JWM Themes

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JWM Themes

#1 Post by Rhino »

I have been playing around with JWM themes this week and I have made dotpups of three themes. I will include screenshots so you know what to expcet before you download them. After you download each dotpup, just click on the installer file (click_to_install-JWM-xxxxxx). You will then need to manually change the JWM theme and wallpaper. The new files will be installed to the correct locations. Feel free to delete the folder and dotpup once you have installed the files.

If your themeslist is/gets broken, all you have to do is edit /root/.jwm/themes/themeslist to be sure there is one filename on each line.

OK, here it goes!

Human Theme


Forest Theme


Black Theme


I hope to make a few more if time permits.[/i]
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#2 Post by Eyes-Only »

Hi Rhino!

I have several window managers installed on Puppy actually. I love to experiment when I have the time and play around. Used to be that Xfce was my all-time favourite but lately I've swung back around to IceWM now that one of the others here came up with the GTK "plugin" (themeselector05.pup in PSI).

But I did download these and the next time I'm in Puppy, sometime tomorrow night, I'm really looking forward to installing these! Those three themes you've made have to be the BEST I've seen to date for JWM, a window manager which is rather limited in scope for being able to made more attractive (IMHO) because of its being so lightweight.

You've done a magnificient job! I'm looking forward to more! Thank you so much!


Proud user of LXpup and 3-Headed Dog. 8)

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#3 Post by Rhino »

JWM-Vu Theme

I patterned this after some of the screenshots I had seen of Vista. Of course, I can't do the shaded menu bars and transparency of Vista, but it uses some of the same color schemes in a nice small size.

Let me know if there are any problems! Thanks.


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#4 Post by Rhino »

I have want to have shadows on your screen with JWM and Puppy 2.10 or greater you need to use Xcompmgr-1.1.3.pup. You must be running Xorg rather than XVESA. You will need to append your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file with the code:

Code: Select all

Section "Extensions"
		Option "Composite" "Enable"
		Option "RENDER" "Enable"
Then restart x.

Finally open a console and type in

Code: Select all

killall xcompmgr
  xcompmgr -c -l -14 -t -14 -r 15 -o .7 2>/dev/null&
The lovely shadow will appear on your windows.

I only have 2D acceleration and it seems to work fine. I'm not sure about its stablity with the latest versions of JWM, but so far so good :-)[/code][/url]
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Re: JWM Themes

#5 Post by amish »

Rhino wrote:The new files will be installed to the correct locations.
okay, i know it's been explained before, but you Gotta tell us (those of us that use the dotpup maker) how you did that! where did you put the folder to make the dotpup?
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#6 Post by Rhino »

JWM-xxxxx is the theme file settings ----> /root/.jwm/themes/
xxxxxxx.jpg is the wallpaper ---->/usr/share/backgrounds/

The executable edits the themeslist in /root/.jwm/themes/ to include the name of the theme so you can choose it from the menu in the jwm configuration application.

If you are interested in how to make the dotpup:

I included the three files in a folder and them dragged them to the dotpup maker (Dotpup-Wizard-06) and then went through the wizard which did the real work.

As far as the script goes it is as follows:

Code: Select all

cp suede.jpg /usr/share/backgrounds/
cp jwm-human /root/.jwm//themes/
echo "jwm-human Puppy_Human" >> /root/.jwm/themes/themeslist
I am not a programmer and if you can provide some insight into how to improve the functionality of the script it would be greatly appreciated.
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#7 Post by amish »

AHHH, that's different than what i thought- so you have to manually run the script to install?

i think there's a way to get the dotpup creation wizard to automatically install files to folders OTHER than /usr/local/yournamehere and i forget where i read the instructions... maybe they come in a readme with the wizard. i can't think of any improvement on your script tho, it looks fine to me. MAYBE change "cp" to "cp -i" if you want it to ASK before overwriting.

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#8 Post by Rhino »

Thanks...that -i might be important. I will use that in the future :-)
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#9 Post by WhoDo »

amish wrote:i think there's a way to get the dotpup creation wizard to automatically install files to folders OTHER than /usr/local/yournamehere and i forget where i read the instructions... maybe they come in a readme with the wizard.
Yes, there is. Here are MU's instructions to me to achieve that with my Planner port:
MU wrote:This is, because it did not install to the final location.
To create a dotpup of the final files, do this:

Copy there all the installed files, like

and so on.
Then create a script to start planner:

Code: Select all

planner &
And copy a nice small icon there (16x16 pixel):

Finally drag the folder
on the dotpup-wizard, to create the dotpup.

The dotpup then will install the files from
to "/"
And the files directly in /root/planner/ to /usr/local/planner/
Of course, wherever you see "planner" you can substitute {yourname}

Hope that helps.

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#10 Post by amish »

WhoDo wrote:Hope that helps.
YES- thank you!

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#11 Post by Rhino »



Another different, but nice looking theme.
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#12 Post by MU »

really great work, Rhino.
If Muppy was not based on Icewm, I would add them to it.

Concerning translucency:
this does not work for the JWM-menu as far as I know.
Other windowmanagers like newer versions of fluxbox supporting that use their own inbuilt functions for xcompmgr.

Rox 2.5 might work with a trick.
run "xprop" to get the window-ID of the backgroundpicture.
Then run transset windowid (or similar, try transset --help).
If that works, I might write a Puppybasic-program, that automates these steps.
Tomorrow, as I must sleep now.

Here is dotpup with transset:
http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewto ... ows&t=6547

For shadows:


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#13 Post by Rhino »



A simple theme...somewhat similar to HazeWM. to make Haze look a little more like the real HazeWM, you might want to move the tray up to the top of the screen and make it a little larger, but going to:

Menu...Control Panel...JWM Configuration...Taskbar...Tray Placement...TOP. Then maybe change the height to TALL. I'm trying to figure out how to make the theme do that automatically, but not quite there yet. If I figure it out, I will post another version of this theme.
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Auto Change Background

#14 Post by Kal »

How do you modify the background "bg-jwm-XXX" files in /root/.jwm/themes to work with the new rox2.5, that's in Puppy2.13? I know that clicking on roxrestart,sh in /usr/local/puppybackground/resource does it (I made a link in Customise Menu). after you have dragged and dropped the ROX-background.jpg from /root/Choices on to the rox Set backdrop. But, how to automate this from JWM configuration with bg-jwm-XXX. Does anyone know, I may have missed this somewhere.

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#15 Post by Rhino »

I don't have a solution, but if you figure it out, please post it here and let me know. I would be very interested in making the themes that I made install AND set the theme upon installation.
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Backgrounds for JWM and ROX 2.5 in Puppy 2.13

#16 Post by Kal »

Believe me, I know nothing about making anything, but, this worked for me. I made and placed a wrapper "startbackground" in /root/.jwm/themes (note hidden folder). Then I modified the last line in "bg-jwm-XXX" to this, as follows. Just cut, copy and paste this in with text editor. Cut the #from line and copy and paste the #to line in.

exec /usr/local/Puppybackground/puppybackgroundmenu saved

exec /usr/local/Puppybackground/puppybackgroundmenu saved |
/root/.jwm/themes/startbackground $

The wrapper is named startbackground and here is the content.

sleep 2
exec /usr/local/Puppybackground/resource/roxrestart.sh $@

Copy and Paste in to leafpad or geany and save as name "startbackground" to /root then moved (drag, drop and Shift key) it to /root/.jwm/themes. Won't go to a hidden folder direct from text editor. Make sure the permissions are Exec on the wrapper in properties (right click it for menu to see).

Please note, that "bg-jwm-xp" is misnamed and should be renamed "bg-jwm-puppy-xp".

Just wanted you to know I got it going. I know it may not fully be correct, but it works for me. I always have backups and with a frugal install their in /initrd/pup_ro2.

Thanks for your response Rhino, Good Luck, Kal
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#17 Post by Kal »

On your backgrounds just copy an older bg-jwm-peach file to another folder. Rename bg-jwm-peach to your's, bg-jwm-human and substitute your backdrop's name in two spots, you'll see them when you open it with text editor.

Replace the last line with the new one. Put it back in /root/.jwm/themes and of course test (I am always making typos).

Content shown "bg-jwm-human" below:

echo -n "exactfit, /usr/share/backgrounds/suede.jpg" > /etc/background
echo -n '-stretch "/usr/share/backgrounds//suede.jpg" Nothing' > /etc/Puppybackgroundpicture

#do it now...
#exec xli -onroot -quiet -fillscreen /usr/share/backgrounds/button1024x768.jpg
exec /usr/local/Puppybackground/puppybackgroundmenu saved |
/root/.jwm/themes/startbackground $
I did mess up when putting your dotpup in and had to fix up the themeslist in /root/.jwm/themes. Added jwm-human Puppy_Human on line with another theme and repeated again down the line. I am sure it is a minor problem for the mouse happy folks, like me.

Good Luck, Kal

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