Slacko 6.3.0 (32 bit)

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#201 Post by redandwhitestripes »

I did eventually go back to tharpup. Even that proved harder than usual under slacko, as the puppy installer would only install the slacko sfs to a flash drive (unless I made a mistake again) so I had to use another laptop with tahr installed.

I'm grateful for the chance to use slacko but for me, I found several disadvantages and no advantages compared to Lucid, Precise or Tahr.

#202 Post by jlst »

I had no problems with Slacko, and I found it to be friendlier for older hardware. Although basically the same issues apply in all Puppies.

The only thing that might get in the way is the second tray for jwm?

tahrpup has more enhancements and bugfixes that should be in woof? I guess so.

I like it better than tahrpup, though.
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Codeblocks on slacko

#203 Post by gyro »

Since there seems to be no codeblocks in the slackware repository, I have compiled codeblocks 16.01 on slacko 6.3.0.
It can be downloaded from ... It's about 6.5 MiB in size.
This pet depends on wxGTK being installed from the slackware repository using Puppy Package Manager.

Note on wxwidgets:
The version of wxwidgets in wxGTK is 2.8.12, this is old, but it is ideal for a reliable codeblocks, it is not recommended for developing new wxwidgets based programs.
If you want to get serious about creating wxwidgets applications, I recommend that you research the wxwidgets web site so you can download wxwidgets 3.0.2 source, compile and install it.
If you do this, do NOT uninstall wxGTK, otherwise codeblocks will not run. And recompiling codeblocks to use wxwidgets 3.0.2 is not recommended, it produces an unstable codeblocks.

Edit: Re-uploaded it. Removed some unneeded stuff.

Last edited by gyro on Wed 02 Mar 2016, 21:02, edited 1 time in total.

#204 Post by stemsee »

I don't know if anyone has posted about it, but Nathan Wallpaper trips up because of 'Stardust dark.svg' & 'Stardust bright.svg' Nathan Wallpaper Setter gets four errors because of the spaces: in slidshow mode.
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wifi ok

#205 Post by pri »

test wifi seem ok. need sharing with android phone.

sony vaio pcg. 71318l 64bit windows 7 home edition.

next jump to slacko 64bit.
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How to update Chrome to the latest version? (rel 49)

#206 Post by harrisnyc »

Hi all,

Please forgive me if I seem like a bit of a noob, but I love Slacko64 6.3 so far, and I really want to make it work for me.

Here's my issue:
- In PPM, the only version of Chrome I see is 46. Yes, I've updated the PPM database.
- The latest version of Chrome is 49. In fact when running 46, the Gmail webpage tells me that this version of Chrome is no longer supported.
- I installed 49 from the Chrome website (both the .deb and the .rpm versions, as I really wasn't sure which one to use, which is a separate noob issue of mine) but when running it, it tells me that it cannot run under the root user.

Any ideas? Thanks very much in advance.

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Re: How to update Chrome to the latest version? (rel 49)

#207 Post by harrisnyc »

harrisnyc wrote:Hi all,

Please forgive me if I seem like a bit of a noob, but I love Slacko64 6.3 so far, and I really want to make it work for me.

Here's my issue:
- In PPM, the only version of Chrome I see is 46. Yes, I've updated the PPM database.
- The latest version of Chrome is 49. In fact when running 46, the Gmail webpage tells me that this version of Chrome is no longer supported.
- I installed 49 from the Chrome website (both the .deb and the .rpm versions, as I really wasn't sure which one to use, which is a separate noob issue of mine) but when running it, it tells me that it cannot run under the root user.

Any ideas? Thanks very much in advance.

Sorry, I realize this belongs in the 64-bit thread! I'll recreate it there.

exaile downloaded from Salix PPM does not start.

#208 Post by Pelo »

Slacko 6.3.0 (32 bit) exaile downloaded from Salix PPM does not start.
What applications are really available from PPM, that is the question..
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#209 Post by Médor »

Hi Pelo,

Did you check and install all dependencies :?:
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su spot !

#210 Post by Pelo »

All dependencies have been kept toggled.
Cannot be run as root :evil: su spot ! is the first bug resolved
Python would'nt be at the right place
Slacko is not responsible of bugs in Exaile. Slacko is responsible not to help its users, for applications. Unless Medor came
Tempestuous and Philb666, Vicmz are responsive guys too. .
BK always took time to answers questions,
Tempestous said in the past that it's better to choose older versions , because no prohibition done to root.
Exaile prevents our developers to get pleasure, but users never asked for that 8)

I'm posting from Slacko,

#211 Post by Pelo »

." As it happens I'm posting from Slacko, which may be obsolete but is still a good all-round workhorse IMO." El amigo colonel panic
A puppy is never obsolete as it is needed to run computers still active in our houses. Puppies for replacing millions of XP are now the most needed..

A Puppy could be useless in the contrary if it's released to run technologies that only one or two users need (3D, bluetooth)
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#212 Post by cypher51 »


Installed Slacko 6.3.0 using the LICK boot-loader on a eee pc 1100 and it works just great. Being that this 'puter refuses to boot from a usb key this is a great alternative to make a Win 7 machine actually usable. I did use the Slacko 5.7 .exe file for a while, but this is a little more up to date.

Thanks for Slacko 6.3.0 32 bit and all your hard work that goes into a project such as this.
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Mike Walsh
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#213 Post by Mike Walsh »

Well, now.....

This is my fourth attempt in as many months to install Slacko 6.3.0 as a frugal to a USB stick.

Every time I try, it installs fine. it'll run fine. But as soon as I install any packages from either PPM or pets or SFS files, the system slows down to a crawl. On shut down, it takes far longer than even a USB install should to save to the save-folder; as often as not, it 'saves' to the save-folder for ever, never reaching power off.....and when I try to re-boot, it refuses to see the save-folder, or indeed any of the system SFS files.

'#Dropping out to initial ramdisk console.....'

I have to use a USB stick, as I have no more room on the HDD for extra Pups, and no wish to delete what I do have on here. I have an external USB HDD, yes.....but you can't boot from it, as it runs off a USB 3.0 adapter card in my solitary PCI-e slot; and that doesn't support booting.

I've installed Pups to USB many times before, without a hint of a problem. With 630, I'm having to shut the system down with a hard power-off.....which, naturally, is corrupting the file system. I've never had to do this before with any of my Pups; and when the drive is examined, it invariably insists that gParted cannot read the file-system, and I keep getting the 'Libparted bug' window come up (the instant I power-off the drive). Then, of course, gParted starts normally, and says (naturally enough) that it can't find the specified drive.....

Both Phil's Tahrpup 6.05 and Tahr64 6.05 run like a dream on here. So does 570. So, too, do Precise 571, ETP's 'Chromepup', and X-Slacko 2.3.2. (That lot ought to be enough to keep anyone busy, eh?)

I give up with it. Can't say I haven't tried! Mick's obviously put a lot of hard work into this, and by all accounts, it's working great for most people. I'm going to hazard a guess that this might be due to newer kernels, and losing support for older hardware. That was, after all, what drove me to Puppy from Ubuntu; the never-ending updates, and the increasingly newer kernels, almost every week. I guessed it would even happen here in Puppyland, eventually; it looks like it's finally begun. (*sigh*)

I'm just happy there's so many other Pups to choose from that do work so well with this elderly hardware..!

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USB flash drive install

#214 Post by sheldonisaac »

Mike Walsh (in part) wrote:This is my fourth attempt in as many months to install Slacko 6.3.0 as a frugal to a USB stick.

Every time I try, it installs fine. it'll run fine. But as soon as I install any packages from either PPM or pets or SFS files, the system slows down to a crawl. On shut down, it takes far longer than even a USB install should to save to the save-folder; as often as not, it 'saves' to the save-folder for ever, never reaching power off.....and when I try to re-boot, it refuses to see the save-folder, or indeed any of the system SFS files.
Mike, I'm an old non-expert. Maybe someone can figure it out.

I formatted a USB ext4, and copied onto it files from an existing frugal hard drive installation. Set boot flag, did grub4dosconfig, and booted. Rebooted, did save folder.

Installed pmusic 5.01, and ran that program,


Seemed OK. pmusic is still there, works.

Anyone, let me know what further tests to do.

Thanks, Sheldon

The USB stick is about 500MB.
The computer is the Dell E6410 laptop.
Dell E6410: BusterPup, BionicPup64, Xenial, etc
Intel DQ35JOE, Dell Vostro 430
Dell Inspiron, Acer Aspire One, EeePC 1018P
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Mike Walsh
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#215 Post by Mike Walsh »

Hi, Sheldon.

My problem is the old one that has reared its head quite a bit in the last year to 18 months. Apparently there's been quite a number of folks having the issue where the machine, upon boot, simply doesn't 'see' the Puppy files.....and of course, it won't boot.

But when this issue occurs, invariably the drive is 'fried', so to put can't do anything with it; gParted doesn't detect it; none of the normal file-system tools will so much as admit it's even attached to the system..!

When this happens, there's a 'dd' routine I have to run to totally 'zero-blank' the drive, and remove absolutely everything from it. Then it needs the MBR and everything setting up again. Bluntly, it's a pain in the a***..!

I'm starting to think some of the trouble can be attached to the SanDisk Cruzer 'Blade' USB sticks I use. They're known for having problems.....but they're cheap, and easily available. And my income doesn't allow of purchasing top-end sticks..... :(

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#216 Post by Sailor Enceladus »

Mike Walsh wrote:Both Phil's Tahrpup 6.05 and Tahr64 6.05 run like a dream on here. So does 570. So, too, do Precise 571, ETP's 'Chromepup', and X-Slacko 2.3.2. (That lot ought to be enough to keep anyone busy, eh?)

I give up with it. Can't say I haven't tried! Mick's obviously put a lot of hard work into this, and by all accounts, it's working great for most people. I'm going to hazard a guess that this might be due to newer kernels, and losing support for older hardware. That was, after all, what drove me to Puppy from Ubuntu; the never-ending updates, and the increasingly newer kernels, almost every week. I guessed it would even happen here in Puppyland, eventually; it looks like it's finally begun. (*sigh*)
Hi Mike,

Tahrpup 6.0.5 (32 and 64) and Slacko 6.3 (32) use pretty much the same kernel, 3.14.54/55/56, for reference. I would try to put it on the HDD, even if you have to delete something else, just to eliminate the SanDisk USB as the issue. I wonder if Slacko 6.3 needs more RAM than the others? Would be interesting to watch Htop as you're loading pets and sfs files to see what is happening. I have a 1GB RAM machine, it sometimes gets slow if I open too many Facebook tabs in Firefox 38, I imagine that a 512MB RAM machine would need a lighter browser on Slacko 6.3 for opening many tabs. Tahrpup recommends 768MB, which I think is accurate. They've been fooling around with savefile stuff in Woof-CE recently, so perhaps trying Slacko might give you better results (or worse). My hunch is that the USB stick is not the issue, but there's only one way to find out for sure. Keep playing around Mike, I'd love to hear that you've narrowed down your issue! Perhaps there really is a bug somewhere that you will be able to solve and you will get the Sherlock Holmes Puppy Prize for clearing the moth from the tube. :lol:
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#217 Post by Mike Walsh »

Oh, I'm not strapped for RAM on my old Compaq desktop. 4 GB is plenty for Puppy to play with, I think!

Interesting you should say about I tried that before I tried 6.3.0.....and the result with both was identical. And I always use the save-folder option, not the save-file.

I'm not too bothered, really; more curious than anything else. Why this particular Pup should give me more trouble than all the others put together, beats me!

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#218 Post by Sylvander »

I copied the slacko-6.3.0.iso to the 2.54GiB FAT32 ISObooter partition on my 8GB SanDisk Cruzer Edge Flash Drive.
There are now 5 iso's on that partition, all functioning.

Set it up to work with ISObooter, and it worked at 1st attempt. :D
I made a 1GB slackosave.4fs at shutdown->reboot of the 1st session.
All my personalizations were saved and applied at the 2nd boot.
Rodney Byne
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pupradio 0.19

#219 Post by Rodney Byne »

G'day to anyone who can help me to properly run pupradio 0.19 on this distro
after fruitless attempts trying.

Console outputs this as the applet launches:

# pupradio
Font config warning: "/etc/fonts/conf.d/50-user.conf"
Line 14: reading configuration from ~/.fonts.conf is deprecated.

To my nil coding knowledge, this jokingly reads like it's diseased.
More to the point, is the problem curable?

Simple step-by-step feedback would be appreciated, thanks in advance.
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#220 Post by OscarTalks »

Booted Slacko 6.3.0 Live CD and installed
Seems to start and run OK, not seeing any fontconfig warnings.
Some buttons are dead because URL's do change but others work.
Seems OK pupradio 0.19 in Slacko 6.3.0
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Oscar in England
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