40Gb/sec over USB is a 2016 reality

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40Gb/sec over USB is a 2016 reality

#1 Post by gcmartin »

Technology changes that are occurring in x86 world from Intel

The USB technology is changing thanks to the combined work of Apple and Intel.

This chart explains it and we can expect industry PCs and products using this 40Gbps wired technology.

Edited: Only the subject change adding "... 2016"
Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 02 Apr 2016, 17:40, edited 1 time in total.
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#2 Post by starhawk »

Here we go again...

40Gbps = Thunderbolt.
10Gbps = USB 3.1
Source = Wikipedia

gc, may I kindly suggest that you put the bottle down for a few days? :P
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#3 Post by starhawk »

Blatantly off-topic --

Here, gc, this looks like your sort of material. I haven't seen you trumpeting about it yet -- my father showed me this one.

http://www.engadget.com/2016/03/26/holo ... look-easy/

As much as it hurts my physics brain to watch that, I can't find anything anywhere that says that it's faked. That said, right now it's only being covered on the "whoa, cool tech, bro!" type sites (gizmodo, et al.) so I'd say --for now-- probably best to take that video with a bag or two of good stout rock salt ;) particularly since a good percentage of what goes on those sites is either BS or vaporware... just 'cause it glitters doesn't mean it's gold, as the saying goes...

That said, even I have to admit -- if it's real, that's pretty dang cool. It sounds like it doesn't project in mid-air the way the video shows, but rather, you have to be wearing a fancypants super expensive VR headset (I wonder if this could be adapted to Google Cardboard?) to get the effect...

The potential for some real fun comes in when you consider pulling in something like FaceRig (look it up). "Second Life" made a little more real, anyone?

Not that you need my permission (of course) but -- feel free to post a thread on that one -- although I will fact-check you, per usual. (Not that there's much to be done of that here, mostly because the material is a little, er, lacking.) This one actually has some potential, I'd say, to change things 'round in the world -- doubly so, if someone can open-source the tech (which, since it's got the M$ nameplate, probably hasn't been done yet).

#4 Post by gcmartin »

@Starhawk, unless you are trying, again to derail, I would encourage you open your own thread.

Maybe you could consider your earlier "bottle" comment while looking into the mirror.

Your or your version of fact checking will NEVER influence anything I share with the community. So if you would either kindly refrain, or consider your own threads as your means of addressing things. I think you would garner more attention that way without attempting to provide community distraction.

I do not exist for your community pleasure. If so, I'm "honored" to have such a devoted follower. :wink:

#5 Post by gcmartin »

This technology is a means for connecting things to our PUPs as time moves forward.
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#6 Post by starhawk »

I told you my source was Wikipedia. If you want to argue with their facts, go ahead, be my guest. Do not, however, insinuate that I'm lying. I was brought up better than that -- ah, but I can only speak for myself there.

As for the bottle -- personally, I'd rather be accused of being drunk than being crazy... not that I'm either one. I'm just here to make sure people aren't mislead. "First, do no harm" and all that.

You're heading down the road to another locked topic, you know that, right?

Not to mention I posted something that actually COULD change the world (at least a little) and so far you've ignored it... there's a message, there, that I'm not sure you want to be sending. Just sayin'.

#7 Post by gcmartin »

Again, your thoughts might be better appreciated in some POSITIVE thread you can create instead of your need for attention here.

Cant tell the difference between your derailing or offering help by such.

Hope that helps.
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#8 Post by starhawk »

gc... I'm going to try and teach you something here. I hope you'll listen. This comes straight from the heart.

You sound a lot like a much younger me... about sixteen or so. I still had the young-wild-eyed-idealist thing going. Oh did I ever. The iPad was a new thing back then, crowdsourcing had yet to be invented -- and I thought that little ol' me could somehow change the world with a tablet PC that ran Linux, had unbelievably great specs despite being too thin to vent heat (Atom CPUs didn't exist yet, either) and a display that still doesn't exist nearly fifteen years on (e-ink, new back then, but fast enough on the refresh to do YouTube) etc etc etc.

Needless to say it never did anything but waste time and paper on drawing up what I wanted it to look like. Even today, even with tech what it is now, most of that design is completely Star Trek grade impossible. (For the record, it was uber enough to be comparable to a 24th-Century "PADD".)

Most of your new threads have to do with technology that is similarly vaporware, or for various other reasons will never become relevant because it never had a chance to begin with. The sad hard fact of life is -- by and large, nobody cares, not because we don't want to but because we already know the truth: that tech's fate is sealed, either because of corporate greed and sticker shock, or because it'll be ten years plus before it's mass-manufacturable. It's even worse if you mislead people with a typo -- and persist in it when you're too proud to admit that you made a little goof. But that's actually beside the point.

You know what happened to me? My mother became chronically ill and I had to grow up. It was simultaneously the best and worst thing that could happen to me. I stopped being mystified and started thinking and really discovering what's out there.

Sadder now but wiser (as the cliché goes) -- I'm going to be thirty this year -- let me give you some advice.

Forget the tech. As nice as it sounds, nobody cares. 99.9% of it, at minimum, won't do a damn thing to "change the world". Change happens incrementally, not overnight while you're asleep. It's how the shit works. It just is. It's painfully slow and boring like watching paint dry on a wall -- but it's how it works.

Forget the idealism. Not only because nobody cares -- but because nobody cares about you -- with the potential exception of friends and family. Hard truth, but truth nonetheless. The world isn't a wonderful place. At best, it's a "pardon our dust" mess. At worst it's open warfare in the streets. Everybody hates how it is but it's so big that no one single person can change it for the better -- and nobody's willing to stick out their neck for their fellow brothers and sisters because they know they'll just get it cut right off.

Having been in foreclosure and poverty and all kinds of other nasty water -- at least I've not got a criminal conviction on me, thank God, but that's about it -- I can tell you that the worst two nonlethal feelings in the world are (a) not knowing if you're going to have a home tomorrow and (b) not having enough money to feed yourself and your family, in approximately that order. I hope, honestly, that you never have to feel those. I do. It's my price to pay -- my chain that I wear now -- the toll you pay going over the bridge from youth to adult. The more idealistic and hopeful you are, the higher the toll.

The hard truth is that we're not Luke Skywalker in Star Wars. Nobody is. Not one. Not going to happen. We don't get a glowing sword and magic powers just because we want to be him. We get tears and blood and frustration. I've been there and I will tell you right now that it isn't worth it. Easier to forget about it, open your umbrella, keep your head down, and move on.

Find something practical to do that you can stand. (I admit, I've not gotten there yet.) Once you've done that, find a way to make a living from it. If you're like me, the way I think you are -- find some way of helping people. Volunteer at a shelter or a soup Out house. Get some experience, then try and make a small change in your small corner of the big dark world. If you're lucky you'll last a while. If not, you'll get swatted down pretty fast, and you'll probably get something to keep you down.

Don't talk about positivity, particularly to me. The only thing in this world that's genuinely positive is the top terminal on a battery. Talking about that kumbaya shit just gets everybody else down. Lose it. It'll hurt less when life pounds you into adulthood. Trust me, I've been there.

#9 Post by gcmartin »

For those of us who can get past the derailing, here's info on the single connection replacement that may be of interest.

Here to help

P.S. @Starhawk, I am aware of your hardship. Have been for quite some time. No offence. Hope you understand. But the derailing whenever you find a post that doesn't fit well with you, must stop. If is for fun, then express it so. If its for trying to discredit members of this forum then STOP, and find your own thread where you can "better" express your technology findings which may be useful understanding to community members. Your choice; or choose to continue you path!
Last edited by gcmartin on Sat 02 Apr 2016, 18:58, edited 1 time in total.
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#10 Post by starhawk »

Fine, have it your way -- this will be my last post in this thread, at least for a while...

I feel bad for you, though. When you realize what life really is about -- man, that one's gonna sting for a long, long time. Maybe someday you'll understand that I was just trying to help you.


Regardless of reality -- hope springs eternal...

#11 Post by gcmartin »

Thanks for your understanding and letting go. The technology that is now in Linux, and will be showing up as more hardware and peripherals become available is not "my way".

I find value in understanding what is being offered in industry. I am not asking for a following; merely presented for "understanding" which is different to "agreement".

Here to help

#12 Post by april »

Geez what a dick

Optus Hauwei E3351 Prepaid USB modem

#13 Post by april »

Now so much for future stuff

I have just bought an Optus USB modem prepaid .
What a versitile and useful bit of hardware it is but probably only 1.2Mb/sec.
(32.95 KiB) Downloaded 155 times

#14 Post by gcmartin »

@April, with your new modem you may find this thread of interest.
You might have already seen it. Test feedbacks are requested on that thread.

P.S. I have been following your USB progress on your threads here... and here
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Mike Walsh
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#15 Post by Mike Walsh »

Bickering again..... :lol: :lol:

#16 Post by april »

The first and last time I used frisbee I got in an unwholy mess and had no prior experience so it threw me right off track . Maybe Ill look at this along the way sometime cheers gcmartin

#17 Post by april »

Came across this as I was looking around . Not bad for an over the air service.

http://www.zdnet.com/article/optus-huaw ... -5g-trial/
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