Lucid5 - RedshiftGUI-0.2.1

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Lucid5 - RedshiftGUI-0.2.1

#1 Post by stu90 »
Redshiftgui changes the color temperature of your monitor to better match that of your surrounding. This means that it sets a cooler color temperature during the daytime (due to natural lighting) and sets a warmer temperature at night (due to indoor lighting). Similar to f.lux, this is a GUI port of the redshift project. ...

Made on Lucid 5.1

Only tested on Puppy Lucid 5 - possibly wont work on other puppies.
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#2 Post by Geoffrey »

I can report that it does work in Saluki 009 with nvidia driver installed, also works with fluppy, this actually works, I never realized that by changing the color temperature reduced eye strain.
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#3 Post by ribblle »

Sweet stuff. I suspect this was what i was linked to for Slacko 5.7.0 and it is lovely. The only thing lest is to autostart it. I understand i need to link the executable into the startup folder, so where's the .exe?
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#4 Post by Semme »

If you ask the terminal, "which redshift", you know the systems aware. Then, it's something along these lines..
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#5 Post by ribblle »

No response when I type "which redshift" into lxterminal.
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#6 Post by Semme »

Use Pfind >> *system* search.. It may be attached as redshift-gui.

Uh, unless you've installed it, it's not there. Here it is, presumably, backwards compatible..

Keep in mind Pup's essentially a rescue disk, not an OS. It doesn't become the latter till it's fattened with libs!
>>> Living with the immediacy of death helps you sort out your priorities. It helps you live a life less trivial <<<


#7 Post by Pelo »

RedshiftGUI-0.2.1 in germany repository here
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Mike Walsh
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#8 Post by Mike Walsh »

Many thanks to Stu90, & to Pelo, for this.

Stu90, for bringing it to the community's notice in the first place.....and Pelo, for pointing out that the German repository has it, after I found out that Stu90's link is no longer active.

I've been using f.Lux in that other OS for several years.....and it does work; I get a better night's sleep after working with its aid. I've been trying sporadically to make f.Lux work in Puppy; there is a tar.gz available, but it's all command-line, and somewhat confusing, at that.

I'd heard about RedShift, but couldn't find a package, since Stu's link hasn't been active for some time. Thanks for the link to the .pet, Pelo! This thing just works.....and the GUI is SO easy to use, and to set up.

I know some people like an almost instantaneous swap, direct from daylight to night-time. Personally, I prefer a gradual transition, over the course of about 75-90 minutes; so gradual, in fact, that you're not really aware of it. Works for me..!

I can confirm that it runs without issue in Tahrpup 6.03, ETP's 'ChromeBook' Pup, Slacko 5.7.0, and Carolina 1.3.

Cheers, guys!

Mike. :D
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#9 Post by step »

Thanks. It works on Fatdog64 too (with 32-bit compat libs), but the font is missing, I guess, so all I can see in the main window is a bunch of controls where little empty squares replace the characters. I'll need to find a screenshot.
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#10 Post by Mike Walsh »

step wrote:Thanks. It works on Fatdog64 too (with 32-bit compat libs), but the font is missing, I guess, so all I can see in the main window is a bunch of controls where little empty squares replace the characters. I'll need to find a screenshot.
Hiya, step.

I've attached screenshots to show what the GUI should look like.....along with the 'Location' & 'Settings' windows.

If you get it working properly, the best thing to do is to go into /usr/bin, locate 'redshiftgui', then open a second Rox window at /root; now go into 'Startup', drag 'redshiftgui' from /usr/bin across to 'Startup', drop, and sym-link back to /usr/bin. (That's Link (absolute), rather than Link (relative)). This will allow Puppy to start it automatically at boot-time.

And once you've set things how you want them and set it to auto-start, you don't need to touch it any more after that. You can left-click on the icon in the taskbar (the little red 'lightbulb'), and it will show you the main GUI (if you want to see what the settings are during transition, for instance); if you do this, click on 'Hide' when you're done - not the 'X' at the top-right, to close the window.....if you do that, you've turned RedShift off, and will need to go back into 'Startup', and click on 'redshiftgui' to start it again.

Or you can access it via 'Menu>System'.

Right-clicking alternates between daylight setting, and nightlight setting.

Mike. :wink:
Main window...
(20.04 KiB) Downloaded 980 times
Location window...
(12.77 KiB) Downloaded 990 times
Settings ('Basic')...
(19.67 KiB) Downloaded 977 times
Settings ('Transition')...
(18.91 KiB) Downloaded 993 times
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#11 Post by SFR »

step wrote:Thanks. It works on Fatdog64 too (with 32-bit compat libs), but the font is missing, I guess, so all I can see in the main window is a bunch of controls where little empty squares replace the characters. I'll need to find a screenshot.
Try to invoke the app this way:

Code: Select all

start32 redshiftgui
This should fix the font issue.

But there's no point to bother with 32bit version anyway, since you can get x86_64 one here:

[color=red][size=75][O]bdurate [R]ules [D]estroy [E]nthusiastic [R]ebels => [C]reative [H]umans [A]lways [O]pen [S]ource[/size][/color]
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#12 Post by step »

Thanks Mike for taking the time to capture screenshots. I've set up the startup links as you recommended.

@SFR, one more trick for me to learn: start32! The 64-bit version has some issues. I test ran ita few times, then suddenly it starts no more with the following message

/usr/bin/redshiftgui: /usr/lib64/ no version information available (required by /usr/bin/redshiftgui)

I wonder what made it stop working. I'll try again at next reboot.
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Mike Walsh
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#13 Post by Mike Walsh »

Unfortunately, I can't really advise with FatDog64.....or with any of the 64-bit Pups. Although I have a 64-bit system, I just prefer the 32-bit Pups.

I've tried FatDog, has a very different way of doing things! I've got so used to the 32-bit Pups, I'll just stick with what I'm used to....

Sorry about that.

Mike. :wink:
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#14 Post by step »

Mike Walsh wrote:Unfortunately, I can't really advise with FatDog64.....or with any of the 64-bit Pups...
No problem. I don't think it's a 64-bit issue. I noticed that your pet is version 2.1 from 2010. The x86_64 archive that I downloaded from github is version 2.4 from 2015. Five year's difference is enough to justify new library requirements that lead to that error message. I don't have time to recompile version 2.4 to get rid of the error message. So I think I will stick with your version 2.1 pet and 32-bit compatibility libraries, which I keep loaded anyway to be able to run wine applications. Thanks!

relax and stop your linux headache.

#15 Post by Pelo »

RedshiftGui iis worth to climb again at the top of desktop topics. That is done. Moonlihght shadows or sunrise on your screen will avoid nervous breakdown. It's quite a yoga seance, to relax and stop your linux headache.
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