Rapid Pup V2 Released 1st May 2015 64-bit

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#61 Post by ETP »

Hi prehistoric,

A pet for Sylpheed seems possible which you would presumably run as spot.
Running internet apps as spot would mean that Chrome could not be used.
The included seamonkey or optional Firefox pet should work.

You may want to just try out Thunderbird which can import MH files.

Your security concerns lead me to think that Rapid may only be suitable as a muse
for you rather than a tool for serious work. Its emphasis is very much on
Chrome, the use of Chrome extensions and features such as voice search and
"OK Google". Voice control then becomes an option.
Please send me a PM if you wish me to attempt a Sylpheed pet which you could then test.
Regards ETP
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#62 Post by prehistoric »

Thanks for the offer ETP. At present I am distracted by unrelated concerns and may be slow to respond. I'll send a PM about Sylpheed when I'm ready to test an all Rapid Pup set up. Importing MH files does not get at the fundamental weakness of executing HTML by default. I've found some very curious stuff in the HTML source that Sylpheed attaches to the pure text files it creates.

(Anyone know a good place to send such crap to undermine a spaming campaign? I'd like to get myself blacklisted by spammers once again.)

I'm becoming concerned about secure browsers. Chrome has the best security, by itself, but Chrome extensions look like a great way to compromise it. If I can't restrict access with spot, I'm not going to use it for general browsing. I prefer Chrome on tablets, but I'm not using them for email and banking.

At the moment I'm using Firefox with Noscript. I leave settings very restrictive, even though this means I have to enable each source separately. You can learn a lot about what web sites are doing to you by this. Unfortunately, Firefox security is not as strong as it was, relative to better maintained browsers.

What I would really like would be the ability to enable particular combinations of scripting on a site-by-site basis, not just in terms of various original source sites. You can tell from the way you get local advertising that scripts can vary content depending on the site that invokes them, not just the site of origin. (Example: the same advertising conglomerate may provide ads for Home Depot or Match.com depending on the site you are browsing.) It is just a matter of time until I find someone exploiting this to make it look like an attack came from someone else.

As The Atlantic says "If you're not paranoid, you're crazy."
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Rapid Pup V2 Released 1st May 2015 64-bit

#63 Post by ETP »

Revised Utility to update Google Chrome within Rapid Pup.

On 16th April “GetLatest64bitChromeVersion-V4.pet
Regards ETP
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