few posts. To fix this install this modded and upgradable after running apt-get upgrade command mount_2.26.2-6_i386-mod.deb
Or run in terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install mount
10. Some scripts don't work in Jessie with full install, like filemnt and loadsfs-fuse. It's because of 'loop' is not loaded. Typing in terminal modprobe loop or adding loop in /etc/modules and reboot makes them work.
11. In OpenBox iso libegl1-mesa is version 10.4.2-2, official jessie version now is 10.3.2-1. Installing mpv (0.6.2-2) from jessie gives errors. The solution is downgrading libegl1-mesa to the official Jessie version:

Code: Select all

apt-get install libegl1-mesa=10.3.2-1
12. Ejecting optical drive from desktop drive icon doesn't work. Install this pup-volume-monitor_0.1.15-2_i386.deb or run in terminal:

Code: Select all

apt-get update
apt-get install pup-volume-monitor
13. apt-get upgrade
14. initrd1.xz with sdcard support.
15. Install debdoginstallscripts
16. Install jwm-obmenu for DD-Jwm version.
17. Initrd files and iso-data in archives here: ... 839#858839
18. loadsfs-fuse fix: ... 954#858954
19. Remove change frisbee to sns option.
20. apt-get install xbacklight lxinputsave
21. Remove ktsuss and /opt/bin/ktsuss2
22. Install latest debdoginstallscripts_1.0.5_i386.deb; remaster-scripts_1.0.4_i386.deb with progressbar fixes.
22. Add gsu line in /usr/bin/ipinfo
23. For Jwm-Icewm version only - change icewm setup to read the files in /usr/share/icewm and /etc/X11/icewm instead from $home. Updating the menus from $home doesn't work properly in icewm from user account and it is the same in Debian Live. Remove icewm control center package because it works with $home files only. It is available in the repo if anyone likes to change the icewm setup and use icewm control center.
24. New portablesfs package: ... 337#861337
25. ClearRAM script and add "sleep 5" in debdog-install: ... 102#862102
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