Slacko 6.3.0 (32 bit)

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#161 Post by nubc »

Thanks for your directions, Brown Mouse. Yall have a Braulio.

I have come to expect that when I look at my index of geany text files with a new operating system, line wrapping will need to be checked for each of 150 files. For some reason, my full install Slacko 630 does not remember that line wrapping is checked for a given file, so I must check line wrapping each time I open a file, even when I have already enabled line wrapping the last time I opened the file. My partition set up is sda1 (20 gb) for the OS and the rest of the drive is sda2 for data. The index of geany files is on sda2.
Last edited by nubc on Sat 28 Nov 2015, 12:22, edited 1 time in total.
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#162 Post by Semme »

Set line-wrap in Geany prefs.
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#163 Post by nubc »

I have Options, I don't see Preferences.

EDIT: "Inherit options from source window"?
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#164 Post by Semme »

Any better?
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#165 Post by nubc »

Oh yeah, Preferences from File in Menu Bar. I was right-clicking the file to get Options. As far as guidance goes, giving the pathway is just as valuable as a screenshot. Just saying. Geany is line wrapping now. TY

Slacko 630 is so sluggish I have to reboot it, at least once a day, maybe twice. I believe the sluggishness is cumulative. Right now, my computer hasn't been rebooted for about 7 hours, and the circular progress indicators on Firefox tabs are stopping, sometimes for 10+ seconds. These moving circles also change colors from red to black, whatever that may signify.
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#166 Post by Semme »

It's probably safe to say that all the current pups have been developed on somewhat newer hardware than previous builds, Lucid for example. So I understand exactly as I've experienced the same.. A cumulative system overload. Yeah, it gets to the point I've gotta reboot back into Lucid if I want any type of acceptable performance.

I don't run a current browser, though I'd prefer too. I avoid Flash and keep JavaScript disabled.

Not necessarily fun, but practical.

I feel if you're gonna stick with an older box these days you've gotta go with a distro that targets older hw.

Granted there aren't many left, but I have zero desire to run an outdated browser.

Then again, you gotta sorta roll with the times or get left behind.

Yes, there IS a new ride for me just down the road..

And my money's on Fatdog!
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#167 Post by unicorn316386 »

Yes, Firefox 29+ (Australis) is garbage for me, even in Windows, and always getting worse. :lol:

slimjet- seems pretty smooth in Slacko 6.3 here, if you don't want to "upgrade" to firefox 28 or links2.
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#168 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, all.

You hosting this one, Semme?

Been trying out Slacko 6.3.0 (32-bit). Although my desktop will run 64-bit stuff (AMD Athlon 64 X2 dual-core), I've just become rather attached to the 32-bit Pups over the last year or so. I'm a real fan of 570, so I thought I'd give 630 a try.

(I tried out the 'beta' Slacko 64 a while back, but seemed to run into no end of problems with it, so at the time I just gave it up as a bad job. BTW, apologies are due to 01micko for adding to the confusion on his Lilo 'How-to' thread the other day; kinda 'lost the plot' there a wee bit.)


Got a couple of queries. I like the new firewall layout; very simple, once you get the hang of it. However, I have noticed that every time I boot into Slacko, I'm having to go into the firewall again in order to re-enable all the settings once more; it's re-setting itself to defaults every time. I'm guessing this is not expected behaviour....or is it?

Other thing I'm having one or two problems with is the new method for enabling application buttons in the tray. I always run the same four; Terminal, Galculator, gParted, and pBurn. Three out of the four work nicely, but Galculator refuses to start up from the tray. Any ideas?

One other thing, while I think about it. FISynclient. While the new layout is clearer, we seem to have lost the check boxes for enabling vertical & horizontal edge scrolling.....or am I simply not going about it the right way? I cannot get them to work on my touchpad, no matter what I try.


I could also say that I'm having display problems, but that's not exactly the case. I have a laptop, an elderly Dell, which I've also been trying out Slacko 6.3.0 on.....from the same USB I've been running it from on the desktop. It's lumbered with one of those horrible 'Brookedale'-cored Intel Extreme Graphics adapters..! I've employed Mick's workaround as detailed on the 570 release notes page, about adding 'i915.modeset=0' to the kernel line, and it works nicely. Had to finally get around to upgrading the BIOS, so I could enable the full 8 MB of shared RAM for the display buffer, but that's all sorted out now.

Mike. :wink:
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#169 Post by Semme »

No Mike, but I absolutely find FD's straightforward approach to OS design preferable to any other pup. :wink:

As for your touchpad, you could probably create the file mentioned here and test it out. Then there's this take.

Otherwise, something like these in your xorg.conf:

Code: Select all

Option      "VertEdgeScroll" "on"
Option      "HorizEdgeScroll" "on"
The "on" may need to be an integer.
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#170 Post by Marv »

Mike Walsh wrote:
One other thing, while I think about it. FISynclient. While the new layout is clearer, we seem to have lost the check boxes for enabling vertical & horizontal edge scrolling.....or am I simply not going about it the right way? I cannot get them to work on my touchpad, no matter what I try.

Mike. :wink:
Once you have run flsynclient, a text config file is created in /root, .flSynclient (note the cap S). All the options are in there and pretty self explanatory. Edit it and run flsynclient -s (IIRC) to test.
Pups currently in kennel :D Older LxPupSc and X-slacko-4.4 for my users; LxPupSc, LxPupSc64 and upupEF for me. All good pups indeed, and all running savefiles for look'n'feel only. Browsers, etc. solely from SFS.
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#171 Post by Mike Walsh »

@Semme, Marv:-

Thanks for the tips, guys. I've had a brief scan through both your links, Semme; they look pretty straight-forward. I tried a couple of the FatDog's a while back; I've gotta confess, I found them as confusing as hell! Guess it's a case of what'cha get used to... :lol: I can set a 'regular' Pup up, from scratch, with all the bells & whistles, in about 2 1/2 hrs flat. It took me the best part of a day, in FatDog, to figure out how to install just a few of my normal apps...

And I never did suss the Control Panel out..! (*sheesh*)

Thanks for the tip about where to find the FiSynclient config. file, Marv; I'll scan through that when I get a chance.

Will report back as & when. May be a few days; I'm pretty busy for the rest of this week, I'm afraid!

Cheers, guys. Appreciated.

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#172 Post by Sylvander »

1. My number-1 Puppy is Slacko.
Been using version 5.7.0-pae for a long time now; trouble free and does all I could wish.

2. Just recently I decided to use my Lindy-USB-sound-card-dongle with 2 3.5mm input jack sockets for my analog headset with mic.
Been using it in experiments with Puli->Skype.
Want to try using this also on other Puppies, and Slacko is my number-1.

3. Didn't want to keep swapping to using the rear analog line output for my amplified speaker with headphone socket, PLUS...
USB mic.
Haven't yet tried the USB web-camera.

4. The only [other than Puli->Chrome] 1 of my stack of Puppies with which the lindy dongle will work [and play sound in Youtube videos], is Dpup Exprimo 5.x.3.4.12 + 3.4.2 kernel [Firefox-42.0].

5. Wondered if the solution is to update Slacko [to 6.3.0?], but will it work?
My existing Slacko is 32-bit pae, whereas this here version is 32-bit non-pae, right?

Any suggestions? :D
Details of how to update?

#173 Post by darry1966 »

Sylvander wrote:1. My number-1 Puppy is Slacko.
Been using version 5.7.0-pae for a long time now; trouble free and does all I could wish.

2. Just recently I decided to use my Lindy-USB-sound-card-dongle with 2 3.5mm input jack sockets for my analog headset with mic.
Been using it in experiments with Puli->Skype.
Want to try using this also on other Puppies, and Slacko is my number-1.

3. Didn't want to keep swapping to using the rear analog line output for my amplified speaker with headphone socket, PLUS...
USB mic.
Haven't yet tried the USB web-camera.

4. The only [other than Puli->Chrome] 1 of my stack of Puppies with which the lindy dongle will work [and play sound in Youtube videos], is Dpup Exprimo 5.x.3.4.12 + 3.4.2 kernel [Firefox-42.0].

5. Wondered if the solution is to update Slacko [to 6.3.0?], but will it work?
My existing Slacko is 32-bit pae, whereas this here version is 32-bit non-pae, right?

Any suggestions? :D
Details of how to update?
The main iso is Non-Pae and there is a kernel changing script in the iso.

PAE kernels here:

Release notes (sorry can't answer upgrade question?) ... -6.3.0.htm
Brown Mouse
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#174 Post by Brown Mouse »

Sylvander wrote:

5. Wondered if the solution is to update Slacko [to 6.3.0?], but will it work?
My existing Slacko is 32-bit pae, whereas this here version is 32-bit non-pae, right?

Any suggestions? :D
Details of how to update?
Surely Its easy enough to test it frugally before updating it.
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#175 Post by Sylvander »

Brown Mouse wrote:...test it...
I'm wondering what "it" is?
Is "it" my existing version Slacko-5.7.0-pae?
This has been in use as a "live" install ["live" CD-RW plus slackosave.4fs] for almost 2 years, so...

Brown Mouse wrote:...before updating it.
Is this the same "it" as in 1 above?
My problem is that I don't know if it's safe to update Slacko-5.7.0-pae to the new Slacko-6.3.0 non-pae [I'd guess not].
And even if it is safe, how best to do the update?
Normally I'd just make a new/updated Slacko-6.3.0 CD-RW, boot that, and during boot, OK the updating of the old/existing Slackosave.4fs file.
But I'm afraid this may be a no-no.

3. Or would it be better to begin aftresh with the new Slacko64?
[Am I correct in assuming it's not possible to update Slacko-5.7.0-pae to Slacko64?]
My desktop PC is 64-bit hardware, but I generally have been unimpressed when I tried 64-bit Puppies [they take longer to load].
Lighthouse was/is impressive, but not my favorite Puppy .
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WVDIAL: Problems with wvdial

#176 Post by mpanek60 »

Got a "segmentation fault" also. :(

#177 Post by darry1966 »

Sylvander why not do as Brownmouse suggests and do a frugal install on a flashdrive and then try the upgrade and see.
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#178 Post by futwerk »

new backgrounds.
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Slacko 6.3

#179 Post by TIW »

I downloaded slacko 6.3. and used gnumeric. Unfortunately gnumeric crashes every time I go to a cell - click copy - click on to another cell in order to paste the value from that cell before. Since gnumeric does it every time I guess it is a bug. A have used Precise, Tahrpup and Quirky and did not have this particular problem. These puppy’s have there own problems. So the question . What causes it and how can it be fixed ?
Thanks for your help.
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#180 Post by Sage »

Sadly have to agree with several commentators, having now had the opportunity to test recent offerings on a range of machines, not all my own. Both WW64 and Slacko64 have to be regarded as works in progress, but 32bit Slacko also shows some of the same shortcomings in respect of serious video issues such as default sizing, stability, universality with available drivers, tray disappearing/disappeared, DHCP connection not present by default, etc. The list and its diversity is quite long, often but not always machine-specific. Being a user of puppies since ~0.8(?), this is the most serious range of glitches between releases I can remember. Disappointing, but if there's one man who can fix it, it's micko! Stick with it maestro, this distro has a very strong following as shown by two weeks at No.5 in the DW hit parade. Please remember, though, this is a compact distro with the power to reduce landfill rather than pander to the latest go-faster stripy boxes.
P.S. - and don't over-estimate the abilities of putative users and converts.
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