Quirky Xerus 8.6 (Aug. 16), Beaver 8.7.1 (Sept. 21), 2018

Please post any bugs you have found
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#81 Post by Sage »

Quirky Xerus 7.90 (8.0beta)
Not wishing to appear greedy nor churlish, but a 'final' which fits on a CD-RW would still be invaluable in 32bit format for working with land-fill rescued machines. Perhaps one of the gurus circling the fold could take on the task?
Otherwise, working well on older 754 & 939 machines, except with VX5450/512 HDMI card, yes, even with v.11 FP/BBC. Default video setting 1600x??? bit too high for older HW and older users...
Not able to release UEFI kit for testing at present.
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Quirky Xerus 7.90 (8.0beta)

#82 Post by Billtoo »

I booted the dvd from a usb optical drive on my hp mini Stream 200-009, it has 2gb ram,
Windows 10 on the 32gb SSD.
EFI wouldn't boot but legacy did, I don't want to mess with secure boot
in case I make a mistake and screw things up so nothing will boot,

I ran the installer and it seemed to be working well but froze the
computer during the process, not enought ram maybe.

So, I moved my other 32gb usb-3.0 flash drive from the Acer laptop and
booted that, the boot screen shows legacy devices and efi devices, I
chose efi and it booted fine.

Hope this is helpful.
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T2 update?

#83 Post by gcav »

Hi Barry, is this being updated on your T2?

Rodney Byne
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#84 Post by Rodney Byne »

Hi Barry K,

I installed Xerus iso successfully to USB flashdrive copy/pasting
the dd command from your blog.
Xerus ran normally with the settings adjusted for my needs.

But after all that work time spent, the big surprise came at closedown,
when I realised there are only two location options available
for the savefile - dvd or pc harddrive.

For me neither of these is relevant, so as in all previous puppies,
why is there no gui facility to save back to the USB stick?
Can this omission be rectified in any future update release please?

Best regards.

Initial report ... an issue

#85 Post by gcmartin »

Downloaded ISO, Checksum matches, Burn DVD via pBurn, and booted "LIVE" to non-UEFI X2 desktop. (I do not have a UEFI PC at this time for testing). At session end, I noticed that Live does NOT offer a save at shutdown. Maybe an option should display on Live-boot if a save-session should be selected from the desktop or ... (every puppy user is NOT going to pre-read the Xerus blog directions before shutdown attempted and their session's configurations is lost)

Note: Traditionally wired ethernet is/should be discovered upon boot going to desktop. This ISO is not. Might that be reconsidered for home wired LANs to avoid new user confusion. My home LAN as with other home LANs are secure. Assume yours is also.

My system pristine boot info below. Please do not overlook the info in each image's "Description".
No IP. Thus the FirstRUN checkbox for Internet date-time WILL NOT WORK.
(189.8 KiB) Downloaded 2304 times
After FirstRUN completes.
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Re: T2 update? Not April...

#86 Post by gcav »

Just realized this is Debian based not T2.... sorry... move along...
gcav wrote:Hi Barry, is this being updated on your T2?

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Quirky Xerus 7.90 (8.0beta)

#87 Post by Billtoo »

Sound is not supported on my hp mini Stream ootb.
I've connected a powered usb hub and have a usb sound card plugged into
that, so I now have sound, on youtube at least. :)

Edit: I have sound when playing a movie dvd from the usb optical drive in xine as well.
One problem is when I plug another drive in it overwrites the other drive icon above the panel.
sr0 covered sdb2 until I moved it.
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Re: Savefile

#88 Post by BarryK »

Rodney Byne wrote:Hi Barry K,

I installed Xerus iso successfully to USB flashdrive copy/pasting
the dd command from your blog.
Xerus ran normally with the settings adjusted for my needs.

But after all that work time spent, the big surprise came at closedown,
when I realised there are only two location options available
for the savefile - dvd or pc harddrive.

For me neither of these is relevant, so as in all previous puppies,
why is there no gui facility to save back to the USB stick?
Can this omission be rectified in any future update release please?

Best regards.
it is not an omission. You wrote an ISO file to the USB stick and booted from that. It is not a USB installation.

You have to run the Installer and install to a USB stick.

Also, as I mentioned, this ISO is specifically for testing UEFI booting, and the Quirky Installer (and save icon) might not be working quite right -- as Quirky has never before been booted from an ISO written to a USB-stick.
Last edited by BarryK on Mon 18 Apr 2016, 21:48, edited 1 time in total.
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#89 Post by BarryK »

"Back to the drawing board"

The ISO will not boot on a UEFI machine, from optical drive. Only in Legacy Mode.

It will boot on a UEFI machine if the ISO is dd'ed to a USB stick and booted from that.

I am now able to test booting from an optical drive on UEFI-firmware machine.
When I boot my Asus baby laptop cold, the external drive is not recognised. However, if I start Windows, then do a restart, the "warm reboot" allows the UEFI-firmware to recognise the external optical drive.

My disc would not boot. Lubuntu did.

So, I need to delve back in to it...
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#90 Post by James C »

Attempted the live cd on the hexa-core (UEFI w/secure boot toggled off) but got nothing but a blank monitor. No text,no prompt,so moved to an old box I happened to be playing with.

Booted with everything working except internet,SNS made quick work of that.

Code: Select all

# inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: puppypc9346 Kernel: 4.4.7 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.3.1)
           Desktop: JWM git-976 dm: N/A Distro: Quirky 7.90 xerus64
Machine:   Mobo: ASUSTeK model: A8V-MQ v: Rev 1.xx serial: MB-1234567890
           Bios: American Megatrends v: 0210 date: 03/31/2006
CPU:       Single core AMD Athlon 64 3800+ (-UP-) cache: 512 KB
           flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3) bmips: 4801 speed: 2400 MHz (max)
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000]
           bus-ID: 05:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0185
           Display Server: X.org 1.18.3 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: vesa)
           tty size: 80x25 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller
           driver: snd_via82xx port: e400 bus-ID: 00:11.5 chip-ID: 1106:3059
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.7
Network:   Card: VIA VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II]
           driver: via-rhine port: e800 bus-ID: 00:12.0 chip-ID: 1106:3065
           IF: eth0 state: unknown speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full
           mac: 00:15:f2:3d:a8:d4
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (1.6% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: WDC_WD2500AAKX size: 250.1GB serial: N/A
Partition: ID-1: swap-1 size: 4.19GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda3
RAID:      System: supported: raid0
           No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 110 Uptime: 11 min Memory: 213.2/2008.2MB
           Init: SysVinit v: N/A runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: N/A
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.01 running in urxvt) inxi: 2.2.35 

Code: Select all

# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2056364     885548    1170816     346556      76168     597472
-/+ buffers/cache:     211908    1844456
Swap:      4095996          0    4095996
Will try again later on the UEFI box.
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#91 Post by BarryK »

James C wrote:Attempted the live cd on the hexa-core (UEFI w/secure boot toggled off) but got nothing but a blank monitor. No text,no prompt,so moved to an old box I happened to be playing with.
That's right. UEFI-firmware recognises the ISO, but choosing it, only gives a blank screen.

Don't bother to do any more UEFI booting testing, it does not work. See my previous post.
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#92 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

I did not realize Toronto was part of America. So is Vancouver apparently. Who would think to look for those places under "America"? Actually this is a great idea, the United States has been calling themselves "America" for too long, cheers to guys at glibc for flipping the "United State-ians" the bird! :lol:
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#93 Post by slavvo67 »

DD'd the 32gb img file onto my trusty PNY brand 32gb USB 3.0. Ran it on my new HP Stream Laptop. A few quick notes:

Having trouble getting the internal wifi to work. Luckily, I have 2 USB ports, so the good 'ol Netgear N-150 wifi usb stick works perfectly. This little baby works on every Puppy so for now, that's my wifi option.

It did take a while to "dd" onto the USB so patience is important. Have both UEFI and non-UEFI?(old) boot options. So far, I only used UEFI and it works nicely.

Successfully installed: Libre Office4.4, Mplayer, HandBrakeCLI, Unrtf, PDFTK and after a bit of work, got Imagemagick working. I had to add quite a few libs for that one but she's working great! Added Right Click tools which are also working nicely.

Now, I am only missing some of my old 32bit standbys like Zaxxon, for example.

There's a lot to like about Xerus. - Thanks Barry!!

Some spec:

Pup-SysInfo Hardware Report (Summary), Mon 18 Apr 2016

Current Time: 19:32:20
System Uptime: 40 min
Load Average: 0.23 0.38 0.40

====> BASE SYSTEM <====

PC Manufacturer: HP
Product Name: HP Stream Notebook

Motherboard Vendor: HP
Product Name: 815E

BIOS Vendor: Insyde
Version: F.12
Release Date: 01/05/2016

Intel(R) Celeron(R) CPU N3050 @ 1.60GHz
Max Speed: 1660 MHz
Current Speed of Core 0:640 MHz, 1:1601 MHz
Core Count: 2
Thread Count: 2

Frequency governor : ondemand
Freq. scaling driver : acpi-cpufreq

Core 0 (coretemp) : +44.0 C (high = +90.0 C, crit = +90.0 C)
Core 2 (coretemp) : +46.0 C (high = +90.0 C, crit = +90.0 C)

Memory Allocation:
Total RAM: 1865 MB
Used RAM: 514 MB
Free RAM: 1351 MB
Buffers: 0 MB
Cached: 324 MB
Total Swap: 0 MB
Free Swap: 0 MB

Actual Used RAM: 190 MB Used - (buffers + cached)
Actual Free RAM: 1675 MB Free + (buffers + cached)

Linux Kernel: 4.4.7 (x86_64)
Kernel Version: #1 SMP Wed Apr 13 08:43:11 GMT-8 2016

Distro: Quirky Xerus64 7.90
Window Manager: JWM vgit-976
Desktop Start: xwin jwm

Bash: 4.3.0
Geany: 1.24.1
Gtkdialog: 0.8.4
Perl: 5.22.1
Python: 2.7.11+
Yad: 0.27.0
busybox: 1.24.1
dhcpcd: 6.6.2
Glibc: 2.23
OpenSSL: 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016, built on: reproducible build, date unspecified
wpa_supplicant: 2.4

Username: root
Language: en_US.UTF-8
Keyboard: us
Timezone: Etc/GMT-8

Firewall: On (ip_tables active)
Network Interface: wlan0
Wireless Network: Peach1
Bit Rate=52 Mb/s Tx-Power=20 dBm
Link Quality=56/70 Signal=-54 dBm
Wireless strength: 80%
Session Data: Received 5.3 MB, Sent 471.0 KB
Monthly Data: Received 408 MB, Sent 25 MB

Hostname: puppypc31186
Network IP Address:
Domain Name Server (DNS):
Hardware Address (MAC): A0:63:91:01:6B:18

Boot File System: f2fs


====> BATTERY (BAT0) <====

Complete Report:
Manufacture Date ManufDate
Name PO02037
design capacity 4896 mAh
last full capacity 4896 mAh
design voltage 7600 mV
design capacity warning 394 mAh
design capacity low 149 mAh
capacity granularity 1 10 mAh
capacity granularity 2 25 mAh
capacity state ok
charging state discharging
present rate 785 mA
remaining capacity 4384 mAh
present voltage 8308 mV

Capacity Summary:
Remaining capacity: 4384 mAh, 89.5% of last full capacity
Design capacity: 4896 mAh
Last full capacity: 4896 mAh, 100.0% of design capacity
Capacity loss: 0%

====> DISPLAY <====

Display Specifications:
+ Monitor VertRefresh: 60.00 times/s
+ Screen Dimensions: 1366x768 pixels (361x203 millimeters)
+ Screen Depth: 24 bits (planes)

Xorg Startup Log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log):
+ Xorg Driver in use: intel
+ Loaded Modules: dbe dri2 extmod glx kbd mouse present synaptics
+ X.Org version: 1.18.3

OpenGL 2D/3D Rendering:
+ Direct Rendering: Yes
+ Vendor: Intel Open Source Technology Center
+ Renderer: Mesa DRI Intel(R) HD Graphics (Cherryview)
+ Version: 3.0 Mesa 11.2.0

VGA compatible controller:
+ Intel Corporation Device 22b1 (rev 21)

====> MULTIMEDIA <====

Audio device [0403]: Intel Corporation Device [8086:2284] (rev 21)

====> NETWORK <====

Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n [14e4:4365] (rev 01)

====> INPUT DEVICES <====

AT Translated Set 2 keyboard
HDA Digital PCBeep
HDA Intel PCH HDMI/DP,pcm=3
HDA Intel PCH Headphone
HDA Intel PCH Mic
HP Truevision HD
HP Wireless hotkeys
HP WMI hotkeys
Lid Switch
PC Speaker
Power Button
SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad
Video Bus

====> PCI DEVICES <====

Host bridge
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2280 Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=iosf_mbi_pci
+ Kernel Module=iosf_mbi

VGA compatible controller
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=22b1 Rev=21
IntelR HD Graphics
+ Kernel Driver=i915
+ Kernel Module=i915

Signal processing controller
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=22dc Rev=21

USB controller
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=22b5 Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=xhci_hcd

Encryption controller
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2298 Rev=21

Audio device
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2284 Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=snd_hda_intel
+ Kernel Module=snd_hda_intel

PCI bridge
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=22c8 Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=pcieport
+ Kernel Module=shpchp

PCI bridge
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=22ce Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=pcieport
+ Kernel Module=shpchp

ISA bridge
+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=229c Rev=21
+ Kernel Driver=lpc_ich
+ Kernel Module=lpc_ich

+ Intel Corporation Device
+ VendorID=8086 DeviceID=2292 Rev=21
+ Kernel Module=i2c_i801

Unassigned class
+ Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTS5229 PCI Express Card Reader
+ VendorID=10ec DeviceID=5229 Rev=01
+ Kernel Driver=rtsx_pci
+ Kernel Module=rtsx_pci

Network controller
+ Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n
+ VendorID=14e4 DeviceID=4365 Rev=01
Broadcom WLAN Broadcom Nami 43142 bgn 1x1 + BT 4 LE PCIe+USB NGFF 1630 MOW
+ Kernel Driver=bcma-pci-bridge
+ Kernel Module=bcma

====> PRINTERS <====

DefaultPrinter CUPS-PDF

====> SCSI DEVICES <====

PNY USB 3.0 FD Rev: 1.00


sda: 32.0GB- mmcblk0rpmb: 4194kB
mmcblk0boot0: 4194kB- mmcblk0boot1: 4194kB
MMC BGND3R (sd/mmc)- mmcblk0: 31.3GB
SD SU08G (sd/mmc)- mmcblk1: 7948MB

mmcblk0p1 vfat 260MB
mmcblk0p3 ntfs 28.2GB
mmcblk0p4 ntfs 681MB
mmcblk1p1 vfat 7.4GB
sda1 vfat 512MB
sda2 f2fs 26.9GB


Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2 27G 3.3G 24G 13% /

====> USB DEVICES <====

VendorID=1d6b ProductID=0002 Rev=04.04
Manufacturer=Linux 4.4.7 xhci-hcd
Product=xHCI Host Controller

VendorID=0846 ProductID=9030 Rev=01.08
Manufacturer=NETGEAR WNA

VendorID=154b ProductID=0095 Rev=10.75
Manufacturer=PNY Technologies
Product=USB 3.0 FD

VendorID=05c8 ProductID=0379 Rev=01.03
Manufacturer=Sonix Technology Co., Ltd.
Product=HP Truevision HD

VendorID=0a5c ProductID=216d Rev=01.12
Manufacturer=Broadcom Corp

VendorID=1d6b ProductID=0003 Rev=04.04
Manufacturer=Linux 4.4.7 xhci-hcd
Product=xHCI Host Controller


Bus 002 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0003 Linux Foundation 3.0 root hub
Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0a5c:216d Broadcom Corp.
Bus 001 Device 004: ID 05c8:0379 Cheng Uei Precision Industry Co., Ltd (Foxlink)
Bus 001 Device 003: ID 154b:0095 PNY
Bus 001 Device 002: ID 0846:9030 NetGear, Inc. WNA1100 Wireless-N 150 [Atheros AR9271]
Bus 001 Device 001: ID 1d6b:0002 Linux Foundation 2.0 root hub


This report is also available in
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#94 Post by Billtoo »

slavvo67 wrote:
Having trouble getting the internal wifi to work. Luckily, I have 2 USB ports, so the good 'ol Netgear N-150 wifi usb stick works perfectly. This little baby works on every Puppy so for now, that's my wifi option.
My HP mini Stream has the same wireless adapter as yours
Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43142 802.11b/g/n (rev 01)

There is a driver available in X-Slacko-4.0 that works.
Here's a link to the X-Slacko-4.0 thread with the info:
The last few messages on that page, the driver only works in X-Slacko-4.0 and I guess with tahrpup that has the same kernel.

http://murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic. ... &start=975
Last edited by Billtoo on Tue 19 Apr 2016, 01:46, edited 1 time in total.
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#95 Post by James C »

James C wrote:Attempted the live cd on the hexa-core (UEFI w/secure boot toggled off) but got nothing but a blank monitor. No text,no prompt,so moved to an old box I happened to be playing with.

Booted with everything working except internet,SNS made quick work of that.

Code: Select all

# inxi -Fxx
System:    Host: puppypc9346 Kernel: 4.4.7 x86_64 (64 bit gcc: 5.3.1)
           Desktop: JWM git-976 dm: N/A Distro: Quirky 7.90 xerus64
Machine:   Mobo: ASUSTeK model: A8V-MQ v: Rev 1.xx serial: MB-1234567890
           Bios: American Megatrends v: 0210 date: 03/31/2006
CPU:       Single core AMD Athlon 64 3800+ (-UP-) cache: 512 KB
           flags: (lm nx sse sse2 sse3) bmips: 4801 speed: 2400 MHz (max)
Graphics:  Card: NVIDIA NV18 [GeForce4 MX 4000]
           bus-ID: 05:00.0 chip-ID: 10de:0185
           Display Server: X.org 1.18.3 drivers: nouveau (unloaded: vesa)
           tty size: 80x25 Advanced Data: N/A for root
Audio:     Card VIA VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller
           driver: snd_via82xx port: e400 bus-ID: 00:11.5 chip-ID: 1106:3059
           Sound: Advanced Linux Sound Architecture v: k4.4.7
Network:   Card: VIA VT6102/VT6103 [Rhine-II]
           driver: via-rhine port: e800 bus-ID: 00:12.0 chip-ID: 1106:3065
           IF: eth0 state: unknown speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full
           mac: 00:15:f2:3d:a8:d4
Drives:    HDD Total Size: 250.1GB (1.6% used)
           ID-1: /dev/sda model: WDC_WD2500AAKX size: 250.1GB serial: N/A
Partition: ID-1: swap-1 size: 4.19GB used: 0.00GB (0%) fs: swap dev: /dev/sda3
RAID:      System: supported: raid0
           No RAID devices: /proc/mdstat, md_mod kernel module present
           Unused Devices: none
Sensors:   None detected - is lm-sensors installed and configured?
Info:      Processes: 110 Uptime: 11 min Memory: 213.2/2008.2MB
           Init: SysVinit v: N/A runlevel: 5 Gcc sys: N/A
           Client: Shell (bash 4.3.01 running in urxvt) inxi: 2.2.35 

Code: Select all

# free
             total       used       free     shared    buffers     cached
Mem:       2056364     885548    1170816     346556      76168     597472
-/+ buffers/cache:     211908    1844456
Swap:      4095996          0    4095996
Will try again later on the UEFI box.
Saved initial session to an Ext4 partition on the internal hdd. On reboot,the saved internet config failed to connect ,deleted saved config, ran SNS again and it's working again.

Otherwise,everything else appears to have been saved correctly.

Both video and audio working on Youtube ootb.

EDIT: fixed typo.
Last edited by James C on Wed 20 Apr 2016, 05:33, edited 1 time in total.
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#96 Post by BarryK »

Yay, Gummiboot works!

I compiled gummiboot, see here:

I plugged gummiboot into my live-cd build script in woofQ, and burnt a DVD.

On my UEFI machine, it boots. Or rather, I get a menu, but then it can't find vmlinuz -- that's coz I got the path wrong, will fix that.

I have to try the iso dd'ed to a flash drive. if that works, we're cookin' with gas :D

jamesbond, thanks for reminding me about gummiboot. Never tried it before, it sure is simple. Pity about systemd.
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#97 Post by BarryK »

Yippee, Gummiboot works!

On my UEFI laptop, boots the ISO from optical media and from USB.

Looks like I'm on track to release Quirky 8.0 about the same day that Ubuntu releases 16.04.
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#98 Post by Sage »

.. if I start Windows, then do a restart, the "warm reboot" allows the UEFI-firmware to recognise the external optical drive..
All those ,000s of Redmond guys earning $$$m can be outwitted by one clever fellow who really knows what he's doing. Help - can't stop laughing. Misguided $-besotted coders in the country with no name! Watch out for Mt. St. Helen's - next time it might spill over onto Hanford, even Redmond...

#99 Post by gcmartin »

Barry, you may want to update to latest version: additional work done addressing "Badlock".

SAMBA security concern addressed

V4.4.2 available. You might want this in for Puppy Xerus
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#100 Post by BarryK »

gcmartin wrote:Barry, you may want to update to latest version: additional work done addressing "Badlock".

SAMBA security concern addressed

V4.4.2 available. You might want this in for Puppy Xerus
I am using Samba DEBs from Ubuntu. If they apply security fixes, then I will have them too.
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