DebianDog64 - 64 bit DebianDog-Jessie

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#81 Post by stemsee »

Also the devx is the same as for 64jessie? from sfs-get?

#82 Post by stemsee »

For your info
I seem to have it working fully now in sukk on DD-stretch with this

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apt-get install fakeroot build-essential kernel-package git ncurses-dev linux-headers-amd64 libssl-dev

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make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=4.3.3-emsee kernel_image kernel_headers
but I am still interested to see if you have something different.

cheers! ... ux-kernel/
Last edited by stemsee on Sun 10 Jan 2016, 15:41, edited 1 time in total.
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#83 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Stemsee,
Also the devx is the same as for 64jessie? from sfs-get?
No, there is no devx for it yet.
I seem to have it working fully now in sukk with this
apt-get install fakeroot build-essential kernel-package git ncurses-dev linux-headers-amd64 libssl-dev


make-kpkg clean
fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --revision=4.3.3-emsee kernel_image kernel_headers
Well, I have done similar, here comes:

A big help for me was the info from here how to include aufs: ... rom-source
And from what I remember I did this (linux-headers might need to be added also to the dependencies):

Code: Select all

# Below is just example of SRCPATH variable
SRCPATH=/mnt/sda3/src      # Set the path you prefer for the sources 

# install build dependencies
apt-get -y install git-core kernel-package fakeroot build-essential bc ncurses-dev -y

mkdir -p $SRCPATH/aufs
cd $SRCPATH/aufs
git clone aufs4-standalone.git
cd aufs4-standalone.git/
git checkout origin/aufs4.x-rcN

mkdir -p $SRCPATH/4.4.0aufs
cd $SRCPATH/4.4.0aufs/
tar xvf linux-4.4-rc8.tar.xz

cd linux-4.4-rc8
# Apply AUFS patches
patch -p1 < $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/aufs4-base.patch
patch -p1 < $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/aufs4-standalone.patch
patch -p1 < $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/aufs4-mmap.patch
patch -p1 < $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/aufs4-kbuild.patch

# Applied 3 more patches from here (at bottom of page):

# Next, copy the AUFS files to kernel source tree.
cp -R $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/Documentation $SRCPATH/4.4.0aufs/linux-4.4-rc8
cp -R $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/fs $SRCPATH/4.4.0aufs/linux-4.4-rc8
cp $SRCPATH/aufs/aufs4-standalone.git/include/uapi/linux/aufs_type.h $SRCPATH/4.4.0aufs/linux-4.4-rc8/include/uapi/linux/

# Copy config file from /boot to .config
cp /boot/config-3.16.0-4-amd64 .config      # or use any other you prefer
make olddefconfig
# Make your desired configuration, make sure that Aufs support is enabled:
make menuconfig

# Build the kernel
CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=4 fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-aufs kernel_image kernel_headers
Also I applied the 3 patches from here (at bottom of page):
Bug discussed here:
Without these patches my fan went crazy (hp 6710b laptop)

Edit: Maybe a dumb question, do you know if it's possible to make aufs working by adding it as a separate module?
I mean, not having to compile it in the kernel, just use the kernel without aufs included and then sort of "install aufs".
I don't think so, couldn't find anything doing a web search anyway.


#84 Post by stemsee »

You would have to build the kernel module from sources, which means you would have to patch the sources then too. So you wouldn't be avoiding much hassel, if that is what you were trying to do: or maybe you just want to get the official kernel and add aufs compatibility, right? Just get the official sources and patch them, then build the single module; should be fine.

sukk is setup for building single modules from a sources.sfs, but I would need to add the function of adding further patches.

DDStretch is running smoothly with your kernel anyways.

I couldn't get the wifi to take an ip address even though it seemed to be connected. usb0 auto connected with ip etc.

I will try something other than frisbee.
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#85 Post by fredx181 »

stemsee wrote:or maybe you just want to get the official kernel and add aufs compatibility, right? Just get the official sources and patch them, then build the single module; should be fine.
Yes, the point is that I'd like to be as close as possible to official Debian, just to install official linux-image package and add aufs, it's not about to much hassle or something.
Can you give more detail, if you know how to do it?
Ok, I get the official kernel sources, apply the aufs patches as I did before, and then, how to build aufs.ko and add it to the kernel ?


#86 Post by stemsee »

Firstly I just completed my first official debian kernel-4.3.3 compile. It differs from yours in that aufs is built-in not a module. Auto-built using sukk, for testing.

linux-image-4.3.3-emsee-64*_amd64.deb (need to sort the naming out) ... sp=sharing

linux-headers*_amd64.deb ... sp=sharing

To build a single kernel module mpath is path to module dir inside source tree

Code: Select all

  make clean
  make M="$mpath" modules
  strip --strip-debug fs/aufs/aufs.ko
  make M="$mpath" modules_install
  depmod -a
This url gives precise info.
Last edited by stemsee on Mon 11 Jan 2016, 15:35, edited 1 time in total.

#87 Post by stemsee »

is there something more to installing the kernel.deb on DD than

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dpkg -i linux-image-*.deb
Everything got installed to /boot ... then starts up but exits to initramfs
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#88 Post by fredx181 »

stemsee wrote:is there something more to installing the kernel.deb on DD than
dpkg -i linux-image-*.deb
Yes, to make it work as frugal install (assuming you use live-boot-3 with persistence) you need to:
- Save the changes (so that /lib/modules has the new kernel files), then
- rename initrd.img in the "live" folder to something like initrd.imgold
- rename vmlinuz1 in the "live" folder to something like vmlinuz1old
- copy your initrd.img* from /boot to the "live" folder, and rename to initrd.img
- copy your vmlinuz* from /boot to the "live" folder, and rename to vmlinuz1

Pff.. I must admit this is complicated, for porteus-boot even more.
Making a remaster first and replacing live/01-filesystem.squashfs is another option to do first, then replacing initrd.img and vmlinuz1

Thanks for your info about compiling separate module, I'm struggling with it right now :D

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#89 Post by fredx181 »

Thanks again Stemsee!

I finally got aufs working with the official Debian stretch kernel (without having to recompile the whole kernel)
Only compiled aufs.ko (it's a lot bigger, 12.7 MB) and copied it to fs/aufs and did depmod :)

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root@stretch:~# uname -r
root@stretch:~# lsmod | grep aufs
aufs                  212992  1094
I will test your 4.3 kernel on DD tomorrow.

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#90 Post by fredx181 »

Hi Stemsee,

I've tried your emsee kernel, it boots fine, everything seems to work, only thing for me is that my fan is going full speed (begins already at middle of boot process), very annoying.
It's a known bug (specially affecting hp laptops, I think), I wrote earlier about it.
Same problem I had when testing the liquorix 4.x kernel.


#91 Post by stemsee »

Hi Fred

Yes I was already compiling my kernel when you posted the how to with the patches. I have since included the patches in my system.

I couldn't get it to boot with my system. I think it is the modules in lib or something.

Your module is bigger because I forgot to add a line in the make modules to strip the debug symbols.

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strip --strip-debug fs/aufs/aufs.ko
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#92 Post by fredx181 »

stemsee wrote:Hi Fred

Yes I was already compiling my kernel when you posted the how to with the patches. I have since included the patches in my system.
Yes, I see, BTW, the official Debian stretch kernel has almost the same "fan" problem, but, very strange, only sometimes, I think I will keep my own compiled kernel included for stretch.
Your module is bigger because I forgot to add a line in the make modules to strip the debug symbols.

Code: Select all

strip --strip-debug fs/aufs/aufs.ko
Thanks, that makes it a whole lot smaller.


#93 Post by oui »

I did reduce FOR ME the 01-filesystem.squashfs from 192 MB to 150 MB (not deeply: I did not continue making an apt-get autoremove to avoid to erase to much files in that unconventional environment not being really pure Debian) removing with apt-get divers components, as I need an "one-bone" (it is a long time that we did get an good one-bone starting completely as usual in old Puppy's as well frugal as installed etc.). I did sacrifice the browsers iceape / elinks, all the curlicues (wbar, openbox etc.), PCmanFM as as a very oldpuppy lover I am accustomed in usebetter Rox filer, reinstall jwm, remove unnecessary commando line apps like nano and elinks, etc.

but after remaster and restart, the removed app's continue all to appear in the Debian menu. see prnscr! why?
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#94 Post by stemsee »


I booted my kernel finally.

I made modules.squashfs with new lib inside and placed in live/modules and boots fine.
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#95 Post by fredx181 »

oui wrote:but after remaster and restart, the removed app's continue all to appear in the Debian menu. see prnscr! why?
Strange indeed, you are sure e.g. iceweasel has been removed?

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which iceweasel
gives nothing?
The Debian menu depends on files in /usr/share/menu (and having package "menu" installed).
You can check if the file /usr/share/menu/iceweasel exists (it shouldn't), or/and try running:

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#96 Post by stemsee »

Hi Fred

If you have time could you look at teamviewer11.deb multiarch (downloaded from teamviewer website) doesn't start on DD-stretch.
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#97 Post by fredx181 »

stemsee wrote:If you have time could you look at teamviewer11.deb multiarch (downloaded from teamviewer website) doesn't start on DD-stretch
Yes, you probably mean it won't install.
It's a i386 package, so won't work on a pure 64 bit system.
However it's possible to make it work, but you'll need to setup multiarch (a lot of dependencies need to be installed then).

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I want to upload, but not sync, to Gdrive via commandline.

#98 Post by mcewanw »

Hi Fred,

Not the correct thread, I know, but I can't find where you posted something about a google Gdrive client you created (I think you did anyway). What I'm wondering is if you had a method for uploading files directly to Gdrive via commandline or did you come up with a script for downloading directly (upload, without sync, is what I want)? I know there is Gdrive2 for syncing, but I don't want the sync. I have also read that there is a commandline util called Rclone that might be able to copy files up without syncing (i.e. if files in my dir get deleted I don't want the same files stored on Gdrive to get deleted...):

Also something else that 'might' do what I want:

Any knowledge or help appreciated.


EDIT: Just installed rclone, on MintPup for the moment (had to fetch certificates as explained on rclone docs page when my initial attempt to install it failed). It seems to be GREAT! It is programmed in the Go (Golang) programming language. I'm inspired after trying out rclone, that Go language may be worth learning:
Last edited by mcewanw on Wed 13 Jan 2016, 08:29, edited 4 times in total.
github mcewanw

#99 Post by stemsee »

Hi Fred

I may have found a bug, not sure. But after squashing a large file I then copy that file, could be from ram or from device, to some other partition and then also copy to another location, then what happens is as soon as one copy operation finishes it ends the other also, without completing. Happened several times already.

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#100 Post by fredx181 »

Hi William,

The script I made in the past was for downloading from google-drive.

The commandline utility from here works for me:
Not very easy to use but here's what I did:
Download the binary, rename to e.g. drive, make it executable.
First time use it asks for a code which you can get at a given url (need to login on google-drive and you can copy a code).
Enter the code and the program is ready for use.
What I did then to make it portable, was copying the drive binary to a new folder on my sda3 partition along with the folder: ~/.gdrive
This way I can use ./drive with the -c switch pointing to ./.gdrive in the same folder.

For example: I uploaded DD-64 ISO to subfolder "DebianDog":
First got the ID of "DebianDog" folder by using the list option (filter with the -t switch):

Code: Select all

root@stretch:/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/01gdrive# ./drive -c ./.gdrive list -t DebianDog
Id                             Title                                      Size       Created               
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5Zm14VzRmRjlkWE0   229.6 MB   2016-01-13 09:06:47   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5SWt4ZGVXVUpmcDA   DebianDog-Installer.tar.gz                 844.2 KB   2015-12-17 18:28:06   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5a01IV1htVE1rQVk   DebianDog-Jessie-op...fce-2015-09-02.iso   206.6 MB   2015-09-03 17:53:07   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5czlubk5XaThnOHM   DebianDog-Wheezy-op...fce-2015-09-02.iso   166.7 MB   2015-09-03 17:47:12   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5bDVZdmRaT0xObTQ   DebianDog-Jessie-openbox_xfce.iso          201.3 MB   2015-05-26 21:39:45   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5Nkw5dm1iVkVZYlU   DebianDog-openbox_xfce.iso                 158.4 MB   2015-02-02 18:35:24   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5U3ZZbWhDMVNKYVU   libssl0.9.8_0.9.8o-...andog-mod_i386.deb   3.1 MB     2014-10-17 16:18:29   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5QzlMMG5pdDFFLW8   DebianDog                                  0.0 B      2014-08-10 14:08:22   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5amdfOFhnQzdObGc   Kernels-Debiandog                          0.0 B      2014-08-10 08:16:56   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5WlZhNV9nck5rU28   DebianDog-Porteus-openbox_xfce.iso         155.3 MB   2014-07-23 18:43:44   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5RXhlUXhrMzFMSFk   DebianDog-Porteus-openbox_xfce-beta.iso    152.5 MB   2014-04-15 18:49:44   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5aWdGR014TTBxbWc   gmplayer-debiandog-slitaz-stable.deb       4.4 MB     2014-01-19 22:22:53   
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5aWpzQk9nTGFYQVE   gmplayer-debiandog.deb                     3.6 MB     2014-01-19 15:06:40
Ok, the parent ID is: 0ByBgCDlZZ8K5QzlMMG5pdDFFLW8 use the -p switch for it:
Uploaded file: '/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2015-12-15.iso' (-f switch)

Code: Select all

root@stretch:/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/01gdrive# ./drive -c ./.gdrive upload -f '/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2015-12-15.iso' -p 0ByBgCDlZZ8K5QzlMMG5pdDFFLW8

# Wait...

Id: 0ByBgCDlZZ8K5Zm14VzRmRjlkWE0
Title: DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2015-12-15.iso
Size: 229.6 MB
Created: 2016-01-13 09:06:47
Modified: 2016-01-13 09:06:47
Owner: Fred Blom
Md5sum: b031f3be5f1696b61391a79ad06b4b48
Shared: True
Parents: 0ByBgCDlZZ8K5QzlMMG5pdDFFLW8
MIME Type: 
Uploaded 'DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2015-12-15.iso' at 624.0 KB/s, total 229.6 MB

# Get ID of new uploaded file
root@stretch:/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/01gdrive# ./drive -c ./.gdrive list -t DebianDog64-Jessie-openbox-2015-12-15.iso
Id                             Title                                      Size       Created               
0ByBgCDlZZ8K5Zm14VzRmRjlkWE0   229.6 MB   2016-01-13 09:06:47

# Get download url for that ID
root@stretch:/mnt/live/mnt/sda3/01gdrive# ./drive -c ./.gdrive url -i 0ByBgCDlZZ8K5Zm14VzRmRjlkWE0 -d
Hope this helps.

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