How to get Linksys WUSB11v4 card working in 2.12?

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How to get Linksys WUSB11v4 card working in 2.12?

#1 Post by RussA »

I know somewhere in this forum is the answer to this question, but the amount of info is overwhelming and I’m not sure where to go. I have a Linksys WUSB11v4, I’m running Puppy 2.12 and I have the driver files for it also. What do you think is the best way to get this adaptor working? What do I need to download or is there a link that will help a novice like me.

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#2 Post by GeoffS »

Hi RussA
I can't be very much help as I am away from home and don't have much computer access.
Do a search on 'ndiswrapper'. This is the module that will make use of the windows driver files. That should get you started.
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#3 Post by tempestuous »

Your wifi adaptor has an ALi chipset, for which there is no native Linux driver, so you must use ndiswrapper.
If your Windows driver comes in the form of an .exe file, you must first extract the contents of this .exe in Windows to obtain the .inf / .sys / .cab driver files.
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#4 Post by RussA »

Thanks for the replies, I have extracted those files were shouild I put them?
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#5 Post by GeoffS »

Hi RussA
I'm here for a moment!!
Just put them anywhere, it is not really important because you are going to have to point 'ndiswrapper' at them and tell 'ndiswrapper' to use them. Just remember where you put them :lol: .
Just enter 'ndiswrapper' into the console and it will give you a list of the possible parameters. You should be able to work out how to use it.
Keep asking, somebody will respond.
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#6 Post by RussA »

Geoff, thanks for the help. Here is what I did in console.
I copied this from console, hope you can follow.

sh-3.00# cd /mnt/hda1/Drivers/
sh-3.00# ls m4301a.sys netusb.sys vnet58l.sys vnetusbl.sys
lspmusb.inf mdusb.out netusbxp.sys vnet58lx.sys vnetusbxp.sys
lspmusb.sys PRISM9x.SYS vnetu9xl.sys winxp netusb.inf prismxp.sys vnetusba.sys WUSB11v4.inf
sh-3.00# ndiswrapper
install/manage Windows drivers for ndiswrapper

usage: ndiswrapper OPTION
-i inffile install driver described by 'inffile'
-a devid driver use installed 'driver' for 'devid'
-r driver remove 'driver'
-l list installed drivers
-m write configuration for modprobe
-ma write module alias configuration for all devices
-mi write module install configuration for all devices
-v report version information

where 'devid' is either PCIID or USBID of the form XXXX:XXXX,
as reported by 'lspci -n' or 'lsusb' for the card
sh-3.00# ndiswrapper -i WUSB11v4.inf
installing wusb11v4 ...
sh-3.00# ndiswrapper -l
installed drivers:
wusb11v4 driver installed
sh-3.00# modprobe ndiswrapper

When I check with Network Wizard it shows no active connection or drivers loaded. What do I do next?

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Maybe this way

#7 Post by bobbyok »

Hi Russ,
I had the same problem using ndiswrapper in console. You might try it this way. Go to Puppy network setup and click "load driver". Click on "load a windows driver". Direct the wizard to your drivers folder where the inf and sys files are located. Back at setup look for the wlan button and enter your network settings. Hope this helps.
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#8 Post by sailorbear2004 »

after you run the "modprobe ndiswrapper" command then run "iwconfig" and see if your connection appears.

I have a built in rt2500 wireless modem and when the network wizard does not report a wireless connection I go to the xterm window and do the modprobe ndiswrapper then iwconfig commands then I run the network wizard again and the wireless connection show up. I also added the modprobe ndiswrapper and iwconfig commands to /etc/rc.d/rc.local and now it starts when I start my machine.

I hope this helps too. I am new also to commands and such.
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#9 Post by RussA »

Thanks Bobby & Sailor, this is the result.

sh-3.00# ndiswrapper -l
installed drivers:
wusb11v4 driver installed
sh-3.00# modprobe ndiswrapper
sh-3.00# iwconfig
lo no wireless extensions.


What do I need to do next?
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#10 Post by RussA »

Sailor, cant find that button in setup.

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#11 Post by RussA »

Thanks for the help that worked well when I booted with Puppy 2.13.

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Linksys WUSB11

#12 Post by nab »

I use the Linksys WUSB11 wireless adapter in 2.13 and had no problem loading the at76_usb driver. It works wonderfully.
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