LxPupSc: Woof-CE, Slackware-Current, LXDE build 13-Jun-2020

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LxPupSc: Woof-CE, Slackware-Current, LXDE build 13-Jun-2020

#1 Post by peebee »

Latest 20.06 32-bit version is here

LxPupSc64 (the 64-bit version) has its own forum thread


Some key features:
- a 32-bit woof-ce "testing" branch build using a combination of Slackware Current and latest Slacko-14.2 components + LXDE components from various places
- kernel 5.7.2 64-bit
- built-in web browser is Light-Firefox-48.0 in adrv
- alternative browsers - Chromium, Firefox, Palemoon, Seamonkey available by download
- LXDE desktop
- firmware in fdrv
- fall-back optional xorg in ydrv
- no additional non-kernel drivers (i.e. no wl, ndiswrapper)

see patches and problems in next post

Enjoy - feedback welcomed
Cheers peebee
(64.83 KiB) Downloaded 123207 times
Last edited by peebee on Sun 14 Jun 2020, 08:01, edited 116 times in total.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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Updates and Patches etc

#2 Post by peebee »


Delta to 20.06+?

ISO md5 = 721a20f910d237f391a5d3298d766444 LxPupSc-20.06+0-T-k64.iso

Delta must be applied to: 721a20f910d237f391a5d3298d766444 LxPupSc-20.06+0-T-k64.iso

Updates are cumulative - only the most recent needs to be applied.

Due to LxPupSc being a 32-bit build using a 64-bit kernel it should be noted:
- kernel drivers have to be compiled on a 64-bit system
- packaged drivers may need a mix of 32-bit utilities with a 64-bit driver (e.g. proprietary nvidia)
- some websites may assume a full 64-bit system and try to download a 64-bit app - extra digging to find the 32-bit app will be needed (e.g. Mozilla)

But the 64-bit kernel means that 64-bit apps can be run if the
64-bit-compatibility sfs is installed.

Woof-CE build notes:

LxPup cannot be built directly from woof-ce because the config files are not in woof-distro - they are in the LxPupSc repo and are manually copied into woof-distro before merge2out is run....

There are other config files which are not in woof-ce at all (_00build.conf and /support/rootfs-packages.conf) which have to be copied before 3builddistro-Z is run....

Once the config files are all correct, woof-ce 3builddistro-Z runs without any changes although there is LxPup specific configuration code in _00build.conf EXTRA_COMMANDS="

This includes code that copies 3 .sfs (adrv, fdrv, ydrv) and a README into /sandbox3/build from /sandbox3 so that the iso includes these files....
Also includes code to replace the DISTRO_COMPAT_REPOS and DISTRO_PET_REPOS used for building with more restricted "user" versions.
Last edited by peebee on Mon 15 Jun 2020, 18:45, edited 44 times in total.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
Main version used daily: LxPupSc; Assembler of UPups, ScPup & ScPup64, LxPup, LxPupSc & LxPupSc64

#3 Post by gcmartin »

is this accurate?

Code: Select all

b3626ea3da61786009bb5d06f14a7171 LxPupSc-15.11.00-pae.iso
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#4 Post by peebee »

gcmartin wrote:is this accurate?

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b3626ea3da61786009bb5d06f14a7171 LxPupSc-15.11.00-pae.iso
It is - Sourceforge shows the md5 - click the small i symbol
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
Main version used daily: LxPupSc; Assembler of UPups, ScPup & ScPup64, LxPup, LxPupSc & LxPupSc64

#5 Post by gcmartin »

Used this distro on the Intel-based all-in-one touch desktop PC. No issues to report from a pristine boot via DVD.

NETWORK is stable; desktop is stable; system responds rapidly; RAM use is typically for PAE PUPs of this calibre.

Code: Select all

# uname -a
Linux LxPup32-AIOtouch 4.2.5-EmSee-32-pae #1 SMP Mon Nov 2 10:21:44 GMT 2015 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) CPU G2020 @ 2.90GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
# samba -V
Version 4.1.20
# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        4009196      338296     2977020      336100      693880     3291224
Swap:       8397820           0     8397820
Only request for this PC's use is an OOTB touch ability similar to Lighthouse64/Just-Ligthhouse/FATDOG7. (I know Mick and others are reviewing an implementation. Maybe you might know its status.)

System is very responsive. SAMBA resource sharing is very quick, as seen by LAN PCs!

Any specifics, please request.
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#6 Post by 6502coder »

LiveCD test of LxPupSc-15.11.00-pae.iso, md5 verified as correct
Dell Dimension 8300
3GB ram, Pentium 4 2.8 GHz
Nvidia Geforce FX 5200
wired ethernet

Code: Select all

# uname -a
Linux puppypc23263 4.2.5-EmSee-32-pae #1 SMP Mon Nov 2 10:21:44 GMT 2015 i686 Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.80GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        3101252      100520     2592212      245776      408520     2718992
Swap:       3143676           0     3143676
Booted up from LiveCD to desktop with no problems. Response seems generally similar to LXLE which I have had installed on this machine for about a year now. LxPupSc is perhaps a bit faster.

Firefox ran OK, Youtube videos ran OK -- I did not install Flash.
Other apps given cursory test that ran OK:
Pmusic, Leafpad, Gpicview, Geany, Abiword, mtPaint

Could not get Mplayer to work on either MP3 or MP4 files:

Code: Select all

# ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep found 
    libcdio_cdda.so.1 => not found
    libcdio_paranoia.so.1 => not found
    libopenal.so.1 => not found
and there was this from /var/log/messages:

Code: Select all

Nov  5 11:17:28 puppypc5791 user.info kernel: gnome-mplayer[29382]: segfault at b ip b6b80502 sp bfa05180 error 4 in libglib-2.0.so.0.4600.1[b6b1a000+13f000]
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#7 Post by peebee »

6502coder wrote:Could not get Mplayer to work on either MP3 or MP4 files:

Code: Select all

# ldd /usr/bin/mplayer | grep found 
    libcdio_cdda.so.1 => not found
    libcdio_paranoia.so.1 => not found
    libopenal.so.1 => not found
@6502coder Many thanks for the test and report. Also @gcmartin

Looks like mplayer is the next candidate for a rebuild under slackocurrent.....see next post

Last edited by peebee on Thu 05 Nov 2015, 11:35, edited 1 time in total.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#8 Post by peebee »

Please try this rebuilt mplayer:

ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#9 Post by 6502coder »

peebee wrote:Please try this rebuilt mplayer:
Works perfectly! No problems with mplayer now.
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#10 Post by peebee »

LxPupSc-15.11.02-pae.iso is now available

Based on latest woof-ce build of slackocurrent

Abiword and enchant are now slackocurrent builds

Firefox is version 42

ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#11 Post by Marv »

Running for about a week now. Light use but daily driver.
15.11.00 frugal install to Fujitsu S6520 laptop, then savefile updated to 15.11.02.

Wireless network connection (iwlwifi) fine using Frisbee, sound ok, video fine, CPU use nicely low. Not much else to report.

Code: Select all

Video-Info 1.5.1 - Fri 13 Nov 2015 on LxPupSc 15.11 - Linux 4.2.5-EmSee-32-pae i686
Chip description:
  2.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)  
  oem: Intel(r)Cantiga Graphics Chip Accelerated VGA BIOS
  product: Intel(r)Cantiga Graphics Controller Hardware Version 0.0
X Server: Xorg  Driver used: intel

X.Org version: 1.17.4
  dimensions:    1280x800 pixels (338x211 millimeters)
  depth of root window:    24 planes 

Code: Select all

# uname -a
Linux puppypc10577 4.2.5-EmSee-32-pae #1 SMP Mon Nov 2 10:21:44 GMT 2015 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     P8600  @ 2.40GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux

# free
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:        3056044       92080     1507148      289924     1456816     2633388
Swap:             0           0           0

# vblank_mode=0 glxgears
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
ATTENTION: default value of option vblank_mode overridden by environment.
5620 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1123.255 FPS
5643 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1128.576 FPS
(79.96 KiB) Downloaded 84251 times
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#12 Post by peebee »

Marv wrote:Running for about a week now. ...... Not much else to report.
Thanks @Marv - good to know.
Cheers, PeeBee
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#13 Post by Terry H »

Manual frugal install on Dell D630 laptop, Nvidia 135M graphics, BCM4321 Wifi card. Connected to internet and so far working well OOTB.

# uname -a
Linux puppypc8218 4.2.5-EmSee-32-pae #1 SMP Mon Nov 2 10:21:44 GMT 2015 i686 Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU T7500 @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
# free
total used free shared buff/cache available
Mem: 4139612 202128 3066084 245728 871400 3652040
Swap: 3067900 0 3067900
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#14 Post by Rangan Masti »

where can i get Devx?
Thank you.
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Re: Devx

#15 Post by peebee »

Rangan Masti wrote:Hi,
where can i get Devx?
Thank you.
Haven't uploaded it as yet - maybe with the next version.....
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#16 Post by peebee »

LxPupSc-15.11.03-pae.iso is now available

Based on latest woof-ce build of slackocurrent with kernel huge-4.2.5-EmSee 32bit pae.

As many apps as will successfully compile with pet-builds have been compiled in slackocurrent (in order to reduce need for links to 14.1 era libs).

Includes the changes to slackware current from 14-nov

Known problems - CUPS printing does not work.

Kernel 4.2.5 sources

Last edited by peebee on Mon 23 Nov 2015, 21:55, edited 2 times in total.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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XFCE 4.12

#17 Post by zagreb999 »


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Re: XFCE 4.12

#18 Post by peebee »

zagreb999 wrote:GOOD WORK.


I won't be doing that - I like LXDE.....

Maybe when an official Slacko-Current is released then rg66 will produce an X-Slacko-Current....

ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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#19 Post by peebee »

LxPupSc-15.11.05-pae.iso is now available
md5 = cc3b4b6885d0db065c4bd329431103af

Based on latest woof-ce build of slackocurrent with kernel huge-4.3.0-EmSee 32bit pae with added firmware-140621-big

Includes the changes to slackware current from 20-nov including the eudev and icu4c changes

Known problems - CUPS printing still does not work (but see fix in post #2)

2 problems with PuppyPackageManager:
- it freezes at the end of an install with greyed out buttons
- the Slackware Current package list does contain dependencies so they are not automatically installed

Kernel 4.3.0 sources

Last edited by peebee on Sun 29 Nov 2015, 18:24, edited 4 times in total.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
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Re: LxPupSc-15.11.05-pae

#20 Post by mavrothal »

peebee wrote:LxPupSc-15.11.05-pae.iso is now available
md5 = cc3b4b6885d0db065c4bd329431103af

As discussed elsewhere PPM fails in this puppy because it can not find any dependencies.
The way Slackware packages are build, provide dependencies only with the official version database (13.37, 14.1 etc). The other databases like "patches" and "current" do not have dependencies because presumably the packages are installed on the top of a running system where all the dependencies are installed.
PPM has code to give priority to patches over stable and this could be adapted for current too.
But you need slackware-14.1-official for the dependencies to be found and make sure you have this in COMPAT_REPOS too.
I think that the DISTRO_ SPECS should also say 14.1 but you have to check after the above changes are made.
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