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#2101 Post by eric52 »

I think Chrome support for 32-bit Linux, in particular Ubuntu Precise and Debian Wheezy, is ending in March. It will still work, but no more updates. Ubuntu support for 14.04 32-bit continues until 2019. I don't think too many future distros will offer 32-bit versions. I would suppose 32-bit Puppy will be needed until all the old machines die, but it is time to move toward 64-bit as per Lighthouse, FatDog, etc.
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#2102 Post by Colonel Panic »

32-bit software is still very useful for those of us with older machines though. I think Slackware will continue to be available for 32-bit hardware for a long time yet, so if Ubuntu does abandon 32-bit computer architecture then maybe it will be time for Puppy to consolidate around Slacko.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#2103 Post by James C »

Colonel Panic wrote:Thanks James, I'm using it now and it's to AntiX's usual high standards. Only thing is; conky manager is very hit and miss in MX in my experience so a good conkyrc file would go a long way in it.
I attempted to install Conky Manager but Synaptic reported it as broken. Luckily I can come up with a basic config...... or two.....
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#2104 Post by James C »

So many installs,so little time..... :lol:

Vector Linux 64 still rolling along.


Code: Select all

james:$ uname -a
Linux vlocity.linux.vnet 3.18.16 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue Jun 16 16:29:26 CDT 2015 x86_64 AMD Athlon(tm) 64 X2 Dual Core Processor 5200+ AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
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#2105 Post by James C »


Code: Select all

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: raspberrypi Kernel: 4.1.7-v7+ armv7l (32 bit gcc: 4.8.3) 
           Desktop: LXDE (Openbox 3.5.2) dm: lightdm 
           Distro: Raspbian GNU/Linux 8 
Machine:   No /sys/class/dmi, using dmidecode: you must be root to run dmidecode
CPU:       Quad core ARMv7 rev 5 (v7l) (-MCP-) (ARM)bmips: 230  
           Clock Speeds: 1: 900 MHz 2: 900 MHz 3: 900 MHz 4: 900 MHz
Graphics:  Card: Failed to Detect Video Card!
           Display Server: X.Org 1.16.4 driver: N/A
           Resolution: 1552x868@0.00hz
           GLX Renderer: N/A GLX Version: N/A Direct Rendering: N/A
Audio:     Card bcm2835 ALSA driver: bcm2835 Sound: ALSA v: k4.1.7-v7+
Network:   Card: Standard Microsystems SMSC9512/9514 Fast Ethernet Adapter
           usb-ID: 001-003 chip-ID: 0424:ec00
           IF: N/A state: N/A speed: N/A duplex: N/A mac: N/A
Partition: ID-1: / size: 6.1G used: 3.3G (58%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/root 
           ID-2: /boot size: 60M used: 20M (33%) fs: vfat dev: /dev/mmcblk0p5 
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 110 Uptime: 2:13 Memory: 140.0/925.9MB 
           Init: systemd v: 215 runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: 4.9.2 
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.301 running in lxterminal) inxi: 2.1.28 
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Colonel Panic
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#2106 Post by Colonel Panic »

James C wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:Thanks James, I'm using it now and it's to AntiX's usual high standards. Only thing is; conky manager is very hit and miss in MX in my experience so a good conkyrc file would go a long way in it.
I attempted to install Conky Manager but Synaptic reported it as broken. Luckily I can come up with a basic config...... or two.....
Yeah, I had similar problems with Sparky, which is based on Debian. Conky worked fine in an earlier version I had (4.0 RC1) but was clearly broken in the latest one, 4.2, because the conky subdirectory was missing from /opt.

I managed to fix it by copying the conky subdirectory over from 4.0 RC1 to 4.2 and changing the permission of one of the files in it, but it's strange how it came to happen in the first place - it looks like somebody deleted this subdirectory, probably accidentally, and no one managed to spot it before the distro was released.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#2107 Post by Colonel Panic »

I've just been trying Solus 1.0 which uses the new Budgie desktop manager.

It looks good, but I like window managers which give me a lot of easily accessible options for manipulating windows (as even twm does), and Budgie is very limited in that regard. I imagine it's probably aimed at people who are used to Windows, and in that respect it's probably a good choice.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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#2108 Post by poorguy »

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tiny core working well on old dell laptop

#2109 Post by Puppus Dogfellow »

tried out tiny core on an old laptop without the hardware necessary to connect to the net (have a pc card adapter around here somewhere, so that's sort of in the works). other than having to download stuff with a different machine and transfer it over (less work had i read the pop up dependencies lists in the online repos), it's been a treat. quick, well-documented, really very nice. got geany and all plugins and rox filer working so far. very impressed with it.


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#2110 Post by Semme »

I'll agree -- nice, fast and doesn't tax my dated ride.

Though it doesn't remember my interface, Android tethering works without a hitch.

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#2111 Post by darry1966 »

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#2112 Post by rokytnji »

Just a proof of concept install to put a forum troll in his place.
At the bottom of the food chain.

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... ost5473567

Runs OK. Runs Fast. Not sure if I'll stick with it. I hate re-learning busy box and linux command syntax in my old age.
To flesh it out. I need to download and install the 3.1 gig of packages for offline install if I plan to keep it.

Which I probably won't. Because I know myself.

http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions ... ost5219220[/code]
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#2113 Post by nubc »

rokytnji wrote:Just a proof of concept install to put a forum troll in his place.
At the bottom of the food chain.
That's how I got started with Puppy. Some distro troll told me Puppy wasn't meant to be installed, only run as a live CD. The troll was saying that Puppy wasn't worth considering as a working OS, it wasn't a serious OS, just for hobbyists, couldn't be installed anyway. So I installed it, documented the procedure, and thus became the Puppy installer at the local LUG.
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#2114 Post by Colonel Panic »

I've been trying out WM-Live, a live distro based on Debian and the latest version of the WindowMaker window manager and designed to showcase Windowmaker's full capabilities, which are very impressive and also useful.

Windowmaker can tile windows in halves or quarters on the screen, which can make some everyday tasks a lot easier. For example, suppose that you want to set up and install Softmaker FreeOffice. You can put the e-mail message from Softmaker telling you what the serial number is for installing FreeOffice, on the top; and the Textmaker window where you have to type in the serial number to start the program for the first time, on the bottom; and then just copy the number into the box in the Textmaker setup screen without the need to write it down or remember it.

The windows are fixed in position and don't move relative to one another as they would with most window managers, which makes copying between windows a lot simpler and easier than it is with any other WM I've used (ratpoison enables you to do the same, but I'm used to using the mouse).

I ended up very impressed with Windowmaker; I think it's got a claim to be the best window manager out there.
Gigabyte M68MT-52P motherboard, AMD Athlon II X4 630, 5.8 GB of DDR3 RAM and a 250 GB Hitachi hard drive running Ubuntu 16.04.6, MX-19.2, Peppermint 10, PCLinuxOS 20.02, LXLE 18.04.3, Pardus 19.2, exGENT 200119, Bionic Pup 8.0 and Xenial CE 7.5 XL.
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Slackware 14.2 beta

#2115 Post by peebee »

http://alien.slackbook.org/blog/pulseau ... rent-beta/
Wed Jan 13 00:01:23 UTC 2016
Hey folks, happy new year!
After upgrading to BlueZ 5 recently, everything seemed to be working great,
but then it was pointed out that Bluetooth audio was no longer working.
The reason was that the newer BlueZ branch had dropped ALSA support and now
required PulseAudio. So with some trepidation, we began investigating adding
PulseAudio to Slackware. Going back to BlueZ 4 wasn't an option with various
dependent projects either having dropped support for it, or consiering doing
so. After several iterations here refining the foundation packages and
recompiling and tweaking other packages to use PulseAudio, it's working well
and you'll likely not notice much of a change. But if you're using Bluetooth
audio, or needing to direct audio through HDMI, you'll probably find it a lot
easier to accomplish that.
Best of all, we're finally a modern, relevant Linux distro! ;-)
Thanks to Mario Preksavec, Heinz Wiesinger, and Robby Workman for a lot of
help and testing. Bug reports, complaints, and threats can go to me.
Also, enjoy a shiny new LTS 4.4.0 kernel and consider this 14.2 beta 1.
Note: Slackware is NOT going to add systemd. It’s too controversial and there is no need. Your sleep will be sound now.
ImageLxPup = Puppy + LXDE
Main version used daily: LxPupSc; Assembler of UPups, ScPup & ScPup64, LxPup, LxPupSc & LxPupSc64

my Puppy in my pocket, that is Life :)

#2116 Post by Pelo »

Laptop, wireless and my Puppy in my pocket, that is Life :)
But for my seventies, perhaps i will try a big Linux, wired to my chair..
i will try Linux Mint. But not yet. UBUNTU was really boring me, before i discover the speedy Puppy. :)
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#2117 Post by Billtoo »

Colonel Panic wrote:I've been trying out WM-Live, a live distro based on Debian and the latest version of the WindowMaker window manager and designed to showcase Windowmaker's full capabilities, which are very impressive and also useful.
I installed WM-Live to the hard drive of my Acer laptop:

Processor 4x Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-3227U CPU @ 1.90GHz
Memory 5908MB (631MB used)
Operating System Debian GNU/Linux 8.2
User Name bill (Bill)
Date/Time Thu 14 Jan 2016 10:59:17 AM EST
Resolution 1366x768 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Mesa DRI Intel(R) Ivybridge Mobile
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH

I added several applications including kdgames,kodi, and iceweasel.
The touch screen is supported.

Dual booting with Linuxmint-17.2

Works great.

Edit: I did a second install of wmlive to the hard drive of my 2008 imac, works great on this one too.
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#2118 Post by eric52 »

Got a 600GB SATA drive out of a dump machine today that runs OK on a Dell E521 wreck with 3GB RAM also from the dump. The drive has an HP recover partition for Win7 but won't recover and boot. Installed TahrPup and ran gparted on all but sda3, but it still won't recover. Now I've got Mint 17.2 updating on it just fine. Thought I'd try one of the bigger babies, but I'll probably pepper it with Puppy frugals. I want to explore 64-bit. Mint's very nice and not as much of an SUV as Windows, but you can still sense the solid weight of it.
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Re: Slackware 14.2 beta

#2119 Post by Smithy »

peebee wrote:http://alien.slackbook.org/blog/pulseau ... rent-beta/
Wed Jan 13 00:01:23 UTC 2016
Hey folks, happy new year!
After upgrading to BlueZ 5 recently, everything seemed to be working great,
but then it was pointed out that Bluetooth audio was no longer working.
The reason was that the newer BlueZ branch had dropped ALSA support and now
required PulseAudio. So with some trepidation, we began investigating adding
PulseAudio to Slackware. Going back to BlueZ 4 wasn't an option with various
dependent projects either having dropped support for it, or consiering doing
so. After several iterations here refining the foundation packages and
recompiling and tweaking other packages to use PulseAudio, it's working well
and you'll likely not notice much of a change. But if you're using Bluetooth
audio, or needing to direct audio through HDMI, you'll probably find it a lot
easier to accomplish that.
Best of all, we're finally a modern, relevant Linux distro! ;-)
Thanks to Mario Preksavec, Heinz Wiesinger, and Robby Workman for a lot of
help and testing. Bug reports, complaints, and threats can go to me.
Also, enjoy a shiny new LTS 4.4.0 kernel and consider this 14.2 beta 1.
Note: Slackware is NOT going to add systemd. It’s too controversial and there is no need. Your sleep will be sound now.
Does this mean that we could possibly have a Puppy Slacko (64 bit+32 bit) with built in
(or additional package) of fully functioning Bluetooth? Sounds like Uncle Pulse doesn't interfere with Aunty Alsa.
Last edited by Smithy on Sun 17 Jan 2016, 00:07, edited 1 time in total.
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#2120 Post by Billtoo »

I installed Linuxmint-17.3 Rosa 64bit XFCE4 community spin to the hard drive of my 2008

Processor 2x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8135 @ 2.40GHz
Memory 4028MB (465MB used)
Operating System Linux Mint 17.3 Rosa
User Name bill (Bill)
Date/Time Sat 16 Jan 2016 10:00:25 AM EST
Resolution 1680x1050 pixels
OpenGL Renderer Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV610
X11 Vendor The X.Org Foundation
Audio Adapter HDA-Intel - HDA Intel
Input Devices
Power Button
Sleep Button
Power Button
Video Bus
Apple, Inc Apple Keyboard
Logitech USB Optical Mouse
Apple, Inc Apple Keyboard
HDA Intel Line
HDA Intel Headphone
Apple Computer, Inc. IR Receiver
Built-in iSight

Added several applications including kodi,kdegames,and google chrome.

Also have the 17.3 Rosa 64bit KDE community spin on another partition,
both versions are working well.
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