vividpup beta

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#101 Post by Moat »

oui wrote:this Puppy is enormous... but the obligatory add's in the original ISO, that is to much!
"as for this version, i wanted it to be an everything and the Out house sink type of puppy"

Here - ... 855#849855 ... 836#849836


#102 Post by gcmartin »

@Oui is consistent with the theme of a decade ago, but, and I mean this with NO disrespect, the landscape has changed as did my community from my childhood.

When PUPPY started, we were many 486s/PentiumPros/P1/P2/P3 with some P4. RAM sizes were meager or sparce (and expensive) depending on which of us you were back then.

We were faced with
  • most/many on dialup
  • slow downloads
  • CDRs were the norm
  • no to low RAM for loading
  • CPU, though functional, but ...
  • slow peripherals
PUPPY distros were developed for those machines and that neighborhood of user environments. Those distro still exists for those PC users. Question in their operations are still answered here in the forum

Today, most every user have moved on: WHY? I dont think I need to answer that, its obvious.

This distro runs very very comfortable on every PC that was sold from manufacturers shipping Windows since 2004....without fail.

Yes, it may have some things some may not like, but, it is also missing some things some would like.

If anyone's PC is sparce, this is NOT the distro for you. There are a plethora of other PUPs in the forum which will run. They may be older for the PCs gone by, but the distros still operate on those PCs.

The author is providing a contribution for the community and it seemingly intends to move the timeline forward to match where we are today with the kinds of things people are doing today.

No offense to anyone who feels that small is better. Measurements show that this is not the case.

I am not denigrating anything. Its just a constant complaint which sometimes I wish did not occurs as so many developers are doing their best to help us. If a program is failing, we need to know circumventions. But, lambasting a developer because he/she doesn't match our outlook, well ... you be the judge.

This PUP is a rather "friendly" presentation of PUPPY Linux in all its glory.

I admire this author, not just for the contribution he provides us, but if one looks at his "opening post", he is clear on the target PC this distro will live comfortably with little to no issues in behavior for the user.

#103 Post by Jasper »

Very, very - (e)very - without fail; well, well, is gcmartin well.
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#104 Post by James C »

Just installed a refurb mobo in this box so needed to do a hardware check.

Code: Select all

root# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: vividpup, version beta2

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation C51G [GeForce 6100] (rev a2)

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
  Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1024x768
  Depth (bits, or planes):              24
  Modules requested to be loaded:       dbe 

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
  Driver loaded (and currently in use): nouveau
  Loaded modules: dbe dri2 exa extmod fb glx kbd mouse shadowfb

Actual rendering on monitor:
  Resolution:  1024x768 pixels (270x203 millimeters)
  Depth:       24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

Code: Select all

root# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:        959544       870284        89260       466108        49076
-/+ buffers:             821208       138336

Code: Select all

Processor		: AMD Athlon(tm) 64 Processor 3500+
Memory		: 959MB (244MB used)
Machine Type		: Physical machine
Operating System		: vividpup - beta2
User Name		: root (root)
Date/Time		: Thu 06 Aug 2015 02:48:02 PM CDT
Resolution		: 1024x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer		: Gallium 0.4 on NV4E
X11 Vendor		: The X.Org Foundation
-Audio Devices-
Audio Adapter		: NFORCE - Intel ICH
Everything working well.
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#105 Post by James C »

Just built a new box so did a quick frugal install.

Code: Select all

root# report-video
VIDEO REPORT: vividpup, version beta2

Chip description:
VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation GT218 [GeForce 210] (rev a2)

Requested by /etc/X11/xorg.conf:
  Resolution (widthxheight, in pixels): 1024x768x16
  Depth (bits, or planes):              24
  Modules requested to be loaded:       dbe 

Probing Xorg startup log file (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
  Driver loaded (and currently in use): nouveau
  Loaded modules: dbe dri2 exa extmod fb glx kbd mouse shadowfb

Actual rendering on monitor:
  Resolution:  1440x900 pixels (380x238 millimeters)
  Depth:       24 planes

...the above also recorded in /tmp/report-video

Code: Select all

root# free
             total         used         free       shared      buffers
Mem:       8192944      1647576      6545368       500288       119568
-/+ buffers:            1528008      6664936
Swap:      8396796            0      8396796

Code: Select all

Processor		: 6x AMD FX(tm)-6300 Six-Core Processor
Memory		: 8192MB (348MB used)
Machine Type		: Physical machine
Operating System		: vividpup - beta2
User Name		: root (root)
Date/Time		: Sun 09 Aug 2015 12:33:04 AM CDT
Resolution		: 1440x900 pixels
OpenGL Renderer		: Gallium 0.4 on NVA8
X11 Vendor		: The X.Org Foundation
-Audio Devices-
Audio Adapter		: HDA-Intel - HDA ATI SB
Audio Adapter		: HDA-Intel - HDA NVidia
Audio Adapter		: PC-Speaker - pcsp
Vivid Beta.jpg
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#106 Post by futwerk »

new background.
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#107 Post by musher0 »

Hello, all.

@futwerk: your new background looks great! :)

@oui: You wrote:
> "Hm, this is not progress..."

Indeed, you shouldn't view it as progress, since it has to do with creativity.

I would like to defend 666philb's decision as an author of Puppy distros. He decided
to make this one a big Puppy, and it is his right to do so.

oui, if you prefer, the smaller VividPup-6.5 (PAE or not; 215 Mb) is still available at thanks to the tenacious
and wonderful work of ally at the Internet archive.

Another consideration, oui, about Puppy sizes. Add OpenOffice or LibreOffice, or Java
plus Datacrow, for example, to any Puppy, and instantly you have a Puppy that's 150
Mb's fatter at least than the one you started with. Not to mention another 140 Mb's
(give or take) for the devx file if you need it to develop the Puppy.

That doesn't mean Puppy has become as big as Debian... Have a look: the recent
Debian Wheezy (7.8 ) Live with LXDE (it's the smallest ISO of this series) comes in
at 1,1 Gb and you'll still have to download a few extras to suit your taste.

Even if one is not a math wiz, one can easily see that a Puppy with 215 Mb is 5 times
smaller than this Debian 1,1 Gb. The size of the fat Vivid at 435 Mb weighs only about
40 % of the Debian Wheezy LXDE Live. Even if you add the devx file, it's still less than
50 % of the Debian -- and 666philb's fat VividPup offers at least equivalent functions.

Another argument in favor of big Puppies is that it fends off the comment that Puppies
are for Linux hobbyists, not for newbies. With a big Puppy such as this one or
koulazixis' Slacko 5.5 XL -- among others --, most everything is there ready to use.
No compiling, no Internet search for complements are necessary: the newbie user
can start enjoying his Puppy right away.

I know, oui, that you like the recent 57 Mb's Slitaz-5rc, but what do you have in there?
The mere skin and bones of a distro. So please... let's keep some perspective and
compare comparables.

Bye for now.

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#108 Post by yr1945 »

@oui... I tend to agree with you... just my opinion though!

The last really good "puppies" were Saluki023 and Precise571... everything worked just fine OOTB. On Precise571, I can add acpitool & pupshutdown pets and the OS will suspend and wake just fine... however, these pets don't work with the newer "puppies". Also, the newer OS' have a "shutdown GUI" that is silly and not needed at all... it just takes an extra click to exit. Some of them will not even open hyperlinks when double clicked.

The trend for new "puppies" appear to be more fancy stuff, megabytes, etc... not "lean and mean" coupled with better functionality.

Also, look at Quirky... ouch... I know, I know... it is not a puppy... wink, wink.

But, then, the above is just my opinion. By the way, I have my motorcycle helmet and gear on... so start throwing rocks at me... LOL.

P.S.: While I still use Precise and Saluki... and, play around with many other "puppies", I, too, have reinstalled Debian. However, I don't fully understand the issue with SystemD.

ViVid installed, nice green.

#109 Post by Pelo »

ViVid installed, nice green.
A first look at Menu and PPM QT5 Gui...
And a Look at the menu Multimedia and Graphics... for testing the new applications offered to users.
WebChemy..Coquillo. Bino in the PPM (3d video player)
Vivid 6.5 installed on multiboot pendrive (Grub4Dos) between Wolx and ASRI-edu310 (France). Wireless connection with Frisbee easy, Palemoon is a browser I appreciate.
This Puppy is fast... I am expecting a better use of QT libs.
Icons themes, click 'more themes' : good idea, because SVG icons were becoming the standard, That gives us a chance to enjoy our desktop. :)
About Musher0 opinion, my policy would be Light applis for everybody, and SFS to load for typists, multimedia or audio specialists. But never Nothing offered or geek apps which newbie will not understand as elinks.
When you enter a Puppy, everyone should be able to choose how to make the puppy it's own. Doing nothing for a lot of us, loading SFS for specialists.
Vivid is not bad in the spirit.... and in my opinion.
SimpleScreenRecorder is the best screencast tool i have ever used :!: Sound was muted on boot but merely changing the level took care of that.
Coquillo, in the opposite, is a very poor metadata editor for audio files...
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 12 Nov 2015, 23:42, edited 5 times in total.

My desktop has left !

#110 Post by Pelo »

My desktop has left ! black screen, but bottom menu still here, and is active.

issues .... i've had jwm crash a few times, it's the one from tahrpup, so might need to re-compile it for vivid. (or it could just be my comp) My laptop too. I tried to repair my vividsave-alexandra.2fs by creating a new one and copying jwm config files in it, but it didn't repair anything. however perhaps it's not possible repairing after a crash.
I always install pupsaveconfig in my new puppies, because your are doing tries to get them as you like, When something get wrong, you reboot without saving, to retrieve previous configuration. pupsaveconfig now should be available everywhere, so useful.
:? restarted with a new pupsave, seems stable. J'aime vraiment Vividpup, Me gusta Vividpup.

ViVidPup is a nice Puppy with apps from PPM

#111 Post by Pelo »

ViVidPup is a nice Puppy with apps from PPM
Vokoscreen tested and is running in Vividpup, some adjutment is needed for audio topic for help here.
splash !
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#112 Post by irishrm »

This is an excellent pup, worthy of more attention.
thanks 666philb.
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vividpup beta

#113 Post by Billtoo »

Manual frugal installation to a 16gb usb-3.0 flash drive, pc is an HP
mini Stream:

video-info-glx 1.5.3 Mon 5 Oct 2015 on vividpup beta2 Linux 3.19.5-vivid_PAE-32-pae i686
2.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0b)
oem: Intel(R) HSW Mobile/Desktop Graphics Chipset Accelerated VGA BIOS
product: óî óî

X Server: Xorg Driver: intel
X.Org version: 1.17.1
dimensions: 1920x1080 pixels (507x285 millimeters)
depth of root window: 24 planes

direct rendering: Yes
server glx vendor string: SGI
server glx version string: 1.4
OpenGL vendor string: Intel Open Source Technology Center
OpenGL renderer string: Mesa DRI Intel(R) Haswell Mobile x86/MMX/SSE2
OpenGL core profile version string: 3.3 (Core Profile) Mesa 10.5.0

Intel(R) Celeron(R) 2957U @ 1.40GHz
Core 0: @1400 1: @1400 MHz

It's working well on this pc.

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#114 Post by Pelo »

How do you change pmusic media player of pschedule ? Pmusic not found.
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#115 Post by csipesz »

thanks, 666philb, this was a superb basis for me.
I made a baggier variant of this.
if he interests somebody, this extended stuff downloadable from here:

vivid-beta2-MOD-ENGHUN-by-csipesz-2015-10-09.iso 1,01Gb!RF12wJ6T!Pw_cJPHhE8py ... Aapwyz7nkc

kicked out stuffs:
1-2 games;
more essential stuffs added to it:
cursor themes
random wallpaper-changer
bluetooth support
zaz game
(90.12 KiB) Downloaded 916 times

I look deeper your list of apps.

#116 Post by Pelo »

beta 2 1 giga ! I look deeper your list of apps. why palemoon and firefox ? (Palemoon does the job, alone. Firefox too).
I check about bleachbit what it is.
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#117 Post by ally »

csipesz's vivid build added to the archive

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Pale Moon Browser

#118 Post by sszindian »

Pale Moon updater not retrieving latest version?

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Cloud Computing For Every Puppy (a .pet)

Tahrpup 6.5 ?

#119 Post by Pelo »

Vivid is a flavour of Tahr, why not keep tahrpup as pupplet's name, with the extension 6.5 (vivid)
This will avoid to issue a new puppy for each flavour of Ubuntu. Bad idea ?
Vivid beta can be Wily released, no, just changes the wallpapers, and PPM can still load Vivid, that wouldn't hurt anybody.
Last edited by Pelo on Thu 12 Nov 2015, 23:43, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Pale Moon Browser

#120 Post by 666philb »

sszindian wrote:Pale Moon updater not retrieving latest version?

the updater was updated :) .... i've attached it to the first post ... h&id=92013
Bionicpup64 built with bionic beaver packages
Xenialpup64, built with xenial xerus packages
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