python ready!

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python ready!

#1 Post by klhrevolutionist »

I have put together a python package for anybody wanting it that way you don't
have to go through configuring and making and all that great stuff, let me know!!!
go here if you want python or ruby
Last edited by klhrevolutionist on Thu 27 Oct 2005, 02:04, edited 13 times in total.
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#2 Post by Flash »

Could you to add an image of the cursor(s) to your post, so we can admire it? :)
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#3 Post by Lobster »

Good news
(which anyone can add to)

Even though Python is over 10 meg (therefore having to be a dotPup unless the much fabled developers Puplet comes about) this is great.

Hope we eventually have this Puppy Python available for everyone.

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#4 Post by Nathan F »

klhrevolutionist-let us know where we can find this fabled package. Your post says it's available but doesn't say where to get it.
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#5 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Python is way to big to post on the forum Nathan F. since I have seen you on the forum, I will give it to you if you want it.
you will have to create an account at <-it's free
and then provide me with your e-mail address
and then you will be good to go!!!!!!!


Python is to big to post on the forum if you want python just pm me with your e-mail address, I will not give it to anybody or even write it down anywhere!
And follow the instructions above this warning!
However, you must be an active pup on the forum!
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#6 Post by Guest »

I can host it if you want.........
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In respone

#7 Post by klhrevolutionist »

I don't think I am out of line. But then again I've been known to be wrong!
But like I had mentioned in my other posts, I am willing to give it to anybody!
But I added, some glue to make it kinda sticky.
Now if someone were to ask me for it would I really turn them down?
Or would I have wrote that to get more pups active?
But then again I might?
And, is it good for say xandros to let people download there os,
but you can only do so much with it unless your a computer whiz or you buy it from them? Open source my, nevermind that!


Python is to big to post on the forum if you want python just pm me with your e-mail address, I will not give it to anybody or even write it down anywhere!
And follow the instructions above this warning!
However, you must be an active pup on the forum!

I have put together a python package for anybody wanting it that way you don't
have to go through configuring and making and all that great stuff, let me know!!!

I never told anybody to register to the forum I make no profit from it, I am just trying to get FORUM members more active, That does'nt mean I would'nt give it to them! But it might make one feel like trying to learn more!
I put my two cents in this forum everytime I think it might count.

Less than 2 weeks ago if you had told me to ./configure
or make or make install I would be very troubled, but throuth trying to learn and wanting to be more active I have accomplished more than others have
NO I AM NOT BRAGGING, I'm saying through participation, I was able to help myself, that's like a noob asking everyone if they can port they're favorite application, should the person whom was asked this question feel inclined to do so?
I think not. You all have put in your thought's and thank you, but I have sent a pm to bladehunter i think that's who it is, because he was willing to host 46mb of pure python, he is the only one who has asked for python
none of you have! Yet you feel a need to criticize. As I have said in all my post about python it is your if you want it! nobody's asked maybe they feel threatened to try and learn? or help us in someway? I know from you lobby and rarsa are very active members and I really do appreciate your input.
But I meant to do nothing but motivate. We all are different and we do things
different. Of all the time I've been a pup have you known me to go anywhere out of bounds? why would I start now?

As someone out there in the Linux world once told me "google it"
I come in peace

I will speak no more of this matter I have explained myself as much as one should. thank you all for your input, python will soon be hosted by bladehunter I think that's who it was? Not sure. But remember don't jump into a post and read what you read, but I say unto you read the whole thing!

Last edited by klhrevolutionist on Sat 06 Aug 2005, 23:40, edited 6 times in total.
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#8 Post by Lobster »

You have Python but no where to host

Someone is willing to host it

Can they download from you and host it?

Or would you rather someone else went through the process and hosted it?

It is clear to me that wishing to allow people to download Python in the easiest way is the best solution - without need for restrictions

If people wish to be active on the forum that is up to them. - surely . . .

I am sure there is a genuine and good reasoning behind this and I can understand that you are attempting to enhance or get more people involved -

What do others feel?
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#9 Post by Guest »

I feel if you are going to make an announcemnet that you have put together fantastic-software-package-xyz-version-anything that it should be made available to anyone. I can understand a warning that it is in beta stage and probably not quite up to a stage where novices may not have problems.

Or if you have a host that limits your bandwidth you may request that people are gentle on downloads.......but to make it available to an "exclusive set" is not what Open Source is about.

Also I think it may be a good idea to also mention the particular version of a package that you are putting together as some earlier versions of some package are somewhat smaller and are just as good for running most general scripts. Also there may also be bugs or issues with a particular version of software that the builder may not be aware of that someone esle may know of and be able to add a comment that version xyz has this problem which didn't occur in abc or has been resolved in version lmn..
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#10 Post by Bancobusto »

You have some good points bladehunter.

It's still unclear to me, after reading this thread twice over, whether there's a package or not. Or what kind. I compiled Python (can't remember the version! oops) last week, and was really proud of myself (because so, so many things go wrong between me and this machine)... and I was kind of wondering what the procedure would be to create a dot-pup. Then I thought, it'll be freakin' huge, why bother, just compile it yourself if you need it.

It would be cool to have an auto-mounting python/developer tools/other squash or whatever you call it, huh? That way, develepmont could continue the same with normal Puppy, but special dot-pups that relied on python (or other heavy dependencie) could be created, with the warning that you need the special .sfs file in order for them to work...

That makes sense to me, but rereading it I realize that I am possibly not being clear...


#11 Post by Guest »

I can see what you mean....the way SLAX has "plug in modules" for different programs...just mount them when you need them
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#12 Post by rarsa »

I'm flabbergasted. Really.

Mr ktherevolutionist is using puppy and many other tools that meant countless hours to many people, but thinks that his work compiling python should be just for a selected few?

Did the python web site require you to register or log-in or anything to download their sources?

Did Barry required it?

From the dictionary: Revolution: "A sudden or momentous change in a situation"

That's what ktherevolutioisty may be doing, changing the free flow of knowledge by attaching strings.

Although, I thought that Open source was revolutionary. Maybe you should change your nick to kthereactionary.

If you don't really want to share your work freely, that's your option, but don't advertise it as if you would.
I don't think I am out of line. But then again I've been known to be wrong!
I am sure this is one of those times when you are know to be wrong

I hope that you were well intentioned and just ill advised. Please reflect on the foolishness of your strategy.

Making people register to the forum to get something helps no one, not you, not Puppy, not Barry, not the people that may benefit.

You seem to be criticizing the Open Source movement while at the same time benefitting from it.

I am flabbergasted... Realy.
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#13 Post by klhrevolutionist »

Yes bladehunter the version is 2.4 and it is not a dot pup
but I have got it put together to where a noob could put the folders in xyz
if anybody wants to take what I've got an dmake it a dotpup
that will save you the time of compiling it
also, I don't know my limit, I have never been complained to bt my isp
charter pipleline, If I knew how to setup a server I would love that as it would make it easier for my friends family and fellow pups to get what they need
So you can see I'm not worried about bandwidth as I surf pretty good!

I tried betaftd but not sure if it was working and if anybody is interested in helping me setup one of the server tools in puppy I would be grateful as you all would have access to all the goodies I never post, reason I can't seem to get them to be good dotpups, like the one I posted today!
So thank you bladehunter for bringing up that

And to get back on subject I know nothing about python, I just got it cause some nice apps run under it
Heaven is on the way, until then let's get the truth out!
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