Puppy as server on VERY old pc

What works, and doesn't, for you. Be specific, and please include Puppy version.
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Puppy as server on VERY old pc

#1 Post by daemon »

The question is:
Will puppy run on such pc: Pentium 100/48mb ram/2mb video/540mb hdd/CD-Rom(52x).
I don't need GUI at all, i just want my old pc (only mb+power supply with fan turned off, without a case and without monitor) to work as http\ftp\proxy server. Can puppy run from CD with small (e.g. 100 mb) save file (i think i will have to install http\ftp\proxy) and small swap partition (e.g. 50 mb) to leave rest space for data? Or i will have to install it on hdd with such amount of ram. I can not istall more ram because there are SIMM slots.
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#2 Post by MU »


http://puptrix.org/isos/pico_pup.zip (8 MB)

No documentation available, so for advanced users only.

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#3 Post by marksouth2000 »

Barry's special edition Pupppy Onebone should work fine on that hardware, in fact with a swap partition it would probably be able to run 2.13 at a usable speed. But Onebone omits X and just has a CLI, which seems to fit the requirement rather well.
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#4 Post by Sage »

In cases like this, it is definitely a good idea to run from a full (type 2) HD installation, because you really do not want to fill that amount of memory with any more than absolutely necessary. 50Mb should suffice for swap space; I would not recommend anything above ~60Mb swap or you risk damage to the HD. v2.13 should run OK, even in X, but you might find John's MeanPup with Opera better as Seamonkey is pure bloat. Avoid The GIMP - stick with smaller apps, of which there are plenty. If Dillo would suffice, you could run LitePup or even try DSL. Just don't expect fireworks!
If you want to swap that P100 for a slightly faster one, say 120, I have a box full; a 120 should do 150 without any trouble, giving a 50% improvement in core speed. Where are you? Please amend your Profile. Send me a PM.
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#5 Post by daemon »

I am here :)
I will try to make it work today, and will post results as soon as get them.
I have puppy 2.12 with devx, kde, openoffice, etc.. running on my old laptop vithout hdd (p2-400, 192mb ram, cd) in mode 13 (boot frome live cd, rest data on usb stick).
So can i connect my 540mb hd to laptop throught usb-to-ide, and install pyppy (full hd install)? Or i will have to boot from cd on that pc? Will puppy 2.12 boot on 48mb ram?
I does not need any additional apps as dillo, seamonkey, opera, editors etc. I just need http/ftp/proxy servers, ssh server for administration (i will have no monitor attached) and, MAY BE, X for easier configuration (will be used only once,to set up).
DSL is not good idea, as it does not have an ability to save settings.
I think i will just try 2.12, an if it will not work i will search for LitePup or PicoPup.
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#6 Post by Sage »

Wow - no cooling cpu problems over there?!
Laptops can be troublesome.
You should have no difficulty booting P2.12 directly to your P100 (and use GUI for setup), with two provisos:
1. it will be rather slow
2. essential to partition swap space FIRST - can use another utility like liveCD of GPartEd or even a FD utility version of cfdisk/fdisk. [Sometimes (mostly) Puppy will find your swap space at booting, but it's a wise step to format it (mkswap /dev/hd**) in advance)].
But P2.13 might be a better choice all round as there were issues with P2.12.
Let us know.
Thanks for PM. I can send you a P120, a P200MMX (if your board is MMX compatible), or various Cyrix/IBM items running at ~133MHz, again depending what your board will take. I have a Cx PR200 which runs @ 150, but gets extremely hot; maybe you could put the box outside the window!
PS. I think there IS provision for saving settings with DSL which can also be installed to HD.
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#7 Post by daemon »

No problems. Puppy runs fine on my laptop. I even can play video with console mplayer, compiled on this CPU (Xine is VERY slow). While working fan dind't start, it will start only after 10-15 minutes of video playback. I think it is because of HARDWARE CPU termal throttling and idle (both options are active in BIOS) Only one inconvinience: Opera 9.02 is VERY slow, it takes 80mb of ram and ~20-30%CPU (and starts fan after half an hour). So i HAVE to use Konqueror (Seamonkey is VERY bad). Maybe it is bacause i use traffic compression software (toonel.net) written in java.
About p100:
My 540mb hdd cannot be detected by Puppy throught usb-ide adaptor, strange... Even 160gb hdd and Old 1x DVD-Rw can be detected..
I didn'have floppy there, so i vill have to use one of live cd's available, or use Powerques Partition magik 5 floppy burned on cd in floppy emulation mode.
(Will p100 boot from cd?)
My motherboard has Socket5, so, i think no CPU upgrade is posiible, and i simply cannot find parts for such old pc in my city.
I can send you a P120, a P200MMX (if your board is MMX compatible), or various Cyrix/IBM items running at ~133MHz, again depending what your board will take.
Did you mean sending me CPU by mail??? I think it vill be very expensive to deliver CPU from GB to Vladivostok, Russia.
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#8 Post by Sage »

Please read my PM.
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#9 Post by daemon »

have you received my pm?
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#10 Post by Sage »

Now replied twice. Offline till tomorrow - goodnight world!
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#11 Post by Auda »

Have a look at Freesco http://www.freesco.org/ it will do what you want.
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#12 Post by daemon »

I finally tested it.
Without hdd it boots and works, slow, of coource (48mb ram without swap).
When i connect hdd, it hangs up while initilising ide.
if i add ide=nodma, it hangs up while loading fuse.
i wonder, what may be happening with hdd, so that it hangs up ANY linux???
I tried dsl, redhat8, same results.

Hdd works fine in dos.
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#13 Post by Sage »

Hardware in the post as promised.
You may need to completely clean down the HD. Any debug/CLI utility will do that for you. Be sure to make AND format ext2 (better than ext3 for an older smaller system) and a small swap partition before installing Puppy. Trust us - it always works!
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#14 Post by daemon »

It didn't help.
ANY linux kernel hangs up while trying to boot with this hdd attached. I have formated it to fat16 in dos (had only dos6.22, with no fat32 support). It changed nothing.
Now i am trying to install OpenBSD. It's kernel boots ok, even enables DMA mode1 on that hdd.
Windows 98 installs, but dies after first reboot on this hdd.

without it puppy works fine on this machine, so other hardware seems ok.
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#15 Post by Sage »

May need to clear the MBR with a lower level utility?

Otherwise, the HD may be
a) going bad - try a diagnosis utility provided by the manufacturer or
b) have some strange jumper, cabling, BIOS or other settings required (there were several of these , eg from IBM and Excelestor a few years ago). Look up their detailed specifications.
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#16 Post by daemon »

So, withot ability to boot from cd in bios and such puppy is useless here :(
I have installed OpenBSD 3.8, Apache PHP, MySql, vsftpd, squd. It works good, and have 180 mb of free space. So i think it's ideal here. You can see it at http://ddaemon.hopto.org. (it's in russian).
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#17 Post by Auda »

SmartBootManager will boot from a cd even if the Bios doesnt support it http://sourceforge.net/projects/btmgr/ or here http://bonzo.orcon.net.nz/SBM/

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#18 Post by daemon »

Ok, it's good software, thank you for the link.
I will try it.
But i think i need to find other old hdd, because with this linux kernel can't start, so it will be useless...

Damned, my isp said, that "because of technical problems" there will be no internet for 5 days.... so if i will not pay for my mobile today i will disappear for few days (they will disable gprs) :( :(
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