Panama Papers

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Panama Papers

#1 Post by labbe5 »

The hacking of Panama Papers could proved beneficial to world security, in identifying politicians, businessmen, public companies dealing with rogue countries and drug lords, and help identifying companies and individuals evading tax systems of their countries, one of the reasons european and american economies are declining.

In my opinion, very rich people never play by the rules, and tax evasion is one way to enrich themselves, not interested in giving back to communities. We see this in US, in european countries, in China, etc.

The Panama Papers could help clean up their act.
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#2 Post by LazY Puppy »

Nothing at all will change by the Panama Papers. :roll:

The Name of Vladimir Putin is NOT present in the Panama Papers, but he's mentioned everywhere and his picture is shown in almost all articles about the Panama Papers (at least here in Germany). :twisted: (the ugly German word, 'Lügenpresse' comes in mind).

If there's anything that probably may change, it's like this: the World now will know for whom better NOT to mess with!

Human's greed will never ever have an end until we're blown from the planet's surface - this of course, caused by Humans. :lol:

The Universe or GOD won't even care/worry about this...

"you only wanted to work your Puppies in German", "you are a separatist in that you want Germany to secede from Europe" (musher0) :lol:

No, but I gave my old drum kit away for free to a music store collecting instruments for refugees! :wink:
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#3 Post by Ted Dog »

Why and When this 'damage' was made known is of more interest to me. That people try to protect and grow money by keeping it out of law-making, money taking 'Governments' reach to steal it. The USA is in one of the weirdest presidential elections in my adult life.
Corruption is at a all time high and our government leaders are drowning in it. That Should have Americans really mad, but after decades of corrupt establishment leadership where the main difference is the (R) and (D). We are like, Europe, jaded and basically given up hope our leaders to protect us from high Taxes, bully like social engineering, and gross manipulations in our freedoms of Speech, Assembly and Practice of Religious life.
This comes as no surprise and indifference. :x
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#4 Post by solo »

Because our societies have historically so much relied on religion, there still remains a conviction that authority is based in morality.

This has never been true.

Authority is based on fear, and the assumption of power. Nothing else.
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#5 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Ted Dog wrote:We are like, Europe, jaded and basically given up hope our leaders to protect us from high Taxes, bully like social engineering, and gross manipulations in our freedoms of Speech, Assembly and Practice of Religious life.
Thing about "religous freedom", is that it ends up with everybody's rights being violated. That fact is that "religious freedom" is just code word for allowing christians to persecute everybody just because they want to.
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#6 Post by musher0 »

bark_bark_bark wrote:
Ted Dog wrote:We are like, Europe, jaded and basically given up hope our leaders to protect us from high Taxes, bully like social engineering, and gross manipulations in our freedoms of Speech, Assembly and Practice of Religious life.
Thing about "religous freedom", is that it ends up with everybody's rights being violated. That fact is that "religious freedom" is just code word for allowing christians to persecute everybody just because they want to.
Hello, bark_bark_bark and Ted_Dog.

I'll send both of you back to back. Generalizations serve nothing and no one.

Europe has not given up hope up on protecting our Privacy, they're even leaders
on that front now.

As I write these lines, Christians are the ones being persecuted and killed in Syria
and Nigeria by the ISIL extremists.

More nuance and balance in what you say wouldn't do you gentlemen any harm.

Best regards.
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#7 Post by bark_bark_bark »

musher0 wrote:As I write these lines, Christians are the ones being persecuted and killed in Syria
and Nigeria by the ISIL extremists.
Yes, and Christians are persecuting all the non-Christians here in the US. That sentence above reminds me how US Christians are pretty cold-blooded when complaining about being "persecuted" in the US, when they don't see (or really care) that their own kind is getting killed off in the middle east.
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#8 Post by Ted Dog »

If you as an individual write/talk/speak as if you are superior to entire group of people with a different something THAN yourself its called Bigoted. Its emotionally and mentally a personal shortsighted view of the world. You are doing that type of post again Bark_Bark_Bark. IF you are posting like a bigot and are not one then That is trolling.
Guess someone with the power to erase posts dropped my eariler one word reply... So here is a wall of text to express what that one word did.
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#9 Post by bark_bark_bark »

Ted Dog wrote:If you as an individual write/talk/speak as if you are superior to entire group of people with a different something THAN yourself its called Bigoted.
Except I'm not saying I'm superior to anybody.
Ted Dog wrote: Its emotionally and mentally a personal shortsighted view of the world. You are doing that type of post again Bark_Bark_Bark. IF you are posting like a bigot and are not one then
Except I''m not a bigot, nor am i posting like one.
Ted Dog wrote:That is trolling.
Which is something I'm not doing.
Ted Dog wrote:Guess someone with the power to erase posts dropped my eariler one word reply... So here is a wall of text to express what that one word did.
A wall of text doesn't make you right. A could make a huge wall of text explaining how the moon is actually a giant watermelon, but it wouldn't mean I'm right (obviously I would be dead wrong).
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#10 Post by Ted Dog »

@Musher0 didn't know you lived in Europe, I have and while its not current Europe seemed very untrusting of it leadership I was not just writing about protecting the population and was more general lack of hope that corruption could be removed via civil push.
USA have up till the time of the First Bush expected corruption would be dealt with within the system or via ballotbox. System broke first and ballotbox is not effective anymore. Saw that with Ron Paul years ago, anti corruption candidate effectively blocked by established political hacks. Repeat again this year on both sides. Sanders and Trump being populace choices hampered by leaders.
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#11 Post by Ted Dog »

Good reply Bark. You picked my wall of text apart well, so I will put more effort into explaining the mindset issue that comes across as bigoted when you post sometimes. No one wants to be pointed out as a bigot, that you care enough to not be seen that way is a positive.
You have intelligence that shows in your posts so the ones that express more emotional tones grinds my gears with the mental and emotional shortcuts should not come from you or anyone with your mental capacity. AS I told my student which where sure I was picking on them or holding them to a higher standard, I do not waste my time on kids that are not capable of living up to their potential.
We have different basic views of the world, but you need to express yourself and your views better. And expression of evil world view to entire groups is degradation. You state that you do think you are thinking you are superior to entire groups, but if degrade entire groups then your are doing so. Do you recognize how grouped degradation only comes if you feel your views are better.
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#12 Post by Ted Dog »

Ok sorry for the detours. There has been more 'releases' and associated groups coming out about the Panama papers, I think I will predict the who and why questions related. Here is my background thoughts, first USA elections for some reason are a worldwide consern. I never really got why the world media gets fixated on USA. But generally because of this consern outside governments and big multinational groups try to stay out of the mix.
Gas prices drop to keep middle east oil conserns down. Conflicts between Muslim and Hebrew groups drop, Trade conflicts between nations go quiet. Etc.
Realistically I first thought its to expose Trump and when I heard Soros name as part of the leak, causing the leak was my gut. However does not look like its that simple, second stories came out about a Clinton nexus to a PR group, but those two outlets have no smoking gun on Clinton either.
So who do I think it was is our law enforcement at the top levels been holding back this 'leak' now is the time to release it. Why, to raise this topic DURING an election to effect the election. Before this leak topic was not useful. And its not a leak against say a single person to effect a court case or coming charges.
That Obama came out with a live press conference shortly and quickly to address the papers, came as a surprise, especially since he said what was done was mostly legal and that there is not much to this an executive order could address.
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#13 Post by Ted Dog »

If it was the FBI or most likely NSA, or outside but strongly Allied like European law enforcement or Mosad. The anti corruption Chinese leader is under pressure internal ( could be his people ) but leaning strongly toward our law enforcement since it really kepts a finger in Latin America and the Americas to the exclusion of non hemisphere law enforcement.
If it was to trip up a candidate they have been restricted to make charges against, expect more and more such 'leaks' FBI is not stupid enough or desperate enough to leak those charges without Obama blessing. If She looks to be winning majority of agents working her case will be throwing out everything not directly related.
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#14 Post by musher0 »

@Ted Dog:

No I haven't lived in Europe.

I am referring to how the EU and countries in it brought forward laws to curtail
sharing of info on the Internet. There was this fellow who had been in jail, I think,
and Google had made his criminal record available -- or something like that.

He brought them to Court on privacy grounds and he won. The argument was
that he had served his time, so this should now be a settled -- and private -- matter.

Or maybe it was a bankruptcy case. My personal RAM is a bit fuzzy about the
event, but I'm sure you can retrace it on the internet.

The idea is that if you tell your ISP that you do NOT want your private info shared,
it shouldn't be.

Such protection of privacy is unheard of in Canada.

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#15 Post by musher0 »

bark_bark_bark wrote:
musher0 wrote:As I write these lines, Christians are the ones being persecuted and killed in Syria
and Nigeria by the ISIL extremists.
Yes, and Christians are persecuting all the non-Christians here in the US. That sentence above reminds me how US Christians are pretty cold-blooded when complaining about being "persecuted" in the US, when they don't see (or really care) that their own kind is getting killed off in the middle east.
Hi bark_bark_bark.

Yeah, I heard about that type of reaction from some Americans. Viewed from up
North, it looks as though public opinion in the US can be swayed pretty easily.

But we have it too: e.g., this week, a long-serving and seemingly loyal minister of
our provincial gov't is being bashed in the media and in the public on hear-say and
maybe's only. No proof at this point, but he's being "lynched" in the media.

Bark_bark_bark, don't ask human nature to be logical? Humans can create
beautiful works of art that define "civilization", and then turn around and show the
ugliest and bloodiest side of their character.

Christians have the "offer the other cheek" philosophy, but Catholics massacred
10,000 Protestants from August till September 1572 in France. Etc., etc. In the
20th Century alone: Armenians, Jews, Rwandans, to name but those...

I don't know what to tell you. Focus on the brighter side of humanity? Try to stick
with people who really love equity and justice? The human race has those too.

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#16 Post by Ted Dog »

It on being reported on finally, the problems with Christian being targets in middle east and elsewhere is not NEW nor fit the manipulation of US population which is still a majority Christian.
My family tree comes from France ( namesake of Lyons ) included Jewish and Christian living in harmony, we have Catholic Saints, Jewish Rabbi leadership and one famous Muslim ( can't tell where he was at the end but he died in Egypt and Muslims claim him as one of theirs )

#17 Post by gcmartin »

The Panama Paper has been reference as being 1500 times greater that the Wikileaks that got Julian in hot water to this day.

I am sure that in the Papers, we will see that the person who leaked those, too, will see similar persecution, or will be caught, tried if not killed, first.

The Panama Papers puts faces on the secret investments. The most interesting fact that surfaced this week in that what is done is actually legal under Maritime Law. Those laws extend outside of the border of every country on the planet. And, they allow those who operate financially as such a safe haven in the heaven above all the rest of us who only have access to what our countries allow common people. Thus, they are given the luxury to operate like Gods.

But, the most important part of this is the naming of names. It is going to be interesting to see if the PRESS will actually publish those names versus giving us Corporation names which can change in an instance of filing in any country in the world.

Maritime Law should be the law of the world eliminating individual government laws. But that means One World Government, which, by the way, is what Heaven in the afterlife is. Barring that extreme step, the next best thing would be to abolish Maritime Law, capture its riches, and distribute its vast wealth to all the countries of the world.

But, none of what I mention will occur. They will sit on it until we forget and continue as they have for centuries.

Its a very good Public leak, but, no one of us will see much in improvement. They will just go on hiding behind the cloak that Maritime Law provides them from us.

I can only hope that some of us know where to place efforts if you want to see the common people of the world impact necessary change.

THEY, the Maritimers, know we are sheep who will NOT follow other sheep. We are to be herded. I only wish I am wrong! But 10000 years of mankind building on the increasing Greed factor we see, must be stopped in favor of a new, balance, consistent humanitarian advancement. Yet, with power comes more greed, not less. Each time one greedy member is eliminated, another rises to take more spoils.

We need an awakening where people understand the problem, and can then attack it at its source. The source: "Caste and Greed" :!:
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#18 Post by Geoffrey »

[b]Carolina:[/b] [url=]Recent Repository Additions[/url]
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#19 Post by musher0 »

Indeed, why work when you can plunder? :twisted:
I'm in the wrong profession! :lol:
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#20 Post by Ted Dog »

Its the Back Swan event. How and who it will effect no body knows but the only USA presidental canidate it could help is Sanders. If its as large as prior post say then it would require support of and help from a Nation State level intelligence, thinking Russia now in the mix.
Oh no SATX base is now under lockdown acrive shooter...
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