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#61 Post by slavvo67 »

My first go with Trusty Tahr not very impressive. Issues with the initial pop-up to choose network and setup. Also, Frisbee didn't seem to install or install properly. Screen also cut-off on top. I didn't take notes on this one. It was my first go so certainly subject to user error. Anyway, moving forward....
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#62 Post by 01micko »

Good on you slavvo67 for having a go. (Of course you too musher0 :) )

At least with some feedback we can attempt to fix bugs.

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#63 Post by musher0 »

Thanks for the thanks, Mick.

Browsing the web with no particular aim, I found this, which I think could be
a motto for this thread. ;) Or not!

"Every dog thinks her puppies are the cutest." (American proverb)
From: http://oaks.nvg.org/amea.html


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#64 Post by 01micko »

musher0 wrote:Hello again.

At the build iso question, I answered "(space)ENTER", but it still went
ahead with burning. Although the script said: "type any character then
Enter if you don't want to burn."

I thought (space) was a valid ASCII character!

Luckily I'm a character too, and my dvd was unusable. :twisted:
(Don't look for any relevance, there isn't any!)

The script also warned me that Bacon dev was not in the devx, with some
instructions how to include it. A bit late now, I'd say! :roll: while it's
squishing the devx.

This is lots of fun! :(

./3builddistro wrote:Would you like to burn it to a CD?
ENTER only for yes, or any printable char then ENTER not to:
I've never been able to print a space :P (underline is mine)
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#65 Post by musher0 »

Yeah, same category as one-hand clapping, I guess. Sorry I misread.
(Edit: and a transparent icon.)

Still, a (space) character does exist as Dec 32, Hx 20, etc. (please see
top of 2nd column, here).
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#66 Post by musher0 »


To get past the X display failure in puduan, do you think I should remaster
adding more display or video-card drivers in the X modules ? If so, where
in the woof git or elsewhere would I find these drivers?

Thanks in advance.

Top: puduan list
Bottom: librepup list
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#67 Post by 666philb »

musher0 wrote:@01micko:

To get past the X display failure in puduan, do you think I should remaster
adding more display or video-card drivers in the X modules ? If so, where
in the woof git or elsewhere would I find these drivers?

Thanks in advance.

hi musher,

first thing i would check is if jwm's dependencies are met .... once booted to the prompt ldd /usr/bin/jwm
if anything's is missing reboot create a savefolder ...then manually add the dependencies if any ... just so you can get to X and check your new pup out.

if jwm is ok ...... i use this script to find anything that's missing...i usually put it in /root of my test builds so i can run it from the prompt if X doesn't start.
i'll also run it even if X does start to check for any missing bits'n'bobs

Code: Select all

#  2004/08/22  K. Piche  Find missing library references.


#  Check ELF binaries in the PATH and specified dir trees.
for tree in $PATH $libdirs $extras
        echo DIR $tree

        #  Get list of files in tree.
        files=$(find $tree -type f)
        for i in $files
                if [ `file $i | grep -c 'ELF'` -ne 0 ]; then
                        #  Is an ELF binary.
                        if [ `ldd $i 2>/dev/null | grep -c 'not found'` -ne 0 ]; then
                                #  Missing lib.
                                echo "$i:"
                                ldd $i 2>/dev/null | grep 'not found'

send it to a text file so you can read it from a working pup

Code: Select all

sh /path/to/script > /root/missing.txt
missing stuff can then be added to the DISTRO_PKGS_SPECS file.
Last edited by 666philb on Sun 04 Oct 2015, 18:52, edited 3 times in total.
Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=114311
Xenialpup64, built with xenial xerus packages http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=107331
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#68 Post by musher0 »

Many thanks, 666philb. I'll try that out.
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#69 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

Oh, sh...t! I'm in! Thanks again, phil.

jwm needed libjpeg, libfribidi libraries (from ldd reading). As you
suspected, it was not an X thing.

ldd reported libfribidi.so.8 missing, but I found no libfribidi version by that
name. It's actually a lib provided by package from the Jessie repo,
libfribidi0_0.19.6-3_i386.deb. Version # is libfribidi.so.0.3.5.

The ugly problem of no real pupsave creation showed up its head again
in puduan. I had to create the pupsave with my own script externally.

That got me in X with jwm. But
  • * no on-screen menu, just the tray one,
    __ and no program can run from it
    * gtk-pixbuf script says it needs libjbig.so.0,
    __ which I just injected in the "puduansave" file.
BTW, there is an actual "Puduan" company in Shangai that makes forklifts.
(c) problems a possibility for use of this name in a Puppy?

Since there's still a long distance to travel before a "DevuanJessiePup" or
whatever name can be offered, I think a new thread would be in order, I
don't want to hijack this one. --> Unless what I'm reporting here is
general enough to be of help for other woof-CE builders.
Your input on this: appreciated.


musher0 out
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#70 Post by musher0 »

@all that may be concerned:

Here are the results for "DpupJessie" aka "puduan", obtained by running K.
Piché's missing lib finder script provided by 666philb above.


Edit, 10 minutes later: Just added an abstract in alphabetical order.
Although still lengthy, this list is much more reasonable. Now where to find
these little creatures... Logical place would be the Jessie repo, I suppose.
I ran the file below with grep not | sort | uniq and got this abstract.
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#71 Post by musher0 »

Hello all.

If it may speed development of the Jessie part of woof -- or just if you
somehow need these libs --, please find attached the list of libs found in
saintless & Co.'s DebianDog-Jessie.

I don't know if it's ok to do it like that, but it's saving a lot of time.

I've transfered them to the interim puduan pupsave file. For your
convience, here is a download URL for this pupsave containing the libs
found in saintless' DDog-Jessie.
-- https://www.adrive.com/public/tZYvuk/pu ... rf.2fs.lzo --

Now to hunt down the other half! :lol:


About half of the libs required for &quot;puduan&quot; were found in saintless'
DDog-Jessie. Here is the list of these libs that were found in his iso.
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#72 Post by bigpup »

Iguleder wrote:
bigpup wrote:Is there something that explains how to use Woof-CE?
Yes, the first post. I gave you the exact command lines to run, what else do you need?
The last 4 pages of this topic explains my point better than anything!!
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#73 Post by musher0 »

bigpup wrote:
Iguleder wrote:
bigpup wrote:Is there something that explains how to use Woof-CE?
Yes, the first post. I gave you the exact command lines to run, what else do you need?
The last 4 pages of this topic explains my point better than anything!!
You gentlemen need a choice of arms? Traditional American pistols?
Pirate sabres? Or do you prefer Italian close-combat daggers? :) You'll
also need a very remote location -- may I suggest a clearing in
Nottingham Forest, in the U.K. (the setting is quite historical). And at
least one witness each... :lol:

Let it be, bigpup. Iguleder is right in the sense that indeed it all starts
with the little script he provided on p. 1.

The last four pages are flesh on the bone, IMO. While the script is almost
automatic, one could easily write a 100-page manual about the details
of the woof process and the reasons behind all the implicit choices in it.
But it all starts there.

Still friends? :) TWYL.

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#74 Post by slavvo67 »

It looks like during the create packages mode, the scripts were looking for packages in /root, while my Woof-CE was/is in sda2. There seemed to be quite a few script errors during the create packages and builddistro-Z and I'm not sure if some where just normal and could just be ignored and what where true issues.

I believe my best recourse is to start the whole process fresh again from ./0setup and move forward from there.

I still got pretty far, as the 6.0.2 booted. About an inch off the top was rendered screen, the initial setup screen, the buttons for setup and internet connection could not be chosen.

Working on round 2.....
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#75 Post by musher0 »

I guess this was a busy week-end for both of us, eh? :)
Good luck with round 2!

Here is the 2nd truckload of ready-made not-missing-anymore libs for
"DpupJessie" aka "puduan".
-- https://www.adrive.com/public/KjqbSB/pu ... -part2.zip --
Again with a view to speed up development: they're authentic Debian
distro files and they're there if you need them.

The following is the site to download Debian Jessie packages from if
you're not using apt or ppm:
-- https://www.debian.org/distrib/packages#search_packages --
All packages of the 2nd truckload were downloaded from there, except
the libLLVM package, which was downloaded from pkgs.org.

Fingers crossed and ready to go: I've incorporated the 2nd truckload of
libs to the pupsave file. I actually got a few apps running after the 1st
truckload. We'll see how it goes this time...


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#76 Post by slavvo67 »

Good luck Musher0. Looks like you'll be off the ground before me. This will be a busy week so my Puppy time will be limited.
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#77 Post by bigpup »

musher0 wrote:Let it be, bigpup. Iguleder is right in the sense that indeed it all starts
with the little script he provided on p. 1.
I want to understand.
If it is that simple, why is this topic full of problems and questions by you?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
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#78 Post by musher0 »

slavvo67 wrote:Good luck Musher0. Looks like you'll be off the ground before me. This will be a busy week so my Puppy time will be limited.
Hi, slavvo67.

Not sure about that...

More apps are working, but looks like the Internet connection cannot
support PPM fully? It says it's downloading but cannot install? Probably the
wrong words for a description, but that's how it appears at the moment.

BK's network connector works, while the more elaborate one reported

Pmount and urxvt working. Found an old ROX-Filer 2.11 in my personal
software mess. Ugly, but it'll do for now.

Putting this process on pause for a few days. I'm disappointed, but I have
better appreciation of all the work involved in producing a Puppy.

Good luck to you too. TWYL.

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#79 Post by musher0 »

bigpup wrote:
musher0 wrote:Let it be, bigpup. Iguleder is right in the sense that indeed it all starts
with the little script he provided on p. 1.
I want to understand.
If it is that simple, why is this topic full of problems and questions by you?
Hi, bigpup.

Because I'm not at the level of Iguleder, 01micko, 666philb, and the like.

Using a bit of psychology here, maybe they forgot how high the mountain
appeared to them while they were climbing it? So, to them, the woof
process appears simple, now that they're at the top? Their enthusiasm is
sincere, I don't doubt that for a minute.

As I said to slavvo67, I'm disappointed, but I don't regret doing it. I hope
that I have broken some ground regarding a potential DPup-Jessie, and
that people coming after me can benefit from my adventure.

It would be a good thing, I think, to have woof-CE supported by detailed
docs such as the LFS manual, but do we have the volunteers to man such
a project at the moment?

I hope I'm making sense, it's been a long day. Best regards. BFN.

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#80 Post by bigpup »

Putting this process on pause for a few days. I'm disappointed, but I have better appreciation of all the work involved in producing a Puppy.
t would be a good thing, I think, to have woof-CE supported by detailed docs such as the LFS manual, but do we have the volunteers to man such a project at the moment?
I am not talking about a 300 page manual. :shock:

Good example:

Does this guide apply to Woof-CE?
If no.
It is a good example of what Woof-CE needs to help new users.

This guide seems to show specific steps needed and the order you need to do them.
Why you need to do them!

Simple questions answered.
How much free space needed?
How long is it going to take?
What kind of device can you do it on?
What format does the device need?
The things they do not tell you, are usually the clue to solving the problem.
When I was a kid I wanted to be older.... This is not what I expected :shock:
YaPI(any iso installer)
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