epub v0.0.1 (python/curses epub reader)

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epub v0.0.1 (python/curses epub reader)

#1 Post by keyboard »

I was making/using something similar before I found this. This is for all those people who don't use X (GUI) much or their system doesn't supports X.

It is not compiled (for now) so you will need devx sfs to run it. Also install beautiful soup if you don't have it. Pet package of beautiful soup is also provided.

epub v0.0.1 https://github.com/keyboard-k/epub-pet/ ... -0.0.1.pet

python beautiful soup 3.2.1-1 https://github.com/keyboard-k/epub-pet/ ... .2.1-1.pet

releases: https://github.com/keyboard-k/epub-pet/releases
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