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Restore latest backup

#61 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:Is a "Backup" auto-restored by default at startup?
And if it is, how should it be by-passed if needed?
1. To restore the latest backup, you need to download the http://smokey01.com/gjuhasz/packages/re ... st-1.4.pet package (e.g., to the /packages folder of your pendrive) then reference it in your smartload file as you did for wine and xfe. So, your smartload file should look like this:

Code: Select all

2. To bypass auto-restoration, you need to create a /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/smartloadn file with the same content as the above smartload, except that here, the restore_latest row starts with a minus sign:

Code: Select all

3. You can decide how Puli should boot:
a) if you hit the "a" key when the boot process asks you (yellow text), no backups will be auto-restored for this session.
b) if you don't hit any key, the latest backup will be restored if exists.
c) if you hit Space, neither the above listed packages nor the latest backup will be auto-loaded.

You can download other packages from http://smokey01.com/gjuhasz/packages/ and you can configure any boot combination of them in different smartload<x> files.

See more smartload examples in the uploaded Puli 6.0.3 package.

Have fun!


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#62 Post by Sylvander »

a. Followed your instructions above, whilst working from Slacko, on the Puli files on the mounted partition on the Flash Drive.

b. Rebooted [from Slacko] into Puli.
Accepted the default boot.
Reading the text on screen, I could see restore_latest being loaded, and also the backup being applied.

c. At the desktop, the new desktop wallpaper was displayed; changes to the display of time had been applied.
SUCCESS! :D Or so it seemed.

d. The Welcome Dialog was displayed needing changes to English language, and keyboard...plus numlock and time-sync...
And when I OK'd those, restartX caused the wallpaper and time display to revert to the old settings. :(
So, not a complete success.
How to stop the need for a display of the welcome dialog?
...And retain the changes/configurations saved-in and restored-using the backup?
Aren't the welcome-dialog-settings saved in the backup?

e. Oh...and by-the-way...
When I try to manually restore the backup [by dragging it onto the "Restore" icon]...
It begins to go through the motions, but doesn't complete the restore [no notification of completion, no change of the wallpaper etc].

f. I see that the files now inside the /usr/share/backgrounds folder, include the original files (I had DELETED all but the one named default), PLUS the extra files I copied into it [I'd then made a backup of the changes].

g. Tried to show my wife how to use Puli for online banking [she knows how to do it using Puppy=Tahrpup multi-session DVD-RW].
There were so many difficulties using Puli we gave up trying.
Too many things didn't "just work"; some things that aught to have been simple were NOT. :(
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More comfort features in Puli

#63 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:SUCCESS! :D Or so it seemed. But...

d. The Welcome Dialog was displayed needing changes to English language, and keyboard...plus numlock and time-sync...
And when I OK'd those, restartX caused the wallpaper and time display to revert to the old settings. :(
So, not a complete success.
How to stop the need for a display of the welcome dialog?
...And retain the changes/configurations saved-in and restored-using the backup?
Aren't the welcome-dialog-settings saved in the backup?
They are saved but (in this release intentionally) not used for restoration. Note that in Puli, QuickSetup provides only info and offers only session-level settings/changes. As far as I know, all features you set here session-by-session (time sync etc.) can be carved in stone in the config files of Puli.

In the planned Bark2 release, on the one hand, I will rename this dialog to "Session Setup" and change its Help accordingly; on the other hand, I add some comfort features to auto-apply the changes at the next bootup.

e. Oh...and by-the-way...
When I try to manually restore the backup [by dragging it onto the "Restore" icon]...
It begins to go through the motions, but doesn't complete the restore [no notification of completion, no change of the wallpaper etc.
Maybe you are restoring an older backup. Will be fixed in the planned Bark 2 version.
Tried to show my wife how to use Puli for online banking [she knows how to do it using Puppy=Tahrpup multi-session DVD-RW].
There were so many difficulties using Puli we gave up trying.
Too many things didn't "just work"; some things that aught to have been simple were NOT. :(
There will be no hiccup if, instead of /root you set /root/My Documents for your data in the HomeBank app (see its Settings dialog). Actually, the My Documents folder is saved also during SmartSave.

I plan to issue a mod release next week (I consider changing the version name to Puli 6.0.3 Bark 2) that provides more comfort to Puli users.

For example,
  • * Support restoring backups from earlier Pulis
    * Auto-restore a selected backup (not only the latest one)
    * Restore backups created in any security profile
    * Involve some internal apps to SmartSave (why not, I will include the HomeBank app :) )
    * Introduce the above mentioned changes in QuickSetup.
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#64 Post by Sylvander »

1. In order to make the Puli bootable Flash Drive...
I unpacked the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz file within [a folder on] an NTFS formatted partition [on my USB connected external HDD].
Now I read that Symlinks are not supported on NTFS, and conclude that if there are any Symlinks within the contents of the Puli-6.0.3_install.tar.gz file, then those would be broken.
Might this explain [some of] what is going wrong for me?

2. "...features you set here session-by-session (time sync etc.) can be carved in stone in the config files of Puli."
Which config files, where?
Could you list the addresses of these, and which settings they specify, so I can do the necessary?

3. "...on the other hand, I add some comfort features to auto-apply the changes at the next bootup."
Sounds good. :D

4. "Maybe you are restoring an older backup."
No, not so, I deleted the backup and made a new one [after yet again making all the changes I wanted].
I wondered if the Symlink problem might be causing this misbehavior.

5. "There will be no hiccup if, instead of /root you set /root/My Documents for your data in the HomeBank app..."
The problem wasn't with the online banking...
We didn't get so far as to be dong that...
It was the lead-up to it in the Puli OS.
...And [intentionally...by design] we don't save ANY data when doing online banking.

6. "I plan to issue a mod release next week (I consider changing the version name to Puli 6.0.3 Bark 2) that provides more comfort to Puli users."
Sounds good. :D

7. "I will include the HomeBank app"
I don't normally use such a thing, but it might be interesting to take a look.
Some years back, when running only Windows, I tried to get and use a banking program that would work WITH my online banking [extract info from my online banksite, and use it to display graphs etc]...
Contacted my bank, and asked about it, but there wasn't one available that my bank supported.
Perhaps it's too risky anyway.
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Puli 6.0.3 Bark2

#65 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:Sounds good. :D
Dear Sylvander,

Re links: There are no links on the boot device. I use 4 ... 8 GB pendrives with FAT32 that do not allow links, either.

Re online banking vs HomeBank: It seems that I misunderstood your latest post. I have no problems with online banking. As far as I know, some banks use cookies, others do not like the firewall on the client machines. Try to (temporarliy) disable the firewall by issuing

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall stop
in a terminal window.

Code: Select all

/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall start
activates the firewall again.

Re Puli 6.0.3. Bark 2: I will upload a beta on the weekend. All promised features are in place. Now I attach a screenshot about the Session Setup dialog (ex-QuickSetup). Of course, the info there refers to Bark 2.

Have fun!


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Rodney Byne
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Puli 6.0.3 install to USB

#66 Post by Rodney Byne »

To gjuhasz,

Hi from a total beginner trying to make sense of all this.
Puli is obviously not for the uninitiated or faint-hearted.
Just the name tar.gz puts me into a cold sweat.
Can't you simply compile Puli with all its improvements
for us to enjoy, into a standard iso file so it's easy to
burn Puli to flash drive with Universal USB Installer (UUI)
like other distros?
Thanks, regards.
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#67 Post by cthisbear »

Rodney Byne:
If you want security why not try Banksypup.

Boots easily on usb.

greengeek >> has a b3max" pre release candidate as well.

From his pm to me.
I don't think there is anything too personal in it.

" It is about 350 megs because of a variety of stuff I have built into it. And it probably needs 1 meg or more of memory if you get into running its personalisation function "

I have the link but I would rather Greenie gives me permission.
But you could PM him.


http://murga-linux.com/puppy/profile.ph ... le&u=27425

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Re Puli install to usb

#68 Post by Rodney Byne »

To cthisbear,

Thanks for referring to Banksy.
I read the through the forums on B1, B2 & B3
and could see this distro is also complex for me.

However on reflection, I think I prefer the simplicity
of Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) from US military,
having two main current v1.6.1 iso options available for
the public to download from their homepage:


Loads and runs in the pc RAM of at least 1Gb.
Just pull the stick out when the desktop appears, no complications
and with good onscreen guidance documentation.

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Re: Puli 6.0.3 Bark2

#69 Post by Sylvander »

gjuhasz wrote:Re Puli 6.0.3. Bark 2: I will upload a beta on the weekend.
Where can I get it?
I don't see any link to it in the 1st post of this thread.
Whoa, found it here...
From this page...
Linked in your 1st post.
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Re: Puli 6.0.3 Bark2

#70 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:Whoa, found it here...
Dear Sylvander,

I attach a screenshot to illustrate parts of the new concept. You may notice the (big) changes made under the hood if you compare it with its predecessor attached to my post on Sep 24.
Please keep in mind that the just uploaded Puli 6.0.3 bark2 version should be handled as a beta - so neither whistles nor bells yet.
FYI: I did not find bugs in the beta. However, reading the previous posts, I recognized the need for a "one-minute-one-finger" method of creating a Puli pendrive from scratch. (Thanks to my loving distance to non-Linux operational systems, I forgot the name of the OS I propose for this. :oops: )
It is expected that not only will the Help screen be different in the final version, but the firewall tray icon returns, too.
Very soon.

Have fun!


Session Setup - the new concept
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#71 Post by Sylvander »

1. To install the latest Puli 6.0.3 bark2 onto my 4GB Flash Drive with ext4 partition:
Whilst running within Slacko...
a. Deleted all of the existing files on the partition...
b. Copied all of the new "Puli 6.0.3 bark2" files into the partition...
c. Ran "Menu->Setup->Grub4Dos" to install this bootloader.
d. Edited Some of the settings such as:
/mnt/sdb1/syslinux.cfg->default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram pkeys=uk plang=en_GB
/mnt/sdb1/puli.cfg->timezone=Europe/London [other settings left unaltered]
Saved the changes to these files.
e. Noticed the new content of "/mnt/sdb1/packages", but made no changes to load any of these.
Need to read previous posts to remind myself how to do this [e.g. load "force_rigorous.pet" and "restore_latest-1.5.pet"].
What is "restore_fixed-1.5.pet"?
f. Rebooted from Slacko to the new Puli on my 4GB Flash Drive.
It booted just fine.

2. The problems began at the Puli desktop, as follows:
a. The welcome dialog appeared, still asking for language and keyboard settings, which I set as I wanted.
All other settings were there and correct.
OK'd the settings.
b. Copied over a new desktop wallpaper file, and set it as the new wallpaper.
c. Synchronized the time OK.
d. Re-configured the time display.
e. Made a backup->it appeared in the "/mnt/sdb1/backups" folder.
f. Re-booted Puli, and the backup wasn't auto-restored during startup, and all my changes included in the backup were not applied.
Guess I needed to do the following, that I'm doing now:
g. /mnt/sdb1/profiles/Common/smartload->activated the following:
"force_rigorous", "restore_latest".
h. Will now reboot to see what Puli looks like now. :D
Now rebooted into Puli.
i. During the boot I saw the following [plus others] being loaded:
j. It was also reported that the backup was restored.
It was reported that 0-mild was being applied [I wanted 1-rigorous, as applied above].
k. At the desktop, the old wallpaper was being used. :(
The old time display was being used. :(
l. Tried to manually restore the backup, but it didn't complete [just like before].

3. Can't make Puli do what I want it to do.

4. I'm inclined to re-format the partition to FAT32.
i.e. Use the methods explained in the 1st post of this thread for installing Puli.
I'm thinking that perhaps using an ext4 partition is causing Puli to misbehave.
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603 rc1 uploaded

#72 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:Can't make Puli do what I want it to do.
Dear Sylvander,

Thanks for your post about testing Puli 6.0.3 bark 2 beta.
Carefully following the steps you wrote, I could reproduce and also fix :D all of the issues you mentioned.

a) re force_rigorous.pet:

You were using the force_xxx.pet file(s) I created for a previous (let's say alpha) version - I admit that this is my fault. Since then, I have uploaded the final ones - they will be OK for a long term. Please download them from http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/packages folder and overwrite the old ones with them, or use the just uploaded rc1 (see details below).

b) re restore_latest-1.5.pet:

This pet is OK. I found the problem in another file (in /usr/bin/Resto, which worked well for LANG=hu_HU.UTF-8 settings only but failed for the rest of languages) I am not sure this is my fault but, after I reorganized the conditional statements in the aforementioned script, the problem disappeared.

c) re wallpaper and others restored from backup:

Same as in b) above: reproduced, fixed, tested. The problem disappeared

d) re time:

Please check the HW clock (you can set it using the tray icon).


I have uploaded Puli 6.0.3 bark2 release candidate. Please open and read http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/readme.html.

I think it does worth a try.


What's new compared to Puli 6.0.3 (bark1) version:

1. New method for installing Puli on the pendrive (it took me 100 seconds on a slower stick, I am sure that the advertised "one-finger-one-minute" is feasible). I am really sorry, the install tool I proposed is not available for Linux yet... :oops:

2. You can restore a couple of backup files on top of each other:
a) the latest one by smartloading the restore_latest package
b) a fixed one from a separate folder, by smartloading the restore_fixed package (I forgot to add this feature to the smartload examples)

3. Security profiles can be forced at boot time (one-finger package-control, one-minute boot time - I hope you like it)

4. New icon in Lazy profile, firewall status icon in the tray, message popups rearranged.

5. Help text restructured

6. Big changes under the hood:
a) boot order - security profile loads at the end
b) improved backup/restore management - desktop icons hardwired, some files excluded, smaller backup size
c) new items involved in smartsave
d) many others - I try to collect all of them before announcing the final version - expected this weekend :)

7. Bugs fixed (including the above mentioned ones)

Have fun!


New install method
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Re: Puli 6.0.3 install to USB

#73 Post by gjuhasz »

Rodney Byne wrote:Just the name tar.gz puts me into a cold sweat..
Dear Rodney,

Thanks for your post. Based on your request, I introduced a new method to install Puli. It is not the same as you proposed but seems to be simple and fast. Give it a try - you will like it.
See details at http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/readme.html and in my previous post.

Thanks again.

Have fun!


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#74 Post by Sylvander »

Some problems eliminated :D , some remain. :(
1. During Startup:
a. Sometimes the Grub4Dos display of the Puli OS, although highlighted, hitting <Enter> does not choose it at that moment...
It continues to timeout, and only then proceeds to load Puli.
Sometimes hitting <Enter> works. :?
I cannot understand why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't.
Will study each Startup to see if I can figure out what's causing this.
b. During the remainder of Startup, all appears to act as it aught.
force_rigorous.pet reported as loaded.
1-rigorous is reported as activated.
restore_latest-1.5.pet reported as loaded.
Puli_backup is reported as restored. [At 1st boot, non-existent Puli_backup was restored]

2. At Desktop->Session Setup:
All good, EXCEPT...
en_us NOT en_gb is displayed [how should I make en_gb the default?]
The display of time is correct prior to the restart of X, and reverts to old settings after restartX.
[Working within Slacko, I made some changes to settings within the Puli config files, prior to booting Puli for the 1st time]

3. Wallpaper and time display:
a. Old wallpaper is displayed despite new wallpaper having been set up, and backup made afterward, and backup appearing to be restored during Startup.
b. Time settings [originally OK] also reverted to old [after restart of X], although correct setting is displayed as chosen in the PCS dialog window.
I just click the "Set" button to apply it.
c. Manually restoring the backup restores the correct form of time display, but NOT the correct/new wallpaper.
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#75 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:Sometimes the Grub4Dos display of the Puli OS, although highlighted, hitting <Enter> does not choose it at that moment...
Dear Sylvander,

a) I have never tried Grub4Dos. Puli supports only a couple of install methods as they described at http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/readme.html
If you have (Puppy) Linux only, try tp prepare your pendrive using http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/sfs/bootflash-0.6p.pet

b) During bootup, language and keyboard settings are applied based on the content of the syslinux.cfg file. I tested successfully with en_GB (not en_gb :wink: settings)

c) If the backup was created under Puli 6.0.3 bark2, the wallpaper that comes from the backup should appear. If you install Puli using one of the recommended methods, those settings will be surely applied.

d) Time settings: This is not Puli specific. If you set hwclock=localtime in puli.cfg, then the system assumes that the hardware clock is already set to localtime then modifies that value with the timezone. So, please check the hardware clock (in BIOS) and set it to your current London time.

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#76 Post by Sylvander »

1. "a) I have never tried Grub4Dos. Puli supports only a couple of install methods as they described at http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/readme.html
If you have (Puppy) Linux only, try tp prepare your pendrive using http://www.smokey01.com/gjuhasz/sfs/bootflash-0.6p.pet
a. I used Grub4Dos so I could get an ext4 partition on the Flash Drive to which to install Puli.
b. I'll keep a close watch on how well Grub performs at the beginning of startup; if it misbehaves I'll switch to using bootflash, and accept the FAT32 partition it provides.
c. Grub usually performs flawlessly.

2. "b) During bootup, language and keyboard settings are applied based on the content of the syslinux.cfg file. I tested successfully with en_GB"
My Puli syslinux.cfg file has only the following line of code in it:
default vmlinuz initrd=initrd.gz pmedia=usbflash pfix=ram pkeys=uk plang=en_GB
I incorrectly used the name en_gb, sorry about that.
So why doesn't en_GB display in the "Session Setup" dialog?
Is it because I'm using Grub4Dos rather than Syslinux as the boot manager?

3. "c) If the backup was created under Puli 6.0.3 bark2, the wallpaper that comes from the backup should appear"
The backup was indeed created under Puli 6.0.3 bark2, yet the wallpaper configured to display does not display.
See 4 below...

4. "If you install Puli using one of the recommended methods, those settings will be surely applied."
Although reluctant...
Looks like I'm going to be forced to use the bootflash method, and accept a FAT32 partition.

5. "If you set hwclock=localtime in puli.cfg..."
Puli.cfg includes the following lines of code:

Code: Select all

# You may change the below lines appropriately
# Acceptable settings can be, e.g., numlock=off or timesync=no or hwclock=utc

6. "...the system assumes that the hardware clock is already set to localtime then modifies that value with the timezone..."
The hardware clock IS alreadt set to localtime, so that should work, and it DOES display the correct time.
What it is failing to do, is...
To fail to display in the form = Thu 01 Oct 18:07, as chosen in PCS.
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Wallpaper problem found, fixed

#77 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:The backup was indeed created under Puli 6.0.3 bark2, yet the wallpaper configured to display does not display.
I found the problem... it's a funny thing... :lol:

We can use three methods to change the wallpaper in most of the puplets

1. Replace the wallpaper (the /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg file) with another same-name picture. This is the preferred method In Puli. As I wrote in a previous post, the desktop icons, i.e., the lines of /root/Choices/ROX-filer/PuppyPin, are hardwired. In other words, the wallpaper always comes from /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg.

2. If we set the wallpaper using the Pwallpaper utility, the wallpaper reference changes plus we see some magic with the picture dimensions and scaling. The original picture is saved in the /usr/share/backgrounds_original folder

3. The result seems to be the same as in Point 2 if we set the wallpaper by right-clicking a ROX icon and selecting Backdrop in the pop-up menu. However, in this case, no magic happens with the picture dimensions or in the backgrounds_original folder .

I am sad to say that the above three methods are incompatible with each other.

The mitigation options (in Puli) are the following:


Copy the new wallpaper to the /usr/share/backgrounds folder as default.jpg (overwrite the existing one) then delete all ORIGINAL*.jpg files from the /usr/share/backgrounds_original folder, then restart X


Create an executable /patch/usr/sbin/set_bg file on your pendrive,with the below content (needs reboot). From this point the Pwallpaper utility works fine in Puli.

Code: Select all

#100704 this was originally in Nathan's Wallpaper package 
#called by 'pwallpaper' wallpaper setter.
# Determine the path to this application.
APPDIR=`dirname "$0"`
cd "${APPDIR}"
cd "${CURDIR}"
if [ "$1" = "-clear" ];then
 grep -v '<backdrop' $HOME/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/pb_default  > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/pb
 mv -f $HOME/.config/wallpaper/pb $HOME/.config/rox.sourceforge.net/ROX-Filer/pb_default
 rox -p=default
 echo "[none]" > $HOME/.config/wallpaper/bg_img
cp --remove-destination `echo -n "$1"` /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg
rm -f /usr/share/backgrounds_original/ORIGINAL-* 
touch /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg
MODE="`cat $HOME/.config/wallpaper/backgroundmode`"
[ "$MODE" = "" ] && MODE="Scale"
[ "$MODE" = "Centred" ] && MODE="Centre"
[ "$MODE" = "Scaled" ] && MODE="Scale"

#w482 BK now have script that truncates an image vertically 
#so that it has the right dimensions for a widescreen...
if [ "$MODE" = "Stretch" ];then
 /usr/sbin/background_reshape /usr/share/backgrounds/default.jpg

rox --RPC << EOF
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<env:Envelope xmlns:env="http://www.w3.org/2001/12/soap-envelope">
 <env:Body xmlns="http://rox.sourceforge.net/SOAP/ROX-Filer">


Please notice the touch command in the above script. File date is important, it will be checked during backup. :wink:

I tend to use the 2nd option in the final version of Puli 6.0.3 bark 2.
Also, I am wondering if I could make Puli compatible with grub4DOS.

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#78 Post by Sylvander »

1. "...I am wondering if I could make Puli compatible with grub4DOS."
a. That would be nice.
b. I'm no longer seeing any misbehavior by Grub4Dos...
Beginning to doubt my recollection...
Puli is highlighted in the Grub4Dos display, and when I hit <Enter>, Puli instantly proceeds to load. :D
The problem has since appeared once [when I booted Puli this morning, Oct 2nd]...
I'm wondering if it only happens when I pause too long before hitting <Enter> [3 or 4 seconds].

2. "I tend to use the 2nd option in the final version of Puli 6.0.3 bark 2"
By "2nd option" I assume you mean, that shown in 3 below...

3. "Create an executable /patch/usr/sbin/set_bg file on your pendrive,with the below content (needs reboot). From this point the Pwallpaper utility works fine in Puli."
I've done this, and rebooted...
I guess it should now work if I now set a new wallpaper, then delete the old backup, make a new backup, and after reboot the new wallpaper should be displayed.
I'll go try that and report back.
WOOHOO! It works! :D
i.e. The correct wallpaper is being displayed.

4. A few things still not working:
a. When I get to the desktop, the "Session Setup" dialog has all settings as I want them, EXCEPT the global language is en_US not en_GB.
b. When I set it to en_GB and OK it, and X is restarted, the time display is then changed to an incorrect form.
c. When I right-click the time display and PCS is displayed, and I click "Set"...
Tthe display of time changes to the correct form, X is restarted yet again, and the display of time continues to be correct.
The correct wallpaper remains displayed through all of this. :D
Last edited by Sylvander on Fri 02 Oct 2015, 12:15, edited 1 time in total.
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Puli and chainloading syslinux from grub4DOS

#79 Post by gjuhasz »

Sylvander wrote:When I get to the desktop, the "Session Setup" dialog has all settings as I want them, EXCEPT the global language is en_US not en_GB.
I still assume that the settings in your syslinux.cfg are not applied due to some misconfiguration in chainloading syslinux from grub4DOS. Please take a look at http://www.rmprepusb.com/tutorials/chainload-syslinux
I see an advice there to convert the keyboard and language settings from syslinux.cfg to menu.lst.

However, I am not sure this would be a good idea for Puli.

Note that Puli represents a "portable computing center". Using the same USB stick, the user should be able to safely operate (boot Puli, enter text, load and run packages, create/restore backups, etc) without any hiccup in any environment even if main settings such as keyboard, display resolution, graphics card etc. are different there.
Consequently, while pre-setting the language in a config file is OK, I am sure it is better if the keyboard arrangement is auto-recognized.

I try to modify the boot process in Puli to accept language settings both from syslinux.cfg and puli.cfg. I check the feasibility of the keyboard auto-recognition feature, too.

Have fun!


Rodney Byne
Posts: 247
Joined: Fri 31 Jan 2014, 14:12

Re Puli install to USB

#80 Post by Rodney Byne »

To gjuhasz,

Thanks for the install help posting and for my own reasons used Unetbootin which also worked, instead of your recommended LiLi.

My review follows:

Yes Puli did come up to desktop and I made numerous
changes but not having the help file immediately to hand,
forgot to replug the flash drive before going through the
save process so nothing was saved. What a waste of time.

Re step 5, imo the unplug now prompt should be removed,
as it's so easy for a novice to forget to replug.

Again imo, the backup-save process needs rationalising
so there is only one option. Having a choice of two
seems unnecessary not to say confusing for the
untrained user.

I never got as far as exploring those unusual icons
shown later in the help file, I was so dismayed
that I just wiped the stick and put back my
favourite security LPS.
(That distro isn't supposed to save for normal
purposes so I know where I am)

In any case I already have a fully configured
TahrPup 6.0.3 on another stick so will continue
with what I'm familiar.

I don't know what the average % of hacker
attacks there are to domestic user distros,
but even if it did happen, I would simply
re-install that iso and start over again.

Securing to protect Linux is a tame pussy cat by comparison
with my worst nightmare, when a crippling infection bypassed
the anti-virus program and damaged six sectors of the
hdd on my Win7 machine, necessitating hdd replacement
and re-installation of Win7.

This event was deemed so serious and costly, I no longer allow
that pc to be connected to the internet, so all web browsing is
confined to having complete faith in Linux usb plugin drives only.

Will continue as I have been,

Though many thanks & cheers.
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