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#5021 Post by Eathray »

greengeek wrote:
Hi Eathray, I tried this on a slacko derivative and it seems to work fine. One strange thing though - when it first runs it brings up a google search for "%U".
This command brings up urls, and I'm thinking there must have been a local file in the .deb system for which the original package was intended. I built this .pet from the debian. They must have their own local homepage or something. Some of the guys for Puppy have done that as well. I'll get rid of it when/if I do the next Opera... unless ttuuxxx or someone equally skilled cranks it out while I'm still reading about it LOL.

On the Opera performance:
With Ghostery and NoAds Advanced, the performance increases dramatically. Might be worthwhile to plug them in in testing to see the difference.
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#5022 Post by ttuuxxx »

Eathray wrote:greengeek wrote:
Hi Eathray, I tried this on a slacko derivative and it seems to work fine. One strange thing though - when it first runs it brings up a google search for "%U".
This command brings up urls, and I'm thinking there must have been a local file in the .deb system for which the original package was intended. I built this .pet from the debian. They must have their own local homepage or something. Some of the guys for Puppy have done that as well. I'll get rid of it when/if I do the next Opera... unless ttuuxxx or someone equally skilled cranks it out while I'm still reading about it LOL.

On the Opera performance:
With Ghostery and NoAds Advanced, the performance increases dramatically. Might be worthwhile to plug them in in testing to see the difference.
Code Description
%u A single URL. Local files may either be passed as file: URLs or as file path.
%U A list of URLs. Each URL is passed as a separate argument to the executable program. Local files may either be passed as file: URLs or as file path.

A command line may contain at most one %f, %u, %F or %U field code. If the application should not open any file the %f, %u, %F and %U field codes must be removed from the command line and ignored.

Field codes must not be used inside a quoted argument, the result of field code expansion inside a quoted argument is undefined. The %F and %U field codes may only be used as an argument on their own. ... -variables
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#5023 Post by Eathray »

I've read that 4 times and I'm almost understanding it 8) glad you're back ttuuxxx
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#5024 Post by starhawk »

Eathray wrote:
starhawk wrote:I'm more impatient than most but to me performance on my Dell CPi (P2 300MHz, 128mb RAM) is positively plodding at best... haven't tested it in JWM mode tho.
Plodding is slow, right? Okay, 300 is actually slower than my slowest machine at 366. I'm using jwm, which has always seemed lightest duty to me...
Apologies for the late reply -- I only just now saw this.

Plodding is incredibly slow. Expect noticeable response times to a mouse click.

Right now that machine is running Precise 571 Retro and it's actually a lot faster. It's basically a main Puppy release targeted at old heaps like we're talking about, and --given the hardware-- it runs like a dream. Considerably faster than ClassicPup.

I have two reasons that I would use ClassicPup for, ever. One is an old MP3 player that is basically unsupportable on later OSes (it's a Diamond Multimedia Rio500, for the curious -- the first commercially successful USB MP3 player). The other is an original Pentium or other 586-class computer that for whatever reason could not be repurposed as a W9x/DOS setup for nostalgia gaming, but was somehow too important to me to recycle.

The threshold for Puppy, as far as I'm concerned, is a 2nd-gen (Coppermine core) Pentium III and 128mb RAM + 384mb swap. I've not scientifically tested that, though! Basically what I mean there is that anything less than that spec would be too unbearably slow to use. I can tell you that the Dell Latitude CPi I referred to earlier (with the P2 CPU) is well below that line (I basically can't use it) but the next system up that I've ever Puppified (which technically has a weird AMD "Geode" CPU, but those are similar in performance to a Pentium III 3rd-gen (Tualatin core) of the same clocking) is close to but above that same line... I can use it without being tempted to wince, unless I put it on the 'Net or somesuch. Worth noting, that system (Fujitsu Siemens Futro S400) has 512mb RAM.

I'm afraid I'm rather unlikely to drag out that old CPi any time soon -- it desperately needs a RAM upgrade that I can't really afford right now -- but I hope what I've put in this post is informative enough...
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#5025 Post by Eathray »


Thanks. Hmm, I've also got 571 precise retro on this old p3 winbook, but it didn't perform that well for me. Akita was better and ClassicPup has been best of all... I wonder why we're getting such different results...?
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#5026 Post by James C »

Still have some old P3's ready and waiting...... :)
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#5027 Post by starhawk »

Mine's not a P3 ;)

Dell Latitude CPi D300XT
Pentium II 300MHz CPU
Intel 440BX chipset
NeoMagic 2160B graphics with integrated VRAM
128mb RAM
20gb HDD (IIRC)
Crystal 4237B audio solution

A few notes.
(1) NeoMagic is independent of ATi/nVIDIA -- back in 1999 when this laptop was produced, there were several other options available and this was one of them.
(2) The RAM is 144 pin EDO, two slots. It's basically EDO PC133... nasty stuff, especially given how expensive it is now. It didn't last very long and nobody really makes it any more. Ugh. (Dell, did you really have to...?) Anyhow, maximum RAM in this heap is 256mb... expect to pay a minimum of us$50 for that in today's money, today. Yep, it's *that* bad!
(3) The original hard drive was a 6.5gb IBM TravelStar. My laptop was received in such condition that the hard drive needed to be removed with pliers -- and when I put power to it, it didn't click, it CLUNKED. Oh god.
(4) The audio on this thing is the worst part of the laptop by far -- not in terms of fidelity but in terms of driver compatibility. It piggybacks on a different driver (Crystal 4238 IIRC) and that driver's support for the 4237B is broken between the middle of the Puppy 4.x.x series (it's either 412 or 420 where it breaks, can't remember) straight up to 571 Retro, which is the first post-4.x.x Pup where it actually works AFAIK. Oh, yeah -- and that chip uses ISA rather than PCI. Ugh.
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#5028 Post by greengeek »

starhawk wrote:(4) The audio on this thing is the worst part of the laptop by far -- not in terms of fidelity but in terms of driver compatibility. It piggybacks on a different driver (Crystal 4238 IIRC) and that driver's support for the 4237B is broken between the middle of the Puppy 4.x.x series (it's either 412 or 420 where it breaks, can't remember) straight up to 571 Retro, which is the first post-4.x.x Pup where it actually works AFAIK. Oh, yeah -- and that chip uses ISA rather than PCI. Ugh.
I know there is only one usb port available but I wonder if one of those usb miniature sound interfaces might be useable on the Dell?
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#5029 Post by ally »

I used one of the those using a dell as a music server connected to my hifi

sound quality was quite impressive for such a small device

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#5030 Post by yellodog »

starhawk wrote:Mine's not a P3 ;)

Dell Latitude CPi D300XT
Pentium II 300MHz CPU
I had a PII 233 Mhz in 1998. Although I use rather old computers in general, I got rid of that one maybe 5 years ago, though it still worked.
That kind of PC could even be too slow for a USB-soundcard, I think.

About a year ago, I bought a working notebook on ebay with a 2 Ghz-processor for just 50 bucks (EUR in fact, I'm in Europe). So it's really not worth it to bother with these kind of extremely old PCs, I think.
Oldest ones I'd go for would be built in about 2003 maybe, with about 1.8 Ghz-CPU. Puppy 2.14x and USB-soundcards run fine on such a machine.
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#5031 Post by starhawk »

It's a project system -- I call it the Prove It Box.

"Yeah, you can make a 1999 piece of [beep] laptop useful today... sure, PROVE IT YA [BEEP]."

You get the point now of the project and the name, I think ;)

...thing is it needs two of these before it's got a chance in you-know-where... while prices have come down rather nicely there (a year ago it was $50 a pop from Hong Kong!! Not kidding, sadly...) it's still above what I can reasonably justify for the system that it is...
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request a suggestion

#5032 Post by Eathray »

Hey guys,

I'm just wondering what would be a good mail server for puppy 214x. Background:

PupClassic here has been on my mind for a long time, and I really think it has amazing potential as a personal mail and website server. I've wanted to host my own for a long time, and I'm finally getting to the place where I feel comfortable doing something like that.

I want to get a simple mail server working on 214x. Partly for educational reasons so I can learn some stuff about servers and doing my own hosting.

I'm aware of xmail and a couple others. Looking for simple, stable, and compatible with 214x.

Thanks in advance.
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PC-100-222-620 128MB !!!

#5033 Post by babaguy »

Hey Starhawk!

I *have* a chunk of PC-100-222-620 128MB memory... Only one, mind you - but if you PM me your address, I'll be happy to mail it out ASAP, okay...?

*PLUS* -

I've also got a chunk of PC100-222-620 32 (Count 'Em! 32!!!) MB memory if you or anyone could use it...

All The Best, as ever,

- Babaguy

UPDATE: NO CAN DO, because it doesn't have that old fashioned (Japanese?) EDO designation.... But if anyone else is needy... PM me!
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#5034 Post by starhawk »

As mentioned in the PM... won't work for me...



Every little bit really does help, even if it doesn't work out -- hey, I got a smile out of this... I needed that today.
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Re: Opera 12.16 for 214x Classic

#5035 Post by ttuuxxx »

Eathray wrote:Okay, so here is a recent version of Opera for 214x Classic:

Maybe somebody wants to grab it quick and put it somewhere official because I don't know anything about this file sharing site or how long they'll leave it up.

It's a recent Opera and seems to work mostly good on my older laptop. 12.16 for Linux. This is only my second pet so... hope it works.

Ok Had a look at your pet package, you broke the pet package by renaming it after you made the pet. Always rename the folder first, delete the old ***.pet.specs file inside the folder and then make the pet package.
I redid the .Desktop file, I changed the icons, added a home button, added the bookmarks bar, added bookmarks, added duckduckgo and Ad Block Plus, and removed the locales, removed the kdelibs, removed the gstreamer plugins, added links to gxine plugin and flash plugin. here's the link ... its 13mb :) ttuuxxx <-- excellent site <-- Codec Test Files <-- excellent HTML5 games :)
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#5036 Post by ttuuxxx »

Here's the latest MtPaint
Oh yeah I change the default icons like I usually do :)
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Re: PC-100-222-620 128MB !!!

#5037 Post by RetroTechGuy »

babaguy wrote:Hey Starhawk!

I *have* a chunk of PC-100-222-620 128MB memory... Only one, mind you - but if you PM me your address, I'll be happy to mail it out ASAP, okay...?

*PLUS* -

I've also got a chunk of PC100-222-620 32 (Count 'Em! 32!!!) MB memory if you or anyone could use it...

All The Best, as ever,

- Babaguy

UPDATE: NO CAN DO, because it doesn't have that old fashioned (Japanese?) EDO designation.... But if anyone else is needy... PM me!
That reminds me, I still need to box up some 30 pin SIMMS for Starhawk (oh, and some ISA cards)... ;-)

Does he also need PC100? I could dig through my collection and see if I have anything left...
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#5038 Post by starhawk »

No! No PC100.

I need 144-pin EDO memory, for laptops. (SODIMMs.) The right stuff will probably say that it's PC133, but it may not. Two of these are what I've asked my father for at Christmas. Those are PERFECT for my CPi... two would max it out, which is what I want to do.
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#5039 Post by RetroTechGuy »

[quote="starhawk"]No! No PC100.

I need 144-pin EDO memory, for laptops. (SODIMMs.) The right stuff will probably say that it's PC133, but it may not. Two of [url=]these[/url] are what I've asked my father for at Christmas. Those are PERFECT for my CPi... two would max it out, which is what I want to do.[/quote]

Let me see if I can get my crap into one location, here's what I pulled off the shelf next to me.

I believe that I only have 1 machine that uses anything of this class, and it already has 256MB (2x128) in it... And I don't use it for anything other than a "test bed" (and perhaps that very rare need for Windows 98).

So these are available (I can't tell you if they work, but probably...)
Laptop RAM
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#5040 Post by starhawk »

Hate to be a pest -- but -- can you pull the numbers off one of the chips for the first and the last sticks in that quartet? I can't make sense of the labels... but if I know chips, I can find datasheets -- and I can read datasheets :)
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