MultiPup CD/DVD/USB Creator

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#281 Post by smokey01 »

MultiPup-6.0 has been released.

This version of MultiPup includes USB flash drive functionality. In other words you can now make a MultiPup on a CD, DVD and USB flash drive.

*************** WARNING ****************
When creating a USB you will be asked to select a USB flash drive. Make sure you select the correct drive or the results could be disastrous. We have included a button to check the drive which will help you identify the correct one.

Not everyone uses a new USB flash drive, so to provide the best chance of making the USB flash drive bootable we have prepared the drive by doing the following:
Delete all existing partitions
Create a new single partition
Set the boot flag
Install GRUB
Copy the Distro files.

Most Pups will work but you will find the odd one that won't, especially where the boot process is not using the standard pup method like JL64-603.

MultiPup-6.0 is distributed as a .tar.gz file. It works on both 32bit and 64bit systems. Extract the archive to a drive with lots of space, not /root. MultiPup will extract into it's own directory called MultiPup-v6.0.
Enter the directory and click on the icon to execute. There are plenty of tooltips on the buttons and step by step instructions on the help button. If you're new to MultiPup I suggest you keep the help open.
Download here: ... 6.0.tar.gz
Final warning: You accept all responsibility when using MultiPup.

When asked to type in your flash drive, make sure you include the number. EG: sdb1 or sdc1 NOT sdb or sdc. If your flash drive is sdg1 or greater do not use MultiPup with USB flash drives.


#282 Post by gcmartin »

Always thought this was one of the best progress bars ever created.
Is it still an operational piece in MultiPUP?

#283 Post by gcmartin »

Hello @Smokey01 and @Catdude. And,thanks for this utility.

  • With the CD selection, an ISO is created which can be reused. Is there a "similar" image file created and saved somewhere for USB/HDD reuse?
  • And,is there a script anywhere which can update the Menu>Utiltiy to add the MultiPUP app for accessing.
Thanks again for this!
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#284 Post by smokey01 »

gcmartin wrote:Always thought this was one of the best progress bars ever created.
Is it still an operational piece in MultiPUP?
It was removed because it required deps that were not in all pups. It was pretty but a message does the job just as well.
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#285 Post by smokey01 »

gcmartin wrote:Hello @Smokey01 and @Catdude. And,thanks for this utility.

  • With the CD selection, an ISO is created which can be reused. Is there a "similar" image file created and saved somewhere for USB/HDD reuse?
  • And,is there a script anywhere which can update the Menu>Utiltiy to add the MultiPUP app for accessing.
Thanks again for this!
First question is no just like it's explained in the help.

Second is no but possible. Rather than mandating where Multipup is installed you now decide where you want it. Because of this it makes it difficult to make a desktop file that fits all situations. Multipup is executed from its main directory so if you make a desktop file to have a menu entry, then you need to make a wrapper script to cd into the Multipup directory.
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#286 Post by smokey01 »

There have been significant changes to MultiPup-6.0 since our recent release.
It now creates a desktop file in Utility when you first run it. To run it simply click on the discs icon.
A nice little graphic is displayed when you toggle between DVD and USB.
It's possible to build a CD/DVD MultiPup then switch it to USB.
Your build will be saved by closing MultiPup, providing you don't click on reset. You can continue the build by opening Multipup again and adding additional distros if you wish. You will be advised if a previous build exists when you open the main GUI.
Quite a few error checks have been added.
To delete MultiPup remove the MultiPup directory, the desktop file and the script in /usr/local/bin.

It is still important to select the correct drive when creating a MultiPup on a USB Flash drive. Choosing your main HDD will delete everything, so be very careful. ... r22.tar.gz

Updated to revision 22 to prevent installation on vfat and fat32 file systems as they don't support symlinks. It will work on ntfs but use with care.
Last edited by smokey01 on Mon 21 Sep 2015, 09:07, edited 3 times in total.

#287 Post by gcmartin »

I am having a problem with generating a bootable with several 64bit PUPs. The MultiPUP utility (V6r20 and earlier V6s) are failing to generate a bootable USB device.

Upon creations and reboot on the same PC used to create the MultiPUP bootable, the boot fails immediately after post NEVER getting to the expected Splashscreen Menu. This occurs on the non-UEFI and UEFI PC.

I am including the index.txt and the menu.lst that is generated; and a files listing of the USB hard-disk. I get the same failure no matter if its a USB flash or USB HDD.
Index.txt filelist

Code: Select all

This USB was created with the MultiPup CD/DVD/USB Creator on Fri Sep 18 17:49:20 EDT 2015

It contains:
menu.lst filelist

Code: Select all

# Grub Default Options               
default 0
timeout 50
color light-gray/blue black/light-gray
gfxmenu /boot/grub/Multipup
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title tahr64-6.0.2 
configfile /tahr64-6.0.2/menu.lst
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title tahr64-6.0.2 
configfile /tahr64-6.0.2/menu.lst
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title EmSee-Ultra-etc 
configfile /EmSee-Ultra-etc/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title EmSee-Ultra-etc 
configfile /EmSee-Ultra-etc/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
title 150816-JL64-603 
configfile /150816-JL64-603/menu.lst
title Desktop157Final-64v2 
configfile /Desktop157Final-64v2/menu.lst
title EmSee-Ultra-etc 
configfile /EmSee-Ultra-etc/menu.lst
title Fatdog64-701 
configfile /Fatdog64-701/menu.lst
title Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner 
configfile /Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner/menu.lst
title LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid 
configfile /LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid/menu.lst
title tahr64- 
configfile /tahr64-
File/Folder listings

Code: Select all

# ls -l /mnt/sdc1
total 88
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Sep 18 17:30 150816-JL64-603
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 26 15:00 boot
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 30 02:51 Desktop157Final-64v2
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 31 03:15 EmSee-Ultra-etc
drwxrwx--- 4 root root 8192 Aug 30 02:56 Fatdog64-701
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root  266 Sep 18 17:49 index.txt
drwxrwx--- 5 root root 8192 Aug 30 02:57 Lighthouse64-6.02-B2_Mariner
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 31 00:20 LxPup64-15.05.01-hybrid
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 30 03:00 tahr64-6.0.2
drwxrwx--- 3 root root 8192 Aug 31 00:22 tahr64-
drwxrwx--- 2 root root 8192 Sep 18 17:45 tahr64-
# ls -l /mnt/sdc1/boot/grub/
total 144
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root   2958 Sep 18 17:45 menu.lst
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root      0 Sep 18 17:46 Multipup
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root    512 Dec  8  2009 stage1
-rwxrwx--- 1 root root 124778 Dec  8  2009 stage2

# fdisk  -l /dev/sdc1
Disk /dev/sdc1: 9.4 GiB, 10109272064 bytes, 19744672 sectors
Units: sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
Disklabel type: dos
Disk identifier: 0x00000000
Guidance requested.
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#288 Post by smokey01 »

GC Martin, where does it say you can use Multipup to install to a USB HDD? It's designed to work on a flash drive. It might work on a USB HDD but this was not the intention and has not been tested.

It would also be nice to know what OS you are using to create the Multipup. I have a a sneaky suspicion you are using a 64bit OS, is this true. If so you will need to load 32bit libs. In all my testing I use Fatdog64-700/701 and always have the 32bit slacko libs loaded.

The GRUB binary is 32bit and won't normally run without 32bit libs just like Skype which is a 32bit application.

I also see a lot of duplicates. You only need to link them once. We put in a refresh button so you can reset everything. It you want to add extra distros just link the new ones, unless of course you have done a reset.

Your two list don't math, what on earth have you been doing to get in that mess.

I suggest you click on reset and link the isos again.

There will always be some distros that won't work like JL64 that use a non standard boot sequence as previously mentioned.

Let me know how you get on.

#289 Post by gcmartin »

You are correct that I am using FD7x and I did NOT or do not use 32bit libs there. This may be the problem I am incurring. Thus, what is being experienced is a missing dependency for correct operation and generation of the USB.

As I mentioned, too, I have the same boot issues no matter if I use a Flash or a HDD. Same exact behavior. So, I would go further to say, that if it works on Flash, it also will work on HDD or SDD or anything that looks like a USB storage device ... excepting DVDs which is a special case.

Hope this info is useful to others. I will rerun the MultiPUP using a 32bit distro like, say, TahrPUP602 to see if the behavior is changed to what we expect to occur for a booting USB device.

I Plan to
  1. Install r20 on TahrPUP602
  2. start r20 at step 1
  3. select the USB option
  4. add links
  5. step 4 to select an image
  6. step 5 to create a USB boot storage on flash (or HDD)
  7. and report back to you here.
If there are any other items you would want me to test/provide, feel free to request and I will make that info available.
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#290 Post by CatDude »

Hello GC

I've just discovered that in order to boot the following:
  • 150816-JL64-603.iso
without getting the usual 'xxx.sfs not found' message,
you need to edit the menu.lst files in the respective subdirectories
and remove the 'PMEDIA=usbflash'.

Probably best to do that before running Step 5. :wink: :wink:

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#291 Post by smokey01 »

gcmartin wrote:You are correct that I am using FD7x and I did NOT or do not use 32bit libs there. This may be the problem I am incurring. Thus, what is being experienced is a missing dependency for correct operation and generation of the USB.
What is the missing dependency? Is the gfx boot screen being made properly?

The 32bit libs for FD701 are here: ... lacko6.sfs

#292 Post by gcmartin »

smokey01 wrote:What is the missing dependency? Is the gfx boot screen being made properly?
MultiPUP requires the 32bit libs for ...

I have just found the pathway to a successful USB generation using TahrPUP602. But,not without some interesting discoveries along the way.

I began by insuring that I could generate and boot an ISO the ISO is 1.7GB.
Then I attempted to generate a USB store on a 2GB stick that I used before with MultiPUP v5. The steps began with a reset, then on to step 1, step 4 and step 5 for the exact same distros. Step 5 appeared to behave normally but in the end I found that NOTHING was on the USB. Nothing. So, I compared the ISO and USB MPsources and found no descrepcies. I,then reset, exited MultiPUP, reinstalled and repeated the steps. Same outcome...NO content on the USB stick and NO error messages from MultiPUP.

In desperation, I decided to create a single distro USB using MultiPUP. This time, I had the content land on the USB and it booted. So, from this I surmised that this is a space issue attempting to write a 1.7GB onto a 2GB USB did NOT work in the testing I have done.

Examining, I found that MultiPUP does not display the size of the image it intends to write as it does for DVD. Thus, any user could easily make the same mistake when you assume that the content you are attempting to create will fit on the USB, when in actuality, it will NOT.

This can be called "human error", but I would classify NOT it as such.

Maybe a check or a posting would remove/reduce the opportunity for this kind of errants.

In a perfect world, MultiPUP works! But, in this case, these 2 problems can be minimized or avoided.

The problem might be avoided with any choices you make or here is 2 ideas I have for consideration;
  • Make MultiPUP a PET which checks for 32bit distro and if not, to check for the 32bit libs.
  • Add a test comparing USB size versus image size OR add an announcement of the image to the user.
How some of this is of value.

If there is any more that you feel I can contribute which would be helpful, I will assist, tomorrow.

Hope this info is helpful.
edited: corrected a sentence which should have read "would NOT"
Last edited by gcmartin on Sun 20 Sep 2015, 14:01, edited 1 time in total.
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#293 Post by smokey01 »

gcmartin wrote:Examining, I found that MultiPUP does not display the size of the image it intends to write as it does for DVD.
Yes it does, click on the Check Disk Button.
The problem might be avoided with any choices you make or here is 2 ideas I have for consideration;
  • Make MultiPUP a PET which checks for 32bit distro and if not, to check for the 32bit libs.
No need to make a pet but we will include a test to see if 32bit libs exist. People running 32bit OS won't have this problem.

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#294 Post by smokey01 »

A few changes to MultiPup-6.0. Now at r21.

On the first run it checks to see if you are running a 32 or 64-bit OS. If 64-bit then it pops up a message advising that you need to load the 32-bit libraries. The libs below work with Fatdog64 and Slacko64. ... lacko6.sfs The grub binary is 32-bit and apparently can't be compiled in 64-bit. So this is only a problem for 64-bit machines, not 32-bit.

Lighthouse64 and JL64 have 32-bit libraries built in.

Some more information has been added to the help, a must read.

If the bootsplash is not being created at step 4 then you need to install the full cpio binary. Many pups use the busybox version which does not work.

If you find some distro that doesn't bootup properly like JL64 and Lighthouse64, try removing the PMEDIA=usbflash from the kernel line in the menu.lst. Look inside the distro directory. ... r21.tar.gz


#295 Post by Jasper »

Hi smokey01,

Precise v 5.6 will run here using MultiPup r 20, but not using r 21

This desktop has 64 bit capability, though unused by Precise 5.6

My regards

#296 Post by Jasper »

Hi smokey01,

I have three thoughts:

(a) See screen shot and suggestion for mouse over Help message to include your “Distros
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#297 Post by gcmartin »

In r21, the announcement screen is popping under the main GUI screen on restart of the MultiPUP app after creating, say, an ISO in a prior use. Thus, many users will miss that announcement. being that it is hidden from view.

Would the design allow it to pop at an offset to the left of the GUI or on top of it?
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#298 Post by smokey01 »

Jasper wrote:Hi smokey01,

Precise v 5.6 will run here using MultiPup r 20, but not using r 21

This desktop has 64 bit capability, though unused by Precise 5.6

My regards
Do you mean your computer is capable of running a 64 bit OS but you are running Precise-5.6 on it which is 32 bit.

When you use MP r20 with precise-5.6 it works and when using MP r21 it doesn't.

What are you creating CD/DVD/USB?
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#299 Post by smokey01 »

[quote="Jasper"]Hi smokey01,

I have three thoughts:

(a) See screen shot and suggestion for mouse over Help message to include your “Distros

#300 Post by Jasper »

Hi smokey01,

Yes and yes and using r 21 I can't try anything because:

see screen shot(1) then I click OK and get,

My regards

I think CatDude may have spent much of his life in Liverpool, whereas I was born in London and spent much of my life there.

If CatDude cannot interpret my thoughts I can try to explain more clearly; also BigPup is a good interpreter although MochiMoppel is another star with excellent English and an extensive technical knowledge of computers and their associated terminology - and whilst he is rarely impressed with my attempted explanations - he manages reasonably well.

Edit: re

Do you really think that would happen?

Devs tend to be clever, charming and helpful

so emphatically - yes.
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