Speak-Pup V0.05

For talk and support relating specifically to Puppy derivatives
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#21 Post by Trobin »

greengeek wrote:Hi Trobin - I just downloaded speak3pup from allys link (untested yet) but wondered if you could remember what the difference was between speak3pup.iso and speakpupcon.iso? I assume speakpup3 is the newer?

speakpupcon.iso was an attempt at using a more modern version of puppy as a base. Barebones 431 i believe. It wasn't very successfull and was uploaded too soon.
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#22 Post by greengeek »

I just tried booting speak3pup but ended up with an edbrowse prompt that did not respond to keyboard input or voice. Seem to recall this is similar to my last trial a while ago. I will do some research. Might need to try an older machine.
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#23 Post by Trobin »

Okay, when started “Edbrowse Ready
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#24 Post by Trobin »

Your not getting any sound?

Edited to add

Next time you try it you might try entering 'q' to get out of wdbrowse and typing in alsaconfig to see if your diver is picked up.
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#25 Post by Trobin »

Apparently alsaconfig is one of te programs that wa stripped out when fatfree 217 was made.
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#26 Post by greengeek »

Correct - no sound. I think my biggest problem is in lack of understanding about what I need to do. Here is a pic of what I see:

EDIT: ok now I see your comment about q and alsa. Will have a bash at that next session.
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#27 Post by Trobin »

Okay the part that bothers me is that string of characters just underneath "Edbrowse ready." If those characters appeared on their own then something is not working right.

On my system, an Acer Aspire 5040, I see what you see and the words Edbrowse ready would be spoken. So right off the top, I'm wondering if espeak is working correctly. Try the following command:
!espeak "Hello World" Don't forget the "!" part.
Or use "Q" to exit Edbrowse and :
espeak "Hello World"
If espeak is not working then hopefully there will be some kind of error message

Alsa is in Fatfree217. I just can't seem to gt it to work from the command line. Try this:
type "Q" to exit Edbrowse
Type "xorgwizard" and set up the xwindowing system
Click on "setup" and set up sound. See if Alsa fnds he driver for your sound card
Click on home to start the R0xfiler
Goto /usr/x11R6
Delete the "X" symlink
Reboot the computer

Hopefjully things will work.

Edbrowse does appear to be working. However it's based on ED, a line editer, and is looking for a command at the beginning of each line.

Edbtowse - easy to use - hard to learn

something more audacious

#28 Post by Pelo »

Testing new puppies that are now all quite the same, without happiness (even for the builders)
i dig in Ally's archives to find something more audacious. Obedience puppy fails to install.
Speak pup downloaded to day.. It's a light one..
Virtual Machine arrived at here above Greengeek screen, what have we to do ?
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