Portable AbiWord 3.0.0

Word processors, spreadsheets, presentations, translation, etc.
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Portable AbiWord 3.0.0

#1 Post by shinobar »

Runs on Precise Puppy and Slacko-5.5 and later. Doesn't work on Lucid Puppy. Mabe not on Warry/Racy and on Puppy-4.x.
Whatever version of AbiWord installed on your Puppy, you can use this most recent version just clicking the abiword-portable folder.


Portable AbiWord holds the AbiWord wordprocessor with its configuration file in a folder. You can place the folder outside the Puppy space(pupsave), so that it does not consume your pupsave, and you can use from any other Puppy with same settings.
Last edited by shinobar on Tue 01 Jul 2014, 13:03, edited 2 times in total.
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#2 Post by musher0 »

Hi, shinobar.

How many plug-ins did you include in this abiword? Thanks in advance.

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#3 Post by musher0 »

Nicely done! :)
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#4 Post by musher0 »

Hello, shinobar.

Thanks for this. Very novel but also very complete approach.
It works nicely.

A couple of remarks, if I may:
1) is recreating the *.desktop file from within the abiword-portable script
necessary? The user needs a permanent and independent abiword.
desktop file to find, set up and launch the abiword sfs. There is no point
in not having a permanent desktop file for this: how do you call it
if it is not in the menu already?

2) When we're finished with abiword, maybe add something like:

Code: Select all

sleep 0.5s
rmdir /mnt/+initrd+mnt+dev_save+abiword-portable-3.0.0+abiword-3.0.0-i686_xz.sfs
just before the exit command in the abiword-portable script, so the user
is not left with a long and enigmatic folder name with nothing in it in the
middle of the /mnt folder when (s)he is finished.


Last edited by musher0 on Thu 26 Jun 2014, 16:37, edited 1 time in total.
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

install : perfect !

#5 Post by Pelo »

install : perfect ! (Pupjibaro Precise 5.7.1)
Main change is in coloured contours and nice look. (videos on you tube show this last version)
The bacsic version of Abiword 2.9.x Bugs :
2.9.6 :cannot open invalid document >>> it scares new customers, old customers too.. You can only rename abw file to XML and open it with your browser, but losing all layout. Your document is damn

I prevent the administators of spanish Puppies (via Facebook)
And aqui :
Instalar Abiword GTK 3.0.0 : perfecto! (Pupjibaro 5.7.1 precisa) El cambio principal está en los contornos de color y buen aspecto. (videos en you tube Mostrar este última versión) La versión Basic de Abiword errores 2.9.x: 2.9.6: no se puede abrir el documento no válido >>> asusta a los nuevos clientes, los clientes antiguos también .. Sólo puede cambiar el nombre de archivo abw a XML y abrirlo con el navegador, pero la pérdida de todo el diseño. Su documento es maldita Por favor, compruebe que el error ha desaparecido antes de lanzar esta nueva versión, que será el respecto del usario !
Last edited by Pelo on Sat 19 Jul 2014, 13:56, edited 1 time in total.
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Portable abiword

#6 Post by TIW »

Thanks for creating a portable abiword.
Unfortunately abiword is not quite OK !
While it did install alright the first time opening a abiword wwindow, the size was about 1/3 of the desktop. The second and all following times opening the same document the size was just tiny ( see picture ). What can be done about the opening size ( full desktop size please ) of any new abiword document ?
Thanks for your help.
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#7 Post by musher0 »

Hello, TIW.

abiword has a geometry setting for command line launch.

Have you tried, for example, from terminal:

Code: Select all

abiword --geometry 400x400+200+200
Some reported back in 2002 a bug in conjunction with this abiword
setting. Has it been solved? The forum page doesn't say...

However, if the abiword geometry setting does work for you, you could
include it in the /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop file, vis-a-vis
the "Exec=" line.

if you are using the jwm window manager:
try adding in file ~/.jwm/jwmrc-personal:

Code: Select all

<!-- Try one of the 2 lines below -->
<!-- <Option>geometry:900x570+130+152</Option> -->
similar configuration as above in icewm's or pekwm's configuration file
for program calling (or whatever window manager you are using)

open abiword. With your mouse, simply enlarge the abiword window
to your desired size. Then close this window and re-open abiword.

Does that solve the problem? Does abiword open with the new size?

This last trick does solve the problem for me using the jwm window
manager, but only for the abiword window itself, not for its place on the
screen. (But it's better than nothing!)

I hope this helps a bit. BFN.

Last edited by musher0 on Sat 19 Jul 2014, 02:40, edited 1 time in total.
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#8 Post by slavvo67 »

I wasn't able to save an .abw file within the Portable ABI Word application. I'm just thinking, it's portable so why not have the save inside of it (right click option like the portable browsers have). Is there a way to do this?
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#9 Post by musher0 »

slavvo67 wrote:I wasn't able to save an .abw file within the Portable ABI Word
application. I'm just thinking, it's portable so why not have the save
inside of it (right click option like the portable browsers have). Is
there a way to do this?
Hi, slavvo 67.

I'm afraid not. This portable abiword is executed from within an sfs
file. And once prepared, sfs files are closed, static. Upon install, the
modifiable configuration files of such prortable programs are usually put
in /root or /root/.config, where they can be modified as needed, not within
the sfs file.

What's wrong with saving your text on, say, a separate partition on your
usb stick? What would be the advantage for you of saving your text in the
sfs? Portability? Well, your usb stick is portable! :) And the pupsave file! :)
(Remember that one?) :)


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Portable abiword

#10 Post by TIW »

Hi musher0.
Thank you for your quick answer.

First option:
Using the command line and after experimenting with the measurements I wanted I proceeded to  /usr/share/applications/abiword.desktop file
and made the following entry: abiword --geometry 1200x750+100+50
I saved the change and rebooted.
To my disappointment abiword opened again with that tiny size.
What did I do wrong ? Why is the entry change not saved ?

Second option:
Using the JWM window manager and after opening the file  ~/.jwm/jwmrc-personal the following text apeared :

400 3 click none outline outline 22 up down right left left down up right select escape root:3 next close maximize minimize desktop# root:3 window exec:amixer sset Master toggle exec:amixer sset Master 1+,1+ exec:amixer sset Master 1-,1- exec:defaultbrowser exec:defaultbrowser exec:screeny

What am I to do with it ?

Third option:
After opening abiword and enlarging it with my mouse - closing abiword and opening it again the window size was actually as big as I closed it. But after writing a number of words and saving the document under root - reopening it again the the size was back to the tiny one.

Fourth option:
Tried in /.icewm
"Abiword word processor" "abiword_16.xpm" abiword -geometry 1200x750+100+50
Didn’t work.

Everything ells didn’t work either.

What now ? What about option 2 ?

Thanks again for your help
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#11 Post by slavvo67 »

Hi Musher:

Thanks for the detailed explanation. The portable browsers save the cache files within the portable application so it seemed like a logical question.

I will add that for those that gave up on ABI Word (like me), it's worth another look as 3.0.0 as some of the common errors and glitches appear to have been worked out.

All the best!


Caution : Pupsaves new Abiword.

#12 Post by Pelo »

The saving bug was too serious. You can write your document conscientiously for a long time, and suddenly all is garbled.
Installers in a hurry ! please test version 3.0.0 on your test benches :)
Could you precise what is new in the version (table borders are colored, anything more ? ). .
They aim to improve Windows compatibility, it takes the major part of the work.

summary business apps : updating needed
Shinobar : your SFS 7MB abiword gnumeric inkscapelite shall remain my preferred office suite. So Light ! but enough for me. I don't care about the version. Don't destroy it :o
I have Libre office on Windows, waiting some food.
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#13 Post by musher0 »

Hello, Puppyists.

Just a little script to remove the annoying folder
that abiword-portable leaves behind in /mnt after you've finished writing.

Simply replace the existing script at /usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor
with this one.

Code: Select all

# /usr/local/bin/defaultwordprocessor
> /tmp/abiword_portable_is_open
abiword "$@"
# Solution : pas de commande "exec" devant la commande abiword ! :-) /
# The solution: remove the "exec" in front of the abiword command.
# ajout par / add-on by # musher0 pour / for 
# abiword-portable 3.0 # de / by shinobar
if [ -f /tmp/abiword_portable_is_open ];then
	sleep 1s
	rmdir --ignore-fail-on-non-empty /mnt/+usr+local+apps+abiword-portable-3.0.0+abiword-3.0.0-i686_xz.sfs
	rm /tmp/abiword_portable_is_open
# fin de l'ajout /end of add-on
Enjoy! :)

"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)

portable is the precise Puppy Japan version.

#14 Post by Pelo »

Use IT ! Abiword 3.0.0 still has the bug of 2.9. it erases your work ! no more problems of page size,
Use it :!: is the only Thing i can say.
some of the common errors and glitches appear to have been worked out. (only windows 'users remarks, none of them from Linux).
slavvo67 an Musher gave up abiword. So they don't have bugs :evil:
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#15 Post by slavvo67 »

Yes. Any real word processing work for me is done in Libre. I will say that the Textmaker FreeOffice is getting a little better but I still just don't trust it as much. Libre has its flaws, as well though. It is a good option to turn off the check for updates and the auto-save. They tend to slow the computer.

what do you need in 3.0.0 which is not in 2.8.6 ?

#16 Post by Pelo »

TIny Abiword : it was the same with 2.8.6 stable version. Just click to enlarge the window.
Is that not true with portable 3.0.0 ?
2nd question : what do you need in 3.0.0 which is not in 2.8.6 ?
(Abiword for windows will remain 2.8.6 version. Abiword gave up change to 3.0.0).
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#17 Post by Médor »

Hi Cap'tain Troll,

As you should know, version 3.0.x is a stable version :!:

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#18 Post by rufwoof »

As you should know, version 3.0.x is a stable version
That still crashes if used in earnest.

Best avoided altogether IMO. Why its still in Puppy is beyond me!!! One of the worst 'adverts' going. New user creates a doc, expands and works on it ... only to then have all their work lost.

2.8.6 was the more stable. But that's very retro now.
[size=75]( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) :wq[/size]
[url=http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?p=1028256#1028256][size=75]Fatdog multi-session usb[/url][/size]
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what is the plus in 3.0.0 ? a lot of foreign languages adde

#19 Post by Pelo »

rufwoof, merci.
2.8.6 is enough for my needs, and is stable ABI came back to this version for Windows users (90% of users)
The question would be : , what is the plus in 3.0.0 ? a lot of foreign languages added, but you don't have the keyboard layout for them...

The paragraph outline can be colored, and that is all !
But 3.0.0 still crash !
There is a huge distance between little text editors and Microsoft Word. Abiword is the only median application, And is not so bad...
Nobody speaks of bugs found in Libre office, Microsoft Office, and open Office.
The fight, the judgment is not equal. Only remember that Puppy is supposed to run full in Ram, and many of us still have computers with 512MB RAM. Libre Office installed and you can't do anything else than Typewriting
My only request is that an application does what i need, without loosing 15 minutes of typing by 'doc unavailable' after saving. Typewriting is not my cup of tea, (my glass of beer) !
Curriculum Vitae.tar.gz
Some young students use 2.8.6 for curriculum vitae, don't they ?
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#20 Post by musher0 »


It's been a year and a half since you've created this portable version of Abiword 3.0.0 and
I'm still amazed at your work!

I've reinstalled it on the exprimental DPup_Wheezy_3.14.56.1 and it works like a charm.

Bravo, shinobar! :D
"You want it darker? We kill the flame." (L. Cohen)
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