Bluetooth on Puppy

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Bluetooth on Puppy

#1 Post by saintlangton »

Simple question to say but probably hard to answer...

Would it be possible to get bluetooth working in Puppy?

What would it take? There are several bluetooth-interface programs for Linux. Would it just be a matter of compiling them and then it'd work? Or would it need kernel patches and/or other heavy-duty work?

For PCLinuxOS (My other linux OS of choice, for when I need something that puppy can't (yet) do. IMHO a very fine OS but
so slow and bloaty compared to Puppy) I just opened synaptic & applied everything that said it was anything to do with Bluetooth. Now I have all the functionality I need (and more probably)

It'd be nice if I could have this in Puppy, It's the only thing that I'm currently having to go outside Puppy for now Graveman has arrived for CD burning. (I never got on with Puppy's previous CD burner)


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#2 Post by tempestuous »

You need -
1. the Bluetooth kernel modules. Puppy is missing these modules, but some of them are in Barry's separate module download at ... ete.tar.gz

2. the BlueZ utilities, from

Party on

#3 Post by Guest »

You need -
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#4 Post by klooooo »


I want to install this module (modules-2.4.29-complete.tar.gz) but I don't know how.
Someone can tell me how to do?

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can't install

#5 Post by ApeMan »

I also can't figure out how to install these .gz packages.
I tried uncompressing them. which worked, but I could not run the install files afterwards.

I also tried to use PupGet to install an alien package, but I get the PupGet package format error: "Packages are only allowed to install to top-level directories /usr /etc and /root. This package wants to install elsewhere, so aborting this script. This package is now deleted."

Any tips on how to get this working?


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#6 Post by debernardis »

tempestuous wrote:You need -
1. the Bluetooth kernel modules. Puppy is missing these modules, but some of them are in Barry's separate module download at ... ete.tar.gz

2. the BlueZ utilities, from
OK. I compiled and installed:

1. bluez-libs-3.2
2. dbus-0.91 (which was needed as a dependency for the following)
3. bluez-utils-3.2
but I could not find the bluetooth kernel modules - plus I'm on puppy 2.02 with kernel so those from the thread are no good.

Do I need to recompile my kernel or is there a workaround?
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#7 Post by fluxit »

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#8 Post by debernardis »

I downloaded those modules. Tried to insmod, but:

Code: Select all

sh-3.1# pwd
sh-3.1# ls
bcm203x.ko      bpa10x.ko       dtl1_cs.ko      hci_vhci.ko
bfusb.ko        bt3c_cs.ko      hci_uart.ko
bluecard_cs.ko  btuart_cs.ko    hci_usb.ko
sh-3.1# insmod hci_usb.ko
insmod: error inserting 'hci_usb.ko': -1 Unknown symbol in module
sh-3.1# dmesg | tail -n 4
hci_usb: Unknown symbol hci_free_dev
hci_usb: Unknown symbol hci_alloc_dev
hci_usb: Unknown symbol hci_unregister_dev
hci_usb: Unknown symbol hci_register_dev
What am I doing wrong? :oops:
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#9 Post by fluxit »

hci_usb.ko is dependent on bluetooth.ko

insmod /root/my-downloads/all-modules/kernel/net/bluetooth/bluetooth.ko
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#10 Post by debernardis »

Got it, thanks.
Now I am able to insmod bluetooth.ko and insmod hci_usb.ko
this way I can see my usb bluetooth adapter with cat /proc/bus/usb/devices
then in order to make it work I had to do

Code: Select all

/usr/local/sbin/hciconfig hci0 up
(taken from )

This wakes up the interface so that I can have this:

Code: Select all

sh-3.1# /usr/local/sbin/hciconfig        
hci0:   Type: USB
        BD Address: 00:E0:98:AE:2B:C9 ACL MTU: 192:8 SCO MTU: 64:8
        RX bytes:71 acl:0 sco:0 events:8 errors:0
        TX bytes:31 acl:0 sco:0 commands:8 errors:0
and this

Code: Select all

sh-3.1# hcitool scan
Scanning ...
        00:0E:ED:AE:D7:3B       EdB
Nice; so it sees my phone. 8)

All right? Not so, indeed. :cry:

It seems that the daemons hcid and sdpd are not really up.
I did

Code: Select all


Code: Select all

sh-3.1#  ps -ae | grep hcid
15739 root        584 S   grep hcid 
sh-3.1#  ps -ae | grep sdpd
16070 root        584 S   grep sdpd 
sh-3.1#  ps -ae | grep rfcomm
16125 root        580 S   grep rfcomm 
so what we can see is the good ol' grep activity but no daemons.

In fact when I go looking for dialup-capable devices I get

Code: Select all

sh-3.1# sdptool search DUN
Inquiring ...
Failed to connect to SDP server on 00:0E:ED:AE:D7:3B: Protocol not supported
Any hint? :wink:
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#11 Post by debernardis »

This thing is quickly becoming much too complex for me... :cry:

I tried to start hcid:

Code: Select all

sh-3.1# /usr/local/sbin/hcid  -n -f /etc/bluetooth/hcid.conf
hcid[9565]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
hcid[9565]: Can't open system message bus connection: Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: No such file or directory
hcid[9565]: Unable to get on D-Bus
There is one directory /usr/local/var/run/dbus but it's empty.
I'll stick with my kubuntu and use puppy from time to time but without bluetooth :cry:
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#12 Post by fluxit »

I don't have any bluetooth devices here or I would continue regardless.
If you need any more help, let me know.

Perhaps someone else has more experience with this subject...

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#13 Post by debernardis »

By now it seems I have the problem of making the dbus-daemon work.
If someone is interested to join my effort, I'll state more clearly my steps.
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#14 Post by Lobster »


I am scared . . .
Someone gave me a USB Bluetooth dongle so I can transfer pics from my phone . . .
But the list of things that has to be done - too hard

Is anyone up to dotpupping this? I can test it and I am sure a few others will too. Isn't Bluetooth support one of the options that can be turned on when the kernel is compiled?

All help appreciated. :D
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any progress?!!??....

#15 Post by gop00 »

I was wondering if there was any progress on this issue? I copied /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket file in that directory but now it says "Failed to connect to socket /usr/local/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket: Connection refused"

Doing some progress...wondering if other people were successful at resolving this issue.
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#16 Post by tempestuous »

You have done some good troubleshooting. From a more recent forum thread, it appears that the problem may be due to Puppy not having ALL bluetooth modules (and maybe firmware, too).
I have just supplied the full set of modules/libs/utils/firmware here ... 5384#85384
Maybe you will have more success with these installed?
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#17 Post by daemon »

I have solved that problem with Bluetooth!!
The hcid didn't start because it has some problems with dbus. (try hcid -n ).
While trying to fix this problem i have found out that old versions of bluetooth-utils didn't require dbus, it's optional there. So, I have found libs and utils version 2.10 (instead of 3.8.), compiled them, and it WORKS (I had previously uninstalled dbus, libs3.8 and utils3.8.). It has some problems with pin helper, but with fixed pin IT WORKS. Now i can connect to gprs, and use bluetooth LAN!.
I have used puppy 2.12 (upgraded from 2.02 especially for bluetooth, in 2.02 there is no rfcomm.ko module) and modules from previous post (i didn't use zdrv.sfs because of VERY expensive traffic)
Here is my bluetooth startup script and OLD versions of libs and utils (they are very hard to find)

p.s. Sorry for bad english!
My bluetooth startup script.
(244 Bytes) Downloaded 2122 times
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#18 Post by debernardis »

:D I'll try ASAP
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#19 Post by DrDeaf »

Hello all.... I am a noob.pup but the Bluetooth connectivity would be huge for me. I currently use a Bluetooth LG CU500 GPRS phone with a Nokia 770, but if the Bluetooth info could be put into a "HowTo" and a straightforward file download that I could follow I'd be a happy (desktop) camper.

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#20 Post by debernardis »

Hello Daemon,
I suspect that on your machine there are remnants of previous trials to make BT work, because following your instructions I am stuck to the creation of /dev/rfcomm0.

Follow me please:
I have downloaded and installed the BT modules dotpup;
I have downloaded the old versions of bluez-libs and bluez-utils;
./configure - make - make install for both
I have opened your script and executed the single lines
All the 4 insmod are OK;
hciconfig hci 0 up gives no output as it should I guess; then i give
hciconfig and I see my interface;
I gave also the commented out hciconfig cc my-address
and a hciconfig auth my-address in order to pair - and pairing was OK

you give rfcomm bind 0 my-address my-channel (for my phone channel is 2)
I give the command, seems OK
in fact when I give rfcomm show I get rfcomm0: my-address channel 2 clean

Good? No
going on with hcid, sdpd

but when I look for /dev/rfcomm0, there is
no /dev/rfcomm0 so nothing to link to /dev/modem and going on no joy with the following instructions.

So my problem is to create rfcomm0

Look at :
this says he creates rfcomm0 by issuing sudo /etc/init.d/bluez-utils restart (but we haven't that in our setting).

So what next? How did you get to have /dev/rfcomm0 :?:

Thanks :wink:
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